IEntity* GroundFactory::create(const EntityProperties& properties)
	b2BodyDef bodyDef = b2BodyDef();
	bodyDef.position.Set(pixel2meter(properties.x), pixel2meter(properties.y));
	bodyDef.angle = radian2degree(properties.angle);
	bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody;

	b2Body *body = GameWorld::getInstance()->getPhysicsWorld()->CreateBody(&bodyDef);

	b2PolygonShape polygonShape;
	polygonShape.SetAsBox(pixel2meter(properties.width / 2), pixel2meter(properties.height / 2));

	b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
	fixtureDef.shape = &polygonShape;
	fixtureDef.density = properties.density;
	fixtureDef.friction = properties.friction;
	fixtureDef.restitution = properties.restitution;
	fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = COLLISION_BIT_GROUND;


	Ground *ground = new Ground();

	return ground;
Personaje::Personaje(Mundo* mundo, Uint8 numero_jugador, char* nombre_client) {
	angulo_arma = 0;
	conectado = 1;
	arma_seleccionada =0;
	energia = ENERGIA_WORM;
	nombre_cliente = nombre_client;
	muerto = false;
	shape = NULL;
	radio = 0;
	dir_imagen = "TPTaller/imagenes/gusanitoderecha.png";
	nro_jugador = numero_jugador;
	b2Vec2 escalas = mundo->GetEscalas();
	alto = escalas.y / 50;
	ancho = escalas.x / 60;
	b2Vec2* vertices_tierra = mundo->GetVerticesTierra();
	bool posicion_correcta = false;
	b2Vec2 posicion;
	//b2Vec2 aux=b2Vec2(10, 10);
	while (!posicion_correcta){
		int indice = random( (mundo->GetCantVerticesTierra()));
		posicion = vertices_tierra[indice] - b2Vec2(0,alto/2);
		if (posicion.y < mundo->getAgua()->GetNivel()){
	b2World* world = mundo->devolver_world();
	b2BodyDef bodyDef = b2BodyDef(); // creo el body def
	bodyDef.position = posicion; // le asigno una posicion
	bodyDef.userData = this; // no se si funciona bien esto,
	bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;

	body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
	b2MassData massData = b2MassData();
	massData.mass = 0.1; = b2Vec2(0, 0);

	shape2 = new b2CircleShape();
	shape2->m_radius = ancho/2;
	b2Filter filtro = b2Filter();
	filtro.groupIndex = INDICE_GRUPO;

	b2FixtureDef fd; // creo un fixture
	fd.filter = filtro;
	fd.restitution = 0;
	fd.friction = 0.5;
	fd.shape = shape2;
	body->CreateFixture(&fd); // al body le pongo la fixture creada
	for (int i = 0 ; i<4; i++){
		seleccionado[i] = false;
	orientacion = 1;
	daniado_turno_actual = false;
	this->movio = 0;
	this->salto = 0;
Exemple #3
EntityFactory::EntityFactory(b2World& b2world, BehaviourFactory* _bf, DrawableContainer* _drawContainer) : world(b2world), bf(_bf), drawContainer(_drawContainer)

	entityRegistery = std::unordered_map<EntityType, Entity*>{
		{ EntityType::ENTITY, new Entity() },
		{ EntityType::ACTOR, new Actor() },
		{ EntityType::NPC, new Npc() },
		{ EntityType::PLAYER, new Player() },
		{ EntityType::PLANT, new Npc() },
		{ EntityType::GROUND, new Ground() },
		{ EntityType::GROUND2, new Ground() },
		{ EntityType::BAR, new Ground() }
	b2BodyDef entDef = b2BodyDef();
	entDef.type = b2BodyType::b2_staticBody;
	entDef.fixedRotation = true;
	b2BodyDef ActorDef;
	ActorDef.type = b2BodyType::b2_dynamicBody;
	b2BodyDef NpcDef;
	NpcDef.type = b2BodyType::b2_dynamicBody;
	b2BodyDef PlayerDef;
	PlayerDef.gravityScale = 1;
	PlayerDef.fixedRotation = true;
	PlayerDef.linearDamping = 0.5f;
	PlayerDef.angularDamping = 1;
	PlayerDef.type = b2BodyType::b2_dynamicBody;

	b2BodyDef PlantDef = b2BodyDef();
	PlantDef.gravityScale = 1;
	PlantDef.fixedRotation = true;
	PlantDef.linearDamping = 0.5f;
	PlantDef.angularDamping = 1;
	PlantDef.type = b2BodyType::b2_dynamicBody;

	bodyRegistery = std::unordered_map<EntityType, b2BodyDef>{
		{ EntityType::ENTITY, entDef },
		{ EntityType::ACTOR, ActorDef },
		{ EntityType::NPC, NpcDef },
		{ EntityType::PLAYER, PlayerDef },
		{ EntityType::PLANT, PlantDef },
		{ EntityType::GROUND, entDef },
		{ EntityType::GROUND2, entDef },
		{ EntityType::BAR, entDef }

Exemple #4
	TileMap::TileMap(Game& world, TextureManager& textureManager, const TMX& tmx)
		: BaseGameEntity(world, b2BodyDef())
		, mWorld(world)
		, mTextures()
		, mpCollider(nullptr)
		, mpNavGraph(nullptr)
		, mDrawFlags(0)
		, mCellSpaceNeighborhoodRange(1)
		, mpCellSpacePartition(nullptr)

		std::vector<std::vector<sf::VertexArray>> layers;
		tmx.makeVertices(textureManager, mTextures, layers);
		for (auto it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it)
			int index = it - layers.begin();
			if (it->size() != mTextures.size()) {
				throw std::runtime_error("Texture and layer component counts are inconsistent.");
			auto pLayer = std::make_unique<Layer>(mWorld, std::move(*it), mTextures);

		const sf::Transform& transform = getWorld().getPixelToWorldTransform();

		mpCollider = std::unique_ptr<CompositeCollider>(tmx.makeCollider(transform));

		mpNavGraph = std::unique_ptr<NavGraph>(tmx.makeNavGraph(transform));

		mCellSpaceNeighborhoodRange = calculateAverageGraphEdgeLength(*mpNavGraph) + 1;

		mpCellSpacePartition = std::make_unique<NavCellSpace>((float)tmx.getTileWidth() / tmx.getWidth(), (float)tmx.getTileHeight() * tmx.getHeight(), tmx.getWidth() / 4, tmx.getHeight() / 4, mpNavGraph->numNodes());

		TileMap::NavGraph::ConstNodeIterator nodeIter(*mpNavGraph);
		for (const TileMap::NavGraph::Node* pNode = nodeIter.begin(); !nodeIter.end(); pNode =

		std::vector<b2Fixture*> fixtures;
		mpCollider->createFixtures(getBody(), fixtures);
void Box2DPhysicsComponent::createCollisionBody( b2World* physics, GameObject* object, b2BodyType type, bool sensorOnly )
    // Create instances
    mBodyDef = b2BodyDef();
    mPolygonShape = b2PolygonShape();
    mFixtureDef = b2FixtureDef();

    // Set type
    mBodyDef.type = type;

    // Set position and create the body
    mBodyDef.position.Set( object->getPosition().x / SCALE, object->getPosition().y / SCALE );
    mBody = physics->CreateBody( &mBodyDef );

    *   SHAPE
    *   Dynamic bodies get a standard polygon box shape.
    *   Static and kinematic bodies get a a rectangular shape made of
    *   egde chains (one per side; so four total) to fix the ghost vertices
    *   problem. This is done by defining previous and next vertices that
    *   Box2D can use in its calculation.
    *   More info:
    if ( type != b2_dynamicBody )
        // Top
        b2Vec2 vs[2];
        vs[0].Set( (-object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, -object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        vs[1].Set( (object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, -object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        mChainShape[0].CreateChain( vs, 2 );
        mChainShape[0].SetPrevVertex( b2Vec2( (-object->getSize().x - object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE ) );
        mChainShape[0].SetNextVertex( b2Vec2( (object->getSize().x + object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE ) );
        mBody->CreateFixture( &mChainShape[0], 0.f );

        // Bottom
        vs[0].Set( (-object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        vs[1].Set( (object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        mChainShape[1].CreateChain( vs, 2 );
        mChainShape[1].SetPrevVertex( b2Vec2( (-object->getSize().x - object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE ) );
        mChainShape[1].SetNextVertex( b2Vec2( (object->getSize().x + object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE ) );
        mBody->CreateFixture( &mChainShape[1], 0.f );

        // Left
        vs[0].Set( (-object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, -object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        vs[1].Set( (-object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        mChainShape[2].CreateChain( vs, 2 );
        mChainShape[2].SetPrevVertex( b2Vec2( -object->getSize().x / 2.f / SCALE, (-object->getSize().y - object->getSize().y / 2.f) / SCALE ) );
        mChainShape[2].SetNextVertex( b2Vec2( -object->getSize().x / 2.f / SCALE, (object->getSize().y + object->getSize().y / 2.f) / SCALE ) );
        mBody->CreateFixture( &mChainShape[2], 0.f );

        // Right
        vs[0].Set( (object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, -object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        vs[1].Set( (object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, object->getSize().y / 2.f / SCALE );
        mChainShape[3].CreateChain( vs, 2 );
        mChainShape[3].SetPrevVertex( b2Vec2( object->getSize().x / 2.f / SCALE, (-object->getSize().y - object->getSize().y / 2.f) / SCALE ) );
        mChainShape[3].SetNextVertex( b2Vec2( object->getSize().x / 2.f / SCALE, (object->getSize().y + object->getSize().y / 2.f) / SCALE ) );
        mBody->CreateFixture( &mChainShape[3], 0.f );
        mPolygonShape.SetAsBox( (object->getSize().x / 2.f) / SCALE, (object->getSize().y / 2.f) / SCALE );
        mFixtureDef.shape = &mPolygonShape;
        mFixtureDef.density = 1.f;
        mFixtureDef.friction = 1.0f;

        if( sensorOnly )
            mFixtureDef.isSensor = true;

        mBody->CreateFixture( &mFixtureDef );
Exemple #6
	TileMap::Layer::Layer(Game& world, std::vector<sf::VertexArray>&& vas, std::vector<const sf::Texture*>& textures)
		: BaseGameEntity(world, b2BodyDef())
		, mVertexArrays(std::move(vas))
		, mTextures(&textures)