// pops a matrix that is on the stack, into the variable contained in node static void pop_into_whole_matrix(ClmExpNode *node) { // TODO case where matrix on stack is actually a pointer char index_str[64]; ClmSymbol *var = clm_scope_find(data.scope, node->indExp.id); char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); asm_pop(EAX); // pop type asm_pop(ECX); // pop rows asm_pop(EBX); // pop cols; // todo assert rows == A.rows && cols == A.cols asm_imul(ECX, EBX); // ecx now contains rows * cols asm_dec(ECX); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, "0"); asm_jmp_l(end_label); asm_mov(EAX, ECX); asm_imul(EAX, "4"); load_var_location(var, index_str, 12, EAX); asm_pop(index_str); asm_dec(ECX); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); }
void gen_stmt_for(stmt *s) { char *lbl_test = asm_label_flow("for_test"); /* don't else-if, possible to have both (comma-exp for init) */ if(s->flow->for_init){ gen_expr(s->flow->for_init, s->flow->for_init_symtab); asm_temp(1, "pop rax ; unused for init"); } asm_label(lbl_test); if(s->flow->for_while){ gen_expr(s->flow->for_while, s->flow->for_init_symtab); asm_temp(1, "pop rax"); asm_temp(1, "test rax, rax"); asm_temp(1, "jz %s", s->lbl_break); } gen_stmt(s->lhs); asm_label(s->lbl_continue); if(s->flow->for_inc){ gen_expr(s->flow->for_inc, s->flow->for_init_symtab); asm_temp(1, "pop rax ; unused for inc"); } asm_temp(1, "jmp %s", lbl_test); asm_label(s->lbl_break); free(lbl_test); }
void gen_expr_if(expr *e, symtable *stab) { char *lblfin, *lblelse; lblfin = asm_label_code("ifexpa"); gen_expr(e->expr, stab); if(e->lhs){ lblelse = asm_label_code("ifexpb"); asm_temp(1, "pop rax"); asm_temp(1, "test rax, rax"); asm_temp(1, "jz %s", lblelse); gen_expr(e->lhs, stab); asm_temp(1, "jmp %s", lblfin); asm_label(lblelse); }else{ asm_temp(1, "mov rax, [rsp] ; save for ?:"); asm_temp(1, "test rax, rax"); asm_temp(1, "jnz %s", lblfin); asm_temp(1, "pop rax ; discard lhs"); } gen_expr(e->rhs, stab); asm_label(lblfin); if(e->lhs) free(lblelse); free(lblfin); }
void gen_stmt_do(stmt *s) { char *begin = asm_label_flow("do_start"); asm_label(begin); gen_stmt(s->lhs); asm_label(s->lbl_continue); gen_expr(s->expr, s->symtab); asm_temp(1, "pop rax"); asm_temp(1, "test rax, rax"); asm_temp(1, "jnz %s", begin); asm_label(s->lbl_break); free(begin); }
static void gen_while_loop(ClmStmtNode *node) { char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); asm_label(cmp_label); // don't need to store this - just evaulate every loop push_expression(node->whileLoopStmt.condition); pop_int_into(EAX); asm_cmp(EAX, "0"); asm_jmp_eq(end_label); gen_statements(node->whileLoopStmt.body); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); }
static void gen_conditional(ClmStmtNode *node) { push_expression(node->conditionStmt.condition); if (node->conditionStmt.falseBody == NULL) { char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(end_label); ClmScope *trueScope = clm_scope_find_child(data.scope, node->conditionStmt.trueBody); asm_pop(EAX); asm_cmp(EAX, "1"); asm_jmp_neq(end_label); data.scope = trueScope; gen_statements(node->conditionStmt.trueBody); asm_label(end_label); data.scope = trueScope->parent; } else { char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char false_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(end_label); next_label(false_label); ClmScope *trueScope = clm_scope_find_child(data.scope, node->conditionStmt.trueBody); ClmScope *falseScope = clm_scope_find_child(data.scope, node->conditionStmt.falseBody); asm_pop(EAX); asm_cmp(EAX, "1"); asm_jmp_neq(false_label); data.scope = trueScope; gen_statements(node->conditionStmt.trueBody); asm_jmp(end_label); asm_label(false_label); data.scope = falseScope; gen_statements(node->conditionStmt.falseBody); asm_label(end_label); data.scope = falseScope->parent; } }
void gen_stmt_if(stmt *s) { char *lbl_else = asm_label_code("else"); char *lbl_fi = asm_label_code("fi"); gen_expr(s->expr, s->symtab); asm_temp(1, "pop rax"); asm_temp(1, "test rax, rax"); asm_temp(1, "jz %s", lbl_else); gen_stmt(s->lhs); asm_temp(1, "jmp %s", lbl_fi); asm_label(lbl_else); if(s->rhs) gen_stmt(s->rhs); asm_label(lbl_fi); free(lbl_else); free(lbl_fi); }
static void gen_for_loop(ClmStmtNode *node) { char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); ClmSymbol *var = clm_scope_find(data.scope, node->forLoopStmt.varId); char loop_var[32]; load_var_location(var, loop_var, 4, NULL); // don't need to store this - just evaluate and put into loop var push_expression(node->forLoopStmt.start); pop_int_into(loop_var); asm_label(cmp_label); // don't need to store this - just evaulate every loop push_expression(node->forLoopStmt.end); pop_int_into(EAX); asm_cmp(loop_var, EAX); asm_jmp_g(end_label); gen_statements(node->forLoopStmt.body); if (node->forLoopStmt.delta->type == EXP_TYPE_INT && node->forLoopStmt.delta->ival == 1) { asm_inc(loop_var); } else if (node->forLoopStmt.delta->type == EXP_TYPE_INT && node->forLoopStmt.delta->ival == -1) { asm_dec(loop_var); } else if (node->forLoopStmt.delta->type == EXP_TYPE_INT) { asm_add_i(loop_var, node->forLoopStmt.delta->ival); } else { push_expression(node->forLoopStmt.delta); asm_pop(EAX); asm_add(loop_var, EAX); } asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); }
// pushes a matrix identified by the node onto the stack static void push_whole_matrix(ClmExpNode *node) { // TODO case where matrix on stack is actually a pointer char index_str[64]; ClmSymbol *var = clm_scope_find(data.scope, node->indExp.id); char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); LOAD_COLS(var, index_str); asm_mov(EDX, index_str); // edx = cols LOAD_ROWS(var, index_str); asm_mov(EBX, index_str); // ebx = rows asm_mov(ECX, EBX); asm_imul(ECX, EDX); asm_dec(ECX); // ecx = rows * cols - 1 asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, "0"); asm_jmp_l(end_label); asm_mov(EAX, ECX); asm_imul(EAX, "4"); load_var_location(var, index_str, 12, EAX); asm_push(index_str); asm_dec(ECX); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); // push type info asm_push(EDX); // cols asm_push(EBX); // rows asm_push_const_i((int)CLM_TYPE_MATRIX); }
TCA emitCallToExit(CodeBlock& cb) { X64Assembler a { cb }; // Emit a byte of padding. This is a kind of hacky way to avoid // hitting an assert in recordGdbStub when we call it with stub - 1 // as the start address. a.emitNop(1); auto const start = a.frontier(); if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRGenerateAsserts) { Label ok; a.emitImmReg(uintptr_t(enterTCExit), reg::rax); a.cmpq(reg::rax, *rsp()); a.je8 (ok); a.ud2(); asm_label(a, ok); } // Emulate a ret to enterTCExit without actually doing one to avoid // unbalancing the return stack buffer. The call from enterTCHelper() that // got us into the TC was popped off the RSB by the ret that got us to this // stub. a.addq(8, rsp()); if (a.jmpDeltaFits(TCA(enterTCExit))) { a.jmp(TCA(enterTCExit)); } else { // can't do a near jmp and a rip-relative load/jmp would require threading // through extra state to allocate a literal. use an indirect jump through // a register a.emitImmReg(uintptr_t(enterTCExit), reg::rax); a.jmp(reg::rax); } // On a backtrace, gdb tries to locate the calling frame at address // returnRIP-1. However, for the first VM frame, there is no code at // returnRIP-1, since the AR was set up manually. For this frame, // record the tracelet address as starting from this callToExit-1, // so gdb does not barf. return start; }
static void gen_func_dec(ClmStmtNode *node) { int i; char func_label[LABEL_SIZE]; sprintf(func_label, "_%s", node->funcDecStmt.name); ClmScope *funcScope = clm_scope_find_child(data.scope, node); asm_label(func_label); asm_push(EBP); asm_mov(EBP, ESP); int local_var_size = 2 * 4 * (funcScope->symbols->length - node->funcDecStmt.parameters->length); char local_var_size_str[32]; sprintf(local_var_size_str, "%d", local_var_size); asm_sub(ESP, local_var_size_str); // each local var has 2 slots on the stack, their type and the value // for matrices, the value is a pointer to the location on the stack // these are all declared below the local variables ClmSymbol *sym; ClmExpNode *dec; char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char index_str[32]; for (i = 0; i < funcScope->symbols->length; i++) { sym = funcScope->symbols->data[i]; dec = sym->declaration; if (sym->location == LOCATION_PARAMETER) continue; // setting the type of the local var load_var_location(sym, index_str, 0, NULL); asm_mov_i(index_str, (int)sym->type); // setting the value of the local var load_var_location(sym, index_str, 4, NULL); asm_mov_i(index_str, 0); if (sym->type == CLM_TYPE_MATRIX) { // TODO what does this do? does it work? next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); gen_exp_size(dec); asm_pop(EAX); // eax contains num of rows asm_pop(EBX); // ebx contains num of cols asm_mov(ECX, EAX); asm_imul(ECX, EBX); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_dec(ECX); asm_cmp(ECX, "0"); asm_jmp_eq(end_label); asm_push_const_i(0); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); asm_push(EBX); // cols // setting the pointer to point at the rows // note: push changes the value at esp and THEN // decrements it load_var_location(sym, index_str, 4, NULL); asm_mov(index_str, ESP); asm_push(EAX); // rows } } // TODO figure out strings though! data.inFunction = 1; data.scope = funcScope; gen_statements(node->funcDecStmt.body); data.scope = funcScope->parent; data.inFunction = 0; if (node->funcDecStmt.returnSize.rows == -1) { // no return value! asm_mov(ESP, EBP); asm_pop(EBP); } asm_ret(); }
// stack should look like this: // val // type static void push_expression(ClmExpNode *node) { if (node == NULL) return; ClmType expression_type = clm_type_of_exp(node, data.scope); switch (node->type) { case EXP_TYPE_INT: asm_push_const_i(node->ival); asm_push_const_i((int)expression_type); break; case EXP_TYPE_FLOAT: asm_push_const_f(node->fval); asm_push_const_i((int)expression_type); break; case EXP_TYPE_STRING: // TODO push a string onto the stack break; case EXP_TYPE_ARITH: { ClmType right_type = clm_type_of_exp(node->arithExp.right, data.scope); ClmType left_type = clm_type_of_exp(node->arithExp.left, data.scope); if (left_type == CLM_TYPE_MATRIX && clm_type_is_number(right_type)) { // here the only ops are mul & div... we are scaling matrix // gen left and then right here... if we don't then we have // int val // int type // matrix // cols // rows // matrix type // and we have to pop the int after we generate the value... which is hard // and since we are multiplying the matrix in place, it would be easiest // to // gen the matrix first and then the int, so we just have to pop two // values // in total push_expression(node->arithExp.left); asm_mov(EDX, ESP); push_expression(node->arithExp.right); gen_arith(node); } else { push_expression(node->arithExp.right); asm_mov(EDX, ESP); push_expression(node->arithExp.left); gen_arith(node); } break; } case EXP_TYPE_BOOL: push_expression(node->boolExp.right); asm_mov(EDX, ESP); push_expression(node->boolExp.left); gen_bool(node); break; case EXP_TYPE_CALL: { // first push everything thats not a matrix... and for matrices push a pointer int tempStartID = data.temporaryID; int i; ClmExpNode *param; char temporary[256]; // first for any matrices that are parameters that will be pushed through // the stack, push them on the stack and save their location into a temporary // global for (i = node->callExp.params->length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { param = node->callExp.params->data[i]; if(param->type == CLM_TYPE_MATRIX){ ClmLocation location = clm_location_of_exp(param, data.scope); switch(location){ case LOCATION_STACK: push_expression(param); next_temporary(temporary); asm_mov(temporary, ESP); break; default: break; } } } // then push every expression.. when we get to a matrix, push the pointer // to its location int tempOffset = 1; char index_str[256]; for (i = node->callExp.params->length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { param = node->callExp.params->data[i]; if(param->type == CLM_TYPE_MATRIX){ ClmLocation location = clm_location_of_exp(param, data.scope); switch(location){ case LOCATION_STACK: sprintf(temporary, "dword [temporary%d]", tempStartID + tempOffset); asm_push(temporary); tempOffset++; break; default: { // the only way its a matrix and not on the stack is if its an // ind exp with no indices ClmSymbol *symbol = clm_scope_find(data.scope, param->indExp.id); load_var_location(symbol, index_str, 0, NULL); asm_push(index_str); break; } } asm_push_const_i((int) CLM_TYPE_MATRIX); }else{ push_expression(param); } } asm_call(node->callExp.name); // TODO pop off arguments from the stack break; } case EXP_TYPE_INDEX: push_index(node); break; case EXP_TYPE_MAT_DEC: { int i; if (node->matDecExp.arr != NULL) { for (i = node->matDecExp.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO... push f or push i? asm_push_const_i((int)node->matDecExp.arr[i]); } asm_push_const_i(node->matDecExp.size.cols); asm_push_const_i(node->matDecExp.size.rows); asm_push_const_i((int)CLM_TYPE_MATRIX); } else { // push a matrix onto the stack with all 0s char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); gen_exp_size(node); asm_pop(EAX); // # rows asm_pop(EBX); // # cols asm_mov(ECX, EAX); asm_imul(ECX, EBX); asm_dec(ECX); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, "0"); asm_jmp_l(end_label); asm_push_const_i(0); asm_dec(ECX); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); asm_push(EBX); asm_push(EAX); asm_push_const_i((int)CLM_TYPE_MATRIX); } break; } case EXP_TYPE_PARAM: break; case EXP_TYPE_UNARY: push_expression(node->unaryExp.node); gen_unary(node); break; } }
// pushes a row or col of the matrix identified by node onto the stack static void push_row_or_col(ClmExpNode *node) { // TODO case where matrix on stack is actually a pointer char index_str[64]; ClmSymbol *var = clm_scope_find(data.scope, node->indExp.id); char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); // put index value into EDX if(node->indExp.rowIndex != NULL){ gen_index_into(EDX, node->indExp.rowIndex); }else{ gen_index_into(EDX, node->indExp.colIndex); } if (node->indExp.rowIndex != NULL) { /* push A[x,] for i in A.cols,-1..1 do push A[x * A.cols + i] end */ LOAD_COLS(var, index_str); asm_mov(ECX, index_str); asm_imul(EDX, ECX); asm_dec(ECX); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, "0"); asm_jmp_l(end_label); asm_mov(EAX, EDX); asm_add(EAX, ECX); // eax = rowIndex * A.cols + i asm_imul(EAX, "4"); load_var_location(var, index_str, 12, EAX); asm_push(index_str); } else { /* push A[,y] for i in A.rows,-1..1 do push A[i * A.cols + y] end */ LOAD_ROWS(var, index_str); asm_mov(ECX, index_str); asm_dec(ECX); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, "0"); asm_jmp_l(end_label); asm_mov(EAX, ECX); asm_imul(EAX, index_str); asm_add(EAX, EDX); // eax = i * A.cols + y asm_imul(EAX, "4"); load_var_location(var, index_str, 12, EAX); asm_push(index_str); } asm_inc(ECX); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); }
// pops a matrix from the stack into a row or column of a matrix identified by // node static void pop_into_row_or_col(ClmExpNode *node) { // TODO case where matrix on stack is actually a pointer char index_str[64]; ClmSymbol *var = clm_scope_find(data.scope, node->indExp.id); char cmp_label[LABEL_SIZE]; char end_label[LABEL_SIZE]; next_label(cmp_label); next_label(end_label); // put index value into EDX if(node->indExp.rowIndex != NULL){ gen_index_into(EDX, node->indExp.rowIndex); }else{ gen_index_into(EDX, node->indExp.colIndex); } asm_pop(EAX); // pop type asm_pop(EAX); // pop rows asm_pop(EBX); // pop cols // todo assert rows == A.rows or cols == A.cols asm_mov(ECX, "0"); if (node->indExp.rowIndex != NULL) { /* A[x,] for i in 1..A.cols do A[x * A.cols + i] = pop end */ LOAD_COLS(var, index_str); asm_imul(EDX, index_str); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, index_str); asm_jmp_eq(end_label); asm_mov(EAX, EDX); asm_add(EAX, ECX); // eax now contains rowIndex * A.cols + i asm_imul(EAX, "4"); load_var_location(var, index_str, 12, EAX); asm_pop(index_str); } else { /* A[,y] for i in 1..A.rows do A[i * A.cols + y] = pop end */ LOAD_ROWS(var, index_str); asm_label(cmp_label); asm_cmp(ECX, index_str); asm_jmp_eq(end_label); asm_mov(EAX, ECX); asm_imul(EAX, index_str); asm_add(EAX, EDX); asm_imul(EAX, "4"); load_var_location(var, index_str, 12, EAX); asm_pop(index_str); } asm_inc(ECX); asm_jmp(cmp_label); asm_label(end_label); }
void gen_stmt_label(stmt *s) { asm_label(s->expr->spel); gen_stmt(s->lhs); /* the code-part of the compound stmtement */ }
/* Entry point for the assembler. code_ref is assumed to be attached to the gc. */ size_t asm_string(gc_type *gc, char *str, uint8_t **code_ref) { yyscan_t scanner = 0; op_type token = 0; buffer_type *buf = 0; hashtable_type *labels = 0; jump_type *jump_list = 0; size_t length = 0; gc_register_root(gc, &buf); gc_register_root(gc, &labels); gc_register_root(gc, (void **)&jump_list); /* create an output buffer */ buffer_create(gc, &buf); hash_create_string(gc, &labels); yylex_init(&scanner); /* yyset_debug(1, scanner); */ /* set the scanners input */ yy_scan_string(str, scanner); /* match until there is nothing left to match */ while((token = yylex(scanner)) != END_OF_FILE) { /* Handle individual tokens */ switch((int)token) { case OP_LIT_FIXNUM: asm_lit_fixnum(buf, scanner); break; case OP_LIT_CHAR: asm_lit_char(buf, scanner); break; case STRING_START_TOKEN: EMIT(buf, OP_LIT_STRING, 1); asm_lit_string(buf, scanner); break; case SYMBOL_START_TOKEN: EMIT(buf, OP_LIT_SYMBOL, 1); asm_lit_string(buf, scanner); break; case OP_JMP: case OP_JNF: case OP_CALL: case OP_PROC: case OP_CONTINUE: EMIT(buf, token, 1); /* emit the jump operation */ asm_jump(gc, buf, scanner, &jump_list); break; case LABEL_TOKEN: asm_label(gc, buf, labels, get_text(scanner)); break; /* All otherwise not defined tokens are their opcode */ default: EMIT(buf, token, 1); break; } } yylex_destroy(scanner); /* build a code_ref */ length = buffer_size(buf); /* *code_ref = gc_alloc(gc, 0, length); */ gc_alloc(gc, 0, length, (void **)code_ref); length = buffer_read(buf, *code_ref, length); /* replace jump address fields */ rewrite_jumps(*code_ref, jump_list, labels); gc_unregister_root(gc, &buf); gc_unregister_root(gc, &labels); gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&jump_list); return length; }