static int test_int64(void) { int i; avro_schema_t writer_schema = avro_schema_long(); avro_schema_t float_schema = avro_schema_float(); avro_schema_t double_schema = avro_schema_double(); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int64_t value = rand_int64(); avro_datum_t datum = avro_int64(value); avro_datum_t float_datum = avro_float(value); avro_datum_t double_datum = avro_double(value); write_read_check(writer_schema, datum, NULL, NULL, "long"); write_read_check(writer_schema, datum, float_schema, float_datum, "long->float"); write_read_check(writer_schema, datum, double_schema, double_datum, "long->double"); avro_datum_decref(datum); avro_datum_decref(float_datum); avro_datum_decref(double_datum); } avro_datum_t datum = avro_int64(10000); test_json(datum, "10000"); avro_datum_decref(datum); avro_schema_decref(writer_schema); avro_schema_decref(float_schema); avro_schema_decref(double_schema); return 0; }
static int test_float(void) { int i; avro_schema_t schema = avro_schema_float(); avro_schema_t double_schema = avro_schema_double(); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { float value = rand_number(-1.0E10, 1.0E10); avro_datum_t datum = avro_float(value); avro_datum_t double_datum = avro_double(value); write_read_check(schema, datum, NULL, NULL, "float"); write_read_check(schema, datum, double_schema, double_datum, "float->double"); avro_datum_decref(datum); avro_datum_decref(double_datum); } avro_datum_t datum = avro_float(2000.0); test_json(datum, "2000.0"); avro_datum_decref(datum); avro_schema_decref(schema); avro_schema_decref(double_schema); return 0; }
static int avro_schema_from_json_t(json_t *json, avro_schema_t *schema, st_table *named_schemas) { #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma message("#warning: Bug: '0' is not of type avro_type_t.") #else #warning "Bug: '0' is not of type avro_type_t." #endif /* We should really have an "AVRO_INVALID" type in * avro_type_t. Suppress warning below in which we set type to 0. */ avro_type_t type = (avro_type_t) 0; unsigned int i; avro_schema_t named_type = NULL; if (avro_type_from_json_t(json, &type, named_schemas, &named_type)) { return EINVAL; } switch (type) { case AVRO_LINK: *schema = avro_schema_link(named_type); break; case AVRO_STRING: *schema = avro_schema_string(); break; case AVRO_BYTES: *schema = avro_schema_bytes(); break; case AVRO_INT32: *schema = avro_schema_int(); break; case AVRO_INT64: *schema = avro_schema_long(); break; case AVRO_FLOAT: *schema = avro_schema_float(); break; case AVRO_DOUBLE: *schema = avro_schema_double(); break; case AVRO_BOOLEAN: *schema = avro_schema_boolean(); break; case AVRO_NULL: *schema = avro_schema_null(); break; case AVRO_RECORD: { json_t *json_name = json_object_get(json, "name"); json_t *json_namespace = json_object_get(json, "namespace"); json_t *json_fields = json_object_get(json, "fields"); unsigned int num_fields; const char *record_name; const char *record_namespace; if (!json_is_string(json_name)) { avro_set_error("Record type must have a \"name\""); return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_array(json_fields)) { avro_set_error("Record type must have \"fields\""); return EINVAL; } num_fields = json_array_size(json_fields); if (num_fields == 0) { avro_set_error("Record type must have at least one field"); return EINVAL; } record_name = json_string_value(json_name); if (!record_name) { avro_set_error("Record type must have a \"name\""); return EINVAL; } if (json_is_string(json_namespace)) { record_namespace = json_string_value(json_namespace); } else { record_namespace = NULL; } *schema = avro_schema_record(record_name, record_namespace); if (save_named_schemas(record_name, *schema, named_schemas)) { avro_set_error("Cannot save record schema"); return ENOMEM; } for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { json_t *json_field = json_array_get(json_fields, i); json_t *json_field_name; json_t *json_field_type; json_t *json_default_value; avro_schema_t json_field_type_schema; int field_rval; if (!json_is_object(json_field)) { avro_set_error("Record field %d must be an array", i); avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } json_field_name = json_object_get(json_field, "name"); if (!json_field_name) { avro_set_error("Record field %d must have a \"name\"", i); avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } json_field_type = json_object_get(json_field, "type"); if (!json_field_type) { avro_set_error("Record field %d must have a \"type\"", i); avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } field_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(json_field_type, &json_field_type_schema, named_schemas); if (field_rval) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return field_rval; } json_default_value = json_object_get(json_field, "default"); avro_datum_t default_value = NULL; if (json_default_value) { avro_schema_t default_schema = json_field_type_schema; if (json_field_type_schema->type == AVRO_UNION) { // From the spec: "Default values for union fields correspond // to the first schema in the union." default_schema = avro_schema_union_branch(json_field_type_schema, 0); } default_value = json_t_to_avro_value(default_schema, json_default_value); if (default_value == NULL) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } } field_rval = avro_schema_record_field_append(*schema, json_string_value (json_field_name), json_field_type_schema, default_value); avro_schema_decref(json_field_type_schema); if (field_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return field_rval; } } } break; case AVRO_ENUM: { json_t *json_name = json_object_get(json, "name"); json_t *json_symbols = json_object_get(json, "symbols"); const char *name; unsigned int num_symbols; if (!json_is_string(json_name)) { avro_set_error("Enum type must have a \"name\""); return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_array(json_symbols)) { avro_set_error("Enum type must have \"symbols\""); return EINVAL; } name = json_string_value(json_name); if (!name) { avro_set_error("Enum type must have a \"name\""); return EINVAL; } num_symbols = json_array_size(json_symbols); if (num_symbols == 0) { avro_set_error("Enum type must have at least one symbol"); return EINVAL; } *schema = avro_schema_enum(name); if (save_named_schemas(name, *schema, named_schemas)) { avro_set_error("Cannot save enum schema"); return ENOMEM; } for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++) { int enum_rval; json_t *json_symbol = json_array_get(json_symbols, i); const char *symbol; if (!json_is_string(json_symbol)) { avro_set_error("Enum symbol %d must be a string", i); avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } symbol = json_string_value(json_symbol); enum_rval = avro_schema_enum_symbol_append(*schema, symbol); if (enum_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return enum_rval; } } } break; case AVRO_ARRAY: { int items_rval; json_t *json_items = json_object_get(json, "items"); avro_schema_t items_schema; if (!json_items) { avro_set_error("Array type must have \"items\""); return EINVAL; } items_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(json_items, &items_schema, named_schemas); if (items_rval) { return items_rval; } *schema = avro_schema_array(items_schema); avro_schema_decref(items_schema); } break; case AVRO_MAP: { int values_rval; json_t *json_values = json_object_get(json, "values"); avro_schema_t values_schema; if (!json_values) { avro_set_error("Map type must have \"values\""); return EINVAL; } values_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(json_values, &values_schema, named_schemas); if (values_rval) { return values_rval; } *schema = avro_schema_map(values_schema); avro_schema_decref(values_schema); } break; case AVRO_UNION: { unsigned int num_schemas = json_array_size(json); avro_schema_t s; if (num_schemas == 0) { avro_set_error("Union type must have at least one branch"); return EINVAL; } *schema = avro_schema_union(); for (i = 0; i < num_schemas; i++) { int schema_rval; json_t *schema_json = json_array_get(json, i); if (!schema_json) { avro_set_error("Cannot retrieve branch JSON"); return EINVAL; } schema_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(schema_json, &s, named_schemas); if (schema_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return schema_rval; } schema_rval = avro_schema_union_append(*schema, s); avro_schema_decref(s); if (schema_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return schema_rval; } } } break; case AVRO_FIXED: { json_t *json_size = json_object_get(json, "size"); json_t *json_name = json_object_get(json, "name"); json_int_t size; const char *name; if (!json_is_integer(json_size)) { avro_set_error("Fixed type must have a \"size\""); return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_string(json_name)) { avro_set_error("Fixed type must have a \"name\""); return EINVAL; } size = json_integer_value(json_size); name = json_string_value(json_name); *schema = avro_schema_fixed(name, (int64_t) size); if (save_named_schemas(name, *schema, named_schemas)) { avro_set_error("Cannot save fixed schema"); return ENOMEM; } } break; default: avro_set_error("Unknown schema type"); return EINVAL; } return 0; }
avro_schema_t avro_schema_string(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_STRING, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_bytes(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_BYTES, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_int(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_INT32, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_long(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_INT64, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_float(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_FLOAT, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_double(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_DOUBLE, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_boolean(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_BOOLEAN, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_null(void) { static struct avro_obj_t obj = { .type = AVRO_NULL, .class_type = AVRO_SCHEMA, .refcount = 1 }; return &obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_fixed(const char *name, const int64_t size) { struct avro_fixed_schema_t *fixed = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_fixed_schema_t)); if (!fixed) { return NULL; } if (!is_avro_id(name)) { return NULL; } fixed->name = strdup(name); fixed->size = size; avro_schema_init(&fixed->obj, AVRO_FIXED); return &fixed->obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_union(void) { struct avro_union_schema_t *schema = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_union_schema_t)); if (!schema) { return NULL; } schema->branches = st_init_numtable_with_size(DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); if (!schema->branches) { free(schema); return NULL; } avro_schema_init(&schema->obj, AVRO_UNION); return &schema->obj; } int avro_schema_union_append(const avro_schema_t union_schema, const avro_schema_t schema) { struct avro_union_schema_t *unionp; if (!union_schema || !schema || !is_avro_union(union_schema)) { return EINVAL; } unionp = avro_schema_to_union(union_schema); st_insert(unionp->branches, unionp->branches->num_entries, (st_data_t) schema); avro_schema_incref(schema); return 0; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_array(const avro_schema_t items) { struct avro_array_schema_t *array = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_array_schema_t)); if (!array) { return NULL; } array->items = avro_schema_incref(items); avro_schema_init(&array->obj, AVRO_ARRAY); return &array->obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_map(const avro_schema_t values) { struct avro_map_schema_t *map = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_map_schema_t)); if (!map) { return NULL; } map->values = avro_schema_incref(values); avro_schema_init(&map->obj, AVRO_MAP); return &map->obj; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_enum(const char *name) { struct avro_enum_schema_t *enump; if (!is_avro_id(name)) { return NULL; } enump = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_enum_schema_t)); if (!enump) { return NULL; } enump->name = strdup(name); if (!enump->name) { free(enump); return NULL; } enump->symbols = st_init_numtable_with_size(DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); if (!enump->symbols) { free(enump->name); free(enump); return NULL; } enump->symbols_byname = st_init_strtable_with_size(DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); if (!enump->symbols_byname) { st_free_table(enump->symbols); free(enump->name); free(enump); return NULL; } avro_schema_init(&enump->obj, AVRO_ENUM); return &enump->obj; } int avro_schema_enum_symbol_append(const avro_schema_t enum_schema, const char *symbol) { struct avro_enum_schema_t *enump; char *sym; long idx; if (!enum_schema || !symbol || !is_avro_enum(enum_schema)) { return EINVAL; } enump = avro_schema_to_enum(enum_schema); sym = strdup(symbol); if (!sym) { return ENOMEM; } idx = enump->symbols->num_entries; st_insert(enump->symbols, (st_data_t) idx, (st_data_t) sym); st_insert(enump->symbols_byname, (st_data_t) sym, (st_data_t) idx); return 0; } int avro_schema_record_field_append(const avro_schema_t record_schema, const char *field_name, const avro_schema_t field_schema) { struct avro_record_schema_t *record; struct avro_record_field_t *new_field; if (!field_name || !field_schema || !is_avro_schema(record_schema) || !is_avro_record(record_schema) || record_schema == field_schema || !is_avro_id(field_name)) { return EINVAL; } record = avro_schema_to_record(record_schema); new_field = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_record_field_t)); if (!new_field) { return ENOMEM; } new_field->name = strdup(field_name); new_field->type = avro_schema_incref(field_schema); st_insert(record->fields, record->fields->num_entries, (st_data_t) new_field); st_insert(record->fields_byname, (st_data_t) new_field->name, (st_data_t) new_field); return 0; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_record(const char *name, const char *space) { struct avro_record_schema_t *record; if (!is_avro_id(name)) { return NULL; } record = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_record_schema_t)); if (!record) { return NULL; } record->name = strdup(name); if (!record->name) { free(record); return NULL; } record->space = space ? strdup(space) : NULL; if (space && !record->space) { free(record->name); free(record); return NULL; } record->fields = st_init_numtable_with_size(DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); if (!record->fields) { if (record->space) { free(record->space); } free(record->name); free(record); return NULL; } record->fields_byname = st_init_strtable_with_size(DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); if (!record->fields_byname) { st_free_table(record->fields); free(record->name); free(record); return NULL; } avro_schema_init(&record->obj, AVRO_RECORD); return &record->obj; } static int save_named_schemas(const char *name, avro_schema_t schema, avro_schema_error_t * error) { st_table *st = (*error)->named_schemas; return st_insert(st, (st_data_t) name, (st_data_t) schema); } static avro_schema_t find_named_schemas(const char *name, avro_schema_error_t * error) { st_table *st = (*error)->named_schemas; union { avro_schema_t schema; st_data_t data; } val; if (st_lookup(st, (st_data_t) name, &( { return val.schema; } return NULL; }; avro_schema_t avro_schema_link(avro_schema_t to) { struct avro_link_schema_t *link; if (!is_avro_named_type(to)) { return NULL; } link = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_link_schema_t)); if (!link) { return NULL; } link->to = avro_schema_incref(to); avro_schema_init(&link->obj, AVRO_LINK); return &link->obj; } static int avro_type_from_json_t(json_t * json, avro_type_t * type, avro_schema_error_t * error, avro_schema_t * named_type) { json_t *json_type; const char *type_str; if (json_is_array(json)) { *type = AVRO_UNION; return 0; } else if (json_is_object(json)) { json_type = json_object_get(json, "type"); } else { json_type = json; } if (!json_is_string(json_type)) { return EINVAL; } type_str = json_string_value(json_type); if (!type_str) { return EINVAL; } /* * TODO: gperf/re2c this */ if (strcmp(type_str, "string") == 0) { *type = AVRO_STRING; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "bytes") == 0) { *type = AVRO_BYTES; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "int") == 0) { *type = AVRO_INT32; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "long") == 0) { *type = AVRO_INT64; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "float") == 0) { *type = AVRO_FLOAT; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "double") == 0) { *type = AVRO_DOUBLE; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "boolean") == 0) { *type = AVRO_BOOLEAN; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "null") == 0) { *type = AVRO_NULL; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "record") == 0) { *type = AVRO_RECORD; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "enum") == 0) { *type = AVRO_ENUM; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "array") == 0) { *type = AVRO_ARRAY; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "map") == 0) { *type = AVRO_MAP; } else if (strcmp(type_str, "fixed") == 0) { *type = AVRO_FIXED; } else if ((*named_type = find_named_schemas(type_str, error))) { *type = AVRO_LINK; } else { return EINVAL; } return 0; } static int avro_schema_from_json_t(json_t * json, avro_schema_t * schema, avro_schema_error_t * error) { avro_type_t type = 0; unsigned int i; avro_schema_t named_schemas = NULL; if (avro_type_from_json_t(json, &type, error, &named_schemas)) { return EINVAL; } switch (type) { case AVRO_LINK: *schema = avro_schema_link(named_schemas); break; case AVRO_STRING: *schema = avro_schema_string(); break; case AVRO_BYTES: *schema = avro_schema_bytes(); break; case AVRO_INT32: *schema = avro_schema_int(); break; case AVRO_INT64: *schema = avro_schema_long(); break; case AVRO_FLOAT: *schema = avro_schema_float(); break; case AVRO_DOUBLE: *schema = avro_schema_double(); break; case AVRO_BOOLEAN: *schema = avro_schema_boolean(); break; case AVRO_NULL: *schema = avro_schema_null(); break; case AVRO_RECORD: { json_t *json_name = json_object_get(json, "name"); json_t *json_namespace = json_object_get(json, "namespace"); json_t *json_fields = json_object_get(json, "fields"); unsigned int num_fields; const char *record_name; const char *record_namespace; if (!json_is_string(json_name)) { return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_array(json_fields)) { return EINVAL; } num_fields = json_array_size(json_fields); if (num_fields == 0) { return EINVAL; } record_name = json_string_value(json_name); if (!record_name) { return EINVAL; } if (json_is_string(json_namespace)) { record_namespace = json_string_value(json_namespace); } else { record_namespace = NULL; } *schema = avro_schema_record(record_name, record_namespace); if (save_named_schemas(record_name, *schema, error)) { return ENOMEM; } for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { json_t *json_field = json_array_get(json_fields, i); json_t *json_field_name; json_t *json_field_type; avro_schema_t json_field_type_schema; int field_rval; if (!json_is_object(json_field)) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } json_field_name = json_object_get(json_field, "name"); if (!json_field_name) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } json_field_type = json_object_get(json_field, "type"); if (!json_field_type) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } field_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(json_field_type, &json_field_type_schema, error); if (field_rval) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return field_rval; } field_rval = avro_schema_record_field_append(*schema, json_string_value (json_field_name), json_field_type_schema); avro_schema_decref(json_field_type_schema); if (field_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return field_rval; } } } break; case AVRO_ENUM: { json_t *json_name = json_object_get(json, "name"); json_t *json_symbols = json_object_get(json, "symbols"); const char *name; unsigned int num_symbols; if (!json_is_string(json_name)) { return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_array(json_symbols)) { return EINVAL; } name = json_string_value(json_name); if (!name) { return EINVAL; } num_symbols = json_array_size(json_symbols); if (num_symbols == 0) { return EINVAL; } *schema = avro_schema_enum(name); if (save_named_schemas(name, *schema, error)) { return ENOMEM; } for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++) { int enum_rval; json_t *json_symbol = json_array_get(json_symbols, i); const char *symbol; if (!json_is_string(json_symbol)) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return EINVAL; } symbol = json_string_value(json_symbol); enum_rval = avro_schema_enum_symbol_append(*schema, symbol); if (enum_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return enum_rval; } } } break; case AVRO_ARRAY: { int items_rval; json_t *json_items = json_object_get(json, "items"); avro_schema_t items_schema; if (!json_items) { return EINVAL; } items_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(json_items, &items_schema, error); if (items_rval) { return items_rval; } *schema = avro_schema_array(items_schema); avro_schema_decref(items_schema); } break; case AVRO_MAP: { int values_rval; json_t *json_values = json_object_get(json, "values"); avro_schema_t values_schema; if (!json_values) { return EINVAL; } values_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(json_values, &values_schema, error); if (values_rval) { return values_rval; } *schema = avro_schema_map(values_schema); avro_schema_decref(values_schema); } break; case AVRO_UNION: { unsigned int num_schemas = json_array_size(json); avro_schema_t s; if (num_schemas == 0) { return EINVAL; } *schema = avro_schema_union(); for (i = 0; i < num_schemas; i++) { int schema_rval; json_t *schema_json = json_array_get(json, i); if (!schema_json) { return EINVAL; } schema_rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(schema_json, &s, error); if (schema_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return schema_rval; } schema_rval = avro_schema_union_append(*schema, s); avro_schema_decref(s); if (schema_rval != 0) { avro_schema_decref(*schema); return schema_rval; } } } break; case AVRO_FIXED: { json_t *json_size = json_object_get(json, "size"); json_t *json_name = json_object_get(json, "name"); int size; const char *name; if (!json_is_integer(json_size)) { return EINVAL; } if (!json_is_string(json_name)) { return EINVAL; } size = json_integer_value(json_size); name = json_string_value(json_name); *schema = avro_schema_fixed(name, size); if (save_named_schemas(name, *schema, error)) { return ENOMEM; } } break; default: return EINVAL; } return 0; } int avro_schema_from_json(const char *jsontext, const int32_t len, avro_schema_t * schema, avro_schema_error_t * e) { json_t *root; int rval = 0; avro_schema_error_t error; AVRO_UNUSED(len); if (!jsontext || !schema) { return EINVAL; } error = malloc(sizeof(struct avro_schema_error_t_)); if (!error) { return ENOMEM; } *e = error; error->named_schemas = st_init_strtable_with_size(DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); if (!error->named_schemas) { free(error); return ENOMEM; } root = json_loads(jsontext, &error->json_error); if (!root) { st_free_table(error->named_schemas); free(error); return EINVAL; } /* * json_dumpf(root, stderr, 0); */ rval = avro_schema_from_json_t(root, schema, e); json_decref(root); st_free_table(error->named_schemas); if (rval == 0) { /* no need for an error return */ free(error); } return rval; } avro_schema_t avro_schema_copy(avro_schema_t schema) { long i; avro_schema_t new_schema = NULL; if (!schema) { return NULL; } switch (avro_typeof(schema)) { case AVRO_STRING: case AVRO_BYTES: case AVRO_INT32: case AVRO_INT64: case AVRO_FLOAT: case AVRO_DOUBLE: case AVRO_BOOLEAN: case AVRO_NULL: /* * No need to copy primitives since they're static */ new_schema = schema; break; case AVRO_RECORD: { struct avro_record_schema_t *record_schema = avro_schema_to_record(schema); new_schema = avro_schema_record(record_schema->name, record_schema->space); for (i = 0; i < record_schema->fields->num_entries; i++) { union { st_data_t data; struct avro_record_field_t *field; } val; st_lookup(record_schema->fields, i, &; avro_schema_t type_copy = avro_schema_copy(val.field->type); avro_schema_record_field_append(new_schema, val.field->name, type_copy); } } break; case AVRO_ENUM: { struct avro_enum_schema_t *enum_schema = avro_schema_to_enum(schema); new_schema = avro_schema_enum(enum_schema->name); for (i = 0; i < enum_schema->symbols->num_entries; i++) { union { st_data_t data; char *sym; } val; st_lookup(enum_schema->symbols, i, &; avro_schema_enum_symbol_append(new_schema, val.sym); } } break; case AVRO_FIXED: { struct avro_fixed_schema_t *fixed_schema = avro_schema_to_fixed(schema); new_schema = avro_schema_fixed(fixed_schema->name, fixed_schema->size); } break; case AVRO_MAP: { struct avro_map_schema_t *map_schema = avro_schema_to_map(schema); avro_schema_t values_copy = avro_schema_copy(map_schema->values); if (!values_copy) { return NULL; } new_schema = avro_schema_map(values_copy); } break; case AVRO_ARRAY: { struct avro_array_schema_t *array_schema = avro_schema_to_array(schema); avro_schema_t items_copy = avro_schema_copy(array_schema->items); if (!items_copy) { return NULL; } new_schema = avro_schema_array(items_copy); } break; case AVRO_UNION: { struct avro_union_schema_t *union_schema = avro_schema_to_union(schema); new_schema = avro_schema_union(); for (i = 0; i < union_schema->branches->num_entries; i++) { avro_schema_t schema_copy; union { st_data_t data; avro_schema_t schema; } val; st_lookup(union_schema->branches, i, &; schema_copy = avro_schema_copy(val.schema); if (avro_schema_union_append (new_schema, schema_copy)) { avro_schema_decref(new_schema); return NULL; } } } break; case AVRO_LINK: { struct avro_link_schema_t *link_schema = avro_schema_to_link(schema); /* * TODO: use an avro_schema_copy of to instead of pointing to * the same reference */ avro_schema_incref(link_schema->to); new_schema = avro_schema_link(link_schema->to); } break; default: return NULL; } return new_schema; } const char *avro_schema_name(const avro_schema_t schema) { if (is_avro_record(schema)) { return (avro_schema_to_record(schema))->name; } else if (is_avro_enum(schema)) { return (avro_schema_to_enum(schema))->name; } else if (is_avro_fixed(schema)) { return (avro_schema_to_fixed(schema))->name; } return NULL; } /* simple helper for writing strings */ static int avro_write_str(avro_writer_t out, const char *str) { return avro_write(out, (char *)str, strlen(str)); } static int write_field(avro_writer_t out, struct avro_record_field_t *field) { int rval; check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "{\"name\":\"")); check(rval, avro_write_str(out, field->name)); check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "\",\"type\":")); check(rval, avro_schema_to_json(field->type, out)); return avro_write_str(out, "}"); } static int write_record(avro_writer_t out, struct avro_record_schema_t *record) { int rval; long i; check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"")); check(rval, avro_write_str(out, record->name)); check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "\",")); if (record->space) { check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "\"namespace\":\"")); check(rval, avro_write_str(out, record->space)); check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "\",")); } check(rval, avro_write_str(out, "\"fields\":[")); for (i = 0; i < record->fields->num_entries; i++) { union { st_data_t data; struct avro_record_field_t *field; } val; st_lookup(record->fields, i, &; if (i) { check(rval, avro_write_str(out, ",")); } check(rval, write_field(out, val.field)); } return avro_write_str(out, "]}"); }
static int l_schema_new(lua_State *L) { if (lua_isstring(L, 1)) { size_t json_len; const char *json_str = lua_tolstring(L, 1, &json_len); avro_schema_t schema; /* First check for the primitive types */ if (strcmp(json_str, "boolean") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_boolean(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "bytes") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_bytes(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "double") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_double(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "float") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_float(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "int") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_int(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "long") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_long(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "null") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_null(); } else if (strcmp(json_str, "string") == 0) { schema = avro_schema_string(); } /* Otherwise assume it's JSON */ else { avro_schema_error_t schema_error; check(avro_schema_from_json(json_str, json_len, &schema, &schema_error)); } lua_avro_push_schema(L, schema); avro_schema_decref(schema); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, schema); return 2; } if (lua_isuserdata(L, 1)) { if (lua_getmetatable(L, 1)) { lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, MT_AVRO_SCHEMA); if (lua_rawequal(L, -1, -2)) { /* This is already a schema object, so just return it. */ lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove both metatables */ LuaAvroSchema *l_schema = lua_touserdata(L, 1); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, l_schema->schema); return 2; } } } lua_pushliteral(L, "Invalid input to Schema function"); return lua_error(L); }