Exemple #1
bool getArgName(Tree t, Tree& id)
	//return getDefNameProperty(t, id) || autoName(t, id) ;
	return autoName(t, id) ;
Exemple #2
/// CChanceTreeView::setupToolBar
/// @description  This function initializes the toolbar that is used for the
///               tree view.
/// @pre          None
/// @post         The tree view toolbar is initialized.
/// @limitations  None
void CChanceTreeView::setupToolBar()
    QAction *tempAction;
    QLabel *tempLabel;
    QToolButton *tempButton;
    // Create toolbar.
    m_toolBar = new QToolBar( "Puzzle View", this );
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction( QIcon(":/toggleminmaxheuristics.png"),
                                       "Toggle min/max heuristic values" );
    tempAction->setCheckable( true );
    tempAction->setChecked( true );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_graphView,
             SLOT(toggleMinMaxHeuristics(bool)) );
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction( QIcon(":/togglechanceheuristics.png"),
                                       "Toggle chance heuristic values" );
    tempAction->setCheckable( true );
    tempAction->setChecked( true );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_graphView,
             SLOT(toggleChanceHeuristics(bool)) );

    // "Reorient View" button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction( QIcon(":/orient.png"), "Reorient view" );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(switchOrientation()) );

    // "Show Graph" toggle button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction( QIcon(":/graph.png"), "Show Graph" );
    tempAction->setCheckable( true );
    tempAction->setChecked( true );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_graphView,
             SLOT(setShown(bool)) );

    // "Show Trace" toggle button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/trace.png"), "Show Trace" );
    tempAction->setCheckable( true );
    tempAction->setChecked( true );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_traceView,
             SLOT(setShown(bool)) );


    // "Quick Edit Mode" toggle button
    m_quickEditAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/quickedit.png"),
                                      "Toggle Quick Edit Mode" );
    m_quickEditAction->setCheckable( true );
    m_quickEditAction->setChecked( false );
    connect( m_quickEditAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_graphView,
             SLOT(setQuickEdit(bool)) );

    // "Generate Tree" button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/graph.png"), "Generate Tree" );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(activated()), m_graphView, SLOT(generateTree()) );

    // "Auto Name" button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/autoname.png"), "Auto Name" );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(activated()), m_graphView, SLOT(autoName()) );

    // "Auto Number" button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/autonumber.png"), "Auto Number" );
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(activated()), m_graphView, SLOT(autoNumber()) );

    // "Auto Layout" button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/autolayout.png"), "Auto Layout");
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(activated()), m_graphView, SLOT(autoLayout()) );



    // "AI Config Menu" button

    // AI Label
    tempLabel = m_traceView->getAILabel();
    m_toolBar->addWidget( tempLabel );

    // Depth spinbox
    tempLabel = new QLabel( m_toolBar );
    tempLabel->setText( "  Depth" );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( tempLabel );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( m_traceView->getDepthSelector() );

    // QS Depth spinbox
    tempLabel = new QLabel( m_toolBar );
    tempLabel->setText( "  QS Depth" );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( tempLabel );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( m_traceView->getQSDepthSelector() );

    // Lower Bound spinbox
    tempLabel = new QLabel( m_toolBar );
    tempLabel->setText( "  Lower Bound" );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( tempLabel );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( m_traceView->getLowerBoundSelector() );

    // Upper Bound spinbox
    tempLabel = new QLabel( m_toolBar );
    tempLabel->setText( "  Upper Bound" );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( tempLabel );
    m_toolBar->addWidget( m_traceView->getUpperBoundSelector() );

    // "Save Trace" button
    tempAction = m_toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/latex.png"), "Save Trace");
    connect( tempAction, SIGNAL(activated()), m_traceView, SLOT(saveTrace()) );