float32 b2CircleShape::ComputeSubmergedArea(	const b2Vec2& normal,
												float32 offset,
												const b2XForm& xf, 
												b2Vec2* c) const
	b2Vec2 p = b2Mul(xf,m_localPosition);
	float32 l = -(b2Dot(normal,p) - offset);
		//Completely dry
		return 0;
		//Completely wet
		*c = p;
		return b2_pi*m_radius*m_radius;
	float32 r2 = m_radius*m_radius;
	float32 l2 = l*l;
    //TODO: write b2Sqrt to handle fixed point case.
	float32 area = r2 * (asin(l/m_radius) + b2_pi/2.0f)+ l * b2Sqrt(r2 - l2);
	float32 com = -2.0f/3.0f*pow(r2-l2,1.5f)/area;
	c->x = p.x + normal.x * com;
	c->y = p.y + normal.y * com;
	return area;
Exemple #2
// Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen
// From Section 3.1.2
// x = s + a * r
// norm(x) = radius
bool b2CircleShape::RayCast(b2RayCastOutput* output, const b2RayCastInput& input, const b2Transform& transform) const
	b2Vec2 position = transform.position + b2Mul(transform.R, m_p);
	b2Vec2 s = input.p1 - position;
	float32 b = b2Dot(s, s) - m_radius * m_radius;

	// Solve quadratic equation.
	b2Vec2 r = input.p2 - input.p1;
	float32 c =  b2Dot(s, r);
	float32 rr = b2Dot(r, r);
	float32 sigma = c * c - rr * b;

	// Check for negative discriminant and short segment.
	if (sigma < 0.0f || rr < b2_epsilon)
		return false;

	// Find the point of intersection of the line with the circle.
	float32 a = -(c + b2Sqrt(sigma));

	// Is the intersection point on the segment?
	if (0.0f <= a && a <= input.maxFraction * rr)
		a /= rr;
		output->fraction = a;
		output->normal = s + a * r;
		return true;

	return false;
Exemple #3
void b2EdgeShape::UpdateSweepRadius(const b2Vec2& center)
	// Update the sweep radius (maximum radius) as measured from
	// a local center point.
	b2Vec2 d = m_coreV1 - center;
	float32 d1 = b2Dot(d,d);
	d = m_coreV2 - center;
	float32 d2 = b2Dot(d,d);
	m_sweepRadius = b2Sqrt(d1 > d2 ? d1 : d2);
int32 b2CalculateParticleIterations(
	float32 gravity, float32 radius, float32 timeStep)
	// In some situations you may want more particle iterations than this,
	// but to avoid excessive cycle cost, don't recommend more than this.
	const float32 B2_RADIUS_THRESHOLD = 0.01f;
	int32 iterations =
		(int32) ceilf(b2Sqrt(gravity / (B2_RADIUS_THRESHOLD * radius)) * timeStep);
	return b2Clamp(iterations, 1, B2_MAX_RECOMMENDED_PARTICLE_ITERATIONS);
void b2CollideCircles(
    b2Manifold* manifold,
    const b2CircleShape* circle1, const b2XForm& xf1,
    const b2CircleShape* circle2, const b2XForm& xf2)
    manifold->pointCount = 0;

    b2Vec2 p1 = b2Mul(xf1, circle1->GetLocalPosition());
    b2Vec2 p2 = b2Mul(xf2, circle2->GetLocalPosition());

    b2Vec2 d = p2 - p1;
    float32 distSqr = b2Dot(d, d);
    float32 r1 = circle1->GetRadius();
    float32 r2 = circle2->GetRadius();
    float32 radiusSum = r1 + r2;
    if (distSqr > radiusSum * radiusSum)

    float32 separation;
    if (distSqr < B2_FLT_EPSILON)
        separation = -radiusSum;
        manifold->normal.Set(0.0f, 1.0f);
        float32 dist = b2Sqrt(distSqr);
        separation = dist - radiusSum;
        float32 a = 1.0f / dist;
        manifold->normal.x = a * d.x;
        manifold->normal.y = a * d.y;

    manifold->pointCount = 1;
    manifold->points[0].id.key = 0;
    manifold->points[0].separation = separation;

    p1 += r1 * manifold->normal;
    p2 -= r2 * manifold->normal;

    b2Vec2 p = 0.5f * (p1 + p2);

    manifold->points[0].localPoint1 = b2MulT(xf1, p);
    manifold->points[0].localPoint2 = b2MulT(xf2, p);
// Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen
// From Section 3.1.2
// x = s + a * r
// norm(x) = radius
b2SegmentCollide b2CircleShape::TestSegment(const b2XForm& transform,
								float32* lambda,
								b2Vec2* normal,
								const b2Segment& segment,
								float32 maxLambda) const
	b2Vec2 position = transform.position + b2Mul(transform.R, m_localPosition);
	b2Vec2 s = segment.p1 - position;
	float32 b = b2Dot(s, s) - m_radius * m_radius;

	// Does the segment start inside the circle?
	if (b < 0.0f)
		*lambda = 0;
		return e_startsInsideCollide;

	// Solve quadratic equation.
	b2Vec2 r = segment.p2 - segment.p1;
	float32 c =  b2Dot(s, r);
	float32 rr = b2Dot(r, r);
	float32 sigma = c * c - rr * b;

	// Check for negative discriminant and short segment.
	if (sigma < 0.0f || rr < B2_FLT_EPSILON)
		return e_missCollide;

	// Find the point of intersection of the line with the circle.
	float32 a = -(c + b2Sqrt(sigma));

	// Is the intersection point on the segment?
	if (0.0f <= a && a <= maxLambda * rr)
		a /= rr;
		*lambda = a;
		*normal = s + a * r;
		return e_hitCollide;

	return e_missCollide;
void b2PolygonShape::ComputeDistance(const b2Transform& xf, const b2Vec2& p, float32* distance, b2Vec2* normal, int32 childIndex) const

	b2Vec2 pLocal = b2MulT(xf.q, p - xf.p);
	float32 maxDistance = -FLT_MAX;
	b2Vec2 normalForMaxDistance = pLocal;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
		float32 dot = b2Dot(m_normals[i], pLocal - m_vertices[i]);
		if (dot > maxDistance)
			maxDistance = dot;
			normalForMaxDistance = m_normals[i];

	if (maxDistance > 0)
		b2Vec2 minDistance = normalForMaxDistance;
		float32 minDistance2 = maxDistance * maxDistance;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)
			b2Vec2 distance = pLocal - m_vertices[i];
			float32 distance2 = distance.LengthSquared();
			if (minDistance2 > distance2)
				minDistance = distance;
				minDistance2 = distance2;

		*distance = b2Sqrt(minDistance2);
		*normal = b2Mul(xf.q, minDistance);
		*distance = maxDistance;
		*normal = b2Mul(xf.q, normalForMaxDistance);
TEST_F(ConfinementTests, CircleShapes) {
	b2CircleShape shape;
	shape.m_radius = b2Sqrt(WIDTH * WIDTH + HEIGHT * HEIGHT);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(2 * WIDTH, 0);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(-2 * WIDTH, 0);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(0, 2 * HEIGHT);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(0, -2 * HEIGHT);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(-WIDTH, -HEIGHT);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(WIDTH, -HEIGHT);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(-WIDTH, HEIGHT);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	shape.m_p = b2Vec2(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
	m_groundBody->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
	ASSERT_EQ(TestLeakCount(), 0);
Exemple #9
float32 DistanceGeneric(b2Vec2* x1, b2Vec2* x2,
				   const T1* shape1, const b2XForm& xf1,
				   const T2* shape2, const b2XForm& xf2)
	b2Vec2 p1s[3], p2s[3];
	b2Vec2 points[3];
	int32 pointCount = 0;

	*x1 = shape1->GetFirstVertex(xf1);
	*x2 = shape2->GetFirstVertex(xf2);

	float32 vSqr = 0.0f;
	const int32 maxIterations = 20;
	for (int32 iter = 0; iter < maxIterations; ++iter)
		b2Vec2 v = *x2 - *x1;
		b2Vec2 w1 = shape1->Support(xf1, v);
		b2Vec2 w2 = shape2->Support(xf2, -v);

		vSqr = b2Dot(v, v);
		b2Vec2 w = w2 - w1;
		float32 vw = b2Dot(v, w);
		if (vSqr - vw <= 0.01f * vSqr || InPoints(w, points, pointCount)) // or w in points
			if (pointCount == 0)
				*x1 = w1;
				*x2 = w2;
			g_GJK_Iterations = iter;
			return b2Sqrt(vSqr);

		switch (pointCount)
		case 0:
			p1s[0] = w1;
			p2s[0] = w2;
			points[0] = w;
			*x1 = p1s[0];
			*x2 = p2s[0];

		case 1:
			p1s[1] = w1;
			p2s[1] = w2;
			points[1] = w;
			pointCount = ProcessTwo(x1, x2, p1s, p2s, points);

		case 2:
			p1s[2] = w1;
			p2s[2] = w2;
			points[2] = w;
			pointCount = ProcessThree(x1, x2, p1s, p2s, points);

		// If we have three points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
		if (pointCount == 3)
			g_GJK_Iterations = iter;
			return 0.0f;

		float32 maxSqr = -B2_FLT_MAX;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)
			maxSqr = b2Max(maxSqr, b2Dot(points[i], points[i]));

		if (pointCount == 3 || vSqr <= 5.0*B2_FLT_EPSILON * maxSqr)
		if (vSqr <= 100.0f * B2_FLT_EPSILON * maxSqr)
			g_GJK_Iterations = iter;
			v = *x2 - *x1;
			vSqr = b2Dot(v, v);
			return b2Sqrt(vSqr);

	g_GJK_Iterations = maxIterations;
	return b2Sqrt(vSqr);
float32 LH_b2BuoyancyController::ComputeSubmergedArea(b2Shape* shape,
                                                   const b2Vec2& normal,
                                                   float32 offset,
                                                   const b2Transform& xf,
                                                   b2Vec2* c,
                                                   float32 density) const
    if(shape->GetType() == b2Shape::e_edge)
        //Note that v0 is independant of any details of the specific edge
        //We are relying on v0 being consistent between multiple edges of the same body
        b2Vec2 v0 = offset * normal;
        //b2Vec2 v0 = xf.position + (offset - b2Dot(normal, xf.position)) * normal;
        b2Vec2 v1 = b2Mul(xf, ((b2EdgeShape*)shape)->m_vertex1);
        b2Vec2 v2 = b2Mul(xf, ((b2EdgeShape*)shape)->m_vertex2);
        float32 d1 = b2Dot(normal, v1) - offset;
        float32 d2 = b2Dot(normal, v2) - offset;
                return 0;
                v1 = -d2 / (d1 - d2) * v1 + d1 / (d1 - d2) * v2;
                v2 = -d2 / (d1 - d2) * v1 + d1 / (d1 - d2) * v2;
        // v0,v1,v2 represents a fully submerged triangle
        float32 k_inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;
        // Area weighted centroid
        *c = k_inv3 * (v0 + v1 + v2);
        b2Vec2 e1 = v1 - v0;
        b2Vec2 e2 = v2 - v0;
        return 0.5f * b2Cross(e1, e2);
    else if(shape->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon)
        //Transform plane into shape co-ordinates
        b2Vec2 normalL = b2MulT(xf.q,normal);
        float32 offsetL = offset - b2Dot(normal,xf.p);
        float32 depths[b2_maxPolygonVertices];
        int32 diveCount = 0;
        int32 intoIndex = -1;
        int32 outoIndex = -1;
        bool lastSubmerged = false;
        int32 i;
            depths[i] = b2Dot(normalL,((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[i]) - offsetL;
            bool isSubmerged = depths[i]<-FLT_EPSILON;
                        intoIndex = i-1;
                        outoIndex = i-1;
            lastSubmerged = isSubmerged;
            case 0:
                    //Completely submerged
                    b2MassData md;
                    ((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->ComputeMass(&md, density);
                    *c = b2Mul(xf,md.center);
                    return md.mass/density;
                    //Completely dry
                    return 0;
            case 1:
                    intoIndex = ((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertexCount-1;
                    outoIndex = ((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertexCount-1;
        int32 intoIndex2 = (intoIndex+1)%((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertexCount;
        int32 outoIndex2 = (outoIndex+1)%((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertexCount;
        float32 intoLambda = (0 - depths[intoIndex]) / (depths[intoIndex2] - depths[intoIndex]);
        float32 outoLambda = (0 - depths[outoIndex]) / (depths[outoIndex2] - depths[outoIndex]);
        b2Vec2 intoVec(	((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[intoIndex].x*(1-intoLambda)+((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[intoIndex2].x*intoLambda,
        b2Vec2 outoVec(	((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[outoIndex].x*(1-outoLambda)+((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[outoIndex2].x*outoLambda,
        //Initialize accumulator
        float32 area = 0;
        b2Vec2 center(0,0);
        b2Vec2 p2 = ((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[intoIndex2];
        b2Vec2 p3;
        float32 k_inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;
        //An awkward loop from intoIndex2+1 to outIndex2
        i = intoIndex2;
                p3 = outoVec;
                p3 = ((b2PolygonShape*)shape)->m_vertices[i];
            //Add the triangle formed by intoVec,p2,p3
                b2Vec2 e1 = p2 - intoVec;
                b2Vec2 e2 = p3 - intoVec;
                float32 D = b2Cross(e1, e2);
                float32 triangleArea = 0.5f * D;
                area += triangleArea;
                // Area weighted centroid
                center += triangleArea * k_inv3 * (intoVec + p2 + p3);
        //Normalize and transform centroid
        center *= 1.0f/area;
        *c = b2Mul(xf,center);
        return area;
    else if(shape->GetType() == b2Shape::e_circle)
        b2Vec2 p = b2Mul(xf,((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_p);
        float32 l = -(b2Dot(normal,p) - offset);
            //Completely dry
            return 0;
        if(l > ((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_radius){
            //Completely wet
            *c = p;
            return b2_pi*((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_radius*((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_radius;
        float32 r2 = ((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_radius*((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_radius;
        float32 l2 = l*l;
        //TODO: write b2Sqrt to handle fixed point case.
        float32 area = r2 * (asin(l/((b2CircleShape*)shape)->m_radius) + b2_pi/2.0f)+ l * b2Sqrt(r2 - l2);
        float32 com = -2.0f/3.0f*pow(r2-l2,1.5f)/area;
        c->x = p.x + normal.x * com;
        c->y = p.y + normal.y * com;
        return area;
    return 0;