Exemple #1
/* Checks that the current item at |trav| is |i|
   and that its previous and next items are as they should be.
   |label| is a name for the traverser used in reporting messages.
   There should be |n| items in the tree numbered |0|@dots{}|n - 1|.
   Returns nonzero only if there is an error. */
static int
check_traverser (struct avl_traverser *trav, int i, int n, const char *label)
  int okay = 1;
  int *cur, *prev, *next;

  prev = avl_t_prev (trav);
  if ((i == 0 && prev != NULL)
      || (i > 0 && (prev == NULL || *prev != i - 1)))
      printf ("   %s traverser ahead of %d, but should be ahead of %d.\n",
              label, prev != NULL ? *prev : -1, i == 0 ? -1 : i - 1);
      okay = 0;
  avl_t_next (trav);

  cur = avl_t_cur (trav);
  if (cur == NULL || *cur != i)
      printf ("   %s traverser at %d, but should be at %d.\n",
              label, cur != NULL ? *cur : -1, i);
      okay = 0;

  next = avl_t_next (trav);
  if ((i == n - 1 && next != NULL)
      || (i != n - 1 && (next == NULL || *next != i + 1)))
      printf ("   %s traverser behind %d, but should be behind %d.\n",
              label, next != NULL ? *next : -1, i == n - 1 ? -1 : i + 1);
      okay = 0;
  avl_t_prev (trav);

  return okay;
intptr_t get_valeur( Table_iterateur it ) {
    Table_association * asso = ( Table_association * ) avl_t_cur( &it );
    return asso->valeur;
Exemple #3
/* Checks that |tree| is well-formed
   and verifies that the values in |array[]| are actually in |tree|.
   There must be |n| elements in |array[]| and |tree|.
   Returns nonzero only if no errors detected. */
static int
verify_tree (struct avl_table *tree, int array[], size_t n)
  int okay = 1;

  /* Check |tree|'s bst_count against that supplied. */
  if (avl_count (tree) != n)
      printf (" Tree count is %lu, but should be %lu.\n",
              (unsigned long) avl_count (tree), (unsigned long) n);
      okay = 0;

  if (okay)
      /* Recursively verify tree structure. */
      size_t count;
      int height;

      recurse_verify_tree (tree->avl_root, &okay, &count,
                           0, INT_MAX, &height);
      if (count != n)
          printf (" Tree has %lu nodes, but should have %lu.\n",
                  (unsigned long) count, (unsigned long) n);
          okay = 0;

  if (okay)
      /* Check that all the values in |array[]| are in |tree|. */
      size_t i;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (avl_find (tree, &array[i]) == NULL)
            printf (" Tree does not contain expected value %d.\n", array[i]);
            okay = 0;

  if (okay)
      /* Check that |avl_t_first()| and |avl_t_next()| work properly. */
      struct avl_traverser trav;
      size_t i;
      int prev = -1;
      int *item;

      for (i = 0, item = avl_t_first (&trav, tree); i < 2 * n && item != NULL;
           i++, item = avl_t_next (&trav))
          if (*item <= prev)
              printf (" Tree out of order: %d follows %d in traversal\n",
                      *item, prev);
              okay = 0;

          prev = *item;

      if (i != n)
          printf (" Tree should have %lu items, but has %lu in traversal\n",
                  (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) i);
          okay = 0;

  if (okay)
      /* Check that |avl_t_last()| and |avl_t_prev()| work properly. */
      struct avl_traverser trav;
      size_t i;
      int next = INT_MAX;
      int *item;

      for (i = 0, item = avl_t_last (&trav, tree); i < 2 * n && item != NULL;
           i++, item = avl_t_prev (&trav))
          if (*item >= next)
              printf (" Tree out of order: %d precedes %d in traversal\n",
                      *item, next);
              okay = 0;

          next = *item;

      if (i != n)
          printf (" Tree should have %lu items, but has %lu in reverse\n",
                  (unsigned long) n, (unsigned long) i);
          okay = 0;

  if (okay)
      /* Check that |avl_t_init()| works properly. */
      struct avl_traverser init, first, last;
      int *cur, *prev, *next;

      avl_t_init (&init, tree);
      avl_t_first (&first, tree);
      avl_t_last (&last, tree);

      cur = avl_t_cur (&init);
      if (cur != NULL)
          printf (" Inited traverser should be null, but is actually %d.\n",
          okay = 0;

      next = avl_t_next (&init);
      if (next != avl_t_cur (&first))
          printf (" Next after null should be %d, but is actually %d.\n",
                  *(int *) avl_t_cur (&first), *next);
          okay = 0;
      avl_t_prev (&init);

      prev = avl_t_prev (&init);
      if (prev != avl_t_cur (&last))
          printf (" Previous before null should be %d, but is actually %d.\n",
                  *(int *) avl_t_cur (&last), *prev);
          okay = 0;
      avl_t_next (&init);

  return okay;
const intptr_t get_cle( Table_iterateur it ) {
    const Table_association * asso = ( const Table_association * ) avl_t_cur( &it );
    return (const intptr_t) asso->cle;