Exemple #1
// Print the best guesses out of the match rating matrix.
void MATRIX::print(const UNICHARSET &unicharset) const {
  tprintf("Ratings Matrix (top 3 choices)\n");
  int dim = dimension();
  int band_width = bandwidth();
  int row, col;
  for (col = 0; col < dim; ++col) {
    for (row = col; row < dim && row < col + band_width; ++row) {
      BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *rating = this->get(col, row);
      if (rating == NOT_CLASSIFIED) continue;
      BLOB_CHOICE_IT b_it(rating);
      tprintf("col=%d row=%d ", col, row);
      for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
        tprintf("%s rat=%g cert=%g " ,
                b_it.data()->rating(), b_it.data()->certainty());
  for (col = 0; col < dim; ++col) tprintf("\t%d", col);
  for (row = 0; row < dim; ++row) {
    for (col = 0; col <= row; ++col) {
      if (col == 0) tprintf("%d\t", row);
      if (row >= col + band_width) {
        tprintf(" \t");
      BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *rating = this->get(col, row);
      if (rating != NOT_CLASSIFIED) {
        BLOB_CHOICE_IT b_it(rating);
        int counter = 0;
        for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
          tprintf("%s ",
          if (counter == 3) break;
      } else {
        tprintf(" \t");
Exemple #2
// Print the best guesses out of the match rating matrix.
void MATRIX::print(const UNICHARSET &unicharset) {
  tprintf("Ratings Matrix (top choices)\n");
  int row, col;
  for (col = 0; col < this->dimension(); ++col) tprintf("\t%d", col);
  for (row = 0; row < this->dimension(); ++row) {
    for (col = 0; col <= row; ++col) {
      if (col == 0) tprintf("%d\t", row);
      BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *rating = this->get(col, row);
      if (rating != NOT_CLASSIFIED) {
        BLOB_CHOICE_IT b_it(rating);
        int counter = 0;
        for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
          tprintf("%s ", unicharset.id_to_unichar(b_it.data()->unichar_id()));
          if (counter == 3) break;
      } else {
        tprintf(" \t");
Exemple #3
/// Builds a PAGE_RES from the block_list in the way required for ApplyBoxes:
/// All fuzzy spaces are removed, and all the words are maximally chopped.
PAGE_RES* Tesseract::SetupApplyBoxes(const GenericVector<TBOX>& boxes,
                                     BLOCK_LIST *block_list) {
  // Strip all fuzzy space markers to simplify the PAGE_RES.
  BLOCK_IT b_it(block_list);
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    BLOCK* block = b_it.data();
    ROW_IT r_it(block->row_list());
    for (r_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !r_it.cycled_list(); r_it.forward ()) {
      ROW* row = r_it.data();
      WERD_IT w_it(row->word_list());
      for (w_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !w_it.cycled_list(); w_it.forward()) {
        WERD* word = w_it.data();
        if (word->cblob_list()->empty()) {
          delete w_it.extract();
        } else {
          word->set_flag(W_FUZZY_SP, false);
          word->set_flag(W_FUZZY_NON, false);
  PAGE_RES* page_res = new PAGE_RES(false, block_list, NULL);
  PAGE_RES_IT pr_it(page_res);
  WERD_RES* word_res;
  while ((word_res = pr_it.word()) != NULL) {
    MaximallyChopWord(boxes, pr_it.block()->block,
                      pr_it.row()->row, word_res);
  return page_res;
Exemple #4
// Returns true if there are any real classification results.
bool MATRIX::Classified(int col, int row, int wildcard_id) const {
  if (get(col, row) == NOT_CLASSIFIED) return false;
  BLOB_CHOICE_IT b_it(get(col, row));
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    BLOB_CHOICE* choice = b_it.data();
    if (choice->IsClassified())
      return true;
  return false;
Exemple #5
// Generates training data for training a line recognizer, eg LSTM.
// Breaks the boxes into lines, normalizes them, converts to ImageData and
// appends them to the given training_data.
void Tesseract::TrainFromBoxes(const GenericVector<TBOX>& boxes,
                               const GenericVector<STRING>& texts,
                               BLOCK_LIST *block_list,
                               DocumentData* training_data) {
  int box_count = boxes.size();
  // Process all the text lines in this page, as defined by the boxes.
  int end_box = 0;
  // Don't let \t, which marks newlines in the box file, get into the line
  // content, as that makes the line unusable in training.
  while (end_box < texts.size() && texts[end_box] == "\t") ++end_box;
  for (int start_box = end_box; start_box < box_count; start_box = end_box) {
    // Find the textline of boxes starting at start and their bounding box.
    TBOX line_box = boxes[start_box];
    STRING line_str = texts[start_box];
    for (end_box = start_box + 1; end_box < box_count && texts[end_box] != "\t";
         ++end_box) {
      line_box += boxes[end_box];
      line_str += texts[end_box];
    // Find the most overlapping block.
    BLOCK* best_block = NULL;
    int best_overlap = 0;
    BLOCK_IT b_it(block_list);
    for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
      BLOCK* block = b_it.data();
      if (block->poly_block() != NULL && !block->poly_block()->IsText())
        continue;  // Not a text block.
      TBOX block_box = block->bounding_box();
      if (block_box.major_overlap(line_box)) {
        TBOX overlap_box = line_box.intersection(block_box);
        if (overlap_box.area() > best_overlap) {
          best_overlap = overlap_box.area();
          best_block = block;
    ImageData* imagedata = NULL;
    if (best_block == NULL) {
      tprintf("No block overlapping textline: %s\n", line_str.string());
    } else {
      imagedata = GetLineData(line_box, boxes, texts, start_box, end_box,
    if (imagedata != NULL)
    // Don't let \t, which marks newlines in the box file, get into the line
    // content, as that makes the line unusable in training.
    while (end_box < texts.size() && texts[end_box] == "\t") ++end_box;
Exemple #6
int compare_filenames(const std::string& a, const std::string& b)
  utf8_const_iterator a_begin(a.begin()), a_end(a.end());
  utf8_const_iterator b_begin(b.begin()), b_end(b.end());
  utf8_const_iterator a_it(a_begin);
  utf8_const_iterator b_it(b_begin);

  for (; a_it != a_end && b_it != b_end; ) {
    int a_chr = *a_it;
    int b_chr = *b_it;

    if ((a_chr >= '0') && (a_chr <= '9') && (b_chr >= '0') && (b_chr <= '9')) {
      utf8_const_iterator a_it2 = a_it;
      utf8_const_iterator b_it2 = b_it;

      while (a_it2 != a_end && (*a_it2 >= '0') && (*a_it2 <= '9')) ++a_it2;
      while (b_it2 != b_end && (*b_it2 >= '0') && (*b_it2 <= '9')) ++b_it2;

      int a_num = std::strtol(std::string(a_it, a_it2).c_str(), NULL, 10);
      int b_num = std::strtol(std::string(b_it, b_it2).c_str(), NULL, 10);
      if (a_num != b_num)
        return a_num - b_num < 0 ? -1: 1;

      a_it = a_it2;
      b_it = b_it2;
    else if (is_path_separator(a_chr) && is_path_separator(b_chr)) {
    else {
      a_chr = std::tolower(a_chr);
      b_chr = std::tolower(b_chr);

      if (a_chr != b_chr)
        return a_chr - b_chr < 0 ? -1: 1;


  if (a_it == a_end && b_it == b_end)
    return 0;
  else if (a_it == a_end)
    return -1;
    return 1;
Exemple #7
// Factory to build a TWERD from a (C_BLOB) WERD, with polygonal
// approximation along the way.
TWERD* TWERD::PolygonalCopy(WERD* src) {
  TWERD* tessword = new TWERD;
  tessword->latin_script = src->flag(W_SCRIPT_IS_LATIN);
  C_BLOB_IT b_it(src->cblob_list());
  TBLOB *tail = NULL;
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    C_BLOB* blob = b_it.data();
    TBLOB* tblob = TBLOB::PolygonalCopy(blob);
    if (tail == NULL) {
      tessword->blobs = tblob;
    } else {
      tail->next = tblob;
    tail = tblob;
  return tessword;
Exemple #8
/// Any row xheight that is significantly different from the median is set
/// to the median.
void Tesseract::PreenXHeights(BLOCK_LIST *block_list) {
  double median_xheight = MedianXHeight(block_list);
  double max_deviation = kMaxXHeightDeviationFraction * median_xheight;
  // Strip all fuzzy space markers to simplify the PAGE_RES.
  BLOCK_IT b_it(block_list);
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    BLOCK* block = b_it.data();
    ROW_IT r_it(block->row_list());
    for (r_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !r_it.cycled_list(); r_it.forward ()) {
      ROW* row = r_it.data();
      float diff = fabs(row->x_height() - median_xheight);
      if (diff > max_deviation) {
        if (applybox_debug) {
          tprintf("row xheight=%g, but median xheight = %g\n",
                  row->x_height(), median_xheight);
Exemple #9
// Places a copy of blobs that are near a word (after applying rotation to the
// blob) in the most appropriate word, unless there is doubt, in which case a
// blob can end up in two words. Source blobs are not touched.
void Textord::TransferDiacriticsToWords(BLOBNBOX_LIST* diacritic_blobs,
                                        const FCOORD& rotation,
                                        WordGrid* word_grid) {
  WordSearch ws(word_grid);
  BLOBNBOX_IT b_it(diacritic_blobs);
  // Apply rotation to each blob before finding the nearest words. The rotation
  // allows us to only consider above/below placement and not left/right on
  // vertical text, because all text is horizontal here.
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    BLOBNBOX* blobnbox = b_it.data();
    TBOX blob_box = blobnbox->bounding_box();
    // Above/below refer to word position relative to diacritic. Since some
    // scripts eg Kannada/Telugu habitually put diacritics below words, and
    // others eg Thai/Vietnamese/Latin put most diacritics above words, try
    // for both if there isn't much in it.
    WordWithBox* best_above_word = nullptr;
    WordWithBox* best_below_word = nullptr;
    int best_above_distance = 0;
    int best_below_distance = 0;
    for (WordWithBox* word = ws.NextRectSearch(); word != nullptr;
         word = ws.NextRectSearch()) {
      if (word->word()->flag(W_REP_CHAR)) continue;
      TBOX word_box = word->true_bounding_box();
      int x_distance = blob_box.x_gap(word_box);
      int y_distance = blob_box.y_gap(word_box);
      if (x_distance > 0) {
        // Arbitrarily divide x-distance by 2 if there is a major y overlap,
        // and the word is to the left of the diacritic. If the
        // diacritic is a dropped broken character between two words, this will
        // help send all the pieces to a single word, instead of splitting them
        // over the 2 words.
        if (word_box.major_y_overlap(blob_box) &&
            blob_box.left() > word_box.right()) {
          x_distance /= 2;
        y_distance += x_distance;
      if (word_box.y_middle() > blob_box.y_middle() &&
          (best_above_word == nullptr || y_distance < best_above_distance)) {
        best_above_word = word;
        best_above_distance = y_distance;
      if (word_box.y_middle() <= blob_box.y_middle() &&
          (best_below_word == nullptr || y_distance < best_below_distance)) {
        best_below_word = word;
        best_below_distance = y_distance;
    bool above_good =
        best_above_word != nullptr &&
        (best_below_word == nullptr ||
         best_above_distance < best_below_distance + blob_box.height());
    bool below_good =
        best_below_word != nullptr && best_below_word != best_above_word &&
        (best_above_word == nullptr ||
         best_below_distance < best_above_distance + blob_box.height());
    if (below_good) {
      C_BLOB* copied_blob = C_BLOB::deep_copy(blobnbox->cblob());
      // Put the blob into the word's reject blobs list.
      C_BLOB_IT blob_it(best_below_word->RejBlobs());
    if (above_good) {
      C_BLOB* copied_blob = C_BLOB::deep_copy(blobnbox->cblob());
      // Put the blob into the word's reject blobs list.
      C_BLOB_IT blob_it(best_above_word->RejBlobs());
Exemple #10
// Make the textlines and words inside each block.
void Textord::TextordPage(PageSegMode pageseg_mode, const FCOORD &reskew,
                          int width, int height, Pix *binary_pix,
                          Pix *thresholds_pix, Pix *grey_pix,
                          bool use_box_bottoms,
                          BLOCK_LIST *blocks, TO_BLOCK_LIST *to_blocks) {
  if (to_blocks->empty()) {
    // AutoPageSeg was not used, so we need to find_components first.
    find_components(binary_pix, blocks, to_blocks);
    TO_BLOCK_IT it(to_blocks);
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
      TO_BLOCK *to_block = it.data();
      // Compute the edge offsets whether or not there is a grey_pix.
      // We have by-passed auto page seg, so we have to run it here.
      // By page segmentation mode there is no non-text to avoid running on.
      to_block->ComputeEdgeOffsets(thresholds_pix, grey_pix);
  } else if (!PSM_SPARSE(pageseg_mode)) {
    // AutoPageSeg does not need to find_components as it did that already.
    // Filter_blobs sets up the TO_BLOCKs the same as find_components does.
    filter_blobs(page_tr_, to_blocks, true);

  if (pageseg_mode == PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK_VERT_TEXT) {
    const FCOORD anticlockwise90(0.0f, 1.0f);
    const FCOORD clockwise90(0.0f, -1.0f);
    TO_BLOCK_IT it(to_blocks);
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
      TO_BLOCK *to_block = it.data();
      BLOCK *block = to_block->block;
      // Create a fake poly_block in block from its bounding box.
      block->set_poly_block(new POLY_BLOCK(block->bounding_box(),
      // Rotate the to_block along with its contained block and blobnbox lists.
      // Set the block's rotation values to obey the convention followed in
      // layout analysis for vertical text.

  TO_BLOCK_IT to_block_it(to_blocks);
  TO_BLOCK *to_block = to_block_it.data();
  // Make the rows in the block.
  float gradient = 0;
  // Do it the old fashioned way.
  if (PSM_LINE_FIND_ENABLED(pageseg_mode)) {
    gradient = make_rows(page_tr_, to_blocks);
  } else if (!PSM_SPARSE(pageseg_mode)) {
    // RAW_LINE, SINGLE_LINE, SINGLE_WORD and SINGLE_CHAR all need a single row.
    gradient = make_single_row(page_tr_, pageseg_mode != PSM_RAW_LINE,
                               to_block, to_blocks);
  BaselineDetect baseline_detector(textord_baseline_debug,
                                   reskew, to_blocks);
  baseline_detector.ComputeBaselineSplinesAndXheights(page_tr_, true,
  // Now make the words in the lines.
  if (PSM_WORD_FIND_ENABLED(pageseg_mode)) {
    // SINGLE_LINE uses the old word maker on the single line.
    make_words(this, page_tr_, gradient, blocks, to_blocks);
  } else {
    // SINGLE_WORD and SINGLE_CHAR cram all the blobs into a
    // single word, and in SINGLE_CHAR mode, all the outlines
    // go in a single blob.
    TO_BLOCK *to_block = to_block_it.data();
    make_single_word(pageseg_mode == PSM_SINGLE_CHAR,
                     to_block->get_rows(), to_block->block->row_list());
  cleanup_blocks(PSM_WORD_FIND_ENABLED(pageseg_mode), blocks);
  // Remove empties.

  // Compute the margins for each row in the block, to be used later for
  // paragraph detection.
  BLOCK_IT b_it(blocks);
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
Exemple #11
/// Consume all source blobs that strongly overlap the given box,
/// putting them into a new word, with the correct_text label.
/// Fights over which box owns which blobs are settled by
/// applying the blobs to box or next_box with the least non-overlap.
/// @return false if the box was in error, which can only be caused by
/// failing to find an overlapping blob for a box.
bool Tesseract::ResegmentWordBox(BLOCK_LIST *block_list,
                                 const TBOX& box, const TBOX& next_box,
                                 const char* correct_text) {
  if (applybox_debug > 1) {
    tprintf("\nAPPLY_BOX: in ResegmentWordBox() for %s\n", correct_text);
  WERD* new_word = NULL;
  BLOCK_IT b_it(block_list);
  for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
    BLOCK* block = b_it.data();
    if (!box.major_overlap(block->bounding_box()))
    ROW_IT r_it(block->row_list());
    for (r_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !r_it.cycled_list(); r_it.forward()) {
      ROW* row = r_it.data();
      if (!box.major_overlap(row->bounding_box()))
      WERD_IT w_it(row->word_list());
      for (w_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !w_it.cycled_list(); w_it.forward()) {
        WERD* word = w_it.data();
        if (applybox_debug > 2) {
          tprintf("Checking word:");
        if (word->text() != NULL && word->text()[0] != '\0')
          continue;  // Ignore words that are already done.
        if (!box.major_overlap(word->bounding_box()))
        C_BLOB_IT blob_it(word->cblob_list());
        for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list();
             blob_it.forward()) {
          C_BLOB* blob = blob_it.data();
          TBOX blob_box = blob->bounding_box();
          if (!blob_box.major_overlap(box))
          double current_box_miss_metric = BoxMissMetric(blob_box, box);
          double next_box_miss_metric = BoxMissMetric(blob_box, next_box);
          if (applybox_debug > 2) {
            tprintf("Checking blob:");
            tprintf("Current miss metric = %g, next = %g\n",
                    current_box_miss_metric, next_box_miss_metric);
          if (current_box_miss_metric > next_box_miss_metric)
            continue;  // Blob is a better match for next box.
          if (applybox_debug > 2) {
            tprintf("Blob match: blob:");
            tprintf("Matches box:");
            tprintf("With next box:");
          if (new_word == NULL) {
            // Make a new word with a single blob.
            new_word = word->shallow_copy();
          C_BLOB_IT new_blob_it(new_word->cblob_list());
  if (new_word == NULL && applybox_debug > 0) tprintf("FAIL!\n");
  return new_word != NULL;
void LMPainPoints::GenerateFromPath(float rating_cert_scale,
                                    ViterbiStateEntry *vse,
                                    WERD_RES *word_res) {
  ViterbiStateEntry *curr_vse = vse;
  BLOB_CHOICE *curr_b = vse->curr_b;
  // The following pain point generation and priority calculation approaches
  // prioritize exploring paths with low average rating of the known part of
  // the path, while not relying on the ratings of the pieces to be combined.
  // A pain point to combine the neighbors is generated for each pair of
  // neighboring blobs on the path (the path is represented by vse argument
  // given to GenerateFromPath()). The priority of each pain point is set to
  // the average rating (per outline length) of the path, not including the
  // ratings of the blobs to be combined.
  // The ratings of the blobs to be combined are not used to calculate the
  // priority, since it is not possible to determine from their magnitude
  // whether it will be beneficial to combine the blobs. The reason is that
  // chopped junk blobs (/ | - ') can have very good (low) ratings, however
  // combining them will be beneficial. Blobs with high ratings might be
  // over-joined pieces of characters, but also could be blobs from an unseen
  // font or chopped pieces of complex characters.
  while (curr_vse->parent_vse != NULL) {
    ViterbiStateEntry* parent_vse = curr_vse->parent_vse;
    const MATRIX_COORD& curr_cell = curr_b->matrix_cell();
    const MATRIX_COORD& parent_cell = parent_vse->curr_b->matrix_cell();
    MATRIX_COORD pain_coord(parent_cell.col, curr_cell.row);
    if (!pain_coord.Valid(*word_res->ratings) ||
        !word_res->ratings->Classified(parent_cell.col, curr_cell.row,
                                       dict_->WildcardID())) {
      // rat_subtr contains ratings sum of the two adjacent blobs to be merged.
      // rat_subtr will be subtracted from the ratings sum of the path, since
      // the blobs will be joined into a new blob, whose rating is yet unknown.
      float rat_subtr = curr_b->rating() + parent_vse->curr_b->rating();
      // ol_subtr contains the outline length of the blobs that will be joined.
      float ol_subtr =
          AssociateUtils::ComputeOutlineLength(rating_cert_scale, *curr_b) +
      // ol_dif is the outline of the path without the two blobs to be joined.
      float ol_dif = vse->outline_length - ol_subtr;
      // priority is set to the average rating of the path per unit of outline,
      // not counting the ratings of the pieces to be joined.
      float priority = ol_dif > 0 ? (vse->ratings_sum-rat_subtr)/ol_dif : 0.0;
      GeneratePainPoint(pain_coord.col, pain_coord.row, LM_PPTYPE_PATH,
                        priority, true, max_char_wh_ratio_, word_res);
    } else if (debug_level_ > 3) {
      tprintf("NO pain point (Classified) for col=%d row=%d type=%s\n",
              pain_coord.col, pain_coord.row,
      BLOB_CHOICE_IT b_it(word_res->ratings->get(pain_coord.col,
      for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
        BLOB_CHOICE* choice = b_it.data();

    curr_vse = parent_vse;
    curr_b = curr_vse->curr_b;