Exemple #1
int main(){
	// thread that listens for the incoming connections

	printf("server thread says you bye bye!\n");
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(){
	// thread that listens for the incoming connections
	//pthread_t thread;

	//pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &backend_thread, NULL);
	//pthread_join(thread, NULL);
	printf("server thread says you bye bye!\n");
	return 0;
esdm_status esdm_scheduler_enqueue_write(esdm_instance_t *esdm, io_request_status_t * status, esdm_dataset_t *dataset, void *buf,  esdm_dataspace_t* space){
    GError * error;
    //Gather I/O recommendations
    //esdm_performance_recommendation(esdm, NULL, NULL);    // e.g., split, merge, replication?
    //esdm_layout_recommendation(esdm, NULL, NULL);		  // e.g., merge, split, transform?

	// choose the dimension to split
	int split_dim = 0;
	for(int i=0; i < space->dimensions; i++){
		if (space->size[i] != 1){
			split_dim = i;

	// how big is one sub-hypercube? we call it y axis for the easier reading
	uint64_t one_y_size = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < space->dimensions; i++)
		if(i != split_dim){
			one_y_size *= space->size[i];
	one_y_size *= esdm_sizeof(space->datatype);

	if (one_y_size == 0){
		return ESDM_SUCCESS;

	uint64_t y_count = space->size[split_dim];
	uint64_t per_backend[esdm->modules->backend_count];

	memset(per_backend, 0, sizeof(per_backend));

	while(y_count > 0){
		for (int i = 0; i < esdm->modules->backend_count; i++) {
			esdm_backend* b = esdm->modules->backends[i];
			// how many of these fit into our buffer
			uint64_t backend_y_per_buffer = b->config->max_fragment_size / one_y_size;
			if (backend_y_per_buffer == 0){
				backend_y_per_buffer = 1;
			if (backend_y_per_buffer >= y_count){
				per_backend[i] += y_count;
				y_count = 0;
				per_backend[i] += backend_y_per_buffer;
				y_count -= backend_y_per_buffer;
	ESDM_DEBUG_FMT("Will submit %d operations and for backend0: %d y-blocks", status->pending_ops, per_backend[0]);

	uint64_t offset_y = 0;
	int64_t dim[space->dimensions];
	int64_t offset[space->dimensions];
	memcpy(offset, space->offset, space->dimensions * sizeof(int64_t));
	memcpy(dim, space->size, space->dimensions * sizeof(int64_t));

	for (int i = 0; i < esdm->modules->backend_count; i++) {
		esdm_backend* b = esdm->modules->backends[i];
		// how many of these fit into our buffer
		uint64_t backend_y_per_buffer = b->config->max_fragment_size / one_y_size;
		if (backend_y_per_buffer == 0){
			backend_y_per_buffer = 1;

		uint64_t y_total_access = per_backend[i];
		while(y_total_access > 0){
			uint64_t y_to_access = y_total_access > backend_y_per_buffer ? backend_y_per_buffer : y_total_access ;
			y_total_access -= y_to_access;

			dim[split_dim] = y_to_access;
			offset[split_dim] = offset_y + space->offset[split_dim];

			io_work_t * task = (io_work_t*) malloc(sizeof(io_work_t));
			esdm_dataspace_t* subspace = esdm_dataspace_subspace(space, space->dimensions, dim, offset);

			task->parent = status;
			task->op = ESDM_OP_WRITE;
			task->fragment = esdm_fragment_create(dataset, subspace, (char*) buf + offset_y * one_y_size);
			task->fragment->backend = b;
			task->callback = NULL;
			if (b->threads == 0){
				backend_thread(task, b);
				g_thread_pool_push(b->threadPool, task, & error);

			offset_y += y_to_access;

	// now enqueue the operations
esdm_status esdm_scheduler_enqueue_read(esdm_instance_t *esdm, io_request_status_t * status, int frag_count, esdm_fragment_t** read_frag, void * buf, esdm_dataspace_t * buf_space){
	GError * error;

	status->pending_ops += frag_count;

	int i, x;
	for (i = 0; i < frag_count; i++){
		esdm_fragment_t * f = read_frag[i];
		json_t *root = load_json(f->metadata->json);
		json_t * elem;
		elem = json_object_get(root, "plugin");
		//const char * plugin_type = json_string_value(elem);
		elem = json_object_get(root, "id");
		const char * plugin_id = json_string_value(elem);
		elem = json_object_get(root, "offset");
		//const char * offset_str = json_string_value(elem);
		elem = json_object_get(root, "size");
		//const char * size_str = json_string_value(elem);

			printf("Backend ID needs to be given\n");

		// find the backend for the fragment
		esdm_backend* backend_to_use = NULL;
		for (x = 0; x < esdm->modules->backend_count; x++){
			esdm_backend* b_tmp = esdm->modules->backends[x];
			if (strcmp(b_tmp->config->id, plugin_id) == 0){
				DEBUG("Found plugin %s", plugin_id);
				backend_to_use = b_tmp;
		if(backend_to_use == NULL){
			printf("Error no backend found for ID: %s\n", plugin_id);

		// esdm_fragment_print(read_frag[i]);
		// printf("\n");

		DEBUG("OFFSET/SIZE: %s %s\n", offset_str, size_str);

		//for verification purposes, we could read back the metadata stored and compare it...
		//esdm_dataspace_t * space = NULL;
		//esdm_status ret = esdm_dataspace_overlap_str(parent_space, 'x', (char*)offset_str, (char*)size_str, & space);
		//assert(ret == ESDM_SUCCESS);

		uint64_t size = esdm_dataspace_size(f->dataspace);
		//printf("SIZE: %ld\n", size);
		f->backend = backend_to_use;

		io_work_t * task = (io_work_t*) malloc(sizeof(io_work_t));
		task->parent = status;
		task->op = ESDM_OP_READ;
		task->fragment = f;
			DEBUG("inplace!", "");
			task->callback = NULL;
			f->buf = buf;
			f->buf = malloc(size);
			task->callback = read_copy_callback;
			task->data.mem_buf = buf;
			task->data.buf_space = buf_space;
		if (backend_to_use->threads == 0){
			backend_thread(task, backend_to_use);
			g_thread_pool_push(backend_to_use->threadPool, task, & error);
