Exemple #1
SEXP meanOver(SEXP x, SEXP idxs, SEXP naRm, SEXP refine) {
  SEXP ans;
  R_xlen_t nx;
  int narm, refine2;
  double avg = NA_REAL;

  /* Argument 'x': */
  assertArgVector(x, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nx = xlength(x);

  /* Argument 'naRm': */
  narm = asLogicalNoNA(naRm, "na.rm");

  /* Argument 'refine': */
  refine2 = asLogicalNoNA(refine, "refine");

  /* Argument 'idxs': */
  R_xlen_t nidxs;
  int idxsType;
  void *cidxs = validateIndices(idxs, nx, 1, &nidxs, &idxsType);

  /* Double matrices are more common to use. */
  if (isReal(x)) {
    avg = meanOver_Real[idxsType](REAL(x), nx, cidxs, nidxs, narm, refine2);
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    avg = meanOver_Integer[idxsType](INTEGER(x), nx, cidxs, nidxs, narm, refine2);

  /* Return results */
  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
  REAL(ans)[0] = avg;

} // meanOver()
SEXP weightedMedian(SEXP x, SEXP w, SEXP idxs, SEXP naRm, SEXP interpolate, SEXP ties) {
  SEXP ans;
  int narm, interpolate2, ties2;
  double mu = NA_REAL;
  R_xlen_t nx, nw;

  /* Argument 'x': */
  assertArgVector(x, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nx = xlength(x);

  /* Argument 'x': */
  assertArgVector(w, (R_TYPE_REAL), "w");
  nw = xlength(w);
  if (nx != nw) {
    error("Argument 'x' and 'w' are of different lengths: %d != %d", nx, nw);

  /* Argument 'naRm': */
  narm = asLogicalNoNA(naRm, "na.rm");

  /* Argument 'interpolate': */
  interpolate2 = asLogicalNoNA(interpolate, "interpolate");

  /* Argument 'idxs': */
  R_xlen_t nidxs;
  int idxsType;
  void *cidxs = validateIndices(idxs, nx, 1, &nidxs, &idxsType);

  /* Argument 'ties': */
  ties2 = asInteger(ties);

  /* Double matrices are more common to use. */
  if (isReal(x)) {
    mu = weightedMedian_Real[idxsType](REAL(x), nx, REAL(w), cidxs, nidxs, narm, interpolate2, ties2);
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    mu = weightedMedian_Integer[idxsType](INTEGER(x), nx, REAL(w), cidxs, nidxs, narm, interpolate2, ties2);

  /* Return results */
  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
  REAL(ans)[0] = mu;

} // weightedMedian()
Exemple #3
SEXP count(SEXP x, SEXP idxs, SEXP value, SEXP what, SEXP naRm, SEXP hasNA) {
  SEXP ans;
  int narm, hasna, what2;
  R_xlen_t nx;

  /* Argument 'x' and 'dim': */
  assertArgVector(x, (R_TYPE_LGL | R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nx = xlength(x);

  /* Argument 'value': */
  if (length(value) != 1)
    error("Argument 'value' must be a single value.");

  if (!isNumeric(value))
    error("Argument 'value' must be a numeric value.");

  /* Argument 'what': */
  what2 = asInteger(what);

  /* Argument 'naRm': */
  narm = asLogicalNoNA(naRm, "na.rm");

  /* Argument 'hasNA': */
  hasna = asLogicalNoNA(hasNA, "hasNA");

  /* Argument 'idxs': */
  R_xlen_t nrows, ncols = 1;
  int rowsType, colsType = SUBSETTED_ALL;
  void *crows = validateIndices(idxs, nx, 1, &nrows, &rowsType);
  void *ccols = NULL;

  /* R allocate a integer scalar */
  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));

  if (isReal(x)) {
    colCounts_Real[rowsType][colsType](REAL(x), nx, 1, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, asReal(value), what2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans));
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    colCounts_Integer[rowsType][colsType](INTEGER(x), nx, 1, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, asInteger(value), what2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans));
  } else if (isLogical(x)) {
    colCounts_Logical[rowsType][colsType](LOGICAL(x), nx, 1, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, asLogical(value), what2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans));


} // count()
Exemple #4
SEXP diff2(SEXP x, SEXP idxs, SEXP lag, SEXP differences) {
  SEXP ans = NILSXP;
  R_xlen_t nx, nans, lagg, diff;

  /* Argument 'x': */
  assertArgVector(x, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nx = xlength(x);

  /* Argument 'lag': */
  lagg = asInteger(lag);
  if (lagg < 1) {
    error("Argument 'lag' must be a positive integer.");

  /* Argument 'differences': */
  diff = asInteger(differences);
  if (diff < 1) {
    error("Argument 'differences' must be a positive integer.");

  /* Argument 'idxs': */
  R_xlen_t nidxs;
  int idxsType;
  void *cidxs = validateIndices(idxs, nx, 1, &nidxs, &idxsType);

  /* Length of result vector */
  nans = (R_xlen_t)((double)nidxs - ((double)diff*(double)lagg));
  if (nans < 0) nans = 0;

  /* Dispatch to low-level C function */
  if (isReal(x)) {
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, nans));
    diff2_dbl[idxsType](REAL(x), nx, cidxs, nidxs, lagg, diff, REAL(ans), nans);
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, nans));
    diff2_int[idxsType](INTEGER(x), nx, cidxs, nidxs, lagg, diff, INTEGER(ans), nans);
  } else {
    error("Argument 'x' must be numeric.");

  return ans;
} // diff2()
Exemple #5
SEXP x_OP_y(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP dim, SEXP operator, SEXP xrows, SEXP xcols, SEXP yidxs, SEXP commute, SEXP naRm, SEXP hasNA, SEXP byRow) {
  SEXP ans = NILSXP;
  int narm, hasna, byrow, commute2;
  int op;
  R_xlen_t nrow, ncol, ny;

  /* Argument 'x' and 'dim': */
  assertArgMatrix(x, dim, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nrow = asR_xlen_t(dim, 0);
  ncol = asR_xlen_t(dim, 1);

  /* Argument 'y': */
  assertArgVector(y, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "y");
  ny = xlength(y);

  /* Argument 'byRow': */
  byrow = asLogicalNoNA(byRow, "byrow");

  /* Argument 'commute2': */
  commute2 = asLogicalNoNA(commute, "commute");

  /* Argument 'naRm': */
  narm = asLogicalNoNA(naRm, "na.rm");

  /* Argument 'hasNA': */
  hasna = asLogicalNoNA(hasNA, "hasNA");

  /* Argument 'xrows', 'xcols' and 'yidxs': */
  R_xlen_t nxrows, nxcols, nyidxs;
  int xrowsType, xcolsType, yidxsType;
  void *cxrows = validateIndices(xrows, nrow, 0, &nxrows, &xrowsType);
  void *cxcols = validateIndices(xcols, ncol, 0, &nxcols, &xcolsType);
  void *cyidxs = validateIndices(yidxs, ny, 1, &nyidxs, &yidxsType);

  /* Argument 'operator': */
  op = asInteger(operator);

  if (op == 1) {
    /* Addition */
    if (isReal(x) || isReal(y)) {
      PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
      if (isReal(x) && isReal(y)) {
            REAL(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
      } else if (isReal(x) && isInteger(y)) {
            REAL(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
      } else if (isInteger(x) && isReal(y)) {
            INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
    } else {
      PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(INTSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
          INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans), xlength(ans));
  } if (op == 2) {
    /* Subtraction */
    if (isReal(x) || isReal(y)) {
      PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
      if (isReal(x) && isReal(y)) {
            REAL(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
      } else if (isReal(x) && isInteger(y)) {
            REAL(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
      } else if (isInteger(x) && isReal(y)) {
            INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
    } else {
      PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(INTSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
          INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans), xlength(ans));
  } else if (op == 3) {
    /* Multiplication */
    if (isReal(x) || isReal(y)) {
      PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
      if (isReal(x) && isReal(y)) {
            REAL(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
      } else if (isReal(x) && isInteger(y)) {
            REAL(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
      } else if (isInteger(x) && isReal(y)) {
            INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
    } else {
      PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(INTSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
          INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans), xlength(ans));
  } else if (op == 4) {
    /* Division */
    PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nxrows, nxcols));
    if (isReal(x) && isReal(y)) {
          REAL(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
    } else if (isReal(x) && isInteger(y)) {
          REAL(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
    } else if (isInteger(x) && isReal(y)) {
          INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, REAL(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));
    } else if (isInteger(x) && isInteger(y)) {
          INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, INTEGER(y), ny, cxrows, nxrows, cxcols, nxcols, cyidxs, nyidxs, byrow, commute2, narm, hasna, REAL(ans), xlength(ans));

} /* x_OP_y() */