int main() { //int arr[] = {16, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 7}; //int arr[] = {16, 14, 13, 4, 6, 8, 4, 6}; int arr[] = {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5}; //int arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,6,1,2,3,6,1,2,3}; std::vector<int> bar_heights (arr, arr + (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))); std::cout << get_holding_capacity(bar_heights) << std::endl; return 0; }
int DetectorBarcode::Detect() { std::cout << "DetectorBarcode::Detect()" << std::endl; assert(this-> != NULL); bool debugstripecode = true; //@TODO MAKE SURE TO SET ME TO FALSE IN PRODUCTION bool useAdaptiveThersholding = true; int dpi = 400; //this works well for all scales and sizes.. Mat matImageK; cvtColor(this->image_, matImageK, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cv::Mat matThres; // VARIABLES // double bar_height_mm_min = 3.7; //[7.5mm=our NMNH c39] [10.7mm=NMNH cover c39] double bar_height_mm_max = 20; double bar_ar_min = 4; double bar_ar_max = 110; int min_characters = 5; //minimum characters in barcode string double bar_dist_group_mm_max = 9.0; //Maximum distance between any grouped bar to be part of the bar group // COMPUTE // double bar_height_px_min = bar_height_mm_min/25.4*dpi; double bar_height_px_max = bar_height_mm_max/25.4*dpi; double bar_area_px_min = bar_height_px_min*(bar_height_px_min*1.0/bar_ar_max); //Dont allow the area to be less than 1px row bar_area_px_min = bar_area_px_min < bar_height_px_min ? bar_height_px_min : bar_area_px_min; double bar_area_px_max = bar_height_px_max*(bar_height_px_max*1.0/bar_ar_min); double bar_dist_group_px_max = bar_dist_group_mm_max/25.4*dpi; if (useAdaptiveThersholding) { //int AT_blocksize = dpi*0.05; int AT_blocksize = bar_height_px_min*0.5; int AT_iseven=AT_blocksize%2; AT_blocksize += 1+AT_iseven; //Makes sure the blocksize is an even number //cout << "AT_blocksize=" << AT_blocksize << endl; adaptiveThreshold(matImageK, matThres, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, THRESH_BINARY, AT_blocksize, 20); } else { threshold(matImageK, matThres, 127, 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV); } if (debugstripecode) { //cout << "dpi=" << dpi << endl; imwrite("/Users/tzaman/Desktop/bc/matImage.tif", this->image_); imwrite("/Users/tzaman/Desktop/bc/matThres.tif", matThres); } vector< vector<Point> > contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarchy; findContours( matThres, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); //cout << "contours.size()=" << contours.size() << endl; if (contours.size() == 0) { string strErr = "No contours found."; cout << strErr << endl; return RET_NONE_FOUND; } //RANSAC vars int min_inliers = (min_characters+2)*5*0.75; //+2 (start&stop), *5 (stripes per char), *0.x (margin) double max_px_dist = (bar_height_px_min+bar_height_px_max)*0.5*0.05; //Maximum distance from RANSAC line to a point vector<RotatedRect> stripeCandidates; for(int i = 0; i >= 0; i = hierarchy[i][0] ) { double cArea = contourArea( contours[i],false); if (cArea < bar_area_px_min*0.5){ continue; } if (cArea > bar_area_px_max){ continue; } //cout << "[" << i << "]" << " cArea=" << cArea << endl; RotatedRect rotRect= minAreaRect(contours[i]); double ar = max(double(rotRect.size.width),double(rotRect.size.height)) / min(double(rotRect.size.width),double(rotRect.size.height)); if (ar < bar_ar_min){ continue; } if (ar > bar_ar_max){ continue; } double width = std::min(rotRect.size.width, rotRect.size.height); double height = std::max(rotRect.size.width, rotRect.size.height); //Check the length if (height < bar_height_px_min){ //Stripe too small continue; } if (height > bar_height_px_max ){ //Stripe too long continue; } //cout << i << " rotRect: sz=" << rotRect.size << " cp=" << << " a=" << rotRect.angle << " ar=" << ar << endl; Rect rCrop = boundingRect(contours[i]); //Below parameter is dynamic, plz note double min_area_fill=0.15;// = 0.25 ;// 0.4 means 40% of the bounding rectangle of the contour needs to be filled //The min_area_fill threshold should be dependent on the width in pixels, because there's more noise in thinner ones if (width<3){ min_area_fill = 0.05; } else if (width <5){ min_area_fill = 0.10; } //Check if the rectangle is actually filled well int fullarea = rCrop.area(); if ( (double(cArea)/double(fullarea)) < min_area_fill){ continue; } //cout << i << " fullarea=" << fullarea << " carea=" << cArea << endl; if (debugstripecode){ imwrite("/Users/tzaman/Desktop/seg/" + std::to_string(i) + ".tif", matImageK(rCrop)); } stripeCandidates.push_back(rotRect); } if (debugstripecode){ Mat matBarcodeFull = this->image_.clone(); for (int j=0; j<stripeCandidates.size(); j++){ util::rectangle(matBarcodeFull, stripeCandidates[j], cv::Scalar(255,0,0), 2); } imwrite("/Users/tzaman/Desktop/bc/_candidates.tif", matBarcodeFull); } //cout << "stripeCandidates.size()=" << stripeCandidates.size() << endl; if (stripeCandidates.size() < min_inliers){ string strErr = "Code 39 did not find enough bars to accurately make a code."; cout << strErr << endl; return RET_NONE_FOUND; } std::vector<Point> vecPtRectCenter = util::vecrotrect2vecpt(stripeCandidates); std::vector<std::vector<int> > vecGroupIdxs = util::groupPoints(vecPtRectCenter, bar_dist_group_px_max, min_inliers); //std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > vecGroupPts(vecGroupIdxs.size()); std::vector<std::vector<cv::RotatedRect> > vecGroupRects(vecGroupIdxs.size()); //Relate indexes to points and add to group vector for (int i=0; i<vecGroupIdxs.size(); i++){ //vecGroupPts[i].resize(vecGroupIdxs[i].size()); vecGroupRects[i].resize(vecGroupIdxs[i].size()); for (int j=0; j<vecGroupIdxs[i].size(); j++){ //cout << i << "," << j << endl; //vecGroupPts[i][j] = vecPtRectCenter[vecGroupIdxs[i][j]]; vecGroupRects[i][j] = stripeCandidates[vecGroupIdxs[i][j]]; } } //Draw all groups //if(debugstripecode){ // for (int i=0; i<vecGroupPts.size(); i++){ // Mat matGroup = matImage.clone(); // for (int j=0; j<vecGroupPts[i].size(); j++){ // circle(matGroup, vecGroupPts[i][j], 5, Scalar(255,0,255), 1, CV_AA,0); // } // imwrite("/Users/tzaman/Desktop/bc/_group_" + std::to_string(i) + ".tif", matGroup); // } //} //exit(-1); //cout << "vecGroupPts.size()=" << vecGroupPts.size() << endl; //Erase small groups //for (int i=vecGroupPts.size()-1; i>=0; i--){ // if (vecGroupPts[i].size() < min_inliers){ // //Skipping group, too small. // vecGroupIdxs.erase(vecGroupIdxs.begin()+i); // vecGroupPts.erase(vecGroupPts.begin()+i); // } //} //cout << "vecGroupPts.size()=" << vecGroupPts.size() << endl; if (vecGroupIdxs.size() == 0) { string strErr = "Code 39 failed to ransac bars in a line."; cout << strErr << endl; return RET_NONE_FOUND; } //Now cycle over the groups vector<vector<int> > vecVecInlierIdx; vector<Vec4f> vecLines; vector<int> vecFromGroup; //Keeps track of which group the vecvecInlierIdx belongs to for (int i = 0; i < vecGroupRects.size(); i++) { Ransac(vecGroupRects[i], min_inliers, max_px_dist, vecVecInlierIdx, vecLines, this->image_); vecFromGroup.resize(vecVecInlierIdx.size(), i); } if (vecLines.size() == 0) { string strErr = "Code 39 failed to ransac bars in a line."; cout << strErr << endl; return RET_NONE_FOUND; } else { //cout << "Code39 ransac succesfull" << endl; } //for (int i=0; i<vecGroupIdxs.size(); i++){ // cout << "Group " << i << " (" << vecGroupIdxs[i].size() << ") : "; // for (int j=0; j<vecGroupIdxs[i].size(); j++){ // cout << vecGroupIdxs[i][j] << " "; // } // cout << endl; //} //Convert back vecVecInlierIdx to original indices for (int i=0; i<vecVecInlierIdx.size(); i++){ //cout << "vecVecInlierIdx[" << i << "] is from group " << vecFromGroup[i] << endl; for (int j=0; j<vecVecInlierIdx[i].size(); j++){ //cout << " " << vecVecInlierIdx[i][j] << " -> " << vecGroupIdxs[vecFromGroup[i]][vecVecInlierIdx[i][j]] << endl; vecVecInlierIdx[i][j] = vecGroupIdxs[vecFromGroup[i]][vecVecInlierIdx[i][j]]; } } for (int i=0; i < vecLines.size(); i++){ int numpts = vecVecInlierIdx[i].size(); cout << "Potential barcode #" << i << " with " << numpts << " points." << endl; //double angle=atan2(vecLines[i][1],vecLines[i][0])*180/M_PI; //For some reason it clips from [-90,90] double angle_rad = atan2(vecLines[i][1],vecLines[i][0]); //For some reason it clips from [-90,90] double angle_deg = angle_rad*180.0/M_PI; //cout << " angle_deg=" << angle_deg << endl; vector<double> bar_heights(numpts); vector<double> bar_widths(numpts); vector<double> coords_x(numpts); //Loop over all found and ransac-verified stripes in this barcode vector<cv::RotatedRect> stripesVerified(numpts); for (int j=0; j < numpts; j++){ //cout << vecVecInlierIdx[i][j] << endl; //cout << "checking out stripecandidate[" << vecVecInlierIdx[i][j] << "] #" << vecVecInlierIdx[i][j] << endl; stripesVerified[j] = stripeCandidates[vecVecInlierIdx[i][j]]; double dim_smallest = min(stripesVerified[j].size.width, stripesVerified[j].size.height); //For rotation invariance double dim_tallest = max(stripesVerified[j].size.width, stripesVerified[j].size.height); //For rotation invariance bar_heights[j] = dim_tallest; bar_widths[j] = dim_smallest; //Rotate the points straight Point2f ptRot = util::rotatePoint(stripesVerified[j].center, Point(matImageK.cols, matImageK.rows), angle_rad); //cout << ptRot << endl; coords_x[j] = ptRot.x; } double height_median = util::calcMedian(bar_heights); double width_mean = util::calcMean(bar_widths); //cout << "height_median=" << height_median <<" width_mean=" << width_mean << endl; //Find the start and end position for reading vector<size_t> coords_sorted_index; vector<double> coords_x_sorted; sort(coords_x, coords_x_sorted, coords_sorted_index); //cout << coords_x_sorted[0] << " -> " << coords_x_sorted[coords_x_sorted.size()-1] << endl; //Get extrema-stripes Point2f pt_stripe_left = stripeCandidates[vecVecInlierIdx[i][coords_sorted_index[0]]].center; Point2f pt_stripe_right = stripeCandidates[vecVecInlierIdx[i][coords_sorted_index[coords_sorted_index.size() - 1]]].center; //cout << "pt_stripe_left=" << pt_stripe_left << endl; //cout << "pt_stripe_right=" << pt_stripe_right << endl; Point2f pt_barcode_center = (pt_stripe_left + pt_stripe_right) * 0.5; //cout << "pt_barcode_center=" << pt_barcode_center << endl; //Calculate width of the barcode double barcode_width = util::pointDist(pt_stripe_left, pt_stripe_right); //cout << "barcode_width=" << barcode_width << endl; //Make the rotated rectangle around the barcode cv::RotatedRect rotrect_candidate(pt_barcode_center, Size2f(barcode_width, height_median), angle_deg); const double add_width_on_sides_before_decoding = 7.0; // this number will be multiplied by average bar width //Add margin (of a few median widths) rotrect_candidate.size += Size2f(width_mean * add_width_on_sides_before_decoding, 0); const double height_retrainer_for_collapse = 0.25; //Extract the barcode itself cv::RotatedRect rotrect_candidate_thin = rotrect_candidate; //Crop off some margin in thickness because we dont want to collapse the entire barcode. if (rotrect_candidate_thin.size.width < rotrect_candidate_thin.size.height) { rotrect_candidate_thin.size.width *= height_retrainer_for_collapse; } else { rotrect_candidate_thin.size.height *= height_retrainer_for_collapse; } openbarcode::code code_candidate; code_candidate.rotrect = rotrect_candidate_thin; this->code_candidates_.push_back(code_candidate); } return RET_SUCCESS; }