Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    QDeclarativeView* view = new QDeclarativeView();

    QGLFormat format = QGLFormat::defaultFormat();

    QGLWidget* glWidget = new QGLWidget(format, view);

    QDeclarativeContext* context = view->rootContext();

    AudioControl audioControl(context);

    QMutex& waitAudio = audioControl.getStartLock();
    qDebug("main::waiting for Audio thread to initialize");
    qDebug("main::Audio thread initialized, setting up qml window");

    QRect screenSize = app.desktop()->screenGeometry();
    context->setContextProperty("ScreenWidth", screenSize.width());
    context->setContextProperty("ScreenHeight", screenSize.height());
    context->setContextProperty("PlayControl", &audioControl);

    //qDebug("main::showing qml window");


    delete view;

    return 0;
Exemple #2
 * The Panels
SPrefsPanel::SPrefsPanel( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent,
                          int _number, bool small ) : QWidget( _parent ), p_intf( _p_intf )
    module_config_t *p_config;
    ConfigControl *control;
    number = _number;

#define CONFIG_GENERIC( option, type, label, qcontrol )                   \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, ui.qcontrol, false );         \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else {                                                        \
                ui.qcontrol->setEnabled( false );                         \
                if( label ) label->setEnabled( false );                   \

#define CONFIG_BOOL( option, qcontrol )                           \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new BoolConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf),     \
                           p_config, NULL, ui.qcontrol, false );          \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else { ui.qcontrol->setEnabled( false ); }

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( option, type, label, qcontrol )             \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, qcontrol, false );            \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else {                                                        \
                QWidget *widget = label;                                  \
                qcontrol->setVisible( false );                            \
                if( widget ) widget->setEnabled( false );                 \

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( option, type, label, qcontrol )           \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, ui.qcontrol );                \
                controls.append( control );                               \

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( option, type, label, qcontrol, qbutton )     \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, qcontrol, qbutton );          \
                controls.append( control );                               \

#define START_SPREFS_CAT( name , label )    \
        case SPrefs ## name:                \
        {                                   \
            Ui::SPrefs ## name ui;      \
            ui.setupUi( panel );            \
            panel_label->setText( label );

#define END_SPREFS_CAT      \
            break;          \

    QVBoxLayout *panel_layout = new QVBoxLayout();
    QWidget *panel = new QWidget();
    panel_layout->setMargin( 3 );

    // Title Label
    QLabel *panel_label = new QLabel;
    QFont labelFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>(0) );
    labelFont.setPointSize( labelFont.pointSize() + 6 );
    labelFont.setFamily( "Verdana" );
    panel_label->setFont( labelFont );

    // Title <hr>
    QFrame *title_line = new QFrame;

    QFont italicFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>(0) );
    italicFont.setItalic( true );

    switch( number )
         * VIDEO Panel Implementation *
        START_SPREFS_CAT( Video , qtr("Video Settings") );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video", enableVideo );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "fullscreen", fullscreen );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "overlay", overlay );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-on-top", alwaysOnTop );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-deco", windowDecorations );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "skip-frames", skipFrames );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "vout", Module, ui.voutLabel, outputModule );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-wallpaper", wallpaperMode );
#ifdef WIN32
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "directx-device", StringList, ui.dxDeviceLabel,
                            dXdisplayDevice );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "directx-hw-yuv", hwYUVBox );
            ui.directXBox->setVisible( false );
            ui.hwYUVBox->setVisible( false );

            CONFIG_GENERIC( "deinterlace", IntegerList, ui.deinterLabel, deinterlaceBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "deinterlace-mode", StringList, ui.deinterModeLabel, deinterlaceModeBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "aspect-ratio", String, ui.arLabel, arLine );

            CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "snapshot-path", Directory, ui.dirLabel,
                                 ui.snapshotsDirectory, ui.snapshotsDirectoryBrowse );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "snapshot-prefix", String, ui.prefixLabel, snapshotsPrefix );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "snapshot-sequential",
                            snapshotsSequentialNumbering );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "snapshot-format", StringList, ui.arLabel,
                            snapshotsFormat );

         * AUDIO Panel Implementation *
        START_SPREFS_CAT( Audio, qtr("Audio Settings") );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "audio", enableAudio );
            ui.SPrefsAudio_zone->setEnabled( ui.enableAudio->isChecked() );
            CONNECT( ui.enableAudio, toggled( bool ),
                     ui.SPrefsAudio_zone, setEnabled( bool ) );

#define audioCommon( name ) \
            QWidget * name ## Control = new QWidget( ui.outputAudioBox ); \
            QHBoxLayout * name ## Layout = new QHBoxLayout( name ## Control); \
            name ## Layout->setMargin( 0 ); \
            name ## Layout->setSpacing( 0 ); \
            QLabel * name ## Label = new QLabel( qtr( "Device:" ), name ## Control ); \
            name ## Label->setMinimumSize(QSize(250, 0)); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Label ); \

#define audioControl( name) \
            audioCommon( name ) \
            QComboBox * name ## Device = new QComboBox( name ## Control ); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Device ); \
            name ## Label->setBuddy( name ## Device ); \
            outputAudioLayout->addWidget( name ## Control, outputAudioLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, -1 );

#define audioControl2( name) \
            audioCommon( name ) \
            QLineEdit * name ## Device = new QLineEdit( name ## Control ); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Device ); \
            name ## Label->setBuddy( name ## Device ); \
            QPushButton * name ## Browse = new QPushButton( qtr( "Browse..." ), name ## Control); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Browse ); \
            outputAudioLayout->addWidget( name ## Control, outputAudioLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, -1 );

            /* Build if necessary */
            QGridLayout * outputAudioLayout = qobject_cast<QGridLayout *>(ui.outputAudioBox->layout());
#ifdef WIN32
            audioControl( DirectX );
            optionWidgets.append( DirectXControl );
            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( "directx-audio-device-name", StringList,
                    DirectXLabel, DirectXDevice );
            if( module_exists( "alsa" ) )
                audioControl( alsa );
                optionWidgets.append( alsaControl );

                CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( "alsa-audio-device" , StringList, alsaLabel,
                                alsaDevice );
                optionWidgets.append( NULL );
            if( module_exists( "oss" ) )
                audioControl2( OSS );
                optionWidgets.append( OSSControl );
                CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "oss-audio-device" , File, NULL, OSSDevice,
                                 OSSBrowse );
                optionWidgets.append( NULL );

#undef audioControl2
#undef audioControl
#undef audioCommon

            /* Audio Options */
            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( "volume" , IntegerRangeSlider, NULL,
                                     defaultVolume );
            CONNECT( ui.defaultVolume, valueChanged( int ),
                     this, updateAudioVolume( int ) );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "qt-autosave-volume", keepVolumeRadio );
            ui.defaultVolume_zone->setEnabled( ui.resetVolumeRadio->isChecked() );
            CONNECT( ui.resetVolumeRadio, toggled( bool ),
                     ui.defaultVolume_zone, setEnabled( bool ) );

            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-language" , String , ui.langLabel,
                            preferredAudioLanguage );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "spdif", spdifBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "force-dolby-surround", IntegerList, ui.dolbyLabel,
                            detectionDolby );

            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( "norm-max-level" , Float, NULL,
                                    volNormSpin );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-replay-gain-mode", StringList, ui.replayLabel,
                            replayCombo );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-visual" , Module , ui.visuLabel,
            CONFIG_BOOL( "audio-time-stretch", autoscaleBox );

            /* Audio Output Specifics */
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "aout", Module, ui.outputLabel, outputModule );

            CONNECT( ui.outputModule, currentIndexChanged( int ),
                     this, updateAudioOptions( int ) );

            /* File output exists on all platforms */
            CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "audiofile-file", File, ui.fileLabel,
                                 ui.fileName, ui.fileBrowseButton );

            optionWidgets.append( ui.fileControl );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.outputModule );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.volNormBox );
            /*Little mofification of ui.volumeValue to compile with Qt < 4.3 */
            optionWidgets.append( ui.volumeValue );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.headphoneEffect );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.spdifBox );
            updateAudioOptions( ui.outputModule->currentIndex() );

            /* LastFM */
            if( module_exists( "audioscrobbler" ) )
                CONFIG_GENERIC( "lastfm-username", String, ui.lastfm_user_label,
                        lastfm_user_edit );
                CONFIG_GENERIC( "lastfm-password", String, ui.lastfm_pass_label,
                        lastfm_pass_edit );

                if( config_ExistIntf( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "audioscrobbler" ) )
                    ui.lastfm->setChecked( true );
                    ui.lastfm->setChecked( false );

                ui.lastfm_zone->setVisible( ui.lastfm->isChecked() );

                CONNECT( ui.lastfm, toggled( bool ),
                         ui.lastfm_zone, setVisible( bool ) );
                CONNECT( ui.lastfm, stateChanged( int ),
                         this, lastfm_Changed( int ) );