Exemple #1
Fichier : sam.c Projet : atks/vt
static void copy_check_alignment(const char *infname, const char *informat,
    const char *outfname, const char *outmode, const char *outref)
    samFile *in = sam_open(infname, "r");
    samFile *out = sam_open(outfname, outmode);
    bam1_t *aln = bam_init1();
    bam_hdr_t *header = NULL;
    int res;

    if (!in) {
        fail("couldn't open %s", infname);
        goto err;
    if (!out) {
        fail("couldn't open %s with mode %s", outfname, outmode);
        goto err;
    if (!aln) {
        fail("bam_init1() failed");
        goto err;

    if (outref) {
        if (hts_set_opt(out, CRAM_OPT_REFERENCE, outref) < 0) {
            fail("setting reference %s for %s", outref, outfname);
            goto err;

    header = sam_hdr_read(in);
    if (!header) {
        fail("reading header from %s", infname);
        goto err;
    if (sam_hdr_write(out, header) < 0) fail("writing headers to %s", outfname);

    while ((res = sam_read1(in, header, aln)) >= 0) {
        int mod4 = ((intptr_t) bam_get_cigar(aln)) % 4;
        if (mod4 != 0)
            fail("%s CIGAR not 4-byte aligned; offset is 4k+%d for \"%s\"",
                 informat, mod4, bam_get_qname(aln));

        if (sam_write1(out, header, aln) < 0) fail("writing to %s", outfname);
    if (res < -1) {
        fail("failed to read alignment from %s", infname);

    if (in) sam_close(in);
    if (out) sam_close(out);
// Function to compare reads and determine which one is < the other
static inline int bam1_lt(const bam1_p a, const bam1_p b)
    if (g_is_by_qname) {
        int t = strnum_cmp(bam_get_qname(a), bam_get_qname(b));
        return (t < 0 || (t == 0 && (a->core.flag&0xc0) < (b->core.flag&0xc0)));
    } else return (((uint64_t)a->core.tid<<32|(a->core.pos+1)<<1|bam_is_rev(a)) < ((uint64_t)b->core.tid<<32|(b->core.pos+1)<<1|bam_is_rev(b)));
// Function to compare reads in the heap and determine which one is < the other
static inline int heap_lt(const heap1_t a, const heap1_t b)
    if (g_is_by_qname) {
        int t;
        if (a.b == NULL || b.b == NULL) return a.b == NULL? 1 : 0;
        t = strnum_cmp(bam_get_qname(a.b), bam_get_qname(b.b));
        return (t > 0 || (t == 0 && (a.b->core.flag&0xc0) > (b.b->core.flag&0xc0)));
    } else return __pos_cmp(a, b);
Exemple #4
const char* get_read_name(const bam1_t *b) {
    char* suffix[2] = {"/1", "/2"};
    char* name = bam_get_qname(b);
    if (b->core.flag & BAM_FPAIRED)
        strcpy(name, suffix[get_read_idx(b)]);
    return name;
Exemple #5
Alignment bam_to_alignment(const bam1_t *b, map<string, string>& rg_sample) {

    Alignment alignment;

    // get the sequence and qual
    int32_t lqseq = b->core.l_qseq;
    string sequence; sequence.resize(lqseq);

    uint8_t* qualptr = bam_get_qual(b);
    string quality;//(lqseq, 0);
    quality.assign((char*)qualptr, lqseq);

    // process the sequence into chars
    uint8_t* seqptr = bam_get_seq(b);
    for (int i = 0; i < lqseq; ++i) {
        sequence[i] = "=ACMGRSVTWYHKDBN"[bam_seqi(seqptr, i)];

    // get the read group and sample name
    uint8_t *rgptr = bam_aux_get(b, "RG");
    char* rg = (char*) (rgptr+1);
    //if (!rg_sample
    string sname;
    if (!rg_sample.empty()) {
        sname = rg_sample[string(rg)];

    // Now name the read after the scaffold
    string read_name = bam_get_qname(b);

    // Decide if we are a first read (/1) or second (last) read (/2)
    if(b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1) {
        read_name += "/1";
    if(b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) {
        read_name += "/2";
    // If we are marked as both first and last we get /1/2, and if we are marked
    // as neither the scaffold name comes through unchanged as the read name.
    // TODO: produce correct names for intermediate reads on >2 read scaffolds.

    // add features to the alignment
    // TODO: htslib doesn't wrap this flag for some reason.
    alignment.set_is_secondary(b->core.flag & BAM_FSECONDARY);
    if (sname.size()) {

    return alignment;
Exemple #6
void dump_read(bam1_t* b) {
    printf("->core.tid:(%d)\n", b->core.tid);
    printf("->core.pos:(%d)\n", b->core.pos);
    printf("->core.bin:(%d)\n", b->core.bin);
    printf("->core.qual:(%d)\n", b->core.qual);
    printf("->core.l_qname:(%d)\n", b->core.l_qname);
    printf("->core.flag:(%d)\n", b->core.flag);
    printf("->core.n_cigar:(%d)\n", b->core.n_cigar);
    printf("->core.l_qseq:(%d)\n", b->core.l_qseq);
    printf("->core.mtid:(%d)\n", b->core.mtid);
    printf("->core.mpos:(%d)\n", b->core.mpos);
    printf("->core.isize:(%d)\n", b->core.isize);
    if (b->data) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < b->l_data; ++i) {
            printf("%x ", b->data[i]);
    if (b->core.l_qname) {
        printf("qname: %s\n",bam_get_qname(b));
    if (b->core.l_qseq) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < b->core.l_qseq; ++i) {
        for (i = 0; i < b->core.l_qseq; ++i) {


    if (bam_get_l_aux(b)) {
        int i = 0;
        uint8_t* aux = bam_get_aux(b);

        while (i < bam_get_l_aux(b)) {
            i += 2;
            switch (*(aux+i)) {
                case 'Z':
                    while (*(aux+1+i) != '\0') { putc(*(aux+1+i), stdout); ++i; }
// Returns 0 to indicate read should be output 1 otherwise
static int process_aln(const bam_hdr_t *h, bam1_t *b, samview_settings_t* settings)
    if (settings->remove_B) bam_remove_B(b);
    if (settings->min_qlen > 0) {
        int k, qlen = 0;
        uint32_t *cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
        for (k = 0; k < b->core.n_cigar; ++k)
            if ((bam_cigar_type(bam_cigar_op(cigar[k]))&1) || bam_cigar_op(cigar[k]) == BAM_CHARD_CLIP)
                qlen += bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[k]);
        if (qlen < settings->min_qlen) return 1;
    if (b->core.qual < settings->min_mapQ || ((b->core.flag & settings->flag_on) != settings->flag_on) || (b->core.flag & settings->flag_off))
        return 1;
    if (settings->bed && (b->core.tid < 0 || !bed_overlap(settings->bed, h->target_name[b->core.tid], b->core.pos, bam_endpos(b))))
        return 1;
    if (settings->subsam_frac > 0.) {
        uint32_t k = __ac_Wang_hash(__ac_X31_hash_string(bam_get_qname(b)) ^ settings->subsam_seed);
        if ((double)(k&0xffffff) / 0x1000000 >= settings->subsam_frac) return 1;
    if (settings->rghash) {
        uint8_t *s = bam_aux_get(b, "RG");
        if (s) {
            khint_t k = kh_get(rg, settings->rghash, (char*)(s + 1));
            if (k == kh_end(settings->rghash)) return 1;
    if (settings->library) {
        const char *p = bam_get_library((bam_hdr_t*)h, b);
        if (!p || strcmp(p, settings->library) != 0) return 1;
    if (settings->remove_aux_len) {
        size_t i;
        for (i = 0; i < settings->remove_aux_len; ++i) {
            uint8_t *s = bam_aux_get(b, settings->remove_aux[i]);
            if (s) {
                bam_aux_del(b, s);
    return 0;
Exemple #8
 Mapping(const bam_hdr_t * hdr_p, bam1_t * rec_p)
     : _rec_p(rec_p)
     _query_name = bam_get_qname(rec_p);
     _flag = rec_p->core.flag;
     for (int i = 0; i < rec_p->core.l_qseq; ++i)
         _seq += seq_nt16_str[bam_seqi(bam_get_seq(rec_p), i)];
     if (is_mapped())
         _chr_name = hdr_p->target_name[rec_p->core.tid];
         _rf_start = rec_p->core.pos;
         _cigar = Cigar(bam_get_cigar(rec_p), rec_p->core.n_cigar);
         _rf_len = _cigar.rf_len();
     if (is_paired() and mp_is_mapped())
         _mp_chr_name = hdr_p->target_name[rec_p->core.mtid];
         _mp_rf_start = rec_p->core.mpos;
// Transform a bam1_t record into a string with the FASTQ representation of it
// @returns false for error, true for success
static bool bam1_to_fq(const bam1_t *b, kstring_t *linebuf, const bam2fq_state_t *state)
    int i;
    int32_t qlen = b->core.l_qseq;
    assert(qlen >= 0);
    uint8_t *seq;
    uint8_t *qual = bam_get_qual(b);
    const uint8_t *oq = NULL;
    if (state->use_oq) {
        oq = bam_aux_get(b, "OQ");
        if (oq) oq++; // skip tag type
    bool has_qual = (qual[0] != 0xff || (state->use_oq && oq)); // test if there is quality

    linebuf->l = 0;
    // Write read name
    readpart readpart = which_readpart(b);
    kputc(state->filetype == FASTA? '>' : '@', linebuf);
    kputs(bam_get_qname(b), linebuf);
    // Add the /1 /2 if requested
    if (state->has12) {
        if (readpart == READ_1) kputs("/1", linebuf);
        else if (readpart == READ_2) kputs("/2", linebuf);
    if (state->copy_tags) {
        for (i = 0; copied_tags[i]; ++i) {
            uint8_t *s;
            if ((s = bam_aux_get(b, copied_tags[i])) != 0) {
                kputc('\t', linebuf);
                kputsn(copied_tags[i], 2, linebuf);
                kputsn(":Z:", 3, linebuf);
                kputs(bam_aux2Z(s), linebuf);
    kputc('\n', linebuf);

    seq = bam_get_seq(b);

    if (b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE) { // read is reverse complemented
        for (i = qlen-1; i > -1; --i) {
            char c = seq_nt16_str[seq_comp_table[bam_seqi(seq,i)]];
            kputc(c, linebuf);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) {
            char c = seq_nt16_str[bam_seqi(seq,i)];
            kputc(c, linebuf);
    kputc('\n', linebuf);

    if (state->filetype == FASTQ) {
        // Write quality
        kputs("+\n", linebuf);
        if (has_qual) {
            if (state->use_oq && oq) {
                if (b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE) { // read is reverse complemented
                    for (i = qlen-1; i > -1; --i) {
                        kputc(oq[i], linebuf);
                } else {
                    kputs((char*)oq, linebuf);
            } else {
                if (b->core.flag & BAM_FREVERSE) { // read is reverse complemented
                    for (i = qlen-1; i > -1; --i) {
                        kputc(33 + qual[i], linebuf);
                } else {
                    for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) {
                        kputc(33 + qual[i], linebuf);
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) {
                kputc(33 + state->def_qual, linebuf);
        kputc('\n', linebuf);
    return true;
Exemple #10
static bool sam_fetch_coords(const CallFileEntry *centry,
                             const char *flank5p, size_t flank5p_len,
                             const char *flank3p, size_t flank3p_len,
                             size_t *cpy_flnk_5p, size_t *cpy_flnk_3p,
                             const read_t **chrom_ptr,
                             size_t *start, size_t *end,
                             bool *fw_strand_ptr)
  // Get the next primary alignment
  do {
    if(sam_read1(samfh, bam_header, bamentry) < 0)
      die("We've run out of SAM entries!");
  } while(bamentry->core.flag & (BAM_FSECONDARY | BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY));

  if(bamentry->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) { num_flank5p_unmapped++; return false; }
  if(bamentry->core.qual < min_mapq)   { num_flank5p_lowqual++;  return false; }

  bool fw_strand = !bam_is_rev(bamentry);
  *fw_strand_ptr = fw_strand;

  const char *chrom_name = bam_header->target_name[bamentry->core.tid];
  const read_t *chrom = seq_fetch_chrom(genome, chrom_name);
  *chrom_ptr = chrom;

  const uint32_t *cigar = bam_get_cigar(bamentry);
  int cigar2rlen = bam_cigar2rlen(bamentry->core.n_cigar, cigar);

  // cpy_flnk_5p is soft clipped at right end of flank
  // Eat up hard masked (H), soft masked (S) and inserted bases (relative to ref) (I)
  *cpy_flnk_5p = bam_get_end_padding(bamentry->core.n_cigar, cigar);
  *cpy_flnk_3p = 0; // set this later

  // Get bam query name
  char *bname = bam_get_qname(bamentry);

  // Check entry/flank names match
  const char *hdrline = call_file_get_line(centry, 0);
  if(hdrline[0] != '>') die("Unexpected line: %s", hdrline);
  const char *hdrline_end = str_fasta_name_end(hdrline);
  int hdrline_len = hdrline_end - hdrline;

  if(strncmp(hdrline, bname, hdrline_len) != 0)
    die("SAM/BAM and call entries mismatch '%s' vs '%s'", hdrline, bname);

  // Find 3p flank position using search for first kmer
  char endkmer[200];
  ctx_assert(kmer_size+1 <= sizeof(endkmer));
  ctx_assert(flank3p_len >= kmer_size || call_file_min_allele_len(centry) == 0);
  bubble_get_end_kmer(flank5p, flank5p_len, flank3p, flank3p_len, kmer_size, endkmer);
  if(!fw_strand) dna_revcomp_str(endkmer, endkmer, kmer_size);

  // Determine search space
  // Choose a region of the ref to search for the end flank
  // end is index after last char
  long search_start, search_end;
  size_t longest_allele = call_file_max_allele_len(centry);

  if(fw_strand) {
    search_start = (long)bamentry->core.pos + cigar2rlen - kmer_size*2;
    search_end = (long)bamentry->core.pos + cigar2rlen + longest_allele + kmer_size*2 + 10;
  } else {
    search_start = (long)bamentry->core.pos - (longest_allele + kmer_size*2 + 10);
    search_end = (long)bamentry->core.pos + kmer_size*2;

  search_start = MAX2(search_start, 0);
  search_end   = MIN2(search_end,   (long)chrom->seq.end);

  const char *search_region = chrom->seq.b + search_start;
  size_t search_len = (size_t)(search_end - search_start);

  // Now do search with kmer
  // Attempt to find perfect match for kmer within search region

  // Search, if there is more than one match -> abandon
  const char *kmer_match = ctx_strnstr(search_region, endkmer, search_len);

  if(kmer_match != NULL)
    // Check for multiple hits
    size_t rem_search_len = search_region+search_len-kmer_match;
    if(ctx_strnstr(kmer_match+1, endkmer, rem_search_len-1) != NULL) {
      return false;

    if(fw_strand) {
      *start = bamentry->core.pos + cigar2rlen;
      *end   = kmer_match - chrom->seq.b;
    } else {
      *start = kmer_match + kmer_size - chrom->seq.b;
      *end   = bamentry->core.pos;
    return true;
    // Look for approximate match
    needleman_wunsch_align2(search_region, endkmer, search_len, kmer_size,
                            &nw_scoring_flank, nw_aligner, aln);
    const char *ref = aln->result_a, *alt = aln->result_b;
    // --aa--dd-cge
    // bb--ccd-ecge

    // Find positions of first and last match
    int i, l, r, matches = 0;
    int ref_offset_left = 0, ref_offset_rght = 0;
    int alt_offset_left = 0, alt_offset_rght = 0;

    for(l = 0; l < (int)aln->length && ref[l] != alt[l]; l++) {
      ref_offset_left += (ref[l] != '-');
      alt_offset_left += (alt[l] != '-');
    for(r = aln->length-1; r > 0 && ref[r] != alt[r]; r--) {
      ref_offset_rght += (ref[r] != '-');
      alt_offset_rght += (alt[r] != '-');

    // Count matches
    for(i = l; i <= r; i++) matches += (ref[i] == alt[i]);

    if(matches < (int)kmer_size / 2)
      // flank doesn't map well
      return false;


    *cpy_flnk_3p += fw_strand ? alt_offset_left : alt_offset_rght;

    if(fw_strand) {
      *start = bamentry->core.pos + cigar2rlen;
      *end   = search_region + ref_offset_left - chrom->seq.b;
    } else {
      *start = (search_region + search_len - ref_offset_rght) - chrom->seq.b;
      *end   = bamentry->core.pos;

    return true;
Exemple #11
static int unpad_seq(bam1_t *b, kstring_t *s)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 on an error
    int k, j, i;
    int length;
    int cigar_n_warning = 0; /* Make this a global and limit to one CIGAR N warning? */
    uint32_t *cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
    uint8_t *seq = bam_get_seq(b);

    // b->core.l_qseq gives length of the SEQ entry (including soft clips, S)
    // We need the padded length after alignment from the CIGAR (excluding
    // soft clips S, but including pads from CIGAR D operations)
    length = bam_cigar2rlen(b->core.n_cigar, cigar);
    ks_resize(s, length);
    for (k = 0, s->l = 0, j = 0; k < b->core.n_cigar; ++k) {
        int op, ol;
        op = bam_cigar_op(cigar[k]);
        ol = bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[k]);
        if (op == BAM_CMATCH || op == BAM_CEQUAL || op == BAM_CDIFF) {
            for (i = 0; i < ol; ++i, ++j) s->s[s->l++] = bam_seqi(seq, j);
        } else if (op == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) {
            j += ol;
        } else if (op == BAM_CHARD_CLIP) {
            /* do nothing */
        } else if (op == BAM_CDEL) {
            for (i = 0; i < ol; ++i) s->s[s->l++] = 0;
        } else if (op == BAM_CREF_SKIP) {
            /* Treat CIGAR N as D (not ideal, but better than ignoring it) */
            for (i = 0; i < ol; ++i) s->s[s->l++] = 0;
            if (0 == cigar_n_warning) {
                cigar_n_warning = -1;
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] WARNING: CIGAR op N treated as op D in read %s\n", bam_get_qname(b));
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Didn't expect CIGAR op %c in read %s\n", BAM_CIGAR_STR[op], bam_get_qname(b));
            return -1;
    return length != s->l;
Exemple #12
BM_mappedRead * extractReads(char * bamFile,
                             char ** contigs,
                             int numContigs,
                             uint16_t * groups,
                             char * prettyName,
                             int headersOnly,
                             int minMapQual,
                             int maxMisMatches,
                             int ignoreSuppAlignments,
                             int ignoreSecondaryAlignments) {
    // code uses the pattern outlined in samtools view (sam_view.c)
    // thanks lh3!
    int i = 0;
    int result = -1;
    int hh = 0;

    int supp_check = 0x0; // include supp mappings
    if (ignoreSuppAlignments) {
        supp_check |= BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY;
    if (ignoreSecondaryAlignments) {
        supp_check |= BAM_FSECONDARY;

    // we need to let the users know if their pairings
    // will be corrupted
    int p_corrupt = 0;

    // helper variables
    samFile *in = 0;
    bam_hdr_t *header = NULL;
    bam1_t *b = bam_init1();

    BM_mappedRead * root = 0;
    BM_mappedRead * prev = 0;

    // open file handlers
    if ((in = sam_open(bamFile, "r")) == 0) {
                "ERROR: Failed to open \"%s\" for reading.\n",
    else {
        // retrieve the header
        if ((header = sam_hdr_read(in)) == 0) {
                    "ERROR: Failed to read the header from \"%s\".\n",
        else {
            // check the index is intact
            hts_idx_t *idx = sam_index_load(in, bamFile); // load index
            if (idx == 0) { // index is unavailable
                        "ERROR: Random retrieval only works "\
                        "for indexed files.\n");
            else {
                cfuhash_table_t *pair_buffer = \
                cfuhash_set_flag(pair_buffer, CFUHASH_FROZEN_UNTIL_GROWS);

                for (hh = 0; hh < numContigs; ++hh) {
                    // parse a region in the format like `chr2:100-200'
                    hts_itr_t *iter = sam_itr_querys(idx, header, contigs[hh]);
                    if (iter == NULL) { // reference name is not found
                                "WARNING: Could not find contig: "\
                                "[%s] in BAM: [%s].\n",

                    // fetch alignments
                    int line = 0;
                    while ((result = sam_itr_next(in, iter, b)) >= 0) {
                        bam1_core_t core = b->core;
                        line += 1;
                        // only high quality?, primary? mappings
                        if ( core.qual < minMapQual)
                        if ((core.flag & supp_check) != 0)
                        if(bam_aux2i(bam_aux_get(b, "NM")) > maxMisMatches) {

                        char * seqId = bam_get_qname(b);
                        char * seq = 0;
                        char * qual = 0;
                        int qual_len = 0;
                        int seq_len = 0;

                        // get sequence and quality
                        if(0 == headersOnly) {
                            // no point allocating unused space
                            seq = calloc(core.l_qseq+1, sizeof(char));
                            qual = calloc(core.l_qseq+1, sizeof(char));
                            uint8_t *s = bam_get_seq(b);
                            if (core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE) {
                                // reverse the read
                                int r = 0;
                                for (i = core.l_qseq-1; i >=0 ; --i) {
                            else {
                                for (i = 0; i < core.l_qseq; ++i) {
                            seq_len = core.l_qseq;

                            s = bam_get_qual(b);
                            if (s[0] != 0xff) {
                                qual_len = core.l_qseq;
                                for (i = 0; i < core.l_qseq; ++i) {
                                    qual[i] = (char)(s[i] + 33);
                            else if (qual != 0) {
                                qual = 0;

                        // work out pairing information
                        uint8_t rpi = RPI_ERROR;
                        if (core.flag&BAM_FPAIRED) {
                            if(core.flag&BAM_FMUNMAP) {
                                if (core.flag&BAM_FREAD1) {
                                    rpi = RPI_SNGL_FIR;
                                else if (core.flag&BAM_FREAD2) {
                                    rpi = RPI_SNGL_SEC;
                            else {
                                if (core.flag&BAM_FREAD1) {
                                    rpi = RPI_FIR;
                                else if (core.flag&BAM_FREAD2) {
                                    rpi = RPI_SEC;
                        else {
                            rpi = RPI_SNGL;

                        // make the funky Id
                        #define MAX_SEQ_ID_LEN 80
                        char * seq_id = calloc(MAX_SEQ_ID_LEN,
                        // allocate the string to the buffer but check to
                        // ensure we're not cutting anything off
                        int id_len = snprintf(seq_id,
                        if(id_len >= MAX_SEQ_ID_LEN) {
                            seq_id = calloc(id_len+1, sizeof(char));
                                     id_len+1, // don't forget the NULL!

                        // make the mapped read struct
                        prev = makeMappedRead(seq_id,

                        if (0 == root) { root = prev; }

                        if(rpi == RPI_SNGL || \
                           rpi == RPI_SNGL_FIR || \
                           rpi == RPI_SNGL_SEC) {
                            // we can just add away
                            // indicate singleton reads by pointing the
                            // partner pointer to itself
                            prev->partnerRead = prev;
                        else {
                            // RPI_FIR or RPI_SEC
                            // work out pairing information using the hash
                            // we append a 1 or 2 to the end so that
                            // we don't accidentally pair 1's with 1's etc.
                            char * stripped_result;
                            if(rpi == RPI_FIR) {
                                stripped_result = \
                            else {
                                stripped_result = \

                            char * stripped = seqId;
                                stripped = stripped_result;

                            //fprintf(stdout, "SEARCH %s\n", stripped);
                            // now stripped always holds a stripped value
                            // see if it is in the hash already
                            BM_mappedRead * stored_MR = \

                            if (0 != stored_MR) {
                                // exists in the hash -> Add the pair info
                                if(rpi == RPI_FIR) {
                                    prev->partnerRead = stored_MR;
                                else {
                                    stored_MR->partnerRead = prev;

                                // delete the entry from the hash
                            else {
                                // we should put it in the hash
                                // make sure to change it into something
                                // we will find next time
                                if(rpi == RPI_FIR)
                                    stripped[strlen(stripped)-1] = '1';
                                    stripped[strlen(stripped)-1] = '2';

                                // check to make sure we're not overwriting
                                // anything important. cfuhash overwrites
                                // duplicate entries, so we need to grab
                                // it and put it to "SNGL_XXX" before we
                                // lose the pointer
                                BM_mappedRead * OWMMR = \
                                                stripped, prev);
                                if(OWMMR) {
                                    if(OWMMR->rpi == RPI_FIR)
                                        OWMMR->rpi = RPI_SNGL_FIR;
                                        OWMMR->rpi = RPI_SNGL_SEC;
                                    OWMMR->partnerRead = OWMMR;
                                    p_corrupt = 1;


                            if(stripped_result != 0) { // free this!
                                stripped_result = 0;
                    if (result < -1) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: retrieval of reads from "\
                                        "contig:  \"%s\" failed due to "\
                                        "truncated file or corrupt BAM index "\
                                        "file\n", header->target_name[hh]);

                // any entries left in the hash are pairs whose mates did
                // not meet quality standards
                size_t key_size = 0;
                char * key;
                BM_mappedRead * LOMMR;
                size_t pr_size = 1;
                                     &pr_size)) {
                    do {
                        // get the mapped read
                        // update it's pairing so we know it's really single
                        if (LOMMR->rpi == RPI_FIR)
                            LOMMR->rpi = RPI_SNGL_FIR;
                        else if (LOMMR->rpi == RPI_SEC)
                            LOMMR->rpi = RPI_SNGL_SEC;

                        // indicate singleton reads by pointing the
                        // partner pointer to itself
                        LOMMR->partnerRead = LOMMR;

                    } while(cfuhash_next_data(pair_buffer,

            hts_idx_destroy(idx); // destroy the BAM index
    // always do this
    if (in) sam_close(in);
    if ( header ) bam_hdr_destroy(header);

    return root;
Exemple #13
char* get_pair_name(const bam1_t *b) {
    return bam_get_qname(b);
Exemple #14
void bam_fillmd1_core(bam1_t *b, char *ref, int ref_len, int flag, int max_nm)
    uint8_t *seq = bam_get_seq(b);
    uint32_t *cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
    bam1_core_t *c = &b->core;
    int i, x, y, u = 0;
    kstring_t *str;
    int32_t old_nm_i = -1, nm = 0;

    str = (kstring_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(kstring_t));
    for (i = y = 0, x = c->pos; i < c->n_cigar; ++i) {
        int j, l = cigar[i]>>4, op = cigar[i]&0xf;
        if (op == BAM_CMATCH || op == BAM_CEQUAL || op == BAM_CDIFF) {
            for (j = 0; j < l; ++j) {
                int c1, c2, z = y + j;
                if (x+j >= ref_len || ref[x+j] == '\0') break; // out of bounds
                c1 = bam_seqi(seq, z), c2 = seq_nt16_table[(int)ref[x+j]];
                if ((c1 == c2 && c1 != 15 && c2 != 15) || c1 == 0) { // a match
                    if (flag&USE_EQUAL) seq[z/2] &= (z&1)? 0xf0 : 0x0f;
                } else {
                    kputw(u, str);
                    kputc(ref[x+j], str);
                    u = 0;
            if (j < l) break;
            x += l;
            y += l;
        } else if (op == BAM_CDEL) {
            kputw(u, str);
            kputc('^', str);
            for (j = 0; j < l; ++j) {
                if (x+j >= ref_len || ref[x+j] == '\0') break;
                kputc(ref[x+j], str);
            u = 0;
            x += j;
            nm += j;
            if (j < l) break;
        } else if (op == BAM_CINS || op == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) {
            y += l;
            if (op == BAM_CINS) nm += l;
        } else if (op == BAM_CREF_SKIP) {
            x += l;
    kputw(u, str);
    // apply max_nm
    if (max_nm > 0 && nm >= max_nm) {
        for (i = y = 0, x = c->pos; i < c->n_cigar; ++i) {
            int j, l = cigar[i]>>4, op = cigar[i]&0xf;
            if (op == BAM_CMATCH || op == BAM_CEQUAL || op == BAM_CDIFF) {
                for (j = 0; j < l; ++j) {
                    int c1, c2, z = y + j;
                    if (x+j >= ref_len || ref[x+j] == '\0') break; // out of bounds
                    c1 = bam_seqi(seq, z), c2 = seq_nt16_table[(int)ref[x+j]];
                    if ((c1 == c2 && c1 != 15 && c2 != 15) || c1 == 0) { // a match
                        seq[z/2] |= (z&1)? 0x0f : 0xf0;
                        bam_get_qual(b)[z] = 0;
                if (j < l) break;
                x += l;
                y += l;
            } else if (op == BAM_CDEL || op == BAM_CREF_SKIP) x += l;
            else if (op == BAM_CINS || op == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) y += l;
    // update NM
    if ((flag & UPDATE_NM) && !(c->flag & BAM_FUNMAP)) {
        uint8_t *old_nm = bam_aux_get(b, "NM");
        if (old_nm) old_nm_i = bam_aux2i(old_nm);
        if (!old_nm) bam_aux_append(b, "NM", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nm);
        else if (nm != old_nm_i) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[bam_fillmd1] different NM for read '%s': %d -> %d\n", bam_get_qname(b), old_nm_i, nm);
            bam_aux_del(b, old_nm);
            bam_aux_append(b, "NM", 'i', 4, (uint8_t*)&nm);
    // update MD
    if ((flag & UPDATE_MD) && !(c->flag & BAM_FUNMAP)) {
        uint8_t *old_md = bam_aux_get(b, "MD");
        if (!old_md) bam_aux_append(b, "MD", 'Z', str->l + 1, (uint8_t*)str->s);
        else {
            int is_diff = 0;
            if (strlen((char*)old_md+1) == str->l) {
                for (i = 0; i < str->l; ++i)
                    if (toupper(old_md[i+1]) != toupper(str->s[i]))
                if (i < str->l) is_diff = 1;
            } else is_diff = 1;
            if (is_diff) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[bam_fillmd1] different MD for read '%s': '%s' -> '%s'\n", bam_get_qname(b), old_md+1, str->s);
                bam_aux_del(b, old_md);
                bam_aux_append(b, "MD", 'Z', str->l + 1, (uint8_t*)str->s);

    // drop all tags but RG
    if (flag&DROP_TAG) {
        uint8_t *q = bam_aux_get(b, "RG");
        bam_aux_drop_other(b, q);
    // reduce the resolution of base quality
    if (flag&BIN_QUAL) {
        uint8_t *qual = bam_get_qual(b);
        for (i = 0; i < b->core.l_qseq; ++i)
            if (qual[i] >= 3) qual[i] = qual[i]/10*10 + 7;

Exemple #15
int main_bam2fq(int argc, char *argv[])
    BGZF *fp, *fpse = 0;
    bam1_t *b;
    uint8_t *buf;
    int max_buf, c, has12 = 0;
    kstring_t str;
    int64_t n_singletons = 0, n_reads = 0;
    char last[512], *fnse = 0;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "as:")) > 0)
        if (c == 'a') has12 = 1;
        else if (c == 's') fnse = optarg;
    if (argc == optind) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:   bam2fq [-a] [-s outSE] <in.bam>\n\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Options: -a        append /1 and /2 to the read name\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "         -s FILE   write singleton reads to FILE [assume single-end]\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        return 1;
    fp = strcmp(argv[optind], "-")? bgzf_open(argv[optind], "r") : bgzf_dopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
    buf = 0;
    max_buf = 0;
    str.l = str.m = 0;
    str.s = 0;
    last[0] = 0;
    if (fnse) fpse = bgzf_open(fnse, "w1");

    b = bam_init1();
    while (bam_read1(fp, b) >= 0) {
        int i, qlen = b->core.l_qseq, is_print = 0;
        uint8_t *qual, *seq;
        if (b->flag&BAM_FSECONDARY) continue; // skip secondary alignments
        if (fpse) {
            if (str.l && strcmp(last, bam_get_qname(b))) {
                bgzf_write(fpse, str.s, str.l);
                str.l = 0;
            if (str.l) is_print = 1;
            strcpy(last, bam_get_qname(b));
        } else is_print = 1;
        qual = bam_get_qual(b);
        kputc(qual[0] == 0xff? '>' : '@', &str);
        kputsn(bam_get_qname(b), b->core.l_qname - 1, &str);
        if (has12) {
            kputc('/', &str);
            kputw(b->core.flag>>6&3, &str);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        if (max_buf < qlen + 1) {
            max_buf = qlen + 1;
            buf = (uint8_t*)realloc(buf, max_buf);
        buf[qlen] = 0;
        seq = bam_get_seq(b);
        for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) buf[i] = bam_seqi(seq, i); // copy the sequence
        if (bam_is_rev(b)) { // reverse complement
            for (i = 0; i < qlen>>1; ++i) {
                int8_t t = seq_comp_table[buf[qlen - 1 - i]];
                buf[qlen - 1 - i] = seq_comp_table[buf[i]];
                buf[i] = t;
            if (qlen&1) buf[i] = seq_comp_table[buf[i]];
        for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) buf[i] = seq_nt16_str[buf[i]];
        kputsn((char*)buf, qlen, &str);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        if (qual[0] != 0xff) {
            kputsn("+\n", 2, &str);
            for (i = 0; i < qlen; ++i) buf[i] = 33 + qual[i];
            if (bam_is_rev(b)) { // reverse
                for (i = 0; i < qlen>>1; ++i) {
                    uint8_t t = buf[qlen - 1 - i];
                    buf[qlen - 1 - i] = buf[i];
                    buf[i] = t;
        kputsn((char*)buf, qlen, &str);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        if (is_print) {
            fwrite(str.s, 1, str.l, stdout);
            str.l = 0;
    if (fpse) {
        if (str.l) {
            bgzf_write(fpse, str.s, str.l);
        fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] discarded %lld singletons\n", __func__, (long long)n_singletons);
    fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] processed %lld reads\n", __func__, (long long)n_reads);
    return 0;
// Update the training data with aligned events from a read
void add_aligned_events(const Fast5Map& name_map,
                        const faidx_t* fai,
                        const bam_hdr_t* hdr,
                        const bam1_t* record,
                        size_t read_idx,
                        int region_start,
                        int region_end,
                        size_t round,
                        ModelTrainingMap& training)
    // Load a squiggle read for the mapped read
    std::string read_name = bam_get_qname(record);
    std::string fast5_path = name_map.get_path(read_name);

    // load read
    SquiggleRead sr(read_name, fast5_path);

    // replace the models that are built into the read with the current trained model

    for(size_t strand_idx = 0; strand_idx < NUM_STRANDS; ++strand_idx) {

        // skip if 1D reads and this is the wrong strand
        if(!sr.has_events_for_strand(strand_idx)) {

        // set k
        uint32_t k = sr.pore_model[strand_idx].k;

        // Align to the new model
        EventAlignmentParameters params;
        params.sr = &sr;
        params.fai = fai;
        params.hdr = hdr;
        params.record = record;
        params.strand_idx = strand_idx;

        params.alphabet = mtrain_alphabet;
        params.read_idx = read_idx;
        params.region_start = region_start;
        params.region_end = region_end;
        std::vector<EventAlignment> alignment_output = align_read_to_ref(params);
        if (alignment_output.size() == 0)

        // Update pore model based on alignment
        std::string curr_model = sr.pore_model[strand_idx].metadata.get_short_name();
        double orig_score = -INFINITY;

        if (opt::output_scores) {
            orig_score = model_score(sr, strand_idx, fai, alignment_output, 500, NULL);

            #pragma omp critical(print)
            std::cout << round << " " << curr_model << " " << read_idx << " " << strand_idx << " Original " << orig_score << std::endl;

        if ( opt::calibrate ) {
            double resid = 0.;
            recalibrate_model(sr, strand_idx, alignment_output, mtrain_alphabet, resid, true);

            if (opt::output_scores) {
                double rescaled_score = model_score(sr, strand_idx, fai, alignment_output, 500, NULL);
                #pragma omp critical(print)
                    std::cout << round << " " << curr_model << " " << read_idx << " " << strand_idx << " Rescaled " << rescaled_score << std::endl;
                    std::cout << round << " " << curr_model << " " << read_idx << " " << strand_idx << " Delta " << rescaled_score-orig_score << std::endl;

        // Get the training data for this model
        auto& emission_map = training[curr_model];

        for(size_t i = 0; i < alignment_output.size(); ++i) {
            const EventAlignment& ea = alignment_output[i];
            std::string model_kmer = ea.model_kmer;

            // Grab the previous/next model kmer from the alignment_output table.
            // If the read is from the same strand as the reference
            // the next kmer comes from the next alignment_output (and vice-versa)
            // other the indices are swapped
            int next_stride = ea.rc ? -1 : 1;

            std::string prev_kmer = "";
            std::string next_kmer = "";

            if(i > 0 && i < alignment_output.size() - 1) {

                // check that the event indices are correct for the next expected position
                assert(alignment_output[i + next_stride].event_idx - ea.event_idx == 1);
                assert(alignment_output[i - next_stride].event_idx - ea.event_idx == -1);

                // only set the previous/next when there was exactly one base of movement along the referenc
                if( std::abs(alignment_output[i + next_stride].ref_position - ea.ref_position) == 1) {
                    next_kmer = alignment_output[i + next_stride].model_kmer;

                if( std::abs(alignment_output[i - next_stride].ref_position - ea.ref_position) == 1) {
                    prev_kmer = alignment_output[i - next_stride].model_kmer;

            // Get the rank of the kmer that we aligned to (on the sequencing strand, = model_kmer)
            uint32_t rank = mtrain_alphabet->kmer_rank(model_kmer.c_str(), k);
            assert(rank < emission_map.size());
            auto& kmer_summary = emission_map[rank];

            // We only use this event for training if its not at the end of the alignment
            // (to avoid bad alignments around the read edges) and if its not too short (to
            // avoid bad measurements from effecting the levels too much)
            bool use_for_training = i > opt::min_distance_from_alignment_end &&
                i + opt::min_distance_from_alignment_end < alignment_output.size() &&
                alignment_output[i].hmm_state == 'M' &&
                sr.get_duration( alignment_output[i].event_idx, strand_idx) >= opt::min_event_duration &&
                sr.get_fully_scaled_level(alignment_output[i].event_idx, strand_idx) >= 1.0;

            if(use_for_training) {
                StateTrainingData std(sr, ea, rank, prev_kmer, next_kmer);
                #pragma omp critical(kmer)

            if(ea.hmm_state == 'M')  {
                #pragma omp atomic
                kmer_summary.num_matches += 1;
            } else if(ea.hmm_state == 'E') {
                #pragma omp atomic
                kmer_summary.num_stays += 1;
    } // for strands
static void bam_translate(bam1_t* b, trans_tbl_t* tbl)
    // Update target id if not unmapped tid
    if ( b->core.tid >= 0 ) { b->core.tid = tbl->tid_trans[b->core.tid]; }
    if ( b->core.mtid >= 0 ) { b->core.mtid = tbl->tid_trans[b->core.mtid]; }

    // If we have a RG update it
    uint8_t *rg = bam_aux_get(b, "RG");
    if (rg) {
        char* decoded_rg = bam_aux2Z(rg);
        khiter_t k = kh_get(c2c, tbl->rg_trans, decoded_rg);
        if (k != kh_end(tbl->rg_trans)) {
            char* translate_rg = kh_value(tbl->rg_trans,k);
            bam_aux_del(b, rg);
            bam_aux_append(b, "RG", 'Z', strlen(translate_rg) + 1, (uint8_t*)translate_rg);
        } else {
            fprintf(pysamerr, "[bam_translate] RG tag \"%s\" on read \"%s\" encountered with no corresponding entry in header, tag lost\n",decoded_rg, bam_get_qname(b));
            bam_aux_del(b, rg);

    // If we have a PG update it
    uint8_t *pg = bam_aux_get(b, "PG");
    if (pg) {
        char* decoded_pg = bam_aux2Z(pg);
        khiter_t k = kh_get(c2c, tbl->pg_trans, decoded_pg);
        if (k != kh_end(tbl->pg_trans)) {
            char* translate_pg = kh_value(tbl->pg_trans,k);
            bam_aux_del(b, pg);
            bam_aux_append(b, "PG", 'Z', strlen(translate_pg) + 1, (uint8_t*)translate_pg);
        } else {
            fprintf(pysamerr, "[bam_translate] PG tag \"%s\" on read \"%s\" encountered with no corresponding entry in header, tag lost\n",decoded_pg, bam_get_qname(b));
            bam_aux_del(b, pg);
Exemple #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 4)
             "usage\t:%s <bam> <split out> <discord out> (optional #threads)",

    char *bam_file_name = argv[1];
    char *split_file_name = argv[2];
    char *disc_file_name = argv[3];
    int threads = 2;
    if (argc == 5) {
        threads = atoi(argv[4]);

    samFile *disc = sam_open(disc_file_name, "wb");

    samFile *split = sam_open(split_file_name, "wb");

    samFile *in = sam_open(bam_file_name, "rb");
    if(in == NULL)
        errx(1, "Unable to open BAM/SAM file.");

    // TODO: handle cram.
    if (threads > 1) {
        bgzf_mt(in->fp.bgzf, threads, 256);

    hts_idx_t *idx = sam_index_load(in, bam_file_name);
    if(idx == NULL)
        errx(1,"Unable to open BAM/SAM index.");

    bam_hdr_t *hdr = sam_hdr_read(in);

    int r = sam_hdr_write(disc, hdr);
    r = sam_hdr_write(split, hdr);

    bam1_t *aln = bam_init1();
    int ret;

    while(ret = sam_read1(in, hdr, aln) >= 0) {
        if (((aln->core.flag) & 1294) == 0)
            r = sam_write1(disc, hdr, aln);

        uint8_t *sa = bam_aux_get(aln, "SA");

        if (sa != 0) {
            char *sa_tag = strdup(bam_aux2Z(sa));
            if ( count_tags(sa_tag) == 1) {
                char *chrm, strand, *cigar;
                uint32_t pos;

                struct line sa, al;

                sa.chrm = chrm;
                sa.strand = strand;

                               bam_is_rev(aln) ? '-' : '+',
                al.chrm = hdr->target_name[aln->core.tid];
                al.strand = bam_is_rev(aln) ? '-' : '+';

                struct line *left = &al, *right = &sa;

                if (left->SQO > right->SQO) {
                    left = &sa;
                    right = &al;

                int overlap = MAX(1 + MIN(left->EQO, right->EQO) - 
                        MAX(left->SQO, right->SQO), 0);
                int alen1 = 1 + left->EQO - left->SQO;
                int alen2 = 1 + right->EQO - right->SQO;
                int mno = MIN(alen1-overlap, alen2-overlap);
                if (mno < MIN_NON_OVERLAP) 

                if ( (strcmp(left->chrm, right->chrm) == 0) &&
                     (left->strand == right->strand) ) {

                    int leftDiag, rightDiag, insSize;
                    if (left->strand == '-') {
                        leftDiag = left->rapos - left->sclip;
                        rightDiag = (right->rapos + right->raLen) - 
                                (right->sclip + right->qaLen);
                        insSize = rightDiag - leftDiag;
                    } else {
                        leftDiag = (left->rapos + left->raLen) - 
                                (left->sclip + left->qaLen);
                        rightDiag = right->rapos - right->sclip;
                        insSize = leftDiag - rightDiag;
                    int desert = right->SQO - left->EQO - 1;
                    if ((abs(insSize) < MIN_INDEL_SIZE) || 
                        ((desert > 0) && (
                            (desert - (int)MAX(0, insSize)) >

                char *qname =  bam_get_qname(aln);
                if ((aln->core.flag & 64) == 64)
                    qname[0] = 'A'; 
                    qname[0] = 'B'; 

                r = sam_write1(split, hdr, aln);

    if(ret < -1) {
        errx(1, "lumpy_filter: error reading bam: %s\n", bam_file_name);
// Test CpG sites in this read for methylation
void calculate_methylation_for_read(const ModelMap& model_map,
               const Fast5Map& name_map, 
               const faidx_t* fai, 
               const bam_hdr_t* hdr, 
               const bam1_t* record, 
               size_t read_idx,
               const OutputHandles& handles)
    // Load a squiggle read for the mapped read
    std::string read_name = bam_get_qname(record);
    std::string fast5_path = name_map.get_path(read_name);
    SquiggleRead sr(read_name, fast5_path);

    // An output map from reference positions to scored CpG sites
    std::map<int, ScoredSite> site_score_map;

    for(size_t strand_idx = 0; strand_idx < NUM_STRANDS; ++strand_idx) {
        std::vector<double> site_scores;
        std::vector<int> site_starts;
        std::vector<int> site_ends;
        std::vector<int> site_count;

        // replace the baked-in pore model with the methylation model
        // (including unmethylated kmers) for this strand
        std::string curr_model = sr.pore_model[strand_idx].name;

        std::string methyl_model = curr_model + ".ecoli_er2925.pcr_MSssI.timp.021216.alphabet_cpg.model";
        auto model_iter = model_map.find(methyl_model);

        if(model_iter != model_map.end()) {
            sr.pore_model[strand_idx].update_states( model_iter->second );
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error, methylated model %s not found\n", methyl_model.c_str());
        size_t k = sr.pore_model[strand_idx].k;

        // Align in event space using the new model
        EventAlignmentParameters params;
        params.sr = &sr;
        params.fai = fai;
        params.hdr = hdr;
        params.record = record;
        params.strand_idx = strand_idx;
        params.read_idx = read_idx;
        params.alphabet = mtest_alphabet;

        std::vector<EventAlignment> alignment_output = align_read_to_ref(params);
        std::string contig = alignment_output.front().ref_name.c_str();
        // Convert the EventAlignment to a map between reference positions and events
        std::vector<AlignedPair> event_aligned_pairs;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < alignment_output.size(); ++i) {

            AlignedPair ap = { alignment_output[i].ref_position,
                               alignment_output[i].event_idx };

        int ref_start_pos = event_aligned_pairs.front().ref_pos;
        int ref_end_pos = event_aligned_pairs.back().ref_pos;

        // Extract the reference sequence for this region
        int fetched_len = 0;
        assert(ref_end_pos >= ref_start_pos);
        std::string ref_seq = get_reference_region_ts(params.fai, contig.c_str(), ref_start_pos, 
                                                  ref_end_pos, &fetched_len);
        // Remove non-ACGT bases from this reference segment
        ref_seq = gDNAAlphabet.disambiguate(ref_seq);

        // Scan the sequence for CpGs
        std::vector<int> cpg_sites;
        assert(ref_seq.size() != 0);
        for(size_t i = 0; i < ref_seq.size() - 1; ++i) {
            if(ref_seq[i] == 'C' && ref_seq[i+1] == 'G') {
        // Batch the CpGs together into groups that are separated by some minimum distance
        int min_separation = 10;
        size_t curr_idx = 0;
        while(curr_idx < cpg_sites.size()) {
            // Find the endpoint of this group of sites
            size_t end_idx = curr_idx + 1;
            while(end_idx < cpg_sites.size()) {
                if(cpg_sites[end_idx] - cpg_sites[end_idx - 1] > min_separation)
                end_idx += 1; 

            // the coordinates on the reference substring for this group of sites
            int sub_start_pos = cpg_sites[curr_idx] - min_separation;
            int sub_end_pos = cpg_sites[end_idx - 1] + min_separation;

            if(sub_start_pos > min_separation && cpg_sites[end_idx - 1] - cpg_sites[curr_idx] < 200) {
                std::string subseq = ref_seq.substr(sub_start_pos, sub_end_pos - sub_start_pos + 1);
                std::string rc_subseq = mtest_alphabet->reverse_complement(subseq);

                // using the reference-to-event map, look up the event indices for this segment
                AlignedPairRefLBComp lb_comp;
                AlignedPairConstIter start_iter = std::lower_bound(event_aligned_pairs.begin(), event_aligned_pairs.end(),
                                                                   sub_start_pos + ref_start_pos, lb_comp);

                AlignedPairConstIter stop_iter = std::lower_bound(event_aligned_pairs.begin(), event_aligned_pairs.end(),
                                                                  sub_end_pos + ref_start_pos, lb_comp);
                // Only process this region if the the read is aligned within the boundaries
                // and the span between the start/end is not unusually short
                if(start_iter != event_aligned_pairs.end() && stop_iter != event_aligned_pairs.end() &&
                    abs(start_iter->read_pos - stop_iter->read_pos) > 10) 
                    uint32_t hmm_flags = HAF_ALLOW_PRE_CLIP | HAF_ALLOW_POST_CLIP;

                    // Set up event data
                    HMMInputData data;
                    data.read = &sr;
                    data.anchor_index = -1; // unused
                    data.strand = strand_idx;
                    data.rc = alignment_output.front().rc;
                    data.event_start_idx = start_iter->read_pos;
                    data.event_stop_idx = stop_iter->read_pos;
                    data.event_stride = data.event_start_idx <= data.event_stop_idx ? 1 : -1;
                    // Calculate the likelihood of the unmethylated sequence
                    HMMInputSequence unmethylated(subseq, rc_subseq, mtest_alphabet);
                    double unmethylated_score = profile_hmm_score(unmethylated, data, hmm_flags);

                    // Methylate all CpGs in the sequence and score again
                    std::string mcpg_subseq = mtest_alphabet->methylate(subseq);
                    std::string rc_mcpg_subseq = mtest_alphabet->reverse_complement(mcpg_subseq);
                    // Calculate the likelihood of the methylated sequence
                    HMMInputSequence methylated(mcpg_subseq, rc_mcpg_subseq, mtest_alphabet);
                    double methylated_score = profile_hmm_score(methylated, data, hmm_flags);

                    // Aggregate score
                    int start_position = cpg_sites[curr_idx] + ref_start_pos;
                    auto iter = site_score_map.find(start_position);
                    if(iter == site_score_map.end()) {
                        // insert new score into the map
                        ScoredSite ss;
                        ss.chromosome = contig;
                        ss.start_position = start_position;
                        ss.end_position = cpg_sites[end_idx - 1] + ref_start_pos;
                        ss.n_cpg = end_idx - curr_idx;

                        // extract the CpG site(s) with a k-mers worth of surrounding context
                        size_t site_output_start = cpg_sites[curr_idx] - k + 1;
                        size_t site_output_end =  cpg_sites[end_idx - 1] + k;
                        ss.sequence = ref_seq.substr(site_output_start, site_output_end - site_output_start);
                        // insert into the map    
                        iter = site_score_map.insert(std::make_pair(start_position, ss)).first;
                    // set strand-specific score
                    // upon output below the strand scores will be summed
                    iter->second.ll_unmethylated[strand_idx] = unmethylated_score;
                    iter->second.ll_methylated[strand_idx] = methylated_score;

            curr_idx = end_idx;
    } // for strands
    #pragma omp critical(methyltest_write)
        // these variables are sums over all sites within a read
        double ll_ratio_sum_strand[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
        double ll_ratio_sum_both = 0;
        size_t num_positive = 0;

        // write all sites for this read
        for(auto iter = site_score_map.begin(); iter != site_score_map.end(); ++iter) {

            const ScoredSite& ss = iter->second;

            double sum_ll_m = ss.ll_methylated[0] + ss.ll_methylated[1];
            double sum_ll_u = ss.ll_unmethylated[0] + ss.ll_unmethylated[1];

            double diff = sum_ll_m - sum_ll_u;
            num_positive += diff > 0;

            fprintf(handles.site_writer, "%s\t%d\t%d\t", ss.chromosome.c_str(), ss.start_position, ss.end_position);
            fprintf(handles.site_writer, "ReadIdx=%zu;", read_idx);
            fprintf(handles.site_writer, "LogLikMeth=%.2lf;LogLikUnmeth=%.2lf;LogLikRatio=%.2lf;", sum_ll_m, sum_ll_u, diff);
            fprintf(handles.site_writer, "LogLikMethByStrand=%.2lf,%.2lf;", ss.ll_methylated[0], ss.ll_methylated[1]);
            fprintf(handles.site_writer, "LogLikUnmethByStrand=%.2lf,%.2lf;", ss.ll_unmethylated[0], ss.ll_unmethylated[1]);
            fprintf(handles.site_writer, "NumCpGs=%d;Sequence=%s\n", ss.n_cpg, ss.sequence.c_str());

            ll_ratio_sum_strand[0] += ss.ll_methylated[0] - ss.ll_unmethylated[0];
            ll_ratio_sum_strand[1] += ss.ll_methylated[1] - ss.ll_unmethylated[1];
            ll_ratio_sum_both += diff;
        std::string complement_model = sr.pore_model[C_IDX].name;
        fprintf(handles.read_writer, "%s\t%.2lf\t%zu\t%s\tNumPositive=%zu\n", fast5_path.c_str(), ll_ratio_sum_both, site_score_map.size(), complement_model.c_str(), num_positive);
        for(size_t si = 0; si < NUM_STRANDS; ++si) {
            std::string model = sr.pore_model[si].name;
            fprintf(handles.strand_writer, "%s\t%.2lf\t%zu\t%s\n", fast5_path.c_str(), ll_ratio_sum_strand[si], site_score_map.size(), model.c_str());
Exemple #20
static bwa_seq_t *bwa_read_bam(bwa_seqio_t *bs, int n_needed, int *n, int is_comp, int trim_qual)
	bwa_seq_t *seqs, *p;
	int n_seqs, l, i;
	long n_trimmed = 0, n_tot = 0;
	bam1_t *b;
	int res;

	b = bam_init1();
	n_seqs = 0;
	seqs = (bwa_seq_t*)calloc(n_needed, sizeof(bwa_seq_t));
	while ((res = sam_read1(bs->fp, bs->h, b)) >= 0) {
	while ((res = bam_read1(bs->fp, b)) >= 0) {
		uint8_t *s, *q;
		int go = 0;
		if ((bs->which & 1) && (b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD1)) go = 1;
		if ((bs->which & 2) && (b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2)) go = 1;
		if ((bs->which & 4) && !(b->core.flag& BAM_FREAD1) && !(b->core.flag& BAM_FREAD2))go = 1;
		if (go == 0) continue;
		l = b->core.l_qseq;
		p = &seqs[n_seqs++];
		p->tid = -1; // no assigned to a thread
		p->qual = 0;
		p->full_len = p->clip_len = p->len = l;
		n_tot += p->full_len;
		s = bam_get_seq(b); q = bam_get_qual(b);
		s = bam1_seq(b); q = bam1_qual(b);
		p->seq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->len + 1, 1);
		p->qual = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->len + 1, 1);
		for (i = 0; i != p->full_len; ++i) {
			p->seq[i] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)bam_seqi(s, i)];
			p->seq[i] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)bam1_seqi(s, i)];
			p->qual[i] = q[i] + 33 < 126? q[i] + 33 : 126;
		if (bam_is_rev(b)) { // then reverse 
		if (bam1_strand(b)) { // then reverse 
			seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 1);
			seq_reverse(p->len, p->qual, 0);
		if (trim_qual >= 1) n_trimmed += bwa_trim_read(trim_qual, p);
		p->rseq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		memcpy(p->rseq, p->seq, p->len);
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 0); // *IMPORTANT*: will be reversed back in bwa_refine_gapped()
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->rseq, is_comp);
		p->name = strdup((const char*)bam_get_qname(b));
		p->name = strdup((const char*)bam1_qname(b));
		if (n_seqs == n_needed) break;
	if (res < 0 && res != -1) err_fatal_simple("Error reading bam file");
	*n = n_seqs;
	if (n_seqs && trim_qual >= 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_read_seq] %.1f%% bases are trimmed.\n", 100.0f * n_trimmed/n_tot);
	if (n_seqs == 0) {
		return 0;
	return seqs;


bwa_seq_t *bwa_read_seq(bwa_seqio_t *bs, int n_needed, int *n, int mode, int trim_qual)
	bwa_seq_t *seqs, *p;
	kseq_t *seq = bs->ks;
	int n_seqs, l, i, is_comp = mode&BWA_MODE_COMPREAD, is_64 = mode&BWA_MODE_IL13, l_bc = mode>>24;
	long n_trimmed = 0, n_tot = 0;

	if (l_bc > BWA_MAX_BCLEN) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[%s] the maximum barcode length is %d.\n", __func__, BWA_MAX_BCLEN);
		return 0;
	if (bs->is_bam) return bwa_read_bam(bs, n_needed, n, is_comp, trim_qual); // l_bc has no effect for BAM input
	n_seqs = 0;
	seqs = (bwa_seq_t*)calloc(n_needed, sizeof(bwa_seq_t));
	while ((l = kseq_read(seq)) >= 0) {
		if ((mode & BWA_MODE_CFY) && (seq->comment.l != 0)) {
			// skip reads that are marked to be filtered by Casava
			char *s = index(seq->comment.s, ':');
			if (s && *(++s) == 'Y') {
		if (is_64 && seq->qual.l)
			for (i = 0; i < seq->qual.l; ++i) seq->qual.s[i] -= 31;
		if (seq->seq.l <= l_bc) continue; // sequence length equals or smaller than the barcode length
		p = &seqs[n_seqs++];
		if (l_bc) { // then trim barcode
			for (i = 0; i < l_bc; ++i)
				p->bc[i] = (seq->qual.l && seq->qual.s[i]-33 < BARCODE_LOW_QUAL)? tolower(seq->seq.s[i]) : toupper(seq->seq.s[i]);
			p->bc[i] = 0;
			for (; i < seq->seq.l; ++i)
				seq->seq.s[i - l_bc] = seq->seq.s[i];
			seq->seq.l -= l_bc; seq->seq.s[seq->seq.l] = 0;
			if (seq->qual.l) {
				for (i = l_bc; i < seq->qual.l; ++i)
					seq->qual.s[i - l_bc] = seq->qual.s[i];
				seq->qual.l -= l_bc; seq->qual.s[seq->qual.l] = 0;
			l = seq->seq.l;
		} else p->bc[0] = 0;
		p->tid = -1; // no assigned to a thread
		p->qual = 0;
		p->full_len = p->clip_len = p->len = l;
		n_tot += p->full_len;
		p->seq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		for (i = 0; i != p->full_len; ++i)
			p->seq[i] = nst_nt4_table[(int)seq->seq.s[i]];
		if (seq->qual.l) { // copy quality
			p->qual = (ubyte_t*)strdup((char*)seq->qual.s);
			if (trim_qual >= 1) n_trimmed += bwa_trim_read(trim_qual, p);
		p->rseq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(p->full_len, 1);
		memcpy(p->rseq, p->seq, p->len);
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->seq, 0); // *IMPORTANT*: will be reversed back in bwa_refine_gapped()
		seq_reverse(p->len, p->rseq, is_comp);
		p->name = strdup((const char*)seq->name.s);
		{ // trim /[12]$
			int t = strlen(p->name);
			if (t > 2 && p->name[t-2] == '/' && (p->name[t-1] == '1' || p->name[t-1] == '2')) p->name[t-2] = '\0';
		if (n_seqs == n_needed) break;
	*n = n_seqs;
	if (n_seqs && trim_qual >= 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_read_seq] %.1f%% bases are trimmed.\n", 100.0f * n_trimmed/n_tot);
	if (n_seqs == 0) {
		return 0;
	return seqs;

void bwa_free_read_seq(int n_seqs, bwa_seq_t *seqs)
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) {
		bwa_seq_t *p = seqs + i;
		for (j = 0; j < p->n_multi; ++j)
			if (p->multi[j].cigar) free(p->multi[j].cigar);
		free(p->seq); free(p->rseq); free(p->qual); free(p->aln); free(p->md); free(p->multi);
Exemple #21
static bool bam2fq_mainloop_singletontrack(bam2fq_state_t *state)
    bam1_t* b = bam_init1();
    char *current_qname = NULL;
    int64_t n_reads = 0, n_singletons = 0; // Statistics
    kstring_t linebuf[3] = {{0,0,NULL},{0,0,NULL},{0,0,NULL}};
    int score[3];
    int at_eof;
    if (b == NULL ) {
        perror("[bam2fq_mainloop_singletontrack] Malloc error for bam record buffer.");
        return false;

    bool valid = true;
    while (true) {
        at_eof = sam_read1(state->fp, state->h, b) < 0;

        if (!at_eof && filter_it_out(b, state)) continue;
        if (!at_eof) ++n_reads;

        if (at_eof || !current_qname || (strcmp(current_qname, bam_get_qname(b)) != 0)) {
            if (current_qname) {
                if (score[1] > 0 && score[2] > 0) {
                    // print linebuf[1] to fpr[1], linebuf[2] to fpr[2]
                    if (fputs(linebuf[1].s, state->fpr[1]) == EOF) { valid = false; break; }
                    if (fputs(linebuf[2].s, state->fpr[2]) == EOF) { valid = false; break; }
                } else if (score[1] > 0 || score[2] > 0) {
                    // print whichever one exists to fpse
                    if (score[1] > 0) {
                        if (fputs(linebuf[1].s, state->fpse) == EOF) { valid = false; break; }
                    } else {
                        if (fputs(linebuf[2].s, state->fpse) == EOF) { valid = false; break; }
                if (score[0]) { // TODO: check this
                    // print linebuf[0] to fpr[0]
                    if (fputs(linebuf[0].s, state->fpr[0]) == EOF) { valid = false; break; }

            if (at_eof) break;

            current_qname = strdup(bam_get_qname(b));
            score[0] = score[1] = score[2] = 0;

        // Prefer a copy of the read that has base qualities
        int b_score = bam_get_qual(b)[0] != 0xff? 2 : 1;
        if (b_score > score[which_readpart(b)]) {
            if(!bam1_to_fq(b, &linebuf[which_readpart(b)], state)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Error converting read to FASTA/Q\n", __func__);
                return false;
            score[which_readpart(b)] = b_score;
    if (!valid)
        perror("[bam2fq_mainloop_singletontrack] Error writing to FASTx files.");
    fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] discarded %" PRId64 " singletons\n", __func__, n_singletons);
    fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] processed %" PRId64 " reads\n", __func__, n_reads);

    return valid;
Exemple #22
static int CreateCoverageMap(const char* const refName,
                             const char* const bamName,
                             hashtable* const reference)
    int status;
    samFile *in = sam_open(bamName, "r");
    bam_hdr_t *hdr = NULL;
    if (in == NULL) {
        status = EXIT_FAILURE;
        return 0;
    hdr = sam_hdr_read(in);
    if (hdr == NULL) {
        status = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto clean;

    int ret;
    bam1_t *b = bam_init1();
    u64 numread = 0; // number of reads analyzed

    while ((ret = sam_read1(in, hdr, b)) >= 0) {
        numread += 1;
        if ((numread % 10000000) == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Processed %"PRIu64" reads\n", numread);
        if (1 == debug_flag) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Read name : %s\n", bam_get_qname(b));

        // ignore if this is a zero length read (have seen it in some cases
        // where the reads were clipped by another tool. also ignore all
        // secondary or supplementary or QC failed alignments for now. 
        // ignore unmapped reads as well
        if (b->core.l_qseq == 0) continue;
        if (((b->core.flag & 0x4) == 0x4) || 
            ((b->core.flag & 0x100) == 0x100) || 
            ((b->core.flag & 0x200) == 0x200) || 
            ((b->core.flag & 0x400) == 0x400) ||
            ((b->core.flag & 0x800) == 0x800)){

        // if this is paired, then I register one vote for the fragment.
        if ((b->core.flag & 0x1) == 0x1) {
            if ((b->core.flag & 0x40) == 0x40) {
                chrcoverage* cov = must_find_hashtable(reference,
                cov->cov[b->core.pos] += 1; 
                if(cov->cov[b->core.pos] == 251) cov->cov[b->core.pos] = 250;
        } else {
            chrcoverage* cov = must_find_hashtable(reference,
            cov->cov[b->core.pos] += 1;
            if(cov->cov[b->core.pos] == 251) cov->cov[b->core.pos] = 250;

    if (hdr != NULL) bam_hdr_destroy(hdr);
    if (hts_close(in) != 0)
        status = EXIT_FAILURE;

    //bin* iter;
    //bin* next;
    //u64 sum = 0;
    //u64 num = 0;
    //for(int i = 0; i < reference->size; i++){
    //    iter = reference->bins[i];
    //    while(iter){
    //        next = iter->next;

    //        chrcoverage* chrcov = (chrcoverage*)iter->val;
    //        for (u64 j = 0; j < chrcov->length; j++) {
    //            if (chrcov->cov[j] > 0) {
    //                printf("%s\t%"PRIu64"\t%d\n", iter->name, j, chrcov->cov[j]);
    //            }
    //        }

    //        iter = next;
    //    }

    return status;
Exemple #23
// currently, this function ONLY works if each read has one hit
static void bam_mating_core(samFile* in, samFile* out, int remove_reads, int proper_pair_check, int add_ct)
    bam_hdr_t *header;
    bam1_t *b[2];
    int curr, has_prev, pre_end = 0, cur_end = 0;
    kstring_t str;

    str.l = str.m = 0; str.s = 0;
    header = sam_hdr_read(in);
    if (header == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[bam_mating_core] ERROR: Couldn't read header\n");
    // Accept unknown, unsorted, or queryname sort order, but error on coordinate sorted.
    if ((header->l_text > 3) && (strncmp(header->text, "@HD", 3) == 0)) {
        char *p, *q;
        p = strstr(header->text, "\tSO:coordinate");
        q = strchr(header->text, '\n');
        // Looking for SO:coordinate within the @HD line only
        // (e.g. must ignore in a @CO comment line later in header)
        if ((p != 0) && (p < q)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[bam_mating_core] ERROR: Coordinate sorted, require grouped/sorted by queryname.\n");
    sam_hdr_write(out, header);

    b[0] = bam_init1();
    b[1] = bam_init1();
    curr = 0; has_prev = 0;
    while (sam_read1(in, header, b[curr]) >= 0) {
        bam1_t *cur = b[curr], *pre = b[1-curr];
        if (cur->core.flag & BAM_FSECONDARY)
            if ( !remove_reads ) sam_write1(out, header, cur);
            continue; // skip secondary alignments
        if (cur->core.flag & BAM_FSUPPLEMENTARY)
            sam_write1(out, header, cur);
            continue; // pass supplementary alignments through unchanged (TODO:make them match read they came from)
        if (cur->core.tid < 0 || cur->core.pos < 0) // If unmapped set the flag
            cur->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
        if ((cur->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP) == 0) // If mapped calculate end
            cur_end = bam_endpos(cur);

            // Check cur_end isn't past the end of the contig we're on, if it is set the UNMAP'd flag
            if (cur_end > (int)header->target_len[cur->core.tid]) cur->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
        if (has_prev) { // do we have a pair of reads to examine?
            if (strcmp(bam_get_qname(cur), bam_get_qname(pre)) == 0) { // identical pair name
                pre->core.flag |= BAM_FPAIRED;
                cur->core.flag |= BAM_FPAIRED;
                sync_mate(pre, cur);

                if (pre->core.tid == cur->core.tid && !(cur->core.flag&(BAM_FUNMAP|BAM_FMUNMAP))
                    && !(pre->core.flag&(BAM_FUNMAP|BAM_FMUNMAP))) // if safe set TLEN/ISIZE
                    uint32_t cur5, pre5;
                    cur5 = (cur->core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE)? cur_end : cur->core.pos;
                    pre5 = (pre->core.flag&BAM_FREVERSE)? pre_end : pre->core.pos;
                    cur->core.isize = pre5 - cur5; pre->core.isize = cur5 - pre5;
                } else cur->core.isize = pre->core.isize = 0;
                if (add_ct) bam_template_cigar(pre, cur, &str);
                // TODO: Add code to properly check if read is in a proper pair based on ISIZE distribution
                if (proper_pair_check && !plausibly_properly_paired(pre,cur)) {
                    pre->core.flag &= ~BAM_FPROPER_PAIR;
                    cur->core.flag &= ~BAM_FPROPER_PAIR;

                // Write out result
                if ( !remove_reads ) {
                    sam_write1(out, header, pre);
                    sam_write1(out, header, cur);
                } else {
                    // If we have to remove reads make sure we do it in a way that doesn't create orphans with bad flags
                    if(pre->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP) cur->core.flag &= ~(BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FMREVERSE|BAM_FPROPER_PAIR);
                    if(cur->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP) pre->core.flag &= ~(BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FMREVERSE|BAM_FPROPER_PAIR);
                    if(!(pre->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP)) sam_write1(out, header, pre);
                    if(!(cur->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP)) sam_write1(out, header, cur);
                has_prev = 0;
            } else { // unpaired?  clear bad info and write it out
                if (pre->core.tid < 0 || pre->core.pos < 0 || pre->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP) { // If unmapped
                    pre->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
                    pre->core.tid = -1;
                    pre->core.pos = -1;
                pre->core.mtid = -1; pre->core.mpos = -1; pre->core.isize = 0;
                pre->core.flag &= ~(BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FMREVERSE|BAM_FPROPER_PAIR);
                if ( !remove_reads || !(pre->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP) ) sam_write1(out, header, pre);
        } else has_prev = 1;
        curr = 1 - curr;
        pre_end = cur_end;
    if (has_prev && !remove_reads) { // If we still have a BAM in the buffer it must be unpaired
        bam1_t *pre = b[1-curr];
        if (pre->core.tid < 0 || pre->core.pos < 0 || pre->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP) { // If unmapped
            pre->core.flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
            pre->core.tid = -1;
            pre->core.pos = -1;
        pre->core.mtid = -1; pre->core.mpos = -1; pre->core.isize = 0;
        pre->core.flag &= ~(BAM_FPAIRED|BAM_FMREVERSE|BAM_FPROPER_PAIR);

        sam_write1(out, header, pre);
Exemple #24
*   The main worker node function.
*   int thread_id: the thread_id
*   char *fastq1: FIFO from which bowtie2 can get read1
*   char *fastq2: FIFO from which bowtie2 can get read2 (if it exists)
void herd_worker_node(int thread_id, char *fastq1, char *fastq2) {
    int cmd_length = 1, max_qname = 0, status, strand;
    char *cmd, *last_qname = calloc(1, sizeof(char));
    MPI_Header *packed_header;
    MPI_read *packed_read = calloc(1, sizeof(MPI_read));
    bam_hdr_t *header;
    bam1_t *read1 = bam_init1();
    bam1_t *read2 = bam_init1();
    samFile *fp;
#ifdef DEBUG
    MPI_Status stat;
    int current_p_size = 100;
    htsFile *of;
    bam_hdr_t *debug_header = bam_hdr_init();
    bam1_t *debug_read = bam_init1();
    global_header = bam_hdr_init();
    void *p = calloc(100,1);
    char *oname = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    time_t t0, t1;
    int swapped = 0;

    //Which strand should we be aligning to?
    if(config.directional) {
        strand = (thread_id-1) % 2;
    } else {
        strand = (thread_id-1) % 4;

    packed_read->size = 0;
    packed_read->packed = NULL;

    //construct the bowtie2 command
    cmd_length += (int) strlen("bowtie2 -q --reorder") + 1;
    cmd_length += (int) strlen(config.bowtie2_options) + 1;
    cmd_length += (int) strlen("--norc -x") + 1;
    cmd_length += (int) strlen(config.genome_dir) + strlen("bisulfite_genome/CT_conversion/BS_CT") + 1;
    cmd_length += (int) 2*(strlen("-1 ") + strlen(fastq1)) + 3;
    if(config.paired) cmd_length += (int) strlen(fastq2); //This is likely unneeded.

#ifdef DEBUG
    oname = malloc(sizeof(char) *(1+strlen(config.odir)+strlen(config.basename)+strlen("_X.bam")));
    sprintf(oname, "%s%s_%i.bam", config.odir, config.basename, thread_id);
    if(!config.quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Writing output to %s\n", oname);
    of = sam_open(oname, "wb");

    cmd = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * cmd_length);
    if(strand == 0) { //OT Read#1 C->T, Read#2 G->A, Genome C->T only the + strand
        if(config.paired) {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --norc -x %sbisulfite_genome/CT_conversion/BS_CT -1 %s -2 %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1, fastq2);
        } else {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --norc -x %sbisulfite_genome/CT_conversion/BS_CT -U %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1);
    } else if(strand == 1) { //OB Read#1 C->T, Read#2 G->A, Genome G->A only the - strand
        if(config.paired) {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --nofw -x %sbisulfite_genome/GA_conversion/BS_GA -1 %s -2 %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1, fastq2);
        } else {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --nofw -x %sbisulfite_genome/GA_conversion/BS_GA -U %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1);
    } else if(strand == 2) { //CTOT Read#1 G->A, Read#2 C->T, Genome C->T, only the - strand
        if(config.paired) {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --nofw -x %sbisulfite_genome/CT_conversion/BS_CT -1 %s -2 %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1, fastq2);
        } else {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --nofw -x %sbisulfite_genome/CT_conversion/BS_CT -U %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1);
    } else if(strand == 3) { //CTOB Read#1 G->A, Read#2 C->T, Genome G->A, only the + strand
        if(config.paired) {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --norc -x %sbisulfite_genome/GA_conversion/BS_GA -1 %s -2 %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1, fastq2);
        } else {
            sprintf(cmd, "bowtie2 -q --reorder %s --norc -x %sbisulfite_genome/GA_conversion/BS_GA -U %s", config.bowtie2_options, config.genome_dir, fastq1);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Oh shit, got strand %i!\n", strand);

    //Start the process
    if(!config.quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Node %i executing: %s\n", thread_id, cmd); fflush(stderr);
    fp = sam_popen(cmd);
    header = sam_hdr_read(fp);
#ifdef DEBUG
    sam_hdr_write(of, header);

#ifndef DEBUG
    packed_header = pack_header(header);
    if(thread_id == 1) {
        //Send the header
        MPI_Send((void *) &(packed_header->size), 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        status = MPI_Send((void *) packed_header->packed, packed_header->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if(status != MPI_SUCCESS) {
            fprintf(stderr, "MPI_Send returned %i\n", status);
    packed_header = pack_header(header);
    void *tmp_pointer = malloc(packed_header->size);
    MPI_Request request;
    MPI_Isend((void *) packed_header->packed, packed_header->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
    status = MPI_Recv(tmp_pointer, packed_header->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
    if(status != MPI_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "We seem to have not been able to send the message to ourselves!\n");
    MPI_Wait(&request, &stat);
    unpack_header(debug_header, tmp_pointer);
    global_header = debug_header;

    t0 = time(NULL);
    if(!config.quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Node %i began sending reads @%s", thread_id, ctime(&t0)); fflush(stderr);
    while(sam_read1(fp, header, read1) >= 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        sam_write1(of, global_header, read1);
        if(strcmp(bam_get_qname(read1), last_qname) == 0) { //Multimapper
            if(config.paired) {
                sam_read1(fp, header, read2);
#ifdef DEBUG
                sam_write1(of, global_header, read2);
        } else {
            if(read1->core.l_qname > max_qname) {
                max_qname = read1->core.l_qname + 10;
                last_qname = realloc(last_qname, sizeof(char) * max_qname);
            strcpy(last_qname, bam_get_qname(read1));

        //Are paired-end reads in the wrong order?
        swapped = 0;
        if(config.paired) {
            if(read1->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) {
                swapped = 1;
                sam_read1(fp, header, read2);
                packed_read = pack_read(read2, packed_read);
#ifndef DEBUG
                MPI_Send((void *) packed_read->packed, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
                sam_write1(of, global_header, read2);
                if(packed_read->size > current_p_size) {
                    p = realloc(p, packed_read->size);
                MPI_Isend((void *) packed_read->packed, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
                status = MPI_Recv(p, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
                MPI_Wait(&request, &stat);
                debug_read = unpack_read(debug_read, p);

        //Send the read
        packed_read = pack_read(read1, packed_read);
#ifndef DEBUG
        MPI_Send((void *) packed_read->packed, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if(packed_read->size > current_p_size) {
            p = realloc(p, packed_read->size);
        MPI_Isend(packed_read->packed, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
        status = MPI_Recv(p, packed_header->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
        MPI_Wait(&request, &stat);
        //Deal with paired-end reads
        if(config.paired && !swapped) {
            sam_read1(fp, header, read2);
            packed_read = pack_read(read2, packed_read);
#ifndef DEBUG
            MPI_Send((void *) packed_read->packed, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            sam_write1(of, global_header, read2);
            if(packed_read->size > current_p_size) {
                p = realloc(p, packed_read->size);
            MPI_Isend((void *) packed_read->packed, packed_read->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
            status = MPI_Recv(p, packed_header->size, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
            MPI_Wait(&request, &stat);
            debug_read = unpack_read(debug_read, p);
#ifndef DEBUG
    t1 = time(NULL);
    if(!config.quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Node %i finished sending reads @%s\t(%f sec elapsed)\n", thread_id, ctime(&t1), difftime(t1, t0)); fflush(stderr);

    //Notify the master node
    packed_read->size = 0;
#ifndef DEBUG
    void *A = malloc(1);
    MPI_Send(A, 1, MPI_BYTE, 0, 5, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    //Close things up
    if(packed_read->packed != NULL) free(packed_read->packed);
    if(packed_header->packed != NULL) free(packed_header->packed);
    //Remove the FIFO(s)
    if(config.paired) unlink(fastq2);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if(!config.quiet) fprintf(stderr, "Exiting worker node %i\n", thread_id); fflush(stderr);
Exemple #25
SEXP extract_pair_data(SEXP bam, SEXP index, SEXP chr, SEXP start, SEXP end, SEXP mapq, SEXP dedup, SEXP diagnostics) try {
    // Checking input values.
    if (!isInteger(mapq) || LENGTH(mapq)!=1) {
        throw std::runtime_error("mapping quality should be an integer scalar");
    const int minqual=asInteger(mapq);

    if (!isLogical(dedup) || LENGTH(dedup)!=1) {
        throw std::runtime_error("duplicate removal should be a logical scalar"); 
    const bool rmdup=asLogical(dedup);

    if (!isLogical(diagnostics) || LENGTH(diagnostics)!=1) { 
        throw std::runtime_error("diagnostics specification should be a logical scalar"); 
    const bool getnames=asLogical(diagnostics);

    // Initializing odds and ends.
    BamFile bf(bam, index);
    BamRead br;
    BamIterator biter(bf, chr, start, end);
    OutputContainer oc(getnames);
    typedef std::map<std::pair<int, std::string>, AlignData> Holder;
    std::deque<Holder> all_holders(4); // four holders, one for each strand/first combination; cut down searches.
    std::pair<int, std::string> current;
    Holder::iterator ith;
    int curpos, mate_pos;
    AlignData algn_data;
    bool am_mapped, is_first;

    bool mate_is_in;
    std::set<std::string> identical_pos;
    std::set<std::string>::iterator itip;
    int last_identipos=-1;

    while (bam_itr_next(bf.in, biter.iter, br.read) >= 0){
        curpos = (br.read->core).pos + 1; // Getting 1-indexed position.
        am_mapped=br.is_well_mapped(minqual, rmdup);

        /* Reasons to not add a read: */
//        // If we can see that it is obviously unmapped (IMPOSSIBLE for a sorted file).
//        if (((br.read -> core).flag & BAM_FUNMAP)!=0) { 
//            // We don't filter by additional mapping criteria, as we need to search 'holder' to pop out the partner and to store diagnostics.
//            continue;
//        } 
        // If it's a singleton.
        if (((br.read -> core).flag & BAM_FPAIRED)==0) {
            if (am_mapped) { oc.add_single(curpos, algn_data); }

        // Or, if we can see that its partner is obviously unmapped.
        if (((br.read -> core).flag & BAM_FMUNMAP)!=0) {
            if (am_mapped) { oc.add_onemapped(curpos, algn_data); }

        // Or if it's inter-chromosomal.
        is_first=(((br.read->core).flag & BAM_FREAD1)!=0);
        if (is_first==(((br.read->core).flag & BAM_FREAD2)!=0)) { 
            std::stringstream err;
            err << "read '" << bam_get_qname(br.read) << "' must be either first or second in the pair";
            throw std::runtime_error(err.str()); 
        if ((br.read -> core).mtid!=(br.read -> core).tid) { 
            if (am_mapped) { oc.add_interchr(curpos, algn_data, bam_get_qname(br.read), is_first); } 

        /* Checking the map and adding it if it doesn't exist. */
        mate_pos = (br.read -> core).mpos + 1; // 1-indexed position, again.
        if (mate_pos < curpos) {
        } else if (mate_pos == curpos) {
            // Identical mpos to curpos needs careful handling to figure out whether we've already seen it.
            if (curpos!=last_identipos) { 
            if (itip!=identical_pos.end() && !(identical_pos.key_comp()(current.second, *itip))) {
            } else {
                identical_pos.insert(itip, current.second);

        if (mate_is_in) {
            current.first = mate_pos;
            Holder& holder=all_holders[int(!is_first) + 2*int(bam_is_mrev(br.read))];

            if (ith != holder.end()) { 
                if (!am_mapped) {
                    // Searching to pop out the mate, to reduce the size of 'holder' for the remaining searches (and to store diagnostics).
                    oc.add_onemapped((ith->first).first, ith->second);

                oc.add_genuine(curpos, algn_data, (ith->first).first, ith->second, is_first);
            } else if (am_mapped) {
                // Only possible if the mate didn't get added because 'am_mapped' was false.
                oc.add_onemapped(curpos, algn_data);
        } else if (am_mapped) {
            current.first = curpos;
            Holder& holder=all_holders[int(is_first) + 2*int(algn_data.is_reverse)];
            holder[current] = algn_data;

    // Leftovers treated as one_unmapped; marked as paired, but the mate is not in file.
    for (size_t h=0; h<all_holders.size(); ++h) { 
        Holder& holder=all_holders[h];
        for (ith=holder.begin(); ith!=holder.end(); ++ith) { 
            oc.add_onemapped((ith->first).first, ith->second);

    // Storing all output.
    SEXP output=PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, getnames ? 9 : 2));
    try {
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 0, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
        SEXP left=VECTOR_ELT(output, 0);
        store_int_output(left, 0, oc.forward_pos_out);
        store_int_output(left, 1, oc.forward_len_out);
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 1, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
        SEXP right=VECTOR_ELT(output, 1);
        store_int_output(right, 0, oc.reverse_pos_out);
        store_int_output(right, 1, oc.reverse_len_out);
        if (getnames) {
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 2, ScalarInteger(oc.totals));
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 3, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP singles=VECTOR_ELT(output, 3);
            store_int_output(singles, 0, oc.single_pos);
            store_int_output(singles, 1, oc.single_len);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 4, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP first=VECTOR_ELT(output, 4);
            store_int_output(first, 0, oc.ufirst_pos);
            store_int_output(first, 1, oc.ufirst_len);
            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 5, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP second=VECTOR_ELT(output, 5);
            store_int_output(second, 0, oc.usecond_pos);
            store_int_output(second, 1, oc.usecond_len);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 6, allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
            SEXP onemap=VECTOR_ELT(output, 6);
            store_int_output(onemap, 0, oc.onemap_pos);
            store_int_output(onemap, 1, oc.onemap_len);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 7, allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
            SEXP interchr1=VECTOR_ELT(output, 7);
            store_int_output(interchr1, 0, oc.ifirst_pos);
            store_int_output(interchr1, 1, oc.ifirst_len);
            store_names(interchr1, 2, oc.interchr_names_1);

            SET_VECTOR_ELT(output, 8, allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
            SEXP interchr2=VECTOR_ELT(output, 8);
            store_int_output(interchr2, 0, oc.isecond_pos);
            store_int_output(interchr2, 1, oc.isecond_len);
            store_names(interchr2, 2, oc.interchr_names_2);
    } catch (std::exception &e) {

    return output;
} catch (std::exception &e) {
    return mkString(e.what());
Exemple #26
        orientation = O_FF;

    key->single        = 1;
    key->this_ref      = this_ref;
    key->this_coord    = this_coord;
    key->orientation   = orientation;

/* Add the duplicate name to a hash if it does not exist. */

static int add_duplicate(khash_t(duplicates) *d_hash, bam1_t *dupe) {
    khiter_t d;
    int ret;

    d = kh_get(duplicates, d_hash, bam_get_qname(dupe));

    if (d == kh_end(d_hash)) {
        d = kh_put(duplicates, d_hash, strdup(bam_get_qname(dupe)), &ret);

        if (ret > 0) {
            kh_value(d_hash, d) = 1;
        } else if (ret == 0) {
            kh_value(d_hash, d)++;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "[markdup] error: unable to store supplementary duplicates.\n");
            return 1;

    return 0;
int scorereads_main(int argc, char** argv)
    parse_scorereads_options(argc, argv);

    Fast5Map name_map(opt::reads_file);
    ModelMap models;
    if (!opt::models_fofn.empty())
        models = read_models_fofn(opt::models_fofn);
    // Open the BAM and iterate over reads

    // load bam file
    htsFile* bam_fh = sam_open(opt::bam_file.c_str(), "r");
    assert(bam_fh != NULL);

    // load bam index file
    std::string index_filename = opt::bam_file + ".bai";
    hts_idx_t* bam_idx = bam_index_load(index_filename.c_str());
    assert(bam_idx != NULL);

    // read the bam header
    bam_hdr_t* hdr = sam_hdr_read(bam_fh);
    // load reference fai file
    faidx_t *fai = fai_load(opt::genome_file.c_str());

    hts_itr_t* itr;

    // If processing a region of the genome, only emit events aligned to this window
    int clip_start = -1;
    int clip_end = -1;

    if(opt::region.empty()) {
        // TODO: is this valid?
        itr = sam_itr_queryi(bam_idx, HTS_IDX_START, 0, 0);
    } else {

        fprintf(stderr, "Region: %s\n", opt::region.c_str());
        itr = sam_itr_querys(bam_idx, hdr, opt::region.c_str());
        hts_parse_reg(opt::region.c_str(), &clip_start, &clip_end);

    if(opt::num_threads > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "You enabled multi-threading but you do not have a threadsafe HDF5\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Please recompile nanopolish's built-in libhdf5 or run with -t 1\n");

    // Initialize iteration
    std::vector<bam1_t*> records(opt::batch_size, NULL);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
        records[i] = bam_init1();

    int result;
    size_t num_reads_realigned = 0;
    size_t num_records_buffered = 0;

    do {
        assert(num_records_buffered < records.size());
        // read a record into the next slot in the buffer
        result = sam_itr_next(bam_fh, itr, records[num_records_buffered]);
        num_records_buffered += result >= 0;

        // realign if we've hit the max buffer size or reached the end of file
        if(num_records_buffered == records.size() || result < 0) {
            #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
            for(size_t i = 0; i < num_records_buffered; ++i) {
                bam1_t* record = records[i];
                size_t read_idx = num_reads_realigned + i;
                if( (record->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP) == 0) {

                    //load read
                    std::string read_name = bam_get_qname(record);
                    std::string fast5_path = name_map.get_path(read_name);
                    SquiggleRead sr(read_name, fast5_path);

                    // TODO: early exit when have processed all of the reads in readnames
                    if (!opt::readnames.empty() && 
                         std::find(opt::readnames.begin(), opt::readnames.end(), read_name) == opt::readnames.end() )

                    for(size_t strand_idx = 0; strand_idx < NUM_STRANDS; ++strand_idx) {
                        std::vector<EventAlignment> ao = alignment_from_read(sr, strand_idx, read_idx,
                                                                             models, fai, hdr,
                                                                             record, clip_start, clip_end);
                        if (ao.size() == 0)

                        // Update pore model based on alignment
                        if ( opt::calibrate ) 
                            recalibrate_model(sr, strand_idx, ao, false);

                        double score = model_score(sr, strand_idx, fai, ao, 500);
                        if (score > 0) 
                        #pragma omp critical(print)
                        std::cout << read_name << " " << ( strand_idx ? "complement" : "template" ) 
                                  << " " << sr.pore_model[strand_idx].name << " " << score << std::endl;

            num_reads_realigned += num_records_buffered;
            num_records_buffered = 0;

    } while(result >= 0);
    // cleanup records
    for(size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {

    // cleanup
    return 0;
Exemple #28
static bool split(state_t* state)
    if (state->unaccounted_file && sam_hdr_write(state->unaccounted_file, state->unaccounted_header) != 0) {
        fprintf(pysamerr, "Could not write output file header\n");
        return false;
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < state->output_count; i++) {
        if (sam_hdr_write(state->rg_output_file[i], state->rg_output_header[i]) != 0) {
            fprintf(pysamerr, "Could not write output file header\n");
            return false;

    bam1_t* file_read = bam_init1();
    // Read the first record
    if (sam_read1(state->merged_input_file, state->merged_input_header, file_read) < 0) {
        // Nothing more to read?  Ignore this file
        file_read = NULL;

    while (file_read != NULL) {
        // Get RG tag from read and look it up in hash to find file to output it to
        uint8_t* tag = bam_aux_get(file_read, "RG");
        khiter_t iter;
        if ( tag != NULL ) {
            char* rg = bam_aux2Z(tag);
            iter = kh_get_c2i(state->rg_hash, rg);
        } else {
            iter = kh_end(state->rg_hash);

        // Write the read out to correct file
        if (iter != kh_end(state->rg_hash)) {
            // if found write to the appropriate untangled bam
            int i = kh_val(state->rg_hash,iter);
            sam_write1(state->rg_output_file[i], state->rg_output_header[i], file_read);
        } else {
            // otherwise write to the unaccounted bam if there is one or fail
            if (state->unaccounted_file == NULL) {
                if (tag) {
                    fprintf(pysamerr, "Read \"%s\" with unaccounted for tag \"%s\".\n", bam_get_qname(file_read), bam_aux2Z(tag));
                } else {
                    fprintf(pysamerr, "Read \"%s\" has no RG tag.\n", bam_get_qname(file_read));
                return false;
            } else {
                sam_write1(state->unaccounted_file, state->unaccounted_header, file_read);

        // Replace written read with the next one to process
        if (sam_read1(state->merged_input_file, state->merged_input_header, file_read) < 0) {
            // Nothing more to read?  Ignore this file in future
            file_read = NULL;

    return true;
Exemple #29
 * process one BAM record, and store accumulated results in 'results'
int seqchksum_processRecord(bam1_t *rec, HASH_TYPE hash, chksum_results_t *results)
    uint32_t crc = 0;

    uint16_t aflags = rec->core.flag;
    uint8_t *seq = get_read(rec);
    uint8_t *qual = get_quality(rec);
    uint16_t flag_mask = BAM_FPAIRED | BAM_FREAD1 | BAM_FREAD2;
    uint8_t flags = (aflags & flag_mask) & 0xFF;
    bool pass = !(aflags & BAM_FQCFAIL);;
    char *qname = bam_get_qname(rec);
    uint8_t *tag;
    char *rgid;
    HashItem *hi;
    HashData hd;
    int newitem;
    digest_line_t *dline_all;
    digest_line_t *dline;

    // look up the RG tag
    tag = bam_aux_get(rec, "RG");
    //hd.p = malloc(sizeof(digest_line_t));
    if (tag) rgid = bam_aux2Z(tag);
    else     rgid = "";

    hd.p = NULL;
    hi = HashTableAdd(results->rgHash, rgid, 0, hd, &newitem);
    if (newitem) {
        hi->data.p = malloc(sizeof(digest_line_t));
        dline = hi->data.p;
    } else {
        dline = hi->data.p;

    dline_all = &(results->all);

    // flags + sequence chksum

    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline, crc, 0);
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline_all, crc, 0);

    // flags + sequence + quality chksum (don't reset crc, just add quality)
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline, crc, 2);
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline_all, crc, 2);

    // name + flags + sequence chksum
    crc = 0;
    update_crc(&crc, (uint8_t *)qname, strlen(qname)+1);
    update_crc(&crc, &flags, 1);
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline, crc, 1);
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline_all, crc, 1);

    // flags + sequence + tags chksum
    crc = 0;
    update_crc(&crc, &flags, 1);
    tag = bam_aux_get(rec,"BC"); if (tag) update_crc(&crc,tag-2,aux_type2size(tag)+3);
    tag = bam_aux_get(rec,"FI"); if (tag) update_crc(&crc,tag-2,aux_type2size(tag)+3);
    tag = bam_aux_get(rec,"QT"); if (tag) update_crc(&crc,tag-2,aux_type2size(tag)+3);
    tag = bam_aux_get(rec,"RT"); if (tag) update_crc(&crc,tag-2,aux_type2size(tag)+3);
    tag = bam_aux_get(rec,"TC"); if (tag) update_crc(&crc,tag-2,aux_type2size(tag)+3);
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline, crc, 3);
    update_digest_line(hash, pass, dline_all, crc, 3);

    free(seq); free(qual);
    return 0;
Exemple #30
int bam_pad2unpad(samFile *in, samFile *out,  bam_hdr_t *h, faidx_t *fai)
    bam1_t *b = 0;
    kstring_t r, q;
    int r_tid = -1;
    uint32_t *cigar2 = 0;
    int ret = 0, n2 = 0, m2 = 0, *posmap = 0;

    b = bam_init1();
    r.l = r.m = q.l = q.m = 0; r.s = q.s = 0;
    int read_ret;
    while ((read_ret = sam_read1(in, h, b)) >= 0) { // read one alignment from `in'
        // Cannot depad unmapped CRAM data
        if (b->core.flag & BAM_FUNMAP)
            goto next_seq;

        uint32_t *cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
        n2 = 0;
        if (b->core.pos == 0 && b->core.tid >= 0 && strcmp(bam_get_qname(b), h->target_name[b->core.tid]) == 0) {
            // fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Found embedded reference '%s'\n", bam_get_qname(b));
            r_tid = b->core.tid;
            if (0!=unpad_seq(b, &r)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Problem parsing SEQ and/or CIGAR in reference %s\n", bam_get_qname(b));
                return -1;
            if (h->target_len[r_tid] != r.l) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: (Padded) length of '%s' is %u in BAM header, but %llu in embedded reference\n", bam_get_qname(b), h->target_len[r_tid], (unsigned long long)(r.l));
                return -1;
            if (fai) {
                // Check the embedded reference matches the FASTA file
                if (load_unpadded_ref(fai, h->target_name[b->core.tid], h->target_len[b->core.tid], &q)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Failed to load embedded reference '%s' from FASTA\n", h->target_name[b->core.tid]);
                    return -1;
                assert(r.l == q.l);
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < r.l; ++i) {
                    if (r.s[i] != q.s[i]) {
                        // Show gaps as ASCII 45
                        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Embedded sequence and reference FASTA don't match for %s base %i, '%c' vs '%c'\n",
                            h->target_name[b->core.tid], i+1,
                            r.s[i] ? seq_nt16_str[(int)r.s[i]] : 45,
                            q.s[i] ? seq_nt16_str[(int)q.s[i]] : 45);
                        return -1;
            write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(b->core.l_qseq, BAM_CMATCH));
            replace_cigar(b, n2, cigar2);
            posmap = update_posmap(posmap, r);
        } else if (b->core.n_cigar > 0) {
            int i, k, op;
            if (b->core.tid < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Read '%s' has CIGAR but no RNAME\n", bam_get_qname(b));
                return -1;
            } else if (b->core.tid == r_tid) {
                ; // good case, reference available
                //fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Have ref '%s' for read '%s'\n", h->target_name[b->core.tid], bam_get_qname(b));
            } else if (fai) {
                if (load_unpadded_ref(fai, h->target_name[b->core.tid], h->target_len[b->core.tid], &r)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Failed to load '%s' from reference FASTA\n", h->target_name[b->core.tid]);
                    return -1;
                posmap = update_posmap(posmap, r);
                r_tid = b->core.tid;
                // fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Loaded %s from FASTA file\n", h->target_name[b->core.tid]);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Missing %s embedded reference sequence (and no FASTA file)\n", h->target_name[b->core.tid]);
                return -1;
            if (0!=unpad_seq(b, &q)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Problem parsing SEQ and/or CIGAR in read %s\n", bam_get_qname(b));
                return -1;
            if (bam_cigar_op(cigar[0]) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) {
                write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[0]);
            } else if (bam_cigar_op(cigar[0]) == BAM_CHARD_CLIP) {
                write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[0]);
                if (b->core.n_cigar > 2 && bam_cigar_op(cigar[1]) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) {
                    write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[1]);
            /* Determine CIGAR operator for each base in the aligned read */
            for (i = 0, k = b->core.pos; i < q.l; ++i, ++k)
                q.s[i] = q.s[i]? (r.s[k]? BAM_CMATCH : BAM_CINS) : (r.s[k]? BAM_CDEL : BAM_CPAD);
            /* Include any pads if starts with an insert */
            if (q.s[0] == BAM_CINS) {
                for (k = 0; k+1 < b->core.pos && !r.s[b->core.pos - k - 1]; ++k);
                if (k) write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(k, BAM_CPAD));
                k = 0;
            } else if (q.s[0] == BAM_CPAD) {
                // Join 'k' CPAD to our first cigar op CPAD too.
                for (k = 0; k+1 < b->core.pos && !r.s[b->core.pos - k - 1]; ++k);
            } else {
                k = 0;
            /* Count consecutive CIGAR operators to turn into a CIGAR string */
            for (i = 1, k++, op = q.s[0]; i < q.l; ++i) {
                if (op != q.s[i]) {
                    write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(k, op));
                    op = q.s[i]; k = 1;
                } else ++k;
            write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, bam_cigar_gen(k, op));
            if (bam_cigar_op(cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1]) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) {
                write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1]);
            } else if (bam_cigar_op(cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1]) == BAM_CHARD_CLIP) {
                if (b->core.n_cigar > 2 && bam_cigar_op(cigar[b->core.n_cigar-2]) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) {
                    write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[b->core.n_cigar-2]);
                write_cigar(cigar2, n2, m2, cigar[b->core.n_cigar-1]);
            /* Remove redundant P operators between M/X/=/D operators, e.g. 5M2P10M -> 15M */
            int pre_op, post_op;
            for (i = 2; i < n2; ++i)
                if (bam_cigar_op(cigar2[i-1]) == BAM_CPAD) {
                    pre_op = bam_cigar_op(cigar2[i-2]);
                    post_op = bam_cigar_op(cigar2[i]);
                    /* Note don't need to check for X/= as code above will use M only */
                    if ((pre_op == BAM_CMATCH || pre_op == BAM_CDEL) && (post_op == BAM_CMATCH || post_op == BAM_CDEL)) {
                        /* This is a redundant P operator */
                        cigar2[i-1] = 0; // i.e. 0M
                        /* If had same operator either side, combine them in post_op */
                        if (pre_op == post_op) {
                            /* If CIGAR M, could treat as simple integers since BAM_CMATCH is zero*/
                            cigar2[i] = bam_cigar_gen(bam_cigar_oplen(cigar2[i-2]) + bam_cigar_oplen(cigar2[i]), post_op);
                            cigar2[i-2] = 0; // i.e. 0M
            /* Remove the zero'd operators (0M) */
            for (i = k = 0; i < n2; ++i)
                if (cigar2[i]) cigar2[k++] = cigar2[i];
            n2 = k;
            replace_cigar(b, n2, cigar2);
        /* Even unmapped reads can have a POS value, e.g. if their mate was mapped */
        if (b->core.pos != -1) b->core.pos = posmap[b->core.pos];
        if (b->core.mtid < 0 || b->core.mpos < 0) {
            /* Nice case, no mate to worry about*/
            // fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Read '%s' mate not mapped\n", bam_get_qname(b));
            /* TODO - Warning if FLAG says mate should be mapped? */
            /* Clean up funny input where mate position is given but mate reference is missing: */
            b->core.mtid = -1;
            b->core.mpos = -1;
        } else if (b->core.mtid == b->core.tid) {
            /* Nice case, same reference */
            // fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Read '%s' mate mapped to same ref\n", bam_get_qname(b));
            b->core.mpos = posmap[b->core.mpos];
        } else {
            /* Nasty case, Must load alternative posmap */
            // fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Loading reference '%s' temporarily\n", h->target_name[b->core.mtid]);
            if (!fai) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Needed reference %s sequence for mate (and no FASTA file)\n", h->target_name[b->core.mtid]);
                return -1;
            /* Temporarily load the other reference sequence */
            if (load_unpadded_ref(fai, h->target_name[b->core.mtid], h->target_len[b->core.mtid], &r)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Failed to load '%s' from reference FASTA\n", h->target_name[b->core.mtid]);
                return -1;
            posmap = update_posmap(posmap, r);
            b->core.mpos = posmap[b->core.mpos];
            /* Restore the reference and posmap*/
            if (load_unpadded_ref(fai, h->target_name[b->core.tid], h->target_len[b->core.tid], &r)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[depad] ERROR: Failed to load '%s' from reference FASTA\n", h->target_name[b->core.tid]);
                return -1;
            posmap = update_posmap(posmap, r);
        /* Most reads will have been moved so safest to always recalculate the BIN value */
        b->core.bin = bam_reg2bin(b->core.pos, bam_endpos(b));

        sam_write1(out, h, b);
    if (read_ret < -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] truncated file.\n");
        ret = 1;
    free(r.s); free(q.s); free(posmap);
    return ret;