__private_extern__ CFArrayRef __CFArrayCreateCopy0(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFArrayRef array) {
    CFArrayRef result;
    const CFArrayCallBacks *cb;
    struct __CFArrayBucket *buckets;
    CFAllocatorRef bucketsAllocator;
    void* bucketsBase;
    CFIndex numValues = CFArrayGetCount(array);
    CFIndex idx;
    if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFArrayTypeID, array)) {
	cb = &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks;
    } else {
	cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array);
    result = __CFArrayInit(allocator, __kCFArrayImmutable, numValues, cb);
    cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(result); // GC: use the new array's callbacks so we don't leak.
    buckets = __CFArrayGetBucketsPtr(result);
    bucketsAllocator = isStrongMemory(result) ? allocator : kCFAllocatorNull;
	bucketsBase = CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(bucketsAllocator) ? (void *)auto_zone_base_pointer(objc_collectableZone(), buckets) : NULL;
    for (idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
	const void *value = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, idx);
	if (NULL != cb->retain) {
	    value = (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb->retain, allocator, value);
	__CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&buckets->_item, (void *)value);
    __CFArraySetCount(result, numValues);
    return result;
Exemple #2
static void weak_clear_entry_no_lock(azone_t *azone, weak_entry_t *entry, uintptr_t *weak_refs_count, auto_weak_callback_block_t **head)
    // clear referrers, update counters, update lists
    unsigned count = entry->referrers.num_allocated;
    unsigned index = 0;
    for (; index < count; ++index) {
        weak_referrer_t *ref = &entry->referrers.refs[index];
        if (ref->referrer) {
            if (azone->control.log & AUTO_LOG_WEAK) malloc_printf("%s: WEAK: clearing ref to %p at %p (value was %p)\n", auto_prelude(), entry->referent, ref->referrer, *ref->referrer);
            if (*ref->referrer != entry->referent) {
                malloc_printf("__weak value %p at location %p not equal to %p and so will not be cleared\n", *ref->referrer, ref->referrer, entry->referent);
                void **base = (void **)auto_zone_base_pointer((auto_zone_t*)azone, ref->referrer);
                if (base) {
                    auto_memory_type_t type = auto_zone_get_layout_type((auto_zone_t*)azone, base);
                    malloc_printf("...location is %s starting at %p with first slot value %p\n",
                                  (type & AUTO_OBJECT) ? "an object" : "a data block",
            *ref->referrer = NULL;
            if (ref->block && ref->block->callback_function && !ref->block->next) {
                // chain it if isn't already chained & there is a callout to call
                ref->block->next = *head;
                *head = ref->block;
    weak_entry_remove_no_lock(azone, entry);
__private_extern__ CFArrayRef __CFArrayCreate0(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void **values, CFIndex numValues, const CFArrayCallBacks *callBacks) {
    CFArrayRef result;
    const CFArrayCallBacks *cb;
    struct __CFArrayBucket *buckets;
    CFAllocatorRef bucketsAllocator;
    void* bucketsBase;
    CFIndex idx;
    CFAssert2(0 <= numValues, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): numValues (%d) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, numValues);
    result = __CFArrayInit(allocator, __kCFArrayImmutable, numValues, callBacks);
    cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(result);
    buckets = __CFArrayGetBucketsPtr(result);
    bucketsAllocator = isStrongMemory(result) ? allocator : kCFAllocatorNull;
    bucketsBase = CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(bucketsAllocator) ? (void *)auto_zone_base_pointer(objc_collectableZone(), buckets) : NULL;
    if (NULL != cb->retain) {
        for (idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
	    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&buckets->_item, (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb->retain, allocator, *values));
    else {
        for (idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
            __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&buckets->_item, (void *)*values);
    __CFArraySetCount(result, numValues);
    return result;