Exemple #1
 * Get the button's status.
char AnaButtons::getStatus() {
    // if we have raised one status and the interval is not over just ignore
    word tdiff = millis() - lastMillis;
    if ((lastPressed != NOBUTTON) & (tdiff < intervalMillis)) {
        return NOBUTTON;

    // read the analog pin
    word value = analogRead(pin);

    // get the delta averaged
    amove = lastValue;
    amove -= value;
    amove = word(abs(amove));
    tdiff = ave(amove);

    // is the value stable?
    if (tdiff > THRESHOLD) {
        // no, it's not
        lastValue = value;

        // just return no change
        return debounce(NOBUTTON);
    } else {
        // it's stable, parse the defined values
        if ((value > 430) & (value < 674))
            return debounce(ABUTTON1_PRESS);

        if ((value > 256) & (value < 421))
            return debounce(ABUTTON2_PRESS);

        if ((value > 140) & (value < 237))
            return debounce(ABUTTON3_PRESS);

        if ((value > 75) & (value < 122))
            return debounce(ABUTTON4_PRESS);

        if ((value > 36) & (value < 60))
            return debounce(ABUTTON5_PRESS);

        if (value < 10)
            return debounce(ABUTTON6_PRESS);

        // if you get here, you are on a undefined range,
        // so you get a "no button pressed at all"
        return debounce(NOBUTTON);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionHash(&argc, argv);
if (argc != 2)
col = optionInt("col", col);
tableOut = optionExists("tableOut");
noQuartiles = optionExists("noQuartiles");
if (noQuartiles)

return 0;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    float f;
    flo ave = average;
    f = ave((*(argv[0])-'0'), (*(argv[1])-'0'), (*(argv[2])-'0'));
    //f = ave((*(argv[0])-'0'), ((argv[0][1])-'0'), ((argv[0][2])-'0'));
    printf("\nThe average of three number is %f\n", f);
    print_t fun = print_matrix;
    printf("\nThe rank of matrix is %s\n",*argv);

    return 0;
Exemple #4
void Backpropagation::trainBatch(Mlp& network, 
	MATRIX& trainingInputs, 
	VECTOR& trainingTargets,
	MATRIX& testingInputs,
	VECTOR& testingTargets)
	VECTOR trainingOutputs (trainingTargets.size(), 0.0);
	VECTOR meanInput = ave(trainingInputs);		
	while (epoch < maxEpochs)
		trainingOutputs  = network(trainingInputs);
		error = sse(trainingOutputs, trainingTargets);

		getWeightUpdates(network, meanInput, error);
void CorrelatedGaussianParameters::DiagonalizePars(gslpp::matrix<double> Corr)
    unsigned int size = Pars.size();
    if (Corr.size_i() != size || Corr.size_j() != size)
        throw std::runtime_error("The size of the correlated parameters in " + name + " does not match the size of the correlation matrix!");
    Cov = new gslpp::matrix<double>(size, size, 0.);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            (*Cov)(i, j) = Pars.at(i).errg * Corr(i, j) * Pars.at(j).errg;

    *Cov = Cov->inverse();
    gslpp::matrix<gslpp::complex>vv(size, size, 0.);
    gslpp::vector<gslpp::complex>ee(size, 0.);

    Cov->eigensystem(vv, ee);

    v = new gslpp::matrix<double>(size, size, 0.);
    e = new gslpp::vector<double>(size, 0.);
    *v = vv.real();
    *e = ee.real();

    gslpp::vector<double> ave_in(size, 0.);
    int ind = 0;
    for(std::vector<ModelParameter>::iterator it = Pars.begin(); it != Pars.end(); it++)
        ave_in(ind) = it->ave;
    gslpp::vector<double> ave = v->transpose() * ave_in;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << (i+1);
        std::string namei = name + ss.str();
        ModelParameter current(namei,ave(i),1./sqrt((*e)(i)),0.);
Exemple #6
int main()
    double x=5;
    double y=7;
    double z=10;
    double xy=ave(x,y);
    double xz=ave(x,z);
    return 0;
int main() {
	float stu[M + 3][N + 4];
	int i, kc, rs;
	cover();  //调用软件封面函数
	password();  //调用密码检验函数
	scanf("%d", &kc);
	printf("这几门课分别是 :", kc);
	for (i = 0; i < kc; i++)
		scanf("%s", course[i]);
	scanf("%d", &rs);
	for (i = 0; i < rs; i++) {
		printf("%d\t", i + 1);
	input(stu, rs, kc);
	while (1) {
		i = select();
		switch (i) {
		case 0:compute(stu, rs, kc); break;
		case 1:show(stu, rs, kc); break;
		case 2:ave(stu, rs, kc); break;
		case 3:sort(stu, rs, kc); break;
		case 4:pass(stu, rs, kc); break;
		case 5:fail(stu, rs, kc); break;
		case 6:printf("谢谢使用,再见...\n");
Exemple #8
void alignMesh( Polyhedron & poly )
    int num = poly.size_of_vertices();

    // initialization here is very important!!
    Point3 ave( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    for ( Vertex_iterator vi = poly.vertices_begin(); vi != poly.vertices_end(); ++vi ) {
	ave = ave + ( vi->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN );
    ave = CGAL::ORIGIN + ( ave - CGAL::ORIGIN )/( double )num;

    unsigned int dim	= 3;
    double * data	= new double [ num*dim ];

    int nPoints = 0;
    for ( Vertex_iterator vi = poly.vertices_begin(); vi != poly.vertices_end(); ++vi ) {
	data[ nPoints * dim + 0 ] = vi->point().x() - ave.x();
	data[ nPoints * dim + 1 ] = vi->point().y() - ave.y();
	data[ nPoints * dim + 2 ] = vi->point().z() - ave.z();

    assert( nPoints == ( int )num );

      analyze the engenstructure of X^T X
    /* define the matrix X */
    gsl_matrix_view X = gsl_matrix_view_array( data, num, dim );

    /* memory reallocation */
    // proj = ( double * )realloc( proj, sizeof( double ) * PDIM * num );

    /* calculate the covariance matrix B */
    gsl_matrix * B              = gsl_matrix_alloc( dim, dim );
    gsl_blas_dgemm( CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0,
                    &(X.matrix), 0.0,
                    B );
    /* divided by the number of samples */
    gsl_matrix_scale( B, 1.0/(double)num );

    gsl_vector * eVal       = gsl_vector_alloc( dim );
    gsl_matrix * eVec       = gsl_matrix_alloc( dim, dim );
    gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace * w
                                = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc( dim );

    // eigenanalysis of the matrix B
    gsl_eigen_symmv( B, eVal, eVec, w );
    // release the memory of w
    gsl_eigen_symmv_free( w );
    // sort eigenvalues in a descending order
    gsl_eigen_symmv_sort( eVal, eVec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_DESC );

    // #ifdef MYDEBUG
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) {
	cerr << "Eigenvalue No. " << i << " = " << gsl_vector_get( eVal, i ) << endl;
	cerr << "Eigenvector No. " << i << endl;
	double length = 0.0;
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < dim; ++j ) {
	    cerr << gsl_matrix_get( eVec, i, j ) << " ";
	    length += gsl_matrix_get( eVec, i, j )*gsl_matrix_get( eVec, i, j );
	cerr << " length = " << length << endl;
    // #endif	// MYDEBUG

    // 0 1 2, 0 2 1, 

    Transformation3 map;
    map = 
	Transformation3( gsl_matrix_get(eVec,1,0), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,0,0), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,2,0),
			 gsl_matrix_get(eVec,1,1), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,0,1), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,2,1),
			 gsl_matrix_get(eVec,1,2), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,0,2), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,2,2) );
    if ( map.is_odd() ) {
	cerr << " Transformation matrix reflected" << endl;
	map = 
	    Transformation3( gsl_matrix_get(eVec,1,0), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,0,0), -gsl_matrix_get(eVec,2,0),
			     gsl_matrix_get(eVec,1,1), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,0,1), -gsl_matrix_get(eVec,2,1),
			     gsl_matrix_get(eVec,1,2), gsl_matrix_get(eVec,0,2), -gsl_matrix_get(eVec,2,2) );

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) {
	cerr << "| ";
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < dim; ++j ) {
	    cerr << map.cartesian( i, j ) << " ";
	cerr << "|" << endl;

    transformMesh( poly, map );

Exemple #9
//	Align the mesh
Vector3 principalAxis( Polyhedron & poly )
    int num = poly.size_of_vertices();

    // initialization here is very important!!
    Point3 ave( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    for ( Vertex_iterator vi = poly.vertices_begin(); vi != poly.vertices_end(); ++vi ) {
	ave = ave + ( vi->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN );
    ave = CGAL::ORIGIN + ( ave - CGAL::ORIGIN )/( double )num;

    unsigned int dim	= 3;
    double * data	= new double [ num*dim ];

    int nPoints = 0;
    for ( Vertex_iterator vi = poly.vertices_begin(); vi != poly.vertices_end(); ++vi ) {
	data[ nPoints * dim + 0 ] = vi->point().x() - ave.x();
	data[ nPoints * dim + 1 ] = vi->point().y() - ave.y();
	data[ nPoints * dim + 2 ] = vi->point().z() - ave.z();

    assert( nPoints == ( int )num );

      analyze the engenstructure of X^T X
    /* define the matrix X */
    gsl_matrix_view X = gsl_matrix_view_array( data, num, dim );

    /* memory reallocation */
    // proj = ( double * )realloc( proj, sizeof( double ) * PDIM * num );

    /* calculate the covariance matrix B */
    gsl_matrix * B              = gsl_matrix_alloc( dim, dim );
    gsl_blas_dgemm( CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0,
                    &(X.matrix), 0.0,
                    B );
    /* divided by the number of samples */
    gsl_matrix_scale( B, 1.0/(double)num );

    gsl_vector * eVal       = gsl_vector_alloc( dim );
    gsl_matrix * eVec       = gsl_matrix_alloc( dim, dim );
    gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace * w
                                = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc( dim );

    // eigenanalysis of the matrix B
    gsl_eigen_symmv( B, eVal, eVec, w );
    // release the memory of w
    gsl_eigen_symmv_free( w );
    // sort eigenvalues in a descending order
    gsl_eigen_symmv_sort( eVal, eVec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_DESC );

#ifdef MYDEBUG
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) {
	cerr << "Eigenvalue No. " << i << " = " << gsl_vector_get( eVal, i ) << endl;
	cerr << "Eigenvector No. " << i << endl;
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < dim; ++j ) {
	    length += gsl_matrix_get( eVec, i, j )*gsl_matrix_get( eVec, i, j );
	cerr << " length = " << length << endl;
#endif	// MYDEBUG

    Vector3 ref( gsl_matrix_get( eVec, 0, 0 ),
		 gsl_matrix_get( eVec, 0, 1 ),
		 gsl_matrix_get( eVec, 0, 2 ) );
    return ref;

#ifdef DEBUG
    gsl_vector_view eachVec = gsl_matrix_column( eigenVec, 0 );
    double cosRot = gsl_matrix_get( eigenVec, 0, 1 );
    double sinRot = gsl_matrix_get( eigenVec, 1, 1 );
#ifdef DEBUG
    cerr << " 2nd axis : " << cosRot << " , " << sinRot << endl;
#endif	// DEBUG

    Transformation2 rotate( CGAL::ROTATION, -sinRot, cosRot );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < subpatch.size(); ++i ) {
	subpatch[ i ]->triangle() = subpatch[ i ]->triangle().transform( rotate );
#endif	// DEBUG
Exemple #10
int Observable2D::ParseObservable2D(std::string& type, 
                                     boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >* tok, 
                                     boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >::iterator& beg, 
                                     std::string& infilename, 
                                     std::ifstream& ifile,
                                     int lineNo,
                                     int rank)
    if (infilename.find("\\/") == std::string::npos) filepath = infilename.substr(0, infilename.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);
    if (std::distance(tok->begin(), tok->end()) < 12) {
        if (std::distance(tok->begin(), tok->end()) < 4) {
            if(rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: lack of information on " + name + " in " + infilename + " at line number" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(lineNo));
            else sleep (2);
        std::string toMCMC = *beg;
        if (toMCMC.compare("MCMC") == 0)
        else if (toMCMC.compare("noMCMC") == 0)
        else {
            if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: wrong MCMC flag in Observable2D" + name + " at line number:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(lineNo) + " of file " + infilename + ".\n");
            else sleep(2);
        if (distr.compare("file") == 0) {
            if (std::distance(tok->begin(), tok->end()) < 6) {
                if(rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: lack of information on "+ *beg + " in " + infilename);
                else sleep (2);
            setFilename(filepath + *(++beg));

        std::vector<double> min(2, 0.);
        std::vector<double> max(2, 0.);
        std::vector<double> ave(2, 0.);
        std::vector<double> errg(2, 0.);
        std::vector<double> errf(2, 0.);
        std::vector<std::string> thname(2, "");
        std::vector<std::string> label(2, "");
        std::vector<std::string> type2D(2, "");
        std::string line;
        size_t pos = 0;
        boost::char_separator<char> sep(" \t");
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            IsEOF = getline(ifile, line).eof();
            if (line.empty() || line.at(0) == '#') {
                if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: no comments or empty lines in Observable2D please! In file " + infilename + " at line number:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(lineNo) + ".\n");
                else sleep(2);
            boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > mytok(line, sep);
            beg = mytok.begin();
            type2D[i] = *beg;
            if (type2D[i].compare("Observable") != 0 && type2D[i].compare("BinnedObservable") != 0 && type2D[i].compare("FunctionObservable") != 0) {
                if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: in line no." + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(lineNo) + " of file " + infilename + ", expecting an Observable or BinnedObservable or FunctionObservable type here...\n");
                else sleep(2);
            thname[i] = *beg;
            label[i] = *beg;
            while ((pos = label[i].find("~", pos)) != std::string::npos)
                label[i].replace(pos++, 1, " ");
            min[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
            max[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
            if (distr.compare("weight") == 0) {
                ave[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
                errg[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
                errf[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
                if (errg[i] == 0. && errg[i] == 0.) {
                    if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: The Gaussian and flat error in weight for " + name + " cannot both be 0. in the " + infilename + " file, line number:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(lineNo) + ".\n");
                    else sleep(2);
            } else if (distr.compare("noweight") == 0 || distr.compare("file") == 0) {
                if (type2D[i].compare("BinnedObservable") == 0 || type2D[i].compare("FunctionObservable") == 0) {
            } else {
                if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: wrong distribution flag in " + name + " in file " + infilename + ".\n");
                else sleep(2);
            if (type2D[i].compare("BinnedObservable") == 0) {
                bin_min[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
                bin_max[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
            } else if (type2D[i].compare("FunctionObservable") == 0) {
                bin_min[i] = atof((*beg).c_str());
        obsType2 = type2D[1];
        thname2 = thname[1];
        label2 = label[1];
        min2 = min[1];
        max2= max[1];
        ave2 = ave[1];
        errg2 = errg[1];
        errf2 = errf[1];
        if (distr.compare("file") == 0) {
            setLikelihoodFromHisto(filename, histoname);
            if (rank == 0) std::cout << "added input histogram " << filename << "/" << histoname << std::endl;
        return lineNo;
    } else {
        beg = ParseObservable(type, tok, beg, filepath, filename, rank);
        std::string distr = *beg;
        if (distr.compare("file") == 0) {
            if (std::distance(tok->begin(), tok->end()) < 14) {
                if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: lack of information on " + *beg + " in " + infilename + ".\n");
                else sleep(2);
            setFilename(filepath + *(++beg));
            setLikelihoodFromHisto(filename, histoname);
            if (rank == 0) std::cout << "added input histogram " << filename << "/" << histoname << std::endl;
        } else if (distr.compare("noweight") == 0) {
        } else { 
            if (rank == 0) throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: wrong distribution flag in " + name);
            else sleep(2);
        thname2 = *beg;
        std::string label = *beg;
        size_t pos = 0;
        while ((pos = label.find("~", pos)) != std::string::npos)
            label.replace(pos, 1, " ");
        label2 = label;
        min2 = atof((*beg).c_str());
        max2 = atof((*beg).c_str());
        if (beg != tok->end())
            if (rank == 0) std::cout << "WARNING: unread information in observable2D " << name << std::endl;
        return lineNo;
Exemple #11
 * compute_vm_averages: [exported]
 * This function is to be called once a second to calculate average paging
 * demand and average numbers of free pages for use by the task swapper.
 * Can also be used to wake up task swapper at desired thresholds.
 * NOTE: this function is single-threaded, and requires locking if
 *	ever there are multiple callers.
	extern unsigned long vm_page_grab_count;
	long grab_count, pageout_count;
	int i;

	ave(vm_page_free_avg, vm_page_free_count, short_avg_interval);
	ave(vm_page_free_longavg, vm_page_free_count, long_avg_interval);

	 * NOTE: the vm_page_grab_count and vm_stat structure are 
	 * under control of vm_page_queue_free_lock.  We're simply reading
	 * memory here, and the numbers don't depend on each other, so
	 * no lock is taken.

	grab_count = vm_page_grab_count;
	pageout_count = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < NCPUS; i++) {
		pageout_count += vm_stat[i].pageouts;

	ave(vm_pageout_rate_avg, pageout_count - last_pageout_count,
	ave(vm_pageout_rate_longavg, pageout_count - last_pageout_count,
	ave(vm_grab_rate_avg, grab_count - last_grab_count,
	last_grab_count = grab_count;
	last_pageout_count = pageout_count;

	 * Adjust swap_{start,stop}_pageout_rate to the paging rate peak.
	 * This is an attempt to find the optimum paging rates at which
	 * to trigger task swapping on or off to regulate paging activity,
	 * depending on the hardware capacity.
	if (vm_pageout_rate_avg > vm_pageout_rate_peakavg) {
		unsigned int desired_max;

		vm_pageout_rate_peakavg = vm_pageout_rate_avg;
		swap_start_pageout_rate =
			vm_pageout_rate_peakavg * swap_pageout_high_water_mark / 100;
		swap_stop_pageout_rate = 
			vm_pageout_rate_peakavg * swap_pageout_low_water_mark / 100;

	 * For measurements, allow fixed values.
	if (fixed_swap_start_pageout_rate)
		swap_start_pageout_rate = fixed_swap_start_pageout_rate;
	if (fixed_swap_stop_pageout_rate)
		swap_stop_pageout_rate = fixed_swap_stop_pageout_rate;
#endif	/* TASK_SW_DEBUG */

	if (task_swap_stats)
		printf("vm_avgs: pageout_rate: %d %d (on/off: %d/%d); page_free: %d %d (tgt: %d)\n",
		       vm_pageout_rate_avg / AVE_SCALE,
		       vm_pageout_rate_longavg / AVE_SCALE,
		       swap_start_pageout_rate / AVE_SCALE,
		       swap_stop_pageout_rate / AVE_SCALE,
		       vm_page_free_avg / AVE_SCALE,
		       vm_page_free_longavg / AVE_SCALE,
#endif	/* TASK_SW_DEBUG */
	if (vm_page_free_avg / AVE_SCALE <= vm_page_free_target) {
		if (task_swap_on) {
			/* The following is a delicate attempt to balance the
			 * need for reasonably rapid response to system
			 * thrashing, with the equally important desire to
			 * prevent the onset of swapping simply because of a
			 * short burst of paging activity.
			if ((vm_pageout_rate_longavg > swap_stop_pageout_rate) &&
			    (vm_pageout_rate_avg > swap_start_pageout_rate) ||
			    (vm_pageout_rate_avg > vm_pageout_rate_peakavg) ||
			    (vm_grab_rate_avg > max_grab_rate))
	} else /* page demand is low; should consider swapin */ {
		if (tasks_swapped_out != 0)
Exemple #12
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

  int i, j ; 

  float **a1, ans1[ 3 ], ans2[ 5 ] ;

  FILE *fin ;

  fin = fopen( "textfile93", "r" ) ;

  a1 = ( float ** ) malloc( sizeof( float * ) * 3 ) ;

  for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {

    for( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++ ) {

      a1[ i ] = ( float * ) malloc( sizeof( float ) ) ;  



  for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {

    for( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++ ) {

      fscanf( fin, "%f", &a1[ i ][ j ] ) ;



  printf( "\nThe numbers in the array are.\n" ) ;

  for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {

    for( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++ ) {

      printf( " %.2f", a1[ i ][ j ] ) ;


    printf( "\n" ) ;


  ave( a1, ans1, ans2 ) ;

  printf( "\nThe average values for the three rows are.\n" ) ;

  for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
    printf( " %f", ans1[ i ] ) ; 


  printf( "\nThe average values for the five columns are.\n" ) ;

  for( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) {

    printf( " %f ", ans2[ i ] ) ;

  fclose( fin ) ;

  return  0 ;
Exemple #13
 Vector mean(const Matrix &m){
   int nr = nrow(m);
   Vector ave(nr, 1.0/nr);
   Vector ans = ave * m;
   return ans;