Exemple #1
 // Just to be method-compatible with basic_memory_pointer ...
 auto_ptr_cast        get()      { return auto_ptr_cast(p);     }
Exemple #2
 // Returns the final pointer
 static auto_ptr_cast xget()
     static void* ptr = nullptr;
     if(!ptr) ptr = memory_pointer(addr).get();
     return auto_ptr_cast(ptr);
Exemple #3
 // Translates address p to the running executable pointer
 static auto_ptr_cast memory_translate(void* p)
     return auto_ptr_cast(MemTranslator()(p));
Exemple #4
 // Gets the raw pointer, without translation (casted to T*)
 template<class T> T* get_raw() const    { return auto_ptr_cast(p); }
Exemple #5
 *  Patches an ASI Import Table for proper path translation
void CThePlugin::ModuleInfo::PatchImports()
    // Converts a rva pointer to a actual pointer in the process space from this ASI
    auto rva_to_ptr = [this](long rva)
    { return auto_ptr_cast((void*)((char*)(this->module) + rva)); };
    // Used to find translators lowerbound at a sorted list of translators by library name
    auto fn_compare_translator_with_lib_lb = [](path_translator_base* a, const char* b)
        return strcmp(a->GetLibName(), b, false) < 0;

    // Used to find translators upperbound at a sorted list of translators by library name
    auto fn_compare_translator_with_lib_ub = [](const char* a, path_translator_base* b)
        return strcmp(a, b->GetLibName(), false) < 0;

    // Used to find translators lowerbound by symbol name
    auto fn_compare_translator_with_symbol = [](path_translator_base* a, const char* b)
        return strcmp(a->GetSymbol(), b) < 0;
    // Get list of singletoned translators
    auto& list = GetTranslators();
    // Setup pointers to headers in PE module
    IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 *fname, *faddr;
    IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*  dos      = rva_to_ptr(0);
    IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*  nt       = rva_to_ptr(dos->e_lfanew);
    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER* pe       = &nt->FileHeader;
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER* opt  = &nt->OptionalHeader;
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY* data  = &opt->DataDirectory[0];
    // Get address to import table
    if(data[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size == 0) return;
    IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR* imp = rva_to_ptr(data[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress);

    // Iterate on each imported library...
    for(auto* lib = imp; lib->Name != 0; ++lib)
        // Get library name...
        const char* libname = rva_to_ptr(lib->Name);
        // Check out if we have any translator for this library...
        auto it_lib = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), libname, fn_compare_translator_with_lib_lb);
        if((it_lib != list.end() && !strcmp((*it_lib)->GetLibName(), libname, false)) == false)
            // ...we don't, get 'almost any library' lower bound
            it_lib = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), "", fn_compare_translator_with_lib_lb);
        // If we have a lower bound to start searching symbols from, get into symbols searching!
        if(it_lib != list.end())
            // Find upper bound for this library
            auto it_lib_end = std::upper_bound(it_lib, list.end(),  (*it_lib)->GetLibName(), fn_compare_translator_with_lib_ub);
            // Get pointer to thunks aka function names and function address tables
            fname = rva_to_ptr(lib->OriginalFirstThunk);
            faddr = rva_to_ptr(lib->FirstThunk);
            // Iterate on each name to see if we should patch it
            for(; fname->u1.Function; ++fname, ++faddr)
                // Is this just a ordinal import? Skip it, we don't have a symbol name!
                if(fname->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG) continue;
                // Get the symbol name
                const char* symbolName = (char*)(((IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME*)(rva_to_ptr(fname->u1.AddressOfData)))->Name);
                // Find arg translator from symbol...
                auto it_sym = std::lower_bound(it_lib, it_lib_end, symbolName, fn_compare_translator_with_symbol);
                if(it_sym != list.end() && !strcmp((*it_sym)->GetSymbol(), symbolName))
                    // Add this translator and patch this import pointer into our translator...
                    (*this->translators.emplace(translators.end(), (*it_sym)->clone()))->Patch(&faddr->u1.Function);