as_config * as_config_init(as_config * c) 
	c->ip_map = 0;
	c->ip_map_size = 0;
	c->max_threads = 300;
	c->async_max_conns_per_node = 300;
	c->pipe_max_conns_per_node = 64;
	c->max_socket_idle_sec = 55;
	c->conn_timeout_ms = 1000;
	c->tender_interval = 1000;
	c->use_services_alternate = false;
	c->thread_pool_size = 16;
	c->hosts_size = 0;
	memset(c->user, 0, sizeof(c->user));
	memset(c->password, 0, sizeof(c->password));
	memset(c->hosts, 0, sizeof(c->hosts));
	c->lua.cache_enabled = MOD_LUA_CACHE_ENABLED;
	strcpy(c->lua.system_path, AS_CONFIG_LUA_SYSTEM_PATH);
	strcpy(c->lua.user_path, AS_CONFIG_LUA_USER_PATH);
	c->fail_if_not_connected = true;
	c->use_shm = false;
	c->shm_key = 0xA5000000;
	c->shm_max_nodes = 16;
	c->shm_max_namespaces = 8;
	c->shm_takeover_threshold_sec = 30;
	return c;
static bool before(atf_plan * plan) {

    if ( as ) {
        error("aerospike was already initialized");
        return false;

	// Initialize logging.
	if (g_use_async) {
		if (as_event_create_loops(1) == 0) {
			error("failed to create event loops");
			return false;
	// Initialize global lua configuration.
	as_config_lua lua;
	strcpy(lua.system_path, "modules/lua-core/src");
	strcpy(lua.user_path, "src/test/lua");

	// Initialize cluster configuration.
	as_config config;
	as_config_add_host(&config, g_host, g_port);
	as_config_set_user(&config, g_user, g_password);

	as_error err;

	as = aerospike_new(&config);

	if ( aerospike_connect(as, &err) == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		debug("connected to %s:%d", g_host, g_port);
    	return true;
	else {
		error("%s @ %s[%s:%d]", err.message, err.func, err.file, err.line);
		return false;
static bool before(atf_plan * plan) {

    if ( as ) {
        error("aerospike was already initialized");
        return false;

    if (! parse_opts(g_argc, g_argv)) {
        error("failed to parse options");
    	return false;
	if (g_use_async) {
		if (as_event_create_loops(1) == 0) {
			error("failed to create event loops");
			return false;
	as_config config;
	as_config_add_host(&config, g_host, g_port);
	as_config_set_user(&config, g_user, g_password);
	config.lua.cache_enabled = false;
	strcpy(config.lua.system_path, "modules/lua-core/src");
	strcpy(config.lua.user_path, "src/test/lua");

	as_error err;

	as = aerospike_new(&config);

	if ( aerospike_connect(as, &err) == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		debug("connected to %s:%d", g_host, g_port);
    	return true;
	else {
		error("%s @ %s[%s:%d]", err.message, err.func, err.file, err.line);
		return false;
as_config * as_config_init(as_config * c) 
	c->ip_map = 0;
	c->ip_map_size = 0;
	c->max_threads = 300;
	c->max_socket_idle_sec = 14;
	c->conn_timeout_ms = 1000;
	c->tender_interval = 1000;
	c->hosts_size = 0;
	memset(c->user, 0, sizeof(c->user));
	memset(c->password, 0, sizeof(c->password));
	memset(c->hosts, 0, sizeof(c->hosts));
	c->lua.cache_enabled = MOD_LUA_CACHE_ENABLED;
	strcpy(c->lua.system_path, AS_CONFIG_LUA_SYSTEM_PATH);
	strcpy(c->lua.user_path, AS_CONFIG_LUA_USER_PATH);
	c->fail_if_not_connected = true;
	return c;
Exemple #5
static int AerospikeClient_Type_Init(AerospikeClient * self, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds)
	PyObject * py_config = NULL;

	static char * kwlist[] = {"config", NULL};

	if ( PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O:client", kwlist, &py_config) == false ) {
		return -1;

	if ( ! PyDict_Check(py_config) ) {
		return -1;

	as_config config;

	bool lua_system_path = FALSE;
	bool lua_user_path = FALSE;

	PyObject * py_lua = PyDict_GetItemString(py_config, "lua");
	if ( py_lua && PyDict_Check(py_lua) ) {

		PyObject * py_lua_system_path = PyDict_GetItemString(py_lua, "system_path");
		if ( py_lua_system_path && PyString_Check(py_lua_system_path) ) {
			lua_system_path = TRUE;
			memcpy(config.lua.system_path, PyString_AsString(py_lua_system_path), AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN);

		PyObject * py_lua_user_path = PyDict_GetItemString(py_lua, "user_path");
		if ( py_lua_user_path && PyString_Check(py_lua_user_path) ) {
			lua_user_path = TRUE;
			memcpy(config.lua.user_path, PyString_AsString(py_lua_user_path), AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN);


	if ( ! lua_system_path ) {

		PyObject * py_prefix = PySys_GetObject("prefix");
		if ( py_prefix && PyString_Check(py_prefix) ) {
			char * prefix = PyString_AsString(py_prefix);
			size_t prefix_len = strlen(prefix);

			char system_path[AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN] = {0};
			memcpy(system_path, prefix, strlen(prefix));
			memcpy(system_path + prefix_len, "/aerospike/lua", AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN - prefix_len);
			system_path[prefix_len + strlen("/aerospike/lua")] = '\0';

			struct stat info;

			if( stat( system_path, &info ) == 0 && (info.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ) {
				memcpy(config.lua.system_path, system_path, AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN);
			else {
				memcpy(system_path + prefix_len, "/local/aerospike/lua", AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN - prefix_len);
				system_path[prefix_len + strlen("/local/aerospike/lua")] = '\0';

				if( stat( system_path, &info ) == 0 && (info.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ) {
					memcpy(config.lua.system_path, system_path, AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN);
				else {
					config.lua.system_path[0] = '\0';

	if ( ! lua_user_path ) {
		memcpy(config.lua.user_path, ".", AS_CONFIG_PATH_MAX_LEN);

	PyObject * py_hosts = PyDict_GetItemString(py_config, "hosts");
	if ( py_hosts && PyList_Check(py_hosts) ) {
		int size = (int) PyList_Size(py_hosts);
		for ( int i = 0; i < size && i < AS_CONFIG_HOSTS_SIZE; i++ ) {
			char *addr = NULL;
			uint16_t port = 3000;
			PyObject * py_host = PyList_GetItem(py_hosts, i);
			PyObject * py_addr, * py_port;

			if( PyTuple_Check(py_host) && PyTuple_Size(py_host) == 2) {

				py_addr = PyTuple_GetItem(py_host, 0);
				if(PyString_Check(py_addr)) {
					addr = strdup(PyString_AsString(py_addr));
				py_port = PyTuple_GetItem(py_host,1);
				if( PyInt_Check(py_port) || PyLong_Check(py_port) ) {
					port = (uint16_t) PyLong_AsLong(py_port);
				else {
					port = 0;
			else if ( PyString_Check(py_host) ) {
				addr = strdup( strtok( PyString_AsString(py_host), ":" ) );
				addr = strtok(addr, ":");
				char *temp = strtok(NULL, ":");
				if(NULL != temp) {
					port = (uint16_t)atoi(temp);
			as_config_add_host(&config, addr, port);

    PyObject * py_shm = PyDict_GetItemString(py_config, "shm");
    if (py_shm && PyDict_Check(py_shm) ) {

        config.use_shm = true;

        PyObject * py_shm_max_nodes = PyDict_GetItemString( py_shm, "shm_max_nodes" );
        if(py_shm_max_nodes && PyInt_Check(py_shm_max_nodes) ) {
            config.shm_max_nodes = PyInt_AsLong(py_shm_max_nodes);

        PyObject * py_shm_max_namespaces = PyDict_GetItemString(py_shm, "shm_max_namespaces");
        if(py_shm_max_namespaces && PyInt_Check(py_shm_max_namespaces) ) {
            config.shm_max_namespaces = PyInt_AsLong(py_shm_max_namespaces);

        PyObject* py_shm_takeover_threshold_sec = PyDict_GetItemString(py_shm, "shm_takeover_threshold_sec");
        if(py_shm_takeover_threshold_sec && PyInt_Check(py_shm_takeover_threshold_sec) ) {
            config.shm_takeover_threshold_sec = PyInt_AsLong( py_shm_takeover_threshold_sec);

    self->is_client_put_serializer = false;
    self->user_serializer_call_info.callback = NULL;
    self->user_deserializer_call_info.callback = NULL;
    PyObject *py_serializer_option = PyDict_GetItemString(py_config, "serialization");
    if (py_serializer_option && PyTuple_Check(py_serializer_option)) {
        PyObject *py_serializer = PyTuple_GetItem(py_serializer_option, 0);
        if (py_serializer && py_serializer != Py_None) {
            if (!PyCallable_Check(py_serializer)) {
                return -1;
            memset(&self->user_serializer_call_info, 0, sizeof(self->user_serializer_call_info));
            self->user_serializer_call_info.callback = py_serializer;
        PyObject *py_deserializer = PyTuple_GetItem(py_serializer_option, 1);
        if (py_deserializer && py_deserializer != Py_None) {
            if (!PyCallable_Check(py_deserializer)) {
                return -1;
            memset(&self->user_deserializer_call_info, 0, sizeof(self->user_deserializer_call_info));
            self->user_deserializer_call_info.callback = py_deserializer;


	PyObject * py_policies = PyDict_GetItemString(py_config, "policies");
	if ( py_policies && PyDict_Check(py_policies)) {
		//global defaults setting
		PyObject * py_key_policy = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "key");
		if ( py_key_policy && PyInt_Check(py_key_policy) ) {
			config.policies.key = PyInt_AsLong(py_key_policy);

		PyObject * py_timeout = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "timeout");
		if ( py_timeout && PyInt_Check(py_timeout) ) {
			config.policies.timeout = PyInt_AsLong(py_timeout);

		PyObject * py_retry = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "retry");
		if ( py_retry && PyInt_Check(py_retry) ) {
			config.policies.retry = PyInt_AsLong(py_retry);

		PyObject * py_exists = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "exists");
		if ( py_exists && PyInt_Check(py_exists) ) {
			config.policies.exists = PyInt_AsLong(py_exists);

		PyObject * py_replica = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "replica");
		if ( py_replica && PyInt_Check(py_replica) ) {
			config.policies.replica = PyInt_AsLong(py_replica);

		PyObject * py_consistency_level = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "consistency_level");
		if ( py_consistency_level && PyInt_Check(py_consistency_level) ) {
			config.policies.consistency_level = PyInt_AsLong(py_consistency_level);

		PyObject * py_commit_level = PyDict_GetItemString(py_policies, "commit_level");
		if ( py_commit_level && PyInt_Check(py_commit_level) ) {
			config.policies.commit_level = PyInt_AsLong(py_commit_level);

		 * Generation policy is removed from constructor.

	PyObject * py_connect_timeout = PyDict_GetItemString(py_config, "connect_timeout");
	if ( py_connect_timeout && PyInt_Check(py_connect_timeout) ) {
		config.conn_timeout_ms = PyInt_AsLong(py_connect_timeout);

	self->as = aerospike_new(&config);

	return 0;