Exemple #1
int main(void) {

	int r = 5; //player positions
	int c = 4;
	int r2 = 80; //first ball positions
	int c2 = 120;
	int human_speed = 2; //guess what this is?
	int width = 2; //dont bother, this is the frame width
	int human_size = 10; //duh
	int size = 10; //size of computer
	int dr = 3; //speed of player
	int dc = 3; //should = dr
	int agression; //not being used right now
	int inRange = 0; //a random count variable
	int human_health = 100; //human starting health
	int comp_health = 100; //computer starting health
	int newgame = 1; //another count var
	int loopCount = 0; 
	int numAttacks = 0; //number of times human attacks
	int justAttacked; //count var for computer attacks
	int result; //count var
	int death_radius = 4; //this is how many pixels the radius around the computer is that you have to be in to attack/be attacked
	int next_var1 = 0;
	int retreat = 0;
	int retreat_length = 100; //how long it is after going in to retreat mode that you win
	int next_var2 = 0;
	int junkVar = 0;

	//prebuild the binary search tree
	//make the data in each node be a pointer to a function, then the output of that function
	//decides which node is next

NaryNode *root = NULL;
root = createNaryNode(createIntData(0), 0); //make the root node (check health)
  appendChild(root, createNaryNode(createIntData(1), 0)); //make the first child (if health is ok)
  appendChild(root, createNaryNode(createIntData(2), 0)); //make the second child (if health is bad)
  appendChild(root->child[0], createNaryNode(createIntData(3), 0)); //treat the first child as the root and add another child
  appendChild(root->child[1], createNaryNode(createIntData(4), 0)); //treat the first child as the root and add another child
  appendChild(root->child[1]->child[4], createNaryNode(createIntData(5), 0)); //add another child on right parent

int *tree1;
int *tree2;
int *tree3;
tree1 = (int*)(root->child[1]);
(int*)(root->child[1]) = 4;
(int*)(root->child[0]) = 2;
(int*)(root->child[1]->child[4]) = 1;

//tree1 = root->child[1];

		/	\
	[child1] ----------child 2]
	/	   \           \      \
 [child3]  [child4]	   [child5] [child6] 
  /			/	   \
[child7]   [child8] [child9]
			|			|
		  [child9]	   [child10]

Junk first;
first.margin = 40; //the margin for death for the computer
first.comp_health_rate = 1; //how fast the you kill the computer
first.human_health_rate = 2; //how fast the computer kills you

	while(keepGoing()) {

		switch (gameState) {
			case START:
				//start mode 4
				//in to mode 3
				//reset all the count vars and such
					newgame = 1;
					numAttacks = 0;
					loopCount = 0;
					justAttacked = 0;
					human_health = 100; //human starting health
					comp_health = 100; //computer starting health
					next_var1 = 0;
					next_var2 = 0;
					r = 5; //player positions
					c = 4;
					r2 = 80; //first ball positions
					c2 = 120;
					gameState = PLAY;
					retreat = 0;
			case PLAY:

				//start mode 3

				drawRectDMA(0, 0, 160, 240, COLOR(0,0,0)); //the black background
				//nary tree usage
				tree3 = (int*)(root->child[1]);

				if(comp_health < first.margin){
					gameState = WIN;
				drawRectDMA(1, 1, 240, 1, COLOR(0,0,31)); //left bar
				drawRectDMA(159, 1, 1, 240, COLOR(0,0,31));//bottom bar
				drawRectDMA(1, 1, 240, 1, COLOR(0,0,31));//bottom bar
				drawRectDMA(159, 1, 1, 240, COLOR(0,0,31));//bottom bar

				//draw health bars
				if(human_health == 100){
				drawRectDMA(5, 4, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,31)); //human starting health
				drawRectDMA(5, 6, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,31));
				drawRectDMA(5, 8, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,31));

				if(comp_health == 100){
				drawRectDMA(5, 230, 1, 1, COLOR(31,0,0)); //computer starting health
				drawRectDMA(5, 232, 1, 1, COLOR(31,0,0));
				drawRectDMA(5, 234, 1, 1, COLOR(31,0,0));
				//newgame = 0;
				if((human_health < 100) && (human_health > 66)){
				drawRectDMA(5, 4, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,31)); //human health 2/3
				drawRectDMA(5, 6, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,31));
				drawRectDMA(5, 8, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));

				if((human_health < 66) && (human_health >33)){
				drawRectDMA(5, 4, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,31)); //human health 1/3
				drawRectDMA(5, 6, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));
				drawRectDMA(5, 8, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));

				if((human_health < 33) && (human_health >0)){
				drawRectDMA(5, 4, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0)); //human health 0/3
				drawRectDMA(5, 6, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));
				drawRectDMA(5, 8, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));

				if((comp_health < 100) && (comp_health > 66)){
				drawRectDMA(5, 230, 1, 1, COLOR(31,0,0)); //computer health 2/3
				drawRectDMA(5, 232, 1, 1, COLOR(31,0,0));
				drawRectDMA(5, 234, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));

				if((comp_health < 66) && (comp_health > 33)){
				drawRectDMA(5, 230, 1, 1, COLOR(31,0,0)); //computer health 1/3
				drawRectDMA(5, 232, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));
				drawRectDMA(5, 234, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));

				if((comp_health < 33) && (comp_health > 0)){
				drawRectDMA(5, 230, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0)); //computer health 0/3
				drawRectDMA(5, 232, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));
				drawRectDMA(5, 234, 1, 1, COLOR(0,0,0));


				//player control
				//controls the boundries and the speed
				drawRectDMA( r, c, width, width, COLOR(0,0,0));
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_UP)) {
					r = r - human_speed;
					if(r <= 1) r = 2;
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_DOWN)) {
					r = r + human_speed;
					if(r >= 159+human_size) r = 159;
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_LEFT)) {
					c = c - human_speed;
					if(c <= 1) c = 2;
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_RIGHT)) {
					c = c + human_speed;
					if(c >= 239+human_size) c = 239;
				//start ball code (makes ball move)
				drawRectDMA( r2, c2, size, size, COLOR(0,0,0) );
				drawRectDMA( r2, c2, size, size, COLOR(0,0,31) );
				//collision detection
				//walls (make ball bounce)
				//computer bouncing
			if((r2+size) > 156) dr = -dr; //top
			if((c2+size) > 236) dc = -dc; //bottom and right
			if((c2+size) < 15) dc = -dc; //left
			if(((r2) <= 3) || ((r2) >= 158)) dr = -dr; //top and bottom

				//draw player square
				drawRectDMA( r, c, human_size, human_size, COLOR(0,0,0));
				drawRectDMA( r, c, human_size, human_size, COLOR(0,0,31) ); //the actual square

				//draw bouncing ball
				drawRectDMA( r2, c2, size, size, COLOR(31,0,0));

				//right wall
				drawRectDMA( 1, 238, 72 , width - 1, COLOR(0,0,31) ); 
				drawRectDMA( 87, 238, 73,  width - 1, COLOR(0,0,31) ); 
				//keep player in boundries
				if(r < 2) {
					r = 2;
				if(r+size > (159)) {
					r = (148);
				if((c+size > 239)) {
					c = 228;

				if((c < 2)) {
					c = 2;

				//keep computer in boundries
				//the computer boundry is smaller so he doesn't get stuck in corners
				if(r2 < 10) {
					r2 = 10;
				if(r2+size >= (149)) {
					r2 = (138);
				if((c2 < 10)) {
					c2 = 10;
				if((c2+size > 229)) {
					c2 = 218;

				//BEGIN AI

				//if the health is low	
					(int*)(root->child[1]) = 1;
				if(r < r2){
					r2 = r2 + 1;

				if(r > r2){
					r2 = r2 - 1;

				if(c < c2){
					c2 = c2 + 1;

				if(c > c2){
					c2 = c2 - 1;
			retreat = retreat + 1;

			//nary tree usage
			tree2 = (int*)(root->child[1]);

				if(attackCheck(comp_health)){ //if health is ok
						(int*)(root->child[0]) = 1;

					if(r < r2){
						r2 = r2 - 1;

					if(r > r2){
						r2 = r2 + 1;

					if(c < c2){
						c2 = c2 - 1;

					if(c > c2){
						c2 = c2 + 1;
					//see how aggressive the human is being
					agression = numAttacks/inRange;
					//see if the human is within striking distance
						if(inRadius(c2, death_radius, c, human_size, r2, r, size)){ //this function took forever to write

						result = randGen();
						human_health = human_health - (first.human_health_rate);
						//If I ever get around to implementing this, this will allow the computer to retreat
						//when the human gets too aggressive

						if(agression > .15){

					if(r < r2){
						r2 = r2 + 1;

					if(r > r2){
						r2 = r2 - 1;

					if(c < c2){
						c2 = c2 + 1;

					if(c > c2){
						c2 = c2 = 1;

				//set up the health
				//computer (computer loses health under these conditions
						comp_health = (comp_health - (first.comp_health_rate));

				if(inRadius(c2, death_radius, c, human_size, r2, r, size)){
						if(retreat >= retreat_length){
					gameState = WIN;
						if(human_health < 33){
							gameState = DIE;
							next_var2 = 1;

			case WIN: //if they make it past level 5, display a win screen and reset some variables
						newgame = 1;
				retreat = 0;
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					gameState = CREDITS; //next stop is the credits
				while(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					while(!keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					break; }
				next_var1 = 1;}

		case CREDITS: //display the Pony Shrapnel logo
			if(next_var1 == 1){
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					gameState = START; //next stop is the start screen
				while(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					while(!keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					break; }



			case DIE: //if they die, then display a death screen, reset some variables, and go back to the start screen
						newgame = 0;
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					gameState = CREDITS2; //next stop is the credits2
				while(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					while(!keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					break; }
				human_health = 100;}

		case CREDITS2: //display the Pony Shrapnel logo
				if(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					gameState = START; //next stop is the start screen
					next_var2 = 0;
				while(keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					while(!keyHit(BUTTON_START)) {
					break; }


				//end switch statements


	return 0;
Exemple #2
void Test :: run(){
    //Test frand
//    assert( frand()==0.1f );
//    assert( frand()==0.7f );
//    assert( frand()==0.7f );
//    assert( frand()==0.1f );
//    cout << "gismoManager::randmom() is OK."<<endl;

    cout << "CLASS Sound is ok.(check the receive yourself.)" << endl;

    EventHandler eventHandler;
    EvTest evTest;
    eventHandler.eventAdd("/t01" , &evTest);
    int args[] = {0,1,2};
    assert ( eventHandler.bang("/t01", args) == 138 );
    assert ( eventHandler.bang("/t01") == 137 );
    cout << "GismoBundledClass::eventHandler is OK." << endl;
    //Test EventHandler with Gismo
    gismo.eventAdd("/t01" , &evTest);
    assert ( gismo.bang("/t01" , args) == 138 );
    //Sound Trigger
    int snd_id = 0;
    cout << "GismoManager::eventHandler with Gismo is OK." << endl;
    //Define an agent
    ag_t ag;
    //Test GismoManager.getAgents()
    ag_t *agents = gismo.getAgents();
    agents[0].posi.x = 0.13f;
    agents[0].posi.y = 0.2f;
    assert(agents[0].posi.x == 0.13f);
    assert(agents[0].posi.y == 0.2f);
    cout << "GismoManager:getAgent() is OK." << endl;
    //Test GismoLibrary distance()
    posi_t tmp1, tmp2;
    tmp1.x = 0.0f;
    tmp1.y = 0.0f;
    tmp2.x = 3.0f;
    tmp2.y = 4.0f;
    assert(distance(tmp1, tmp2) == 5.0f);
    tmp1.x = 0.5f;
    tmp1.y = 0.5f;
    tmp2.x = -0.5f;
    tmp2.y = -0.5f;
    assert(distance(tmp1, tmp2)==(float)sqrt(2.0f));
    tmp1.x = 3.0f;
    tmp1.y = 4.0f;
    tmp2.x = 0.0f;
    tmp2.y = 0.0f;
    assert(distance(tmp1, tmp2) == 5.0f);
    tmp1.x = 5.0f;
    tmp1.y = 12.0f;
    tmp2.x = 0.0f;
    tmp2.y = 0.0f;
    assert(distance(tmp1, tmp2) == 13.0f);
    cout << "GismoLibrary:distance() is OK." << endl;
    //Test Init AgentActive
    assert(ag.size == AG_DEF_SIZE);
    cout << "GismoLibrary:initAgentActive() is OK." << endl;
    ag.view = 0.23f;
    ag.posi.x = 0.2f; ag.posi.y=0.2f;
    assert (gismo.add.buf[0].view == 0.23f);
    assert (gismo.add.count == 1);
    cout << "GismoManager:addAgent() is OK." << endl;
    ag_t ag2;
    ag2.view = 0.34f;
    gismo.addSync(); //Finally gismo requires sync to avoid direct agent addition when processing agents.
    assert(gismo.add.count==0 && gismo.agents.count==2);
    assert(agents[0].active && agents[1].active);
    assert(agents[0].view==0.23f && agents[1].view==0.34f);
    cout << "gismoLibrary:addSync() is OK." << endl;
    //Test gismo Library seekNearest();
    agents[0].posi.x = 0.0f;
    agents[0].posi.y = 0.0f;
    agents[1].posi.x = 0.5f;
    agents[1].posi.y = 0.5f;
    ag_t ag3;
    ag3.posi.x = 0.5f;
    ag3.posi.y = 0.49f;
    gismo.addAgent(ag3); //add the new agent to addBuffer
    ag_t ag4;
    ag4.posi.x = 0.7f;
    ag4.posi.y = 0.49f;
    gismo.addAgent(ag3); //add the new agent to addBuffer
    gismo.addSync(); //refrect the add buffer to actual buffer
    int nearest_agent = seekNearest(0, &gismo.agents); //seek the nearest agent of agent[0]
    cout << nearest_agent << endl;
    cout << "gismoManager:seekNearest() is OK."<<endl;
    //Test isViewRange
    ag_t ag5;
    ag5.view = 0.5f;
    assert( isViewRange(&ag5,0.3f)==true );
    assert( isViewRange(&ag5,0.51f)==false );
    cout << "gismoLibrary::isViewRange() is OK" << endl;
    //Test isLarge
    assert( isLarge(0.5 , 0.4)==true );
    assert( isLarge(0.5, 0.501)==false);
    cout << "gismoLibrary::isaLarge is OK" <<endl;

    //Test Move
    ag_t ag6;
    posi_t tmp;
    tmp.x=1.0; tmp.y=0.0;
    ag6.posi.x=0.5; ag6.posi.y=0.5;
    assert(ag6.posi.x >= 0.5f);
    assert(ag6.posi.y <= 0.5f);
    cout << "gismoLibrary::move() is OK." << endl;
    //Test Run
    ag_t tmpAg1, tmpAg2;
    tmpAg1.posi.x = 0.75f;
    tmpAg1.posi.y = 0.75f;
    tmpAg1.mov = 0.001f;
    tmpAg1.spd.x = 0.0f;
    tmpAg1.spd.y = 0.0f;
    tmpAg2.posi.x = 0.5f;
    tmpAg2.posi.y = 0.5f;
    running(&tmpAg1, &tmpAg2.posi);
    assert(tmpAg1.posi.x >= 0.75f);
    assert(tmpAg1.posi.y >= 0.75f);
    tmpAg1.posi.x = 0.25f;
    tmpAg1.posi.y = 0.75f;
    tmpAg1.spd.x = 0.0f;
    tmpAg1.spd.y = 0.0f;
    running(&tmpAg1, &tmpAg2.posi);
    assert(tmpAg1.posi.x <= 0.25f);
    assert(tmpAg1.posi.y >= 0.75f);
    tmpAg1.posi.x = 0.75f;
    tmpAg1.posi.y = 0.45f;
    tmpAg1.spd.x = 0.0f;
    tmpAg1.spd.y = 0.0f;
    running(&tmpAg1, &tmpAg2.posi);
    assert(tmpAg1.posi.x >= 0.75f);
    assert(tmpAg1.posi.y <= 0.45f);
    tmpAg1.posi.x = 0.25f;
    tmpAg1.posi.y = 0.25f;
    tmpAg1.spd.x = 0.0f;
    tmpAg1.spd.y = 0.0f;    
    running(&tmpAg1, &tmpAg2.posi);
    //0115 assert(tmpAg1.posi.x < 0.25f);
    //assert(tmpAg1.posi.y < 0.25f);
    cout << "gismoLibrary::running() is OK." << endl;
    condition_e cond1 = CALM;
    condition_e cond2 = RUN;
    assert ( conditionCheck(cond1, cond2) == false );
    cond2 = CALM;
    assert ( conditionCheck(cond1, cond2) == true );
    //Test interactWith()
    ag_t ag8 , ag9;
    ag8.size = 1.0f;
    ag8.posi.x = 0.0f; ag8.posi.y = 0.0f;
    ag9.posi.x = 1.0f; ag9.posi.y = 1.0f;
    ag8.view = 1.5;
    interactWith(&ag8 , &ag9);
    assert(gismo.agents.count == 0);
    float fval=0.5;
    fval = logistic(fval);
    fval = logistic(fval);
    cout << "GismoLibrary::logistic() is OK." << endl;        

    int val = 1;
    gismo.bang("/gismo/reset" , &val);
    ag_t ag1;
    ag1.view = 256.0f;
    gismo.agents.buf[0] = ag1;
    ag1.view = 356.0f;
    gismo.agents.buf[1] = ag1;
    ag_t *pAg1 = gismo.getAgent(0);
    assert(pAg1->view == 256.0f);
    ag_t *pAg2 = gismo.getAgent(1);
    assert(pAg2->view == 356.0f);
    assert ( limitter(1.1f, 1.0f) == 1.0f );
    assert ( limitter(-1.1f, 1.0f) == -1.0f );
    assert ( limitter(0.49f, 0.5f) == 0.49f );
    assert ( limitter(-0.49f, 0.5f) == -0.49f );
    assert ( limitter(0.0051f, 0.005f) == 0.005f );
    assert ( limitter(-0.00501f, 0.005f) == -0.005f );

    cout << "speedLimitter is OK." << endl;
    //Test positionLoop()
    posi_t pos;
    pos.x = 1.1; pos.y = -0.01;
    positionLoop(&pos, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (pos.x == 0.0f);
    assert (pos.y == 1.0f);
    pos.x = -0.1; pos.y = 1.4;
    positionLoop(&pos, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (pos.x == 1.0f);
    assert (pos.y == 0.0f);
    pos.x = 0.0f; pos.y = 1.0f;
    positionLoop(&pos, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (pos.x == 1.0f);
    assert (pos.y == 1.0f);
    //Check result check
    pos.x = 0.5f;
    pos.y = 0.5f;
    bool result = positionLoop(&pos , 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (result==false);
    pos.x = 1.0f;
    pos.y = 1.0f;
    result = positionLoop(&pos , 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (result==false);
    pos.x = 1.05f;
    pos.y = 1.05f;
    result = positionLoop(&pos , 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (result==true);
    pos.x = 1.05f;
    pos.y = 1.00f;
    result = positionLoop(&pos , 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert (result==true);
    cout << "GismoLibrary::positionLoop() is OK" << endl;
    //Test attackCheck
    float fval2 = 0.0f;
    float size2 = 1.0f;
    attackCheck(fval2, &size2);
    bool size_test2 = true;
    if ( size2 != (1.0f-AG_DMG) ) size_test2 = false;
    assert(size2 == 1.0f-AG_DMG);
    size2 = 1.0f;
    fval2 = ATK_DIST+0.1;
    attackCheck(fval2, &size2);
    assert(size2 == 1.0f);
    cout << "GismoLibrary::attackCheck() is OK" << endl;

    size2 = 1.0f;
    fval2 = ATK_DIST;
    attackCheck(fval2, &size2);
    assert(size2 == 1.0f-AG_DMG);
    //Test deadCheck
    float dummy_size = 0.0001f;
    bool active = true;
    deadCheck( &dummy_size , &active );
    assert(active == false);
    assert(dummy_size == 0.0f);
    dummy_size = 1.0f;
    active = true;
    deadCheck( &dummy_size , &active );
    assert(active == true);
    cout << "GismoLibrary::deadCheck is OK" << endl;
    //Test Shape2Agent
    ag_shape_t shape;
    shape.nodes[0].x = 0.5f;
    shape.nodes[0].y = 0.5f;
    shape.nodes[1].x = 1.0f;
    shape.nodes[1].y = 1.0f;
    shape.node_count = 2;
    shape.edges[0].node_id_a = 0;
    shape.edges[0].node_id_b = 1;
    shape.edge_count = 1;
    ag_t tmpAg = shape2Agent(shape);
    assert(tmpAg.view == 0.005f);
    //assert(tmpAg.size == 0.011f);
    assert(tmpAg.mov == 0.35f);
    ag_shape_t shape2;
    shape2.node_count = 50000;
    ag_t tmpAg3 = shape2Agent(shape2);
    cout << tmpAg3.mov << endl;
    assert(tmpAg3.mov == MOV_MINIMUM);
    cout << "Shape2Agent.hpp::shape2Agent() is OK" << endl;
    //Test moveOnLine()
    posi_t posi = moveOnLine(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert(posi.x == 0.5f && posi.y == 0.5f);
    posi = moveOnLine(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    assert(posi.x == 1.0f && posi.y == 1.0f);
    posi = moveOnLine(0.5f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f);
    assert(posi.x == -1.5f && posi.y == -1.5f);
    posi = moveOnLine(0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f);
    assert(posi.x == -1.0f && posi.y == -1.0f);
    posi = moveOnLine(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, -2.0f);
    assert(posi.x == -0.5f && posi.y == -1.0f);

    int iArray[137];
    posi_t posiArray[138];
    cout << "TestGetArraySize.h::getArraySize() is ok." << endl;
    //Test lambda bang
    int myArg[2];
    myArg[0] = 12;
    myArg[1] = 13;
    gismo.bang("/lambdaTest", myArg);

    param_u params[4];
    params[0].ival = 0; //Genre
    params[1].ival = 1; //Song
    params[2].ival = 2; //Slice
    params[3].fval = 1.0f;//effect
    gismo.bang("/soundTrg" , &params);
    cout << "sound trigger is ok. If you could listen the RM sound" << endl;
    //Test shape2Sound
    ag_shape_t shapeForSound;
    shapeForSound.node_count = 12;
    shapeForSound.color = 0.50f;
    sound_t snd = shape2sound(shapeForSound,5);
    assert(snd.genre == 2);
    assert(snd.song == 5);
    shapeForSound.node_count = 6;
    shapeForSound.color = 1.0f;
    snd = shape2sound(shapeForSound,1137);
    assert(snd.genre == 0);
    assert(snd.song == 137);
    cout << "SoundTrigger::shape2Sound is OK" << endl;
    ag_t test;
    test.condition = CALM;
    ag2sound(&test, &snd);
    assert(snd.slice == 0);
    assert(snd.effect_val == EF_VAL_CALM);
    test.condition = RUN;
    ag2sound(&test, &snd);
    assert(snd.slice == 1);
    assert(snd.effect_val == EF_VAL_RUN);
    test.condition = CHASE;
    ag2sound(&test, &snd);
    assert(snd.slice == 2);
    assert(snd.effect_val == EF_VAL_CHASE);
    test.condition = DMG;
    ag2sound(&test, &snd);
    assert(snd.slice == 3);
    assert(snd.effect_val == EF_VAL_DMG);
    test.condition = DEATH;
    ag2sound(&test, &snd);
    assert(snd.slice == 4);
    assert(snd.effect_val == EF_VAL_DEATH);
    cout << "SoundTrigger::ag2Sound is OK" << endl;
    //Test makePositionToAdd in Shape2Agent
//    posi_t myPosi = makePositionToAdd();
//    assert(myPosi.x == )