/* myexecvp is an interface to the execvp system call to * modify argv[0] to reference the last component of its path-name. */ static int myexecvp(char *a, char **args) { char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; /* modify argv[0] to reference the last component of its path name */ args[0] = mybasename(args[0]); /* execute the program or shell script */ execvp(a, args); /* returns only on failure */ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "\nCannot exec %s", a); perror(msg); /* display the reason */ askforreturn(); /* wait until the user sees the message */ myexit(1); /* exit the child */ /* NOTREACHED */ }
static void opendatabase(void) { if ((symrefs = vpopen(reffile, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { cannotopen(reffile); myexit(1); } blocknumber = -1; /* force next seek to read the first block */ /* open any inverted index */ if (invertedindex == YES && invopen(&invcontrol, invname, invpost, INVAVAIL) == -1) { askforreturn(); /* so user sees message */ invertedindex = NO; } }
/* execute the command */ BOOL command(int commandc) { char filename[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path name */ MOUSE *p; /* mouse data */ int c, i; FILE *file; struct cmd *curritem, *item; /* command history */ char *s; switch (commandc) { case ctrl('C'): /* toggle caseless mode */ if (caseless == NO) { caseless = YES; postmsg2("Caseless mode is now ON"); } else { caseless = NO; postmsg2("Caseless mode is now OFF"); } egrepcaseless(caseless); /* turn on/off -i flag */ return(NO); case ctrl('R'): /* rebuild the cross reference */ if (isuptodate == YES) { postmsg("The -d option prevents rebuilding the symbol database"); return(NO); } exitcurses(); freefilelist(); /* remake the source file list */ makefilelist(); rebuild(); if (errorsfound == YES) { errorsfound = NO; askforreturn(); } entercurses(); clearmsg(); /* clear any previous message */ totallines = 0; disprefs = 0; topline = nextline = 1; selecting = 0; break; #if UNIXPC case ESC: /* possible unixpc mouse selection */ #endif case ctrl('X'): /* mouse selection */ if ((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { return(NO); /* unknown control sequence */ } /* if the button number is a scrollbar tag */ if (p->button == '0') { scrollbar(p); break; } /* ignore a sweep */ if (p->x2 >= 0) { return(NO); } /* if this is a line selection */ if (p->y1 < FLDLINE) { /* find the selected line */ /* note: the selection is forced into range */ for (i = disprefs - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (p->y1 >= displine[i]) { break; } } /* display it in the file with the editor */ editref(i); } else { /* this is an input field selection */ field = p->y1 - FLDLINE; /* force it into range */ if (field >= FIELDS) { field = FIELDS - 1; } setfield(); resetcmd(); return(NO); } break; case '\t': /* go to next input field */ if (disprefs) { selecting = !selecting; if (selecting) { move(displine[curdispline], 0); refresh(); } else { atfield(); resetcmd(); } } return(NO); #ifdef KEY_ENTER case KEY_ENTER: #endif case '\r': case '\n': /* go to reference */ if (selecting) { editref(curdispline); return(YES); } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ctrl('N'): #ifdef KEY_DOWN case KEY_DOWN: #endif #ifdef KEY_RIGHT case KEY_RIGHT: #endif if (selecting) { if ((curdispline + 1) < disprefs) { move(displine[++curdispline], 0); refresh(); } } else { field = (field + 1) % FIELDS; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); case ctrl('P'): /* go to previous input field */ #ifdef KEY_UP case KEY_UP: #endif #ifdef KEY_LEFT case KEY_LEFT: #endif if (selecting) { if (curdispline) { move(displine[--curdispline], 0); refresh(); } } else { field = (field + (FIELDS - 1)) % FIELDS; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); #ifdef KEY_HOME case KEY_HOME: /* go to first input field */ if (selecting) { curdispline = 0; move(REFLINE, 0); refresh(); } else { field = 0; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); #endif #ifdef KEY_LL case KEY_LL: /* go to last input field */ if (selecting) { move(displine[disprefs - 1], 0); refresh(); } else { field = FIELDS - 1; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); #endif /* def(KEY_LL) */ case ' ': /* display next page */ case '+': case ctrl('V'): #ifdef KEY_NPAGE case KEY_NPAGE: #endif /* don't redisplay if there are no lines */ if (totallines == 0) { return(NO); } /* note: seekline() is not used to move to the next * page because display() leaves the file pointer at * the next page to optimize paging forward */ curdispline = 0; break; case ctrl('H'): case '-': /* display previous page */ #ifdef KEY_PPAGE case KEY_PPAGE: #endif /* don't redisplay if there are no lines */ if (totallines == 0) { return(NO); } curdispline = 0; /* if there are only two pages, just go to the other one */ if (totallines <= 2 * mdisprefs) { break; } /* if on first page but not at beginning, go to beginning */ nextline -= mdisprefs; /* already at next page */ if (nextline > 1 && nextline <= mdisprefs) { nextline = 1; } else { nextline -= mdisprefs; if (nextline < 1) { nextline = totallines - mdisprefs + 1; if (nextline < 1) { nextline = 1; } } } seekline(nextline); break; case '>': /* write or append the lines to a file */ if (totallines == 0) { postmsg("There are no lines to write to a file"); } else { /* get the file name */ move(PRLINE, 0); addstr("Write to file: "); s = "w"; if ((c = mygetch()) == '>') { move(PRLINE, 0); addstr(appendprompt); c = '\0'; s = "a"; } if (c != '\r' && mygetline("", newpat, COLS - sizeof(appendprompt), c, NO) > 0 ) { shellpath(filename, sizeof(filename), newpat); if ((file = myfopen(filename, s)) == NULL) { cannotopen(filename); } else { seekline(1); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { putc(c, file); } seekline(topline); fclose(file); } } clearprompt(); } return(NO); /* return to the previous field */ case '<': /* read lines from a file */ move(PRLINE, 0); addstr(readprompt); if (mygetline("", newpat, COLS - sizeof(readprompt), '\0', NO) > 0) { clearprompt(); shellpath(filename, sizeof(filename), newpat); if (readrefs(filename) == NO) { postmsg2("Ignoring an empty file"); return(NO); } return(YES); } clearprompt(); return(NO); case '^': /* pipe the lines through a shell command */ case '|': /* pipe the lines to a shell command */ if (totallines == 0) { postmsg("There are no lines to pipe to a shell command"); return(NO); } /* get the shell command */ move(PRLINE, 0); addstr(pipeprompt); if (mygetline("", newpat, COLS - sizeof(pipeprompt), '\0', NO) == 0) { clearprompt(); return(NO); } /* if the ^ command, redirect output to a temp file */ if (commandc == '^') { strcat(strcat(newpat, " >"), temp2); /* HBB 20020708: somebody might have even * their non-interactive default shells * complain about clobbering * redirections... --> delete before * overwriting */ remove(temp2); } exitcurses(); if ((file = mypopen(newpat, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\ cscope: cannot open pipe to shell command: %s\n", newpat); } else {
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int envc; /* environment argument count */ char **envv; /* environment argument list */ FILE *names; /* name file pointer */ int oldnum; /* number in old cross-ref */ char path[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path */ FILE *oldrefs; /* old cross-reference file */ char *s; int c, i; pid_t pid; /* save the command name for messages */ argv0 = basename(argv[0]); /* get the current directory for build() and line-oriented P command */ if (mygetwd(currentdir) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: warning: cannot get current directory name\n"); (void) strcpy(currentdir, "<unknown>"); } /* initialize any view path; (saves time since currendir is known) */ vpinit(currentdir); dbvpndirs = vpndirs; /* number of directories in database view path */ /* directories (including current) in database view path */ dbvpdirs = vpdirs; /* the first source directory is the current directory */ sourcedir("."); /* read the environment */ editor = mygetenv("EDITOR", EDITOR); editor = mygetenv("VIEWER", editor); /* use viewer if set */ home = getenv("HOME"); shell = mygetenv("SHELL", SHELL); tmpdir = mygetenv("TMPDIR", TMPDIR); /* increment nesting depth */ cscopedepth = atoi(mygetenv("CSCOPEDEPTH", "0")); (void) sprintf(path, "CSCOPEDEPTH=%d", ++cscopedepth); (void) putenv(stralloc(path)); if ((s = getenv("CSCOPEOPTIONS")) != NULL) { /* parse the environment option string */ envc = 1; envv = mymalloc(sizeof (char *)); s = strtok(stralloc(s), OPTSEPS); while (s != NULL) { envv = myrealloc(envv, ++envc * sizeof (char *)); envv[envc - 1] = stralloc(s); s = strtok((char *)NULL, OPTSEPS); } /* set the environment options */ options(envc, envv); } /* set the command line options */ options(argc, argv); /* create the temporary file names */ pid = getpid(); (void) sprintf(temp1, "%s/cscope%d.1", tmpdir, (int)pid); (void) sprintf(temp2, "%s/cscope%d.2", tmpdir, (int)pid); /* if running in the foreground */ if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) { /* cleanup on the interrupt and quit signals */ (void) signal(SIGINT, myexit); (void) signal(SIGQUIT, myexit); } /* cleanup on the hangup signal */ (void) signal(SIGHUP, myexit); /* if the database path is relative and it can't be created */ if (reffile[0] != '/' && access(".", WRITE) != 0) { /* if the database may not be up-to-date or can't be read */ (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, reffile); if (isuptodate == NO || access(reffile, READ) != 0) { /* put it in the home directory */ reffile = stralloc(path); (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, invname); invname = stralloc(path); (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, invpost); invpost = stralloc(path); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: symbol database will be %s\n", reffile); } } /* if the cross-reference is to be considered up-to-date */ if (isuptodate == YES) { if ((oldrefs = vpfopen(reffile, "r")) == NULL) { cannotopen(reffile); exit(1); } /* * get the crossref file version but skip the current * directory */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "cscope %d %*s", &fileversion) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read file version from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } if (fileversion >= 8) { /* override these command line options */ compress = YES; invertedindex = NO; /* see if there are options in the database */ for (;;) { /* no -q leaves multiple blanks */ while ((c = getc(oldrefs)) == ' ') { ; } if (c != '-') { (void) ungetc(c, oldrefs); break; } switch (c = getc(oldrefs)) { case 'c': /* ASCII characters only */ compress = NO; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ invertedindex = YES; (void) fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &totalterms); break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ dbtruncated = YES; truncatesyms = YES; break; } } initcompress(); /* seek to the trailer */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &traileroffset) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read trailer offset from " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } if (fseek(oldrefs, traileroffset, 0) != 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot seek to trailer in " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } } /* * read the view path for use in converting relative paths to * full paths * * note: don't overwrite vp[n]dirs because this can cause * the wrong database index files to be found in the viewpath */ if (fileversion >= 13) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &dbvpndirs) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read view path size from " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } if (dbvpndirs > 0) { dbvpdirs = mymalloc( dbvpndirs * sizeof (char *)); for (i = 0; i < dbvpndirs; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", path) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read view " "path from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } dbvpdirs[i] = stralloc(path); } } } /* skip the source and include directory lists */ skiplist(oldrefs); skiplist(oldrefs); /* get the number of source files */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &nsrcfiles) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read source file size from " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } /* get the source file list */ srcfiles = mymalloc(nsrcfiles * sizeof (char *)); if (fileversion >= 9) { /* allocate the string space */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldnum) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read string space size " "from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } s = mymalloc(oldnum); (void) getc(oldrefs); /* skip the newline */ /* read the strings */ if (fread(s, oldnum, 1, oldrefs) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read source file names " "from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } /* change newlines to nulls */ for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { srcfiles[i] = s; for (++s; *s != '\n'; ++s) { ; } *s = '\0'; ++s; } /* if there is a file of source file names */ if (namefile != NULL && (names = vpfopen(namefile, "r")) != NULL || (names = vpfopen(NAMEFILE, "r")) != NULL) { /* read any -p option from it */ while (fscanf(names, "%s", path) == 1 && *path == '-') { i = path[1]; s = path + 2; /* for "-Ipath" */ if (*s == '\0') { /* if "-I path" */ (void) fscanf(names, "%s", path); s = path; } switch (i) { case 'p': /* file path components */ /* to display */ if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: -p option " "in file %s: " "missing or " "invalid numeric " "value\n", namefile); } dispcomponents = atoi(s); } } (void) fclose(names); } } else { for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", path) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read source file " "name from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } srcfiles[i] = stralloc(path); } } (void) fclose(oldrefs); } else { /* get source directories from the environment */ if ((s = getenv("SOURCEDIRS")) != NULL) { sourcedir(s); } /* make the source file list */ srcfiles = mymalloc(msrcfiles * sizeof (char *)); makefilelist(); if (nsrcfiles == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: no source files found\n"); printusage(); exit(1); } /* get include directories from the environment */ if ((s = getenv("INCLUDEDIRS")) != NULL) { includedir(s); } /* add /usr/include to the #include directory list */ includedir("/usr/include"); /* initialize the C keyword table */ initsymtab(); /* create the file name(s) used for a new cross-reference */ (void) strcpy(path, reffile); s = basename(path); *s = '\0'; (void) strcat(path, "n"); ++s; (void) strcpy(s, basename(reffile)); newreffile = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, basename(invname)); newinvname = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, basename(invpost)); newinvpost = stralloc(path); /* build the cross-reference */ initcompress(); build(); if (buildonly == YES) { exit(0); } } opendatabase(); /* * removing a database will not release the disk space if a cscope * process has the file open, so a project may want unattended cscope * processes to exit overnight, including their subshells and editors */ if (noacttime) { (void) signal(SIGALRM, timedout); (void) alarm(noacttime); } /* * if using the line oriented user interface so cscope can be a * subprocess to emacs or samuel */ if (linemode == YES) { if (*pattern != '\0') { /* do any optional search */ if (search() == YES) { while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putchar(c); } } } if (onesearch == YES) { myexit(0); } for (;;) { char buf[PATLEN + 2]; if (noacttime) { (void) alarm(noacttime); } (void) printf(">> "); (void) fflush(stdout); if (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), stdin) == NULL) { myexit(0); } /* remove any trailing newline character */ if (*(s = buf + strlen(buf) - 1) == '\n') { *s = '\0'; } switch (*buf) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* samuel only */ field = *buf - '0'; (void) strcpy(pattern, buf + 1); (void) search(); (void) printf("cscope: %d lines\n", totallines); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putchar(c); } break; case 'c': /* toggle caseless mode */ case ctrl('C'): if (caseless == NO) { caseless = YES; } else { caseless = NO; } egrepcaseless(caseless); break; case 'r': /* rebuild database cscope style */ case ctrl('R'): freefilelist(); makefilelist(); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'R': /* rebuild database samuel style */ rebuild(); (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'C': /* clear file names */ freefilelist(); (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'F': /* add a file name */ (void) strcpy(path, buf + 1); if (infilelist(path) == NO && vpaccess(path, READ) == 0) { addsrcfile(path); } (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'P': /* print the path to the files */ if (prependpath != NULL) { (void) puts(prependpath); } else { (void) puts(currentdir); } break; case 'q': /* quit */ case ctrl('D'): case ctrl('Z'): myexit(0); default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: unknown command '%s'\n", buf); break; } } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* pause before clearing the screen if there have been error messages */ if (errorsfound == YES) { errorsfound = NO; askforreturn(); } (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore interrupts */ (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* | command can cause pipe signal */ /* initialize the curses display package */ (void) initscr(); /* initialize the screen */ setfield(); /* set the initial cursor position */ entercurses(); (void) keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable the keypad */ dispinit(); /* initialize display parameters */ putmsg(""); /* clear any build progress message */ display(); /* display the version number and input fields */ /* do any optional search */ if (*pattern != '\0') { atfield(); /* move to the input field */ (void) command(ctrl('A')); /* search */ display(); /* update the display */ } else if (reflines != NULL) { /* read any symbol reference lines file */ (void) readrefs(reflines); display(); /* update the display */ } for (;;) { if (noacttime) { (void) alarm(noacttime); } atfield(); /* move to the input field */ /* exit if the quit command is entered */ if ((c = mygetch()) == EOF || c == ctrl('D') || c == ctrl('Z')) { break; } /* execute the commmand, updating the display if necessary */ if (command(c) == YES) { display(); } } /* cleanup and exit */ myexit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); }
BOOL command(int commandc) { char filename[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path name */ MOUSEEVENT *p; /* mouse data */ int c, i; FILE *file; HISTORY *curritem, *item; /* command history */ char *s; switch (commandc) { case ctrl('C'): /* toggle caseless mode */ if (caseless == NO) { caseless = YES; putmsg2("Caseless mode is now ON"); } else { caseless = NO; putmsg2("Caseless mode is now OFF"); } egrepcaseless(caseless); /* turn on/off -i flag */ return (NO); case ctrl('R'): /* rebuild the cross reference */ if (isuptodate == YES) { putmsg("The -d option prevents rebuilding the " "symbol database"); return (NO); } exitcurses(); freefilelist(); /* remake the source file list */ makefilelist(); rebuild(); if (errorsfound == YES) { errorsfound = NO; askforreturn(); } entercurses(); putmsg(""); /* clear any previous message */ totallines = 0; topline = nextline = 1; break; case ctrl('X'): /* mouse selection */ if ((p = getmouseevent()) == NULL) { return (NO); /* unknown control sequence */ } /* if the button number is a scrollbar tag */ if (p->button == '0') { scrollbar(p); break; } /* ignore a sweep */ if (p->x2 >= 0) { return (NO); } /* if this is a line selection */ if (p->y1 < FLDLINE) { /* find the selected line */ /* note: the selection is forced into range */ for (i = disprefs - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (p->y1 >= displine[i]) { break; } } /* display it in the file with the editor */ editref(i); } else { /* this is an input field selection */ field = mouseselection(p, FLDLINE, FIELDS); setfield(); resetcmd(); return (NO); } break; case '\t': /* go to next input field */ case '\n': case '\r': case ctrl('N'): case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_RIGHT: field = (field + 1) % FIELDS; setfield(); resetcmd(); return (NO); case ctrl('P'): /* go to previous input field */ case KEY_UP: case KEY_LEFT: field = (field + (FIELDS - 1)) % FIELDS; setfield(); resetcmd(); return (NO); case KEY_HOME: /* go to first input field */ field = 0; setfield(); resetcmd(); return (NO); case KEY_LL: /* go to last input field */ field = FIELDS - 1; setfield(); resetcmd(); return (NO); case ' ': /* display next page */ case '+': case ctrl('V'): case KEY_NPAGE: /* don't redisplay if there are no lines */ if (totallines == 0) { return (NO); } /* * note: seekline() is not used to move to the next * page because display() leaves the file pointer at * the next page to optimize paging forward */ break; case '-': /* display previous page */ case KEY_PPAGE: /* don't redisplay if there are no lines */ if (totallines == 0) { return (NO); } i = topline; /* save the current top line */ nextline = topline; /* go back to this page */ /* if on first page but not at beginning, go to beginning */ if (nextline > 1 && nextline <= mdisprefs) { nextline = 1; } else { /* go back the maximum displayable lines */ nextline -= mdisprefs; /* if this was the first page, go to the last page */ if (nextline < 1) { nextline = totallines - mdisprefs + 1; if (nextline < 1) { nextline = 1; } /* old top is past last line */ i = totallines + 1; } } /* * move down til the bottom line is just before the * previous top line */ c = nextline; for (;;) { seekline(nextline); display(); if (i - bottomline <= 0) { break; } nextline = ++c; } return (NO); /* display already up to date */ case '>': /* write or append the lines to a file */ if (totallines == 0) { putmsg("There are no lines to write to a file"); } else { /* get the file name */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr("Write to file: "); s = "w"; if ((c = mygetch()) == '>') { (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(appendprompt); c = '\0'; s = "a"; } if (c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != KEY_ENTER && c != KEY_BREAK && getaline(newpat, COLS - sizeof (appendprompt), c, NO) > 0) { shellpath(filename, sizeof (filename), newpat); if ((file = fopen(filename, s)) == NULL) { cannotopen(filename); } else { seekline(1); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putc(c, file); } seekline(topline); (void) fclose(file); } } clearprompt(); } return (NO); /* return to the previous field */ case '<': /* read lines from a file */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(readprompt); if (getaline(newpat, COLS - sizeof (readprompt), '\0', NO) > 0) { clearprompt(); shellpath(filename, sizeof (filename), newpat); if (readrefs(filename) == NO) { putmsg2("Ignoring an empty file"); return (NO); } return (YES); } clearprompt(); return (NO); case '^': /* pipe the lines through a shell command */ case '|': /* pipe the lines to a shell command */ if (totallines == 0) { putmsg("There are no lines to pipe to a shell command"); return (NO); } /* get the shell command */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(pipeprompt); if (getaline(newpat, COLS - sizeof (pipeprompt), '\0', NO) == 0) { clearprompt(); return (NO); } /* if the ^ command, redirect output to a temp file */ if (commandc == '^') { (void) strcat(strcat(newpat, " >"), temp2); } exitcurses(); if ((file = mypopen(newpat, "w")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot open pipe to shell command: %s\n", newpat); } else { seekline(1); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putc(c, file); } seekline(topline); (void) mypclose(file); } if (commandc == '^') { if (readrefs(temp2) == NO) { putmsg("Ignoring empty output of ^ command"); } } askforreturn(); entercurses(); break; case ctrl('L'): /* redraw screen */ case KEY_CLEAR: (void) clearok(curscr, TRUE); (void) wrefresh(curscr); drawscrollbar(topline, bottomline, totallines); return (NO); case '!': /* shell escape */ (void) execute(shell, shell, (char *)NULL); seekline(topline); break; case '?': /* help */ (void) clear(); help(); (void) clear(); seekline(topline); break; case ctrl('E'): /* edit all lines */ editall(); break; case ctrl('A'): /* repeat last pattern */ case ctrl('Y'): /* (old command) */ if (*pattern != '\0') { (void) addstr(pattern); goto repeat; } break; case ctrl('B'): /* cmd history back */ case ctrl('F'): /* cmd history fwd */ curritem = currentcmd(); item = (commandc == ctrl('F')) ? nextcmd() : prevcmd(); clearmsg2(); if (curritem == item) { /* inform user that we're at history end */ putmsg2( "End of input field and search pattern history"); } if (item) { field = item->field; setfield(); atfield(); (void) addstr(item->text); (void) strcpy(pattern, item->text); switch (c = mygetch()) { case '\r': case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: goto repeat; default: ungetch(c); atfield(); (void) clrtoeol(); /* clear current field */ break; } } return (NO); case '\\': /* next character is not a command */ (void) addch('\\'); /* display the quote character */ /* get a character from the terminal */ if ((commandc = mygetch()) == EOF) { return (NO); /* quit */ } (void) addstr("\b \b"); /* erase the quote character */ goto ispat; case '.': atfield(); /* move back to the input field */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: /* edit a selected line */ if (isdigit(commandc) && commandc != '0' && !mouse) { if (returnrequired == NO) { editref(commandc - '1'); } else { (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(selectionprompt); if (getaline(newpat, COLS - sizeof (selectionprompt), commandc, NO) > 0 && (i = atoi(newpat)) > 0) { editref(i - 1); } clearprompt(); } } else if (isprint(commandc)) { /* this is the start of a pattern */ ispat: if (getaline(newpat, COLS - fldcolumn - 1, commandc, caseless) > 0) { (void) strcpy(pattern, newpat); resetcmd(); /* reset history */ repeat: addcmd(field, pattern); /* add to history */ if (field == CHANGE) { /* prompt for the new text */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(toprompt); (void) getaline(newpat, COLS - sizeof (toprompt), '\0', NO); } /* search for the pattern */ if (search() == YES) { switch (field) { case DEFINITION: case FILENAME: if (totallines > 1) { break; } topline = 1; editref(0); break; case CHANGE: return (changestring()); } } else if (field == FILENAME && access(newpat, READ) == 0) { /* try to edit the file anyway */ edit(newpat, "1"); } } else { /* no pattern--the input was erased */ return (NO); } } else { /* control character */ return (NO); } } return (YES); }
BOOL changestring(void) { char buf[PATLEN + 1]; /* input buffer */ char newfile[PATHLEN + 1]; /* new file name */ char oldfile[PATHLEN + 1]; /* old file name */ char linenum[NUMLEN + 1]; /* file line number */ char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; /* message */ FILE *script; /* shell script file */ BOOL anymarked = NO; /* any line marked */ MOUSEEVENT *p; /* mouse data */ int c, i; char *s; /* open the temporary file */ if ((script = fopen(temp2, "w")) == NULL) { cannotopen(temp2); return (NO); } /* create the line change indicators */ change = (BOOL *)mycalloc((unsigned)totallines, sizeof (BOOL)); changing = YES; initmenu(); /* until the quit command is entered */ for (;;) { /* display the current page of lines */ display(); same: /* get a character from the terminal */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr( "Select lines to change (press the ? key for help): "); if ((c = mygetch()) == EOF || c == ctrl('D') || c == ctrl('Z')) { break; /* change lines */ } /* see if the input character is a command */ switch (c) { case ' ': /* display next page */ case '+': case ctrl('V'): case KEY_NPAGE: case '-': /* display previous page */ case KEY_PPAGE: case '!': /* shell escape */ case '?': /* help */ (void) command(c); break; case ctrl('L'): /* redraw screen */ case KEY_CLEAR: (void) command(c); goto same; case ESC: /* kept for backwards compatibility */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '\r': /* don't change lines */ case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_BREAK: case ctrl('G'): clearprompt(); goto nochange; case '*': /* mark/unmark all displayed lines */ for (i = 0; topline + i < nextline; ++i) { mark(i); } goto same; case 'a': /* mark/unmark all lines */ for (i = 0; i < totallines; ++i) { if (change[i] == NO) { change[i] = YES; } else { change[i] = NO; } } /* show that all have been marked */ seekline(totallines); break; case ctrl('X'): /* mouse selection */ if ((p = getmouseevent()) == NULL) { goto same; /* unknown control sequence */ } /* if the button number is a scrollbar tag */ if (p->button == '0') { scrollbar(p); break; } /* find the selected line */ /* note: the selection is forced into range */ for (i = disprefs - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (p->y1 >= displine[i]) { break; } } mark(i); goto same; default: /* if a line was selected */ if (isdigit(c) && c != '0' && !mouse) { if (returnrequired == NO) { mark(c - '1'); } else { clearprompt(); (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(selectionprompt); if (getaline(buf, COLS - sizeof (selectionprompt), c, NO) > 0 && (i = atoi(buf)) > 0) { mark(i - 1); } } } goto same; } } /* for each line containing the old text */ (void) fprintf(script, "ed - <<\\!\nH\n"); *oldfile = '\0'; seekline(1); for (i = 0; fscanf(refsfound, "%s%*s%s%*[^\n]", newfile, linenum) == 2; ++i) { /* see if the line is to be changed */ if (change[i] == YES) { anymarked = YES; /* if this is a new file */ if (strcmp(newfile, oldfile) != 0) { /* make sure it can be changed */ if (access(newfile, WRITE) != 0) { (void) sprintf(msg, "Cannot write to file %s", newfile); putmsg(msg); anymarked = NO; break; } /* if there was an old file */ if (*oldfile != '\0') { (void) fprintf(script, "w\n"); /* save it */ } /* edit the new file */ (void) strcpy(oldfile, newfile); (void) fprintf(script, "e %s\n", oldfile); } /* output substitute command */ (void) fprintf(script, "%ss/", linenum); /* change */ for (s = pattern; *s != '\0'; ++s) { /* old text */ if (*s == '/') { (void) putc('\\', script); } (void) putc(*s, script); } (void) putc('/', script); /* to */ for (s = newpat; *s != '\0'; ++s) { /* new text */ if (strchr("/\\&", *s) != NULL) { (void) putc('\\', script); } (void) putc(*s, script); } (void) fprintf(script, "/gp\n"); /* and print */ } } (void) fprintf(script, "w\nq\n!\n"); /* write and quit */ (void) fclose(script); clearprompt(); /* if any line was marked */ if (anymarked == YES) { /* edit the files */ (void) refresh(); (void) fprintf(stderr, "Changed lines:\n\r"); (void) execute(shell, shell, temp2, (char *)NULL); askforreturn(); } nochange: changing = NO; initmenu(); free(change); seekline(topline); return (YES); /* clear any marks on exit without change */ }