void generateProfile(modOrigin modelOrigin, modVersion modelVersion, modExtent modelExtent, char *outputDirectory)
    printf("Generating model version %f.\n", modelVersion.version);
    // generate the model grid
    gridStruct *location = NULL;
    location = generateModelGrid(modelOrigin,modelExtent);
    // obtain surface filenames based off version number
    surfNames surfSubModNames;
    surfSubModNames = getSurfSubModNames(modelVersion);
    // determine the depths of each surface for each lat lon point
    surfaceDepthsGlobal *surfDepsGlob = NULL;
    location->saveSurfaceDepths = 0;
    surfDepsGlob = getSurfaceValues(location, surfSubModNames, outputDirectory);
    // assign values
    globalDataValues *globDataVals = NULL;
    globDataVals = assignValues(modelVersion, location, surfSubModNames, surfDepsGlob, outputDirectory);
    // write profile to file
    writeIndividualProfile(globDataVals, location, outputDirectory);
    // free allocated memory
Exemple #2
Matrix *readMatrix(char *fileName) {
    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file: %s\n", fileName);
        return NULL;
    int ch;
    int size = 0;
    while (EOF != (ch = fgetc(fp)) && ch != '\n') {
        if (ch == ' ') size++;
    size_t buffer_size = 80;
    char *buffer = malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char));
    Matrix *mat = createMat(size);
    //read each line and write to matrix.
    int line_number = 0;
    while(-1 != getline(&buffer, &buffer_size, fp)) {
        assignValues(mat, buffer, line_number);
    //close file and clean up buffer
    return mat;
Exemple #3
//This controls the process of finding the determinate of a matrix.
void theProcess(void)
{   keyLocationsANDnumbers();
    assignValues ();
Exemple #4
void recordRecursiveCalls(struct functionCall * array, int exp, int base)
	int i, curRes = 1;
	for(i = exp; i >= 0; i--)
		assignValues(array, i, curRes, i+1, exp-i);
		curRes = curRes*base;
Exemple #5
void recordRecursiveCalls(struct functionCall * array, int exp, int base)
	int i, res = 1, currentValue, recursiveCallNumber;
	for (i = exp; i >= 0; i--)
		currentValue = res;
		res *= base;
		recursiveCallNumber = i+1;
		assignValues(array, i, currentValue, recursiveCallNumber, exp-i);
Exemple #6
int main(){
//	char treeA[]={'1','2','V','3','V','4','V','5','V','6','V','7','V','8','V','9','V','a','V','b','V','c','V','d','V','e','V','f','V','g','V','i','V','j','V','k','V','l','V'};
//	char treeB[]={'1','2','H','3','H','4','H','5','H','6','H','7','H','8','H','9','H','a','H','b','H','c','H','d','H','e','H','f','H','g','H','i','H','j','H','k','H','l','H'};
//	char treeC[]={'2','1','3','5','4','6','H','7','V','H','V','a','8','V','9','H','c','V','H','g','H','i','b','d','H','k','V','H','f','e','H','V','l','H','V','j','H','V','H'};
//	char value[]={'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','i','j','k','l'};
	//double areaNode[]={13.60, 3.69, 16.71, 1.87, 5.29, 2.06, 17.80, 4.35, 16.86, 1.96, 15.19, 11.20, 11.48, 10.61, 19.72, 19.37, 2.64, 7.22, 3.18, 10.35}; 
	//double ratio[]={0.52, 0.30, 0.50,  0.35, 1.15, 0.70,  0.25, 0.55,  0.75, 1.07,  0.36,  1.88,  0.51,  0.25,  0.28,  0.42, 0.56, 0.45, 0.25,  0.45};
	vector <double> right, left;
	vector <double> width, height;
	vector <char> value, Polish;
	int size;
	double area;
	readin(value, width, height);// reads in values from files
	for(int z=1; z<value.size(); z++)

//	for(int y=0; y<Polish.size(); y++)
//		{
//			cout<<Polish[y]<<" ";
//		}
	node *root=new node;//creates a node for the base of tree
	createTree(root, size , Polish);
	assignValues(value, width, height, root);
//	checkTosee (root); 
	area=areaFunct(right,left, root);
	cout<<"AREA of A:"<<area;
/*	size = sizeof(treeB)-1;
	createTree(root, size, treeB);
	assignValues(value, width, height, root );
	area=areaFunct(right,left, root);
	cout<<"AREA of B:"<<area;
	size = sizeof(treeC)-1;
	createTree(root, size, treeC);
	assignValues(value, width, height, root);
	area=areaFunct(right,left, root);
	cout<<"AREA of C:"<<area; */

	annealingFunc(Polish, value, width,height);
	return 0;
void generateSlice(modOrigin modelOrigin, sliceExtent sliceBounds, modVersion modelVersion, char *outputDirectory)
    globalDataValues *globDataVals = NULL;
    surfaceDepthsGlobal *surfDepsGlob = NULL;
    sliceExtractData *sliceData;
    sliceData = malloc(sizeof(sliceExtractData));
    generateSliceXYpoints(sliceData, modelOrigin, sliceBounds);
    // generate the model grid
    gridStruct *location;
    location = malloc(sizeof(gridStruct));
    location->saveSurfaceDepths = 1;
    int nZ = (sliceBounds.zMax-sliceBounds.zMin)/sliceBounds.resZ;
    location->nX = sliceData->nPts;
    location->nY = 1;
    location->nZ = nZ;
    // ensure the number of points does not exceed that of the struct preallocation
    printf("nx: %i, ny: %i, nz: %i.\n", location->nX, location->nY, location->nZ);
    for(int i = 0; i < sliceData->nPts; i++)
        location->Lat[i][0] = sliceData->latPts[i];
        location->Lon[i][0] = sliceData->lonPts[i];
    for(int j = 0; j < nZ; j++)
        location->Z[j] = -1000*(sliceBounds.zMin + sliceBounds.resZ*(j+0.5));

    // obtain surface filenames based off version number
    surfNames surfSubModNames;
    surfSubModNames = getSurfSubModNames(modelVersion);
    // determine the depths of each surface for each lat lon point
    surfDepsGlob = getSurfaceValues(location, surfSubModNames, outputDirectory);
    // assign values
    globDataVals = assignValues(modelVersion, location, surfSubModNames, surfDepsGlob, outputDirectory);
    // loop over points and extract values
    for(int i = 0; i < sliceData->nPts; i++)
        for(int k = 0; k < location->nZ; k++)
            sliceData->Vp[i][k] = globDataVals->Vp[i][0][k];
            sliceData->Vs[i][k] = globDataVals->Vs[i][0][k];
            sliceData->Rho[i][k] = globDataVals->Rho[i][0][k];

    if (sliceBounds.saveSlices == 1)
        // generate file for writing
        FILE *fp2;
        double currRho, currVp, currVs;
        static int sliceNumber = 0;
        sliceNumber += 1;
        char fName[128];
        char sliceDir[128];
        struct stat st = {0};
        if (stat(sliceDir, &st) == -1)
            // create output directory and the velocity model
            mkdir(sliceDir, 0700);
        fp2 = fopen(fName,"w");
        fprintf(fp2,"Generated slice #%i.\n",sliceNumber);
        fprintf(fp2,"Lat \t Lon \t Depth \t Vp \t Vs \t Rho\n");
        for(int i = 0; i < sliceData->nPts; i++)
            for(int m = 0; m < location->nZ; m++)
                currVp = sliceData->Vp[i][m];
                currRho = sliceData->Rho[i][m];
                currVs = sliceData->Vs[i][m];
                fprintf(fp2, "%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n",sliceData->latPts[i],sliceData->lonPts[i], location->Z[m], currVp, currVs, currRho);
        printf("High resolution velocity model slice file save complete.\n");

Exemple #8
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {


  std::string tag="V0";
  std::string runName = "";
  if( argc<3 ) {
    std::cout << "USAGE: ./alignTracking [startTag] [run]" << std::endl;
  } else if(argc>1) {
    std::string tag_str(argv[1]);
    tag = tag_str;
     std::string runName_str(argv[2]);
     runName = runName_str;
    // this is the dir in which the offsets will be saved:
  std::string constDirName = "Alignment";
  system(Form("mkdir -p %s", constDirName.c_str()));

  std::string constFileName = constDirName+"/offsets_"+tag+".txt";
  AlignmentOfficer alignOfficer(constFileName);

  //  TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_487.root");
  // TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_428.root"); //200 GeV
  //  TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_407.root"); //150 GeV
  //  TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_418.root"); //100 GeV  
//TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_398.root"); //50 GeV
  // TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_455.root"); //20 GeV
  // TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_508.root"); //20 GeV seems to be better than run 455
  //  TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_457.root"); //15 GeV
  //TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_431.root"); //10 GeV
  //  TFile* file = TFile::Open("data/run_273.root");
  std::string fileName="dcap://t3se01.psi.ch:22125//pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/store/user/micheli/rawData/output_run"+runName+".root";
  char* hostName = getenv ("HOSTNAME");
  TString hostString(hostName);
  bool isLxplus = hostString.Contains("lxplus");
  if(isLxplus) fileName= "xroot://t3se01.psi.ch:1094//store/user/micheli/rawData/output_run" + runName + ".root"; 

  TFile* file = TFile::Open(fileName.c_str());
  TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get("outputTree");
  std::cout<<"Reading run:"<<runName<<std::endl;

  // Declaration of leaf types
   UInt_t          runNumber;
   UInt_t          spillNumber;
   UInt_t          evtNumber;
   std::vector<float>   *BGOvalues;
   std::vector<float>   *SCINTvalues;
   std::vector<float>   *TDCreco;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_charge_integrated;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_max_amplitude;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_pedestal;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_pedestal_rms;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_time_at_frac30;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_time_at_frac50;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_time_at_max;
   std::vector<bool>    *HODOX1;
   std::vector<bool>    *HODOX2;
   std::vector<bool>    *HODOY1;
   std::vector<bool>    *HODOY2;
   std::vector<float>   *HODOSMALLvalues;
   Float_t         TableX;
   Float_t         TableY;
   Float_t         CeF3HV;
   Float_t         BGOHV;
   Float_t         BeamEnergy;
   Float_t         BeamTilt;
   Int_t           IsPhysics;
   std::vector<int>     *nTdcHits;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_charge_integrated_sub;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_max_amplitude_sub;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_pedestal_sub;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_pedestal_rms_sub;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_charge_integrated_corr2;
   std::vector<float>   *digi_max_amplitude_corr2;

  // List of branches
   TBranch        *b_runNumber;   //!
   TBranch        *b_spillNumber;   //!
   TBranch        *b_evtNumber;   //!
   TBranch        *b_BGOvalues;   //!
   TBranch        *b_SCINTvalues;   //!
   TBranch        *b_HODOSMALLvalues;   //!
   TBranch        *b_TDCreco;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_charge_integrated;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_max_amplitude;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_pedestal;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_pedestal_rms;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_time_at_frac30;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_time_at_frac50;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_time_at_max;   //!
   TBranch        *b_HODOX1;   //!
   TBranch        *b_HODOX2;   //!
   TBranch        *b_HODOY1;   //!
   TBranch        *b_HODOY2;   //!
   TBranch        *b_TableX;   //!
   TBranch        *b_TableY;   //!
   TBranch        *b_CeF3HV;   //!
   TBranch        *b_BGOHV;   //!
   TBranch        *b_BeamEnergy;   //!
   TBranch        *b_BeamTilt;   //!
   TBranch        *b_IsPhysics;   //!
   TBranch        *b_nTdcHits;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_charge_integrated_sub;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_max_amplitude_sub;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_pedestal_sub;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_pedestal_rms_sub;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_charge_integrated_corr2;   //!
   TBranch        *b_digi_max_amplitude_corr2;   //!

  // Set object pointer
   BGOvalues = 0;
   SCINTvalues = 0;
   TDCreco = 0;
   HODOSMALLvalues = 0;
   digi_charge_integrated = 0;
   digi_max_amplitude = 0;
   digi_pedestal = 0;
   digi_pedestal_rms = 0;
   digi_time_at_frac30 = 0;
   digi_time_at_frac50 = 0;
   digi_time_at_max = 0;
   HODOX1 = 0;
   HODOX2 = 0;
   HODOY1 = 0;
   HODOY2 = 0;
   nTdcHits = 0;
   digi_charge_integrated_sub = 0;
   digi_max_amplitude_sub = 0;
   digi_pedestal_sub = 0;
   digi_pedestal_rms_sub = 0;
   digi_charge_integrated_corr2 = 0;
   digi_max_amplitude_corr2 = 0;

   //Set Branch Adresses and branch pointers 
   tree->SetBranchAddress("runNumber", &runNumber, &b_runNumber);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("spillNumber", &spillNumber, &b_spillNumber);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("evtNumber", &evtNumber, &b_evtNumber);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("BGOvalues", &BGOvalues, &b_BGOvalues);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("SCINTvalues", &SCINTvalues, &b_SCINTvalues);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("HODOSMALLvalues", &HODOSMALLvalues, &b_HODOSMALLvalues);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("TDCreco", &TDCreco, &b_TDCreco);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_charge_integrated", &digi_charge_integrated, &b_digi_charge_integrated);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_max_amplitude", &digi_max_amplitude, &b_digi_max_amplitude);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_pedestal", &digi_pedestal, &b_digi_pedestal);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_pedestal_rms", &digi_pedestal_rms, &b_digi_pedestal_rms);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_time_at_frac30", &digi_time_at_frac30, &b_digi_time_at_frac30);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_time_at_frac50", &digi_time_at_frac50, &b_digi_time_at_frac50);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_time_at_max", &digi_time_at_max, &b_digi_time_at_max);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("HODOX1", &HODOX1, &b_HODOX1);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("HODOX2", &HODOX2, &b_HODOX2);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("HODOY1", &HODOY1, &b_HODOY1);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("HODOY2", &HODOY2, &b_HODOY2);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("TableX", &TableX, &b_TableX);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("TableY", &TableY, &b_TableY);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("CeF3HV", &CeF3HV, &b_CeF3HV);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("BGOHV", &BGOHV, &b_BGOHV);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("BeamEnergy", &BeamEnergy, &b_BeamEnergy);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("BeamTilt", &BeamTilt, &b_BeamTilt);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("IsPhysics", &IsPhysics, &b_IsPhysics);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("nTdcHits", &nTdcHits, &b_nTdcHits);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_charge_integrated_sub", &digi_charge_integrated_sub, &b_digi_charge_integrated_sub);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_max_amplitude_sub", &digi_max_amplitude_sub, &b_digi_max_amplitude_sub);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_pedestal_sub", &digi_pedestal_sub, &b_digi_pedestal_sub);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_pedestal_rms_sub", &digi_pedestal_rms_sub, &b_digi_pedestal_rms_sub);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_charge_integrated_corr2", &digi_charge_integrated_corr2, &b_digi_charge_integrated_corr2);
   tree->SetBranchAddress("digi_max_amplitude_corr2", &digi_max_amplitude_corr2, &b_digi_max_amplitude_corr2);

  int nClusters_hodoX1;
  int nFibres_hodoX1[HODOX1_CHANNELS];
  float pos_hodoX1[HODOX1_CHANNELS];
  int nClusters_hodoY1;
  int nFibres_hodoY1[HODOY1_CHANNELS];
  float pos_hodoY1[HODOY1_CHANNELS];

  int nClusters_hodoX2;
  int nFibres_hodoX2[HODOX2_CHANNELS];
  float pos_hodoX2[HODOX2_CHANNELS];
  int nClusters_hodoY2;
  int nFibres_hodoY2[HODOY2_CHANNELS];
  float pos_hodoY2[HODOY2_CHANNELS];

  float wc_x;
  float wc_y;

  //int nBins = 80*2*2*2*2;
  int nBins = 80;
  //   int nBinsWC = 40*5;
  int nBinsWC = 80;
  float xMin = -20.;
  float xMax =  20.;

  TH1F* h1_wc_y_low = new TH1F("wc_y_low", "", nBinsWC, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_wc_y_hi  = new TH1F("wc_y_hi" , "", nBinsWC, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_wc_x_low = new TH1F("wc_x_low", "", nBinsWC, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_wc_x_hi  = new TH1F("wc_x_hi" , "", nBinsWC, xMin, xMax);

  TH1F* h1_hodoY1_low = new TH1F("hodoY1_low", "", nBins, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_hodoY1_hi  = new TH1F("hodoY1_hi" , "", nBins, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_hodoX1_low = new TH1F("hodoX1_low", "", nBins, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_hodoX1_hi  = new TH1F("hodoX1_hi" , "", nBins, xMin, xMax);

  TH1F* h1_hodoY2_low = new TH1F("hodoY2_low", "", nBins, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_hodoY2_hi  = new TH1F("hodoY2_hi" , "", nBins, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_hodoX2_low = new TH1F("hodoX2_low", "", nBins, xMin, xMax);
  TH1F* h1_hodoX2_hi  = new TH1F("hodoX2_hi" , "", nBins, xMin, xMax);

  int nentries = tree->GetEntries();
  if(nentries>10000)  nentries=10000;
  for( unsigned iEntry=0; iEntry<nentries; ++iEntry ) {


     if( iEntry %  10000 == 0 ) std::cout << "Entry: " << iEntry << " / " << nentries << std::endl;

     std::vector<bool> hodoX1_values(HODOX1_CHANNELS, -1.);
     std::vector<bool> hodoY1_values(HODOY1_CHANNELS, -1.);
     assignValuesBool( hodoX1_values, *HODOX1, 0. );
     assignValuesBool( hodoY1_values, *HODOY1, 0. );

     std::vector<bool> hodoX2_values(HODOX2_CHANNELS, -1.);
     std::vector<bool> hodoY2_values(HODOY2_CHANNELS, -1.);
     assignValuesBool( hodoX2_values, *HODOX2, 0 );
     assignValuesBool( hodoY2_values, *HODOY2, 0 );

     std::vector<float> hodoSmallX_values(HODOSMALLX_CHANNELS, -1.);
     std::vector<float> hodoSmallY_values(HODOSMALLY_CHANNELS, -1.);
     assignValues( hodoSmallY_values, *HODOSMALLvalues, 0 );
     assignValues( hodoSmallX_values, *HODOSMALLvalues, 4 );

     // hodo cluster reconstruction
     int clusterMaxFibres = 4;
     doHodoReconstructionBool( hodoX1_values    , nClusters_hodoX1    , nFibres_hodoX1    , pos_hodoX1    , 0.5, clusterMaxFibres, 0.  );
     doHodoReconstructionBool( hodoY1_values    , nClusters_hodoY1    , nFibres_hodoY1    , pos_hodoY1    , 0.5, clusterMaxFibres, 0.  );
     doHodoReconstructionBool( hodoX2_values    , nClusters_hodoX2    , nFibres_hodoX2    , pos_hodoX2    , 0.5, clusterMaxFibres, 0.  );
     doHodoReconstructionBool( hodoY2_values    , nClusters_hodoY2    , nFibres_hodoY2    , pos_hodoY2    , 0.5, clusterMaxFibres, 0.  );

     alignOfficer.fix("hodoX1", nClusters_hodoX1, pos_hodoX1);
     alignOfficer.fix("hodoY1", nClusters_hodoY1, pos_hodoY1);
     alignOfficer.fix("hodoX2", nClusters_hodoX2, pos_hodoX2);
     alignOfficer.fix("hodoY2", nClusters_hodoY2, pos_hodoY2);

     wc_x = TDCreco->at(0);
     wc_y = TDCreco->at(1);
     if( runNumber>=170 ) wc_y = -wc_y; // temporary fix

     wc_x += alignOfficer.getOffset("wc_x");
     wc_y += alignOfficer.getOffset("wc_y");

//     float hodoSmallY_low = digi_max_amplitude->at(6);
//     float hodoSmallY_hi  = digi_max_amplitude->at(7);
////     //float hodoSmallX_low = digi_max_amplitude->at(5);
////     //float hodoSmallX_hi  = digi_max_amplitude->at(4);
//     float hodoSmallX_low = digi_max_amplitude->at(4);
//     float hodoSmallX_hi  = digi_max_amplitude->at(5);

     bool isOctober2015Run=  (runNumber > 3900. && runNumber<4600);

     float hodoSmallY_low = HODOSMALLvalues->at(1);
     float hodoSmallY_hi  = HODOSMALLvalues->at(2);
     float hodoSmallX_low = HODOSMALLvalues->at(5);
     float hodoSmallX_hi  = HODOSMALLvalues->at(6);

     if (isOctober2015Run){
       hodoSmallY_low = HODOSMALLvalues->at(0);
       hodoSmallY_hi  = HODOSMALLvalues->at(1);
       hodoSmallX_low = HODOSMALLvalues->at(2);
       hodoSmallX_hi  = HODOSMALLvalues->at(3);

     //     std::cout<< hodoSmallY_low<<" "<<hodoSmallY_hi<<" "<<hodoSmallX_low<<" "<<hodoSmallX_hi<<std::endl;
     std::vector<float> pedMeanX,pedMeanY, pedSigmaX, pedSigmaY;
     }else{//ped value for october 2015 run
       pedMeanX.push_back(218.6);//this channels are not working in these runs....


  // y low
     if( hodoSmallY_low>pedMeanY[0]+5*pedSigmaY[0] ) {

     int posOf2FibClustY1Low = 0;
    int   posOf2FibClustY2Low=0;

     int nrOf2FibreClustersY1Low = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoY1; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoY1[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustY1Low= i ;} 
	  //And for Y2 LOW:
     int nrOf2FibreClustersY2Low = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoY2; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoY2[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustY2Low=i;  } 

       if((nrOf2FibreClustersY2Low==1||nClusters_hodoY2==1)&& (nrOf2FibreClustersY1Low==1 || nClusters_hodoY1==1) && abs(wc_y) <200 && nTdcHits->at(2)>0 && nTdcHits->at(3)>0 &&  nTdcHits->at(2)<3 && nTdcHits->at(3)<3 && ( nTdcHits->at(2) + nTdcHits->at(3))<4){
	 h1_wc_y_low->Fill( wc_y );
	 h1_hodoY1_low->Fill( pos_hodoY1[posOf2FibClustY1Low] );
	 h1_hodoY2_low->Fill( pos_hodoY2[posOf2FibClustY2Low] );     

   // y hi
     if( hodoSmallY_hi>pedMeanY[1]+5*pedSigmaY[1] ) {

     int posOf2FibClustY1Hi = 0;
    int   posOf2FibClustY2Hi=0;

     int nrOf2FibreClustersY1Hi = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoY1; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoY1[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustY1Hi= i ;} 
	  //And for Y2 HI:
     int nrOf2FibreClustersY2Hi = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoY2; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoY2[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustY2Hi=i;  } 

       if((nrOf2FibreClustersY2Hi==1||nClusters_hodoY2==1)&& (nrOf2FibreClustersY1Hi==1 || nClusters_hodoY1==1) && abs(wc_y) <200 && nTdcHits->at(2)>0 && nTdcHits->at(3)>0 &&  nTdcHits->at(2)<3 && nTdcHits->at(3)<3 && ( nTdcHits->at(2) + nTdcHits->at(3))<4){
	 h1_wc_y_hi->Fill( wc_y );
	 h1_hodoY1_hi->Fill( pos_hodoY1[ posOf2FibClustY1Hi] );
	 h1_hodoY2_hi->Fill( pos_hodoY2[posOf2FibClustY2Hi] );     

  // x low
     if( hodoSmallX_low>pedMeanX[0]+5*pedSigmaX[0] ) {

     int posOf2FibClustX1Low = 0;
    int   posOf2FibClustX2Low=0;

     int nrOf2FibreClustersX1Low = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoX1; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoX1[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustX1Low= i ;} 
	  //And for X2 LOW:
     int nrOf2FibreClustersX2Low = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoX2; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoX2[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustX2Low=i;  } 

       if((nrOf2FibreClustersX2Low==1||nClusters_hodoX2==1)&& (nrOf2FibreClustersX1Low==1 || nClusters_hodoX1==1) &&  abs(wc_x)<200 && nTdcHits->at(0)>0 && nTdcHits->at(1)>0 && nTdcHits->at(0)<3 && nTdcHits->at(1)<3 &&  ( nTdcHits->at(0) + nTdcHits->at(1) )<4){
	 h1_wc_x_low->Fill( wc_x );
	 h1_hodoX1_low->Fill( pos_hodoX1[ posOf2FibClustX1Low] );
	 h1_hodoX2_low->Fill( pos_hodoX2[posOf2FibClustX2Low] );     

   // x hi
     if( hodoSmallX_hi>pedMeanX[1]+5*pedSigmaX[1] ) {

     int posOf2FibClustX1Hi = 0;
    int   posOf2FibClustX2Hi=0;

     int nrOf2FibreClustersX1Hi = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoX1; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoX1[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustX1Hi= i ;} 
	  //And for X2 HI:
     int nrOf2FibreClustersX2Hi = 0;
       for( int i=0; i<nClusters_hodoX2; ++i ) {
         if( nFibres_hodoX2[i]==2  )  {  
	   posOf2FibClustX2Hi=i;  } 

       if((nrOf2FibreClustersX2Hi==1||nClusters_hodoX2==1)&& (nrOf2FibreClustersX1Hi==1 || nClusters_hodoX1==1) && abs(wc_x) <200 && nTdcHits->at(0)>0 && nTdcHits->at(1)>0 &&  nTdcHits->at(0)<3 && nTdcHits->at(1)<3 && ( nTdcHits->at(0) + nTdcHits->at(1) )<4){
	 h1_wc_x_hi->Fill( wc_x );
	 h1_hodoX1_hi->Fill( pos_hodoX1[ posOf2FibClustX1Hi] );
	 h1_hodoX2_hi->Fill( pos_hodoX2[posOf2FibClustX2Hi] );     

  } // for entries

  std::string outputdir = "AlignmentPlots_"+tag;
  system( Form("mkdir -p %s", outputdir.c_str()));

  float offset_wc_y_low = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_wc_y_low );
  float offset_wc_y_hi  = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_wc_y_hi );
  float offset_wc_x_low = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_wc_x_low );
  float offset_wc_x_hi  = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_wc_x_hi );
  float offset_hodoY1_low = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoY1_low );
  float offset_hodoY1_hi  = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoY1_hi );
  float offset_hodoX1_low = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoX1_low );
  float offset_hodoX1_hi  = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoX1_hi );
  float offset_hodoY2_low = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoY2_low );
  float offset_hodoY2_hi  = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoY2_hi );
  float offset_hodoX2_low = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoX2_low );
  float offset_hodoX2_hi  = fitAndDraw( outputdir, h1_hodoX2_hi );

  float offset_wc_y   = 0.5*(offset_wc_y_low  +offset_wc_y_hi);
  float offset_wc_x   = 0.5*(offset_wc_x_low  +offset_wc_x_hi);
  float offset_hodoY1 = 0.5*(offset_hodoY1_low+offset_hodoY1_hi);
  float offset_hodoX1 = 0.5*(offset_hodoX1_low+offset_hodoX1_hi);
  float offset_hodoY2 = 0.5*(offset_hodoY2_low+offset_hodoY2_hi);
  float offset_hodoX2 = 0.5*(offset_hodoX2_low+offset_hodoX2_hi);

  std::cout << "offset_wc_y: "   <<  offset_wc_y << std::endl;
  std::cout << "offset_wc_x: "   <<  offset_wc_x << std::endl;
  std::cout << "offset_hodoY1: " <<  offset_hodoY1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "offset_hodoX1: " <<  offset_hodoX1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "offset_hodoY2: " <<  offset_hodoY2 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "offset_hodoX2: " <<  offset_hodoX2 << std::endl;

  std::string ofsName = constDirName + "/offsets_new.txt";
  ofstream ofs(ofsName.c_str());
  ofs << "wc_y "   << -offset_wc_y << std::endl;
  ofs << "wc_x "   << -offset_wc_x << std::endl;
  ofs << "hodoY1 " << -offset_hodoY1 << std::endl;
  ofs << "hodoX1 " << -offset_hodoX1 << std::endl;
  ofs << "hodoY2 " << -offset_hodoY2 << std::endl;
  ofs << "hodoX2 " << -offset_hodoX2 << std::endl;

  std::cout << "-> Saved offsets in: " << ofsName << std::endl;

  return 0;
