Exemple #1
static void traverse_elements(void)
	struct ht_element *el;
	int c=0;
	struct ast_hashtab_iter *it = ast_hashtab_start_write_traversal(glob_hashtab);
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("Traverse hashtab\n");
	while ((el = ast_hashtab_next(it))) {
	els_traversals++; /* unprotected, sometimes off, but, not really important, either */
/*! Continuously iterate through all the entries in the hash */
static void *hash_test_count(void *d)
	const struct hash_test *data = d;
	int count = 0;
	int last_count = 0;

	while (count < data->max_grow) {
		struct ast_hashtab_iter *it = ast_hashtab_start_write_traversal(data->to_be_thrashed);
		char *ht = ast_hashtab_next(it);
		last_count = count;
		count = 0;
		while (ht) {
			/* only count keys added by grow thread */
			if (strncmp(ht, "key0", 4) == 0) {
			ht = ast_hashtab_next(it);

		if (last_count == count) {
			/* Give other threads ample chance to run, note that using sched_yield here does not
			 * provide enough of a chance and can cause this thread to starve others.
		} else if (last_count > count) {
			/* Make sure the hashtable never shrinks */
			return "hashtab unexpectedly shrank";

		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
			return "Count timed out";

	/* Successfully iterated over all of the expected elements */
	return NULL;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc,char **argv)
	char linebuffer[300];
	FILE *ifile = fopen("/tmp/refs", "r");
	char *t;
	unsigned int un;
	struct rc_obj *curr_obj, *count1_obj;
	struct rc_obj lookup;
	struct ast_hashtab_iter *it;
	struct ast_hashtab *objhash;
	if (!ifile) {
		printf("Sorry, Cannot open /tmp/refs!\n");
	objhash = ast_hashtab_create(9000, hashtab_compare_rc, ast_hashtab_resize_java, ast_hashtab_newsize_java, hashtab_hash_rc, 1);
	while (fgets(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), ifile)) {
		/* collect data about the entry */
		un = strtoul(linebuffer, &t, 16);
		lookup.addr = un;
		lookup.count = 1;

		count1_obj = ast_hashtab_lookup(objhash, &lookup);
		if (count1_obj) {
			/* there IS a count1 obj, so let's see which one we REALLY want */
			if (*(t+1) == '=') {
				/* start a new object! */
				curr_obj = alloc_obj(un, ++count1_obj->last_count);
				/* put it in the hashtable */
				ast_hashtab_insert_safe(objhash, curr_obj);
			} else {
				if (count1_obj->last_count > 1) {
					lookup.count = count1_obj->last_count;
					curr_obj = ast_hashtab_lookup(objhash, &lookup);
				} else {
					curr_obj = count1_obj;

		} else {
			/* NO obj at ALL? -- better make one! */
			if (*(t+1) != '=') {
				printf("BAD: object %x appears without previous allocation marker!\n", un);
			curr_obj = count1_obj = alloc_obj(un, 1);
			/* put it in the hashtable */
			ast_hashtab_insert_safe(objhash, curr_obj);
		if (*(t+1) == '+' || *(t+1) == '-' ) {
			curr_obj->total_refcount += strtol(t+1, NULL, 10);
		} else if (*(t+1) == '*') {
		add_to_hist(linebuffer, curr_obj);
	/* traverse the objects and check for problems */
	it = ast_hashtab_start_traversal(objhash);
	while ((curr_obj = ast_hashtab_next(it))) {
		if (curr_obj->total_refcount != 0 || curr_obj->destroy_count != 1) {
			struct rc_hist *h;
			if (curr_obj->total_refcount != 0)
				printf("Problem: net Refcount not zero for object %x\n", curr_obj->addr);
			if (curr_obj->destroy_count > 1 )
				printf("Problem: Object %x destroyed more than once!\n", curr_obj->addr);
			printf("Object %x history:\n", curr_obj->addr);
			for(h=curr_obj->hist;h;h=h->next) {
				printf("   %s", h->desc);
	return 0;