bool ModelUtils::GetAnimationTarget(astring& targetName, AnimationCurveTargetType& targetType, AnimationCurveTargetAxis& targetAxis, const astring& name) { auto strs = split(astring(name), ToAString(".")); // ボーン向け設定の取得 targetName = astring(); targetType = AnimationCurveTargetType::NoneTarget; targetAxis = AnimationCurveTargetAxis::NoneTarget; if (strs.size() < 3) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size() - 2; i++) { targetName += strs[i]; if (i != strs.size() - 3) { targetName += ToAString("."); } } if (strs[strs.size() - 2] == ToAString("pos")) { targetType = AnimationCurveTargetType::Position; } if (strs[strs.size() - 2] == ToAString("rot")) { targetType = AnimationCurveTargetType::Rotation; } if (strs[strs.size() - 2] == ToAString("scl")) { targetType = AnimationCurveTargetType::Scale; } if (strs[strs.size() - 1] == ToAString("x")) { targetAxis = AnimationCurveTargetAxis::X; } if (strs[strs.size() - 1] == ToAString("y")) { targetAxis = AnimationCurveTargetAxis::Y; } if (strs[strs.size() - 1] == ToAString("z")) { targetAxis = AnimationCurveTargetAxis::Z; } if (strs[strs.size() - 1] == ToAString("w")) { targetAxis = AnimationCurveTargetAxis::W; } return true; }
static astring GetFileExt(const achar* filepath) { auto path = astring(filepath); size_t i = path.rfind('.', path.length()); if (i != astring::npos) { return (path.substr(i + 1, path.length() - i)); } return astring(); }
/** @brief 文字列分割 @note のコードを改造 */ static std::vector<astring> split(const astring &str, const astring &delim) { std::vector<astring> res; size_t current = 0, found, delimlen = delim.size(); while ((found = str.find(delim, current)) != astring::npos) { res.push_back(astring(str, current, found - current)); current = found + delimlen; } res.push_back(astring(str, current, str.size() - current)); return res; }
pointswin_info::pointswin_info(debugger_windows_interface &debugger) : debugwin_info(debugger, false, astring("All Breakpoints").c_str(), NULL) { if (!window()) return; m_views[0].reset(global_alloc(debugview_info(debugger, *this, window(), DVT_BREAK_POINTS))); if ((m_views[0] == NULL) || !m_views[0]->is_valid()) { m_views[0].reset(); return; } // create the options menu HMENU const optionsmenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(optionsmenu, MF_ENABLED, ID_SHOW_BREAKPOINTS, TEXT("Breakpoints\tCtrl+1")); AppendMenu(optionsmenu, MF_ENABLED, ID_SHOW_WATCHPOINTS, TEXT("Watchpoints\tCtrl+2")); AppendMenu(GetMenu(window()), MF_ENABLED | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)optionsmenu, TEXT("Options")); // compute a client rect RECT bounds; = bounds.left = 0; bounds.right = m_views[0]->maxwidth() + (2 * EDGE_WIDTH); bounds.bottom = 200; AdjustWindowRectEx(&bounds, DEBUG_WINDOW_STYLE, FALSE, DEBUG_WINDOW_STYLE_EX); // clamp the min/max size set_maxwidth(bounds.right - bounds.left); // position the window at the bottom-right SetWindowPos(window(), HWND_TOP, 100, 100, bounds.right - bounds.left, bounds.bottom -, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); // recompute the children recompute_children(); }
void Thread::parse() { // thread = ["UID" SP] "THREAD" SP thread-alg SP search-criteria // thread-alg = "ORDEREDSUBJECT" / "REFERENCES" / thread-alg-ext // thread-alg-ext = atom // search-criteria = charset 1*(SP search-key) // charset = atom / quoted space(); EString threadAlg = atom().lower(); if ( threadAlg == "orderedsubject" ) d->threadAlg = ThreadData::OrderedSubject; else if ( threadAlg == "refs" ) d->threadAlg = ThreadData::Refs; else if ( threadAlg == "references" ) d->threadAlg = ThreadData::References; else error( Bad, "Unsupported thread algorithm" ); space(); parser()->mark(); if ( Codec::byName( astring() ) ) space(); else parser()->restore(); d->s = new Selector; d->s->add( parseKey() ); while ( ok() && !parser()->atEnd() ) { space(); d->s->add( parseKey() ); } d->s->simplify(); end(); }
chd_error chdcd_parse_iso(const char *tocfname, cdrom_toc &outtoc, chdcd_track_input_info &outinfo) { FILE *infile; astring path = astring(tocfname); infile = fopen(tocfname, "rb"); path = get_file_path(path); if (infile == (FILE *)NULL) { return CHDERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } /* clear structures */ memset(&outtoc, 0, sizeof(outtoc)); outinfo.reset(); fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END); long size = ftell(infile); fclose(infile); outtoc.numtrks = 1; outinfo.track[0].fname = tocfname; outinfo.track[0].offset = 0; outinfo.track[0].idx0offs = 0; outinfo.track[0].idx1offs = 0; if ((size % 2048)==0 ) { outtoc.tracks[0].trktype = CD_TRACK_MODE1; outtoc.tracks[0].frames = size / 2048; outtoc.tracks[0].datasize = 2048; outinfo.track[0].swap = false; } else if ((size % 2352)==0 ) { // 2352 byte mode 2 raw outtoc.tracks[0].trktype = CD_TRACK_MODE2_RAW; outtoc.tracks[0].frames = size / 2352; outtoc.tracks[0].datasize = 2352; outinfo.track[0].swap = false; } else { printf("ERROR: Unrecognized track type\n"); return CHDERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT; } outtoc.tracks[0].subtype = CD_SUB_NONE; outtoc.tracks[0].subsize = 0; outtoc.tracks[0].pregap = 0; outtoc.tracks[0].postgap = 0; outtoc.tracks[0].pgtype = 0; outtoc.tracks[0].pgsub = CD_SUB_NONE; outtoc.tracks[0].pgdatasize = 0; outtoc.tracks[0].pgsubsize = 0; outtoc.tracks[0].padframes = 0; return CHDERR_NONE; }
image_error_t device_image_interface::set_image_filename(const char *filename) { m_image_name = filename; zippath_parent(m_working_directory, filename); m_basename.cpy(m_image_name); int loc1 = m_image_name.rchr(0,'\\'); int loc2 = m_image_name.rchr(0,'/'); int loc3 = m_image_name.rchr(0,':'); int loc = MAX(loc1,MAX(loc2,loc3)); if (loc!=-1) { if (loc == loc3) { // temp workaround for softlists now that m_image_name contains the part name too (e.g. list:gamename:cart) astring tmpstr = astring(m_basename.substr(0,loc)); int tmploc = tmpstr.rchr(0,':'); m_basename = m_basename.substr(tmploc + 1,loc-tmploc); } else m_basename = m_basename.substr(loc + 1,m_basename.len()-loc); } m_basename_noext = m_basename.cpy(m_basename); m_filetype = ""; loc = m_basename_noext.rchr(0,'.'); if (loc!=-1) { m_basename_noext = m_basename_noext.substr(0,loc); m_filetype = m_basename.cpy(m_basename); m_filetype = m_filetype.substr(loc + 1,m_filetype.len()-loc); } return IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; }
void image_postdevice_init(running_machine &machine) { device_image_interface *image = NULL; /* make sure that any required devices have been allocated */ for (bool gotone = machine.devicelist().first(image); gotone; gotone = image->next(image)) { int result = image->finish_load(); /* did the image load fail? */ if (result) { /* retrieve image error message */ astring image_err = astring(image->error()); /* unload all images */ image_unload_all(machine); fatalerror_exitcode(machine, MAMERR_DEVICE, "Device %s load failed: %s", image->device().name(), image_err.cstr()); } } /* add a callback for when we shut down */ machine.add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT, machine_notify_delegate(FUNC(image_unload_all), &machine)); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void* EffectTextureLoader::Load(const EFK_CHAR* path, Effekseer::TextureType textureType) { auto key = astring((const achar*) path); auto cache = m_caches.find(key); if (cache != m_caches.end()) { cache->second.Count++; return cache->second.Ptr; } auto staticFile = m_graphics->GetFile()->CreateStaticFile((const achar*) path); if (staticFile.get() == nullptr) return nullptr; int32_t imageWidth = 0; int32_t imageHeight = 0; std::vector<uint8_t> imageDst; if (!ImageHelper::LoadPNGImage(staticFile->GetData(), staticFile->GetSize(), IsReversed(), imageWidth, imageHeight, imageDst, m_graphics->GetLog())) { return nullptr; } void* img = InternalLoad(m_graphics, imageDst, imageWidth, imageHeight); Cache c; c.Ptr = img; c.Count = 1; c.Width = imageWidth; c.Height = imageHeight; m_caches[key] = c; dataToKey[img] = key; m_graphics->IncVRAM(ImageHelper::GetVRAMSize(TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNORM, imageWidth, imageHeight)); return img; }
nubus_xceed30hr_device::nubus_xceed30hr_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const char *shortname, const char *source) : device_t(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source), device_video_interface(mconfig, *this), device_nubus_card_interface(mconfig, *this) { m_assembled_tag = astring(tag).cat(":").cat(XCEED30HR_SCREEN_NAME); m_screen_tag = m_assembled_tag.c_str(); }
nubus_xceed30hr_device::nubus_xceed30hr_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) : device_t(mconfig, PDS030_XCEED30HR, "Micron/XCEED Technology Color 30HR", tag, owner, clock, "pd3_30hr", __FILE__), device_video_interface(mconfig, *this), device_nubus_card_interface(mconfig, *this) { m_assembled_tag = astring(tag).cat(":").cat(XCEED30HR_SCREEN_NAME); m_screen_tag = m_assembled_tag.c_str(); }
void Model_IO::LoadMaterial(Material& material, BinaryReader& reader, const achar* path) { material.Type = reader.Get<int32_t>(); if (material.Type == 1) { auto path = reader.Get<astring>(); } else { material.OriginalColorTexture = reader.Get<astring>(); material.OriginalNormalTexture = reader.Get<astring>(); material.OriginalMetalnessTexture = reader.Get<astring>(); if (material.OriginalColorTexture != astring()) material.ColorTexture = CombinePath(path, material.OriginalColorTexture.c_str()); if (material.OriginalNormalTexture != astring()) material.NormalTexture = CombinePath(path, material.OriginalNormalTexture.c_str()); if (material.OriginalMetalnessTexture != astring()) material.MetalnessTexture = CombinePath(path, material.OriginalMetalnessTexture.c_str()); } }
static astring nvram_filename(device_t &device, astring &result) { running_machine &machine = device.machine(); astring name = astring(device.tag()).replacechr(':','_'); if (rom_system_bios(machine) == 0 || rom_default_bios(machine) == rom_system_bios(machine)) { result.printf("%s\\%s",machine.basename(),name.cstr()); } else { result.printf("%s_%d\\%s",machine.basename(),rom_system_bios(machine) - 1,name.cstr()); } return result; }
void image_device_init(running_machine &machine) { const char *image_name; /* make sure that any required devices have been allocated */ image_interface_iterator iter(machine.root_device()); for (device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != NULL; image = { /* is an image specified for this image */ image_name = machine.options().device_option(*image); if ((image_name != NULL) && (image_name[0] != '\0')) { /* mark init state */ image->set_init_phase(); /* try to load this image */ bool result = image->load(image_name); /* did the image load fail? */ if (result) { /* retrieve image error message */ astring image_err = astring(image->error()); astring image_basename(image_name); /* unload all images */ image_unload_all(machine); fatalerror_exitcode(machine, MAMERR_DEVICE, "Device %s load (%s) failed: %s", image->device().name(), image_basename.cstr(), image_err.cstr()); } } } for (device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != NULL; image = { /* is an image specified for this image */ image_name = image->filename(); if (!((image_name != NULL) && (image_name[0] != '\0'))) { /* no image... must this device be loaded? */ if (image->must_be_loaded()) { fatalerror_exitcode(machine, MAMERR_DEVICE, "Driver requires that device \"%s\" must have an image to load", image->instance_name()); } } } }
void core_options::append_entry(core_options::entry &newentry) { m_entrylist.append(newentry); // if we have names, add them to the map for (int name = 0; name < ARRAY_LENGTH(newentry.m_name); name++) if ( != NULL) { m_entrymap.add(, &newentry); // for boolean options add a "no" variant as well if (newentry.type() == OPTION_BOOLEAN) m_entrymap.add(astring("no").cat(, &newentry); } }
const char *emu_options::sub_value(astring &buffer, const char *name, const char *subname) const { astring tmp = astring(",").cat(subname).cat("="); buffer = value(name); int pos = buffer.find(0, tmp.c_str()); if (pos != -1) { int endpos = buffer.chr(pos + 1, ','); if (endpos == -1) endpos = buffer.len(); buffer = buffer.substr(pos + tmp.len(), endpos - pos - tmp.len()); } else buffer.reset(); return buffer.c_str(); }
void Deformer_Imp::AddBone(const achar* name, int32_t parentBoneIndex, RotationOrder rotationOrder, const Matrix44& localMat) { auto bone = Model_IO::Bone(); bone.Name = astring(name); bone.ParentBoneIndex = parentBoneIndex; bone.RotationType = rotationOrder; bone.LocalMat = localMat; m_bones.push_back(bone); if (m_nameToIndex.find(bone.Name) == m_nameToIndex.end()) { m_nameToIndex[bone.Name] = m_bones.size() - 1; } }
bool gui::create(const astring &_name) { static ge::screen::info sl_screen; m_screen_ID = spawn(sl_screen); // astring l_file = astring("data/gui/") + _name + ".swf"; std::fstream l_stream(*, std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary*/); if(l_stream.good()) { swf::tagstream l_tags(l_stream); if(l_tags.good()) { swf::RECORDHEADER l_tag; while(true) { l_tags >> l_tag; if(l_tag.type == swf::tag::End) break; l_tags.skip(l_tag.length); } uint a = 0; }
void image_device_init(running_machine *machine) { const char *image_name; device_image_interface *image = NULL; /* make sure that any required devices have been allocated */ for (bool gotone = machine->m_devicelist.first(image); gotone; gotone = image->next(image)) { /* is an image specified for this image */ image_name = image_get_device_option(image); if ((image_name != NULL) && (image_name[0] != '\0')) { /* mark init state */ image->set_init_phase(); /* try to load this image */ bool result = image->load(image_name); /* did the image load fail? */ if (result) { /* retrieve image error message */ astring image_err = astring(image->error()); const char *image_basename_str = image->basename(); /* unload all images */ image_unload_all(*machine); fatalerror_exitcode(machine, MAMERR_DEVICE, "Device %s load (%s) failed: %s", image->image_config().devconfig().name(), image_basename_str, image_err.cstr()); } } else { /* no image... must this device be loaded? */ if (image->image_config().must_be_loaded()) { fatalerror_exitcode(machine, MAMERR_DEVICE, "Driver requires that device \"%s\" must have an image to load", image->image_config().instance_name()); } } image->call_get_devices(); } }
UString Command::mailboxName() { EString n = astring(); if ( n.endsWith( "/" ) ) n = n.mid( 0, n.length() - 1 ); User * u = imap()->user(); if ( u && n.lower() == "inbox" ) { return u->inbox()->name(); } MUtf7Codec m; UString un( m.toUnicode( n ) ); UString r; if ( !m.wellformed() ) { AsciiCodec a; un = a.toUnicode( n ); if ( !a.valid() ) { error( Bad, "Mailbox name misparsed both as ASCII and mUTF-7: " + m.error() + " (mUTF7) + " + a.error() + " (ASCII)" ); return r; } } if ( un.startsWith( "/" ) ) { if ( u && un[u->home()->name().length()] == '/' && un.startsWith( u->home()->name() ) ) d->usesAbsoluteMailbox = true; } else if ( !u ) { error( Bad, "Relative mailbox name is invalid before login" ); return r; } else { d->usesRelativeMailbox = true; r.append( u->home()->name() ); r.append( "/" ); } r.append( un ); if ( !Mailbox::validName( r ) ) { error( Bad, "Syntax error in mailbox name: " + n ); return r; } return r; }
// AStackStringConstructors //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TestAString::AStackStringConstructors() const { { // AStackString<> with no arguments AStackString<> empty; TEST_ASSERT( empty.GetLength() == 0 ); TEST_ASSERT( empty.GetReserved() > 0 ); TEST_ASSERT( empty.IsEmpty() == true ); TEST_ASSERT( empty.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false ); } { // AStackString<> from char * AStackString<> fromCharStar( "hello" ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.GetLength() == 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.GetReserved() >= 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.IsEmpty() == false ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStar.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false ); // AStackString<> from AStackString AStackString<> fromAString( fromCharStar ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetLength() == 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetReserved() >= 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.IsEmpty() == false ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false ); } { // AStackString<> from AString AString astring( "hello" ); AStackString<> fromAString( astring ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetLength() == 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.GetReserved() >= 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.IsEmpty() == false ); TEST_ASSERT( fromAString.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false ); } { const char * hello = "hellohellohello"; AStackString<> fromCharStarPair( hello, hello + 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.GetLength() == 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.GetReserved() >= 5 ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.IsEmpty() == false ); TEST_ASSERT( fromCharStarPair.MemoryMustBeFreed() == false ); } }
void Select::parse() { space(); d->mailbox = mailbox(); if ( present( " (" ) ) { bool more = true; while ( ok() && more ) { // select-param can be a list or an astring. in our case, // only astring is legal, since we advertise no extension // that permits the list. EString param = astring().lower(); if ( param == "annotate" ) d->annotate = true; else if ( param == "condstore" ) d->condstore = true; else error( Bad, "Unknown select-param: " + param ); more = present( " " ); } require( ")" ); } end(); }
ssize_t tst::_registry() { LogAlert(); astring welln[] = { astring(".DEFAULT"), // astring("S-1-5-18"), // astring("S-1-5-19"), // astring("S-1-5-20"), }; auto seq = registry::open(HKEY_USERS, ""); if (seq) { for (auto it = seq->begin(), end = seq->end(); it != end; ++it) { if (simstd::find(simstd::begin(welln), simstd::end(welln), it->name()) == simstd::end(welln)) { LogReport("found name: '%s'", it->name().c_str()); auto sid = windows::sid::open(it->name().c_str()); if (sid) { LogReport("\tgood sid: '%s', name: '%s'", sid->as_str().c_str(), sid->name().c_str()); } // try open network auto key = registry::open(seq->system(), (it->name() + "\\Network").c_str()); if (key) { LogReport("\texist!"); for (auto it = key->begin(), end = key->end(); it != end; ++it) { auto letter = registry::open(key->system(), it->name().c_str()); auto path = letter->get("RemotePath", ""); LogReport("letter: '%s' -> '%s'", it->name().c_str(), path.c_str()); } } } } } return 0; }
astring to_string(long double value) { char buffer[128]; cstr::to_string(buffer, lengthof(buffer), value); return astring(buffer); }
static void process_disk_entries(romload_private *romdata, const char *regiontag, const rom_entry *parent_region, const rom_entry *romp, const char *locationtag) { /* loop until we hit the end of this region */ for ( ; !ROMENTRY_ISREGIONEND(romp); romp++) { /* handle files */ if (ROMENTRY_ISFILE(romp)) { open_chd *chd = global_alloc(open_chd(regiontag)); hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp)); chd_error err; /* make the filename of the source */ astring filename(ROM_GETNAME(romp), ".chd"); /* first open the source drive */ LOG(("Opening disk image: %s\n", filename.cstr())); err = chd_error(open_disk_image(romdata->machine().options(), &romdata->machine().system(), romp, chd->orig_chd(), locationtag)); if (err != CHDERR_NONE) { handle_missing_file(romdata, romp, astring(), err); global_free(chd); continue; } /* get the header and extract the SHA1 */ hash_collection acthashes; acthashes.add_sha1(chd->orig_chd().sha1()); /* verify the hash */ if (hashes != acthashes) { romdata->errorstring.catprintf("%s WRONG CHECKSUMS:\n", filename.cstr()); dump_wrong_and_correct_checksums(romdata, hashes, acthashes); romdata->warnings++; } else if (hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_BAD_DUMP)) { romdata->errorstring.catprintf("%s CHD NEEDS REDUMP\n", filename.cstr()); romdata->knownbad++; } /* if not read-only, make the diff file */ if (!DISK_ISREADONLY(romp)) { /* try to open or create the diff */ err = open_disk_diff(romdata->machine().options(), romp, chd->orig_chd(), chd->diff_chd()); if (err != CHDERR_NONE) { romdata->errorstring.catprintf("%s DIFF CHD ERROR: %s\n", filename.cstr(), chd_file::error_string(err)); romdata->errors++; global_free(chd); continue; } } /* we're okay, add to the list of disks */ LOG(("Assigning to handle %d\n", DISK_GETINDEX(romp))); romdata->machine().romload_data->chd_list.append(*chd); } } }
astring to_string(unsigned long long value) { char buffer[64]; cstr::to_string(buffer, lengthof(buffer), value); return astring(buffer); }
astring to_string(float value) { char buffer[128]; cstr::to_string(buffer, lengthof(buffer), value); return astring(buffer); }
void memorywin_info::update_caption() { win_set_window_text_utf8(window(), astring("Memory: ", m_views[0]->source_name())); }
astring get_prefixa() { return astring(); }
void debug_view_breakpoints::view_update() { const debug_view_source& source = *m_source; const device_debug& debugInterface = *source.device()->debug(); debug_view_char *dest = m_viewdata; // Gather a list of all the breakpoints in reverse order int numBPs = 0; device_debug::breakpoint** bpList = NULL; if (debugInterface.breakpoint_first() != NULL) { // Alloc for (device_debug::breakpoint *bp = debugInterface.breakpoint_first(); bp != NULL; bp = bp->next()) numBPs++; bpList = new device_debug::breakpoint*[numBPs]; // Collect int i = 1; for (device_debug::breakpoint *bp = debugInterface.breakpoint_first(); bp != NULL; bp = bp->next()) { bpList[numBPs-i] = bp; i++; } } // Draw for (int row = 0; row < m_visible.y; row++) { UINT32 effrow = m_topleft.y + row; // Header if (effrow == 0) { astring header = "ID En Address Condition Action"; for (int i = 0; i < m_visible.x; i++) { dest->byte = (i < header.len()) ? header[i] : ' '; dest->attrib = DCA_ANCILLARY; dest++; } continue; } // Breakpoints int bpi = effrow-1; if (bpi < numBPs && bpi >= 0) { device_debug::breakpoint* bp = bpList[bpi]; astring buffer; buffer.printf("%x", bp->index()); pad_astring_to_length(buffer, 5); buffer.catprintf("%c", bp->enabled() ? 'X' : 'O'); pad_astring_to_length(buffer, 9); buffer.catprintf("%s", core_i64_hex_format(bp->address(), debugInterface.logaddrchars())); pad_astring_to_length(buffer, 26); if (astring(bp->condition()) != astring("1")) { buffer.catprintf("%s", bp->condition()); pad_astring_to_length(buffer, 44); } if (astring(bp->action()) != astring("")) { buffer.catprintf("%s", bp->action()); pad_astring_to_length(buffer, 60); } for (int i = 0; i < m_visible.x; i++) { dest->byte = (i < buffer.len()) ? buffer[i] : ' '; dest->attrib = DCA_NORMAL; dest++; } continue; } // Fill the remaining vertical space for (int i = 0; i < m_visible.x; i++) { dest->byte = ' '; dest->attrib = DCA_NORMAL; dest++; } } delete bpList; }