int MCOpenALSourceManager::assignSource(int EntityID, int EntityChannel)
    int iIndexOldestAssignment = 0;
    unsigned int iOldestAssignment = alSource[0].Assignment;
    for(int i = 0; i < iNumSources; i++)
        // this source is free
            assignSource(i, EntityID, EntityChannel);
            return i;

        if(alSource[i].Assignment < iOldestAssignment)
            iOldestAssignment = alSource[i].Assignment;
            iIndexOldestAssignment = i;

    // there are no free sources
    assignSource(iIndexOldestAssignment, EntityID, EntityChannel);
    return iIndexOldestAssignment;
Exemple #2
int main()
    // FRAGMENT(example)
    // The horizontal and vertical sequence (database and query).
    seqan::CharString seqH = "The quick BROWN fox jumped again!";
    seqan::CharString seqV =     "thick BROWN boxes of brownies!";
                                     //  ^^^
    // Create seed and print the seeed sequence.
    seqan::Seed<seqan::Simple> seed(11, 7, 14, 10);

    // Perform match extension.
    seqan::Score<int, seqan::Simple> scoringScheme(1, -1, -1);
    extendSeed(seed, seqH, seqV, seqan::EXTEND_BOTH, scoringScheme, 3,

    // Perform a banded alignment.
    seqan::Align<seqan::CharString> align;
    resize(rows(align), 2);
    assignSource(row(align, 0), infix(seqH, beginPositionH(seed),
    assignSource(row(align, 1), infix(seqV, beginPositionV(seed),

    // TODO(holtgrew): Use seed diagonals as bands.
    globalAlignment(align, scoringScheme);
    std::cerr << "Resulting alignment\n" << align << "\n";

    // FRAGMENT(footer)
    return 0;
Exemple #3
PairwiseAlignment _pairwise_global(const std::string& ref, const std::string& qry,
                                   const int match_score, const int mismatch_score,
                                   const int gap_open, const int gap_extend)
    typedef String<char> TSequence;
    typedef Align<TSequence,ArrayGaps> TAlign;
    typedef Row<TAlign>::Type TRow;
    typedef Iterator<TRow>::Type TRowIterator;

    TAlign align;
    resize(rows(align), 2);
    assignSource(row(align, 0), ref);
    assignSource(row(align, 1), qry);
    Score<int,Simple> score_scheme(match_score, mismatch_score, gap_extend, gap_open);
    AlignConfig<false,QGAP,false,QGAP> a_config;
    PairwiseAlignment result;
    result.score = globalAlignment(align, score_scheme, a_config);

    result.aligned_ref = aligned_string(row(align, 0));
    result.aligned_qry = aligned_string(row(align, 1));
    return result;
Exemple #4
Session::Session(SessionManager* parent, DataSource* source)
	m_zoneMgr = NULL;
	m_mapMgr = NULL;
	m_groupMgr = NULL;
	m_guildMgr = NULL;
	m_guildShell = NULL;
	m_player = NULL;
	m_spawnMonitor = NULL;
	m_spawnShell = NULL;
	m_spellShell = NULL;
	m_filterMgr = NULL;
	m_messages = NULL;
	m_messageFilters = NULL;
	m_messageShell = NULL;
	m_parent = parent;
	m_preferences = parent->preferences();

	m_timer = new QTimer(this);
	m_delay = 1000;
	m_dataSource = 0;
	 * Create Message Objects
	// Create message filters object
	m_messageFilters = new MessageFilters(this, "messagefilters");
	// Create messages storage
	m_messages = new Messages(m_parent->dateTimeMgr(), m_messageFilters, this, "messages");
	// Create the terminal object
	m_terminal = new Terminal(m_messages, this, "terminal");
	 * Create ShowEQ Objects
	// Create the Zone Manager
	m_zoneMgr = new ZoneMgr(this, "zonemgr");
	// Create the Guild Manager
	QString fileName = m_preferences->getPrefString("GuildsFile", "Interface", "guilds2.dat");
	QFileInfo fileInfo = m_parent->dataLocationMgr()->findWriteFile("tmp", fileName);
	m_guildMgr = new GuildMgr(fileInfo.absFilePath(), this, "guildmgr");
	// Create the Player Object
	m_player = new Player(this, m_zoneMgr, m_guildMgr);
	// Create the filter manager
	QString filterFile = pSEQPrefs->getPrefString("FilterFile", "Interface", "global.xml");
	bool isCaseSensitive = pSEQPrefs->getPrefBool("IsCaseSensitive", "Interface", false);
	m_filterMgr = new FilterMgr(m_parent->dataLocationMgr(), filterFile, isCaseSensitive);

	// if there is a short zone name already, try to load its filters
	// (there isn't one, this should be removed)
	QString shortZoneName = m_zoneMgr->shortZoneName();
	if (!shortZoneName.isEmpty() && shortZoneName != "unknown")
	// Create the Guild Shell
	m_guildShell = new GuildShell(m_zoneMgr, this, "GuildShell");
	// Create the Spawn Shell
	m_spawnShell = new SpawnShell(*m_filterMgr, m_zoneMgr, m_player, m_guildMgr);
	// Create the Map Manager
	m_mapMgr = new MapMgr(m_parent->dataLocationMgr(), m_spawnShell, m_player, m_zoneMgr);
	// Create the Spell Shell
	m_spellShell = new SpellShell(m_player, m_spawnShell, m_parent->spells());
	// Create the Spawn Monitor
	m_spawnMonitor = new SpawnMonitor(m_parent->dataLocationMgr(), m_zoneMgr, m_spawnShell);
	// Create the Group Manager
	m_groupMgr = new GroupMgr(m_spawnShell, m_player, this, "groupmgr");
	// Create the message shell
	m_messageShell = new MessageShell(m_messages, m_parent->eqStrings(), m_parent->spells(),
			m_zoneMgr, m_spawnShell, m_player, this, "messageshell");
	// Create the Filter Notification object
	m_filterNotifications = new FilterNotifications(this, "filternotifications");

