Exemple #1
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                    PWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
  int argc = __argc;
  char** argv;
  if (__wargv && argc > 0) {
    argv = new char*[argc];
    for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
      argv[i] = base_strdup(base::to_utf8(std::wstring(__wargv[i])).c_str());
  else {
    argv = new char*[1];
    argv[0] = base_strdup("");
    argc = 1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

#if __APPLE__
  she::OSXApp app;
  if (!app.init())
    return 1;
#elif !defined(_WIN32)
  she::X11 x11;

  return app_main(argc, argv);
Exemple #2
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                   LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
  int argc = 0;
  LPWSTR* argvW = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc);
  char** argv;
  if (argvW && argc > 0) {
    argv = new char*[argc];
    for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i)
      argv[i] = base_strdup(base::to_utf8(std::wstring(argvW[i])).c_str());
  else {
    argv = new char*[1];
    argv[0] = base_strdup("");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

#if __APPLE__
  she::OSXApp app;
  return app.run(argc, argv);
  return app_main(argc, argv);
Exemple #3
static int convert_align_value_to_flags(const char *value)
  char *tok, *ptr = base_strdup(value);
  int flags = 0;

  for (tok=ustrtok(ptr, " ");
       tok != NULL;
       tok=ustrtok(NULL, " ")) {
    if (ustrcmp(tok, "horizontal") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_HORIZONTAL;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "vertical") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_VERTICAL;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "left") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_LEFT;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "center") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_CENTER;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "right") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_RIGHT;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "top") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_TOP;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "middle") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_MIDDLE;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "bottom") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_BOTTOM;
    else if (ustrcmp(tok, "homogeneous") == 0) {
      flags |= JI_HOMOGENEOUS;

  return flags;
Exemple #4
static Widget* convert_xmlelement_to_widget(TiXmlElement* elem, Widget* root)
  const char *elem_name = elem->Value();
  JWidget widget = NULL;
  JWidget child;

  /* TODO error handling: add a message if the widget is bad specified */

  // Boxes
  if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "box") == 0) {
    bool horizontal  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
    bool vertical    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");
    bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");

    widget = new Box((horizontal ? JI_HORIZONTAL:
                      vertical ? JI_VERTICAL: 0) |
                     (homogeneous ? JI_HOMOGENEOUS: 0));
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "vbox") == 0) {
    bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");

    widget = new VBox();
    if (homogeneous)
      widget->setAlign(widget->getAlign() | JI_HOMOGENEOUS);
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "hbox") == 0) {
    bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");

    widget = new HBox();
    if (homogeneous)
      widget->setAlign(widget->getAlign() | JI_HOMOGENEOUS);
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "boxfiller") == 0) {
    widget = new BoxFiller();
  // Button
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "button") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    widget = new Button(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
    if (widget) {
      bool left   = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "left");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
      bool closewindow = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "closewindow");
      const char *_bevel = elem->Attribute("bevel");

      widget->setAlign((left ? JI_LEFT: (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_CENTER)) |
                       (top ? JI_TOP: (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));

      if (_bevel != NULL) {
        char* bevel = base_strdup(_bevel);
        int c, b[4];
        char *tok;

        for (c=0; c<4; ++c)
          b[c] = 0;

        for (tok=ustrtok(bevel, " "), c=0;
             tok=ustrtok(NULL, " "), ++c) {
          if (c < 4)
            b[c] = ustrtol(tok, NULL, 10);

        setup_bevels(widget, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);

      if (closewindow) {
          ->Click.connect(Bind<void>(&Widget::closeWindow, widget));
  // Check
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "check") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");
    const char *looklike = elem->Attribute("looklike");

    text = (text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);

    if (looklike != NULL && strcmp(looklike, "button") == 0) {
      widget = new CheckBox(text, JI_BUTTON);
    else {
      widget = new CheckBox(text);

    if (widget) {
      bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");

      widget->setAlign((center ? JI_CENTER:
                        (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                       (top    ? JI_TOP:
                        (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));
  /* combobox */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "combobox") == 0) {
    widget = new ComboBox();
  /* entry */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "entry") == 0) {
    const char *maxsize = elem->Attribute("maxsize");
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    if (maxsize != NULL) {
      bool readonly = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "readonly");

      widget = new Entry(ustrtol(maxsize, NULL, 10),
                         text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);

      if (readonly)
  /* grid */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "grid") == 0) {
    const char *columns = elem->Attribute("columns");
    bool same_width_columns = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "same_width_columns");

    if (columns != NULL) {
      widget = new Grid(ustrtol(columns, NULL, 10),
  /* label */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "label") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    widget = new Label(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
    if (widget) {
      bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");

      widget->setAlign((center ? JI_CENTER:
                        (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                       (top    ? JI_TOP:
                        (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));
  /* listbox */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "listbox") == 0) {
    widget = new ListBox();
  /* listitem */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "listitem") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    widget = new ListBox::Item(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
  /* splitter */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "splitter") == 0) {
    bool horizontal = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
    bool vertical = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");

    widget = new Splitter(horizontal ? JI_HORIZONTAL:
                          vertical ? JI_VERTICAL: 0);
  /* radio */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "radio") == 0) {
    const char* text = elem->Attribute("text");
    const char* group = elem->Attribute("group");
    const char *looklike = elem->Attribute("looklike");

    text = (text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL);
    int radio_group = (group ? ustrtol(group, NULL, 10): 1);

    if (looklike != NULL && strcmp(looklike, "button") == 0) {
      widget = new RadioButton(text, radio_group, JI_BUTTON);
    else {
      widget = new RadioButton(text, radio_group);

    if (widget) {
      bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
      bool right  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
      bool top    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
      bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");

      widget->setAlign((center ? JI_CENTER:
                        (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                       (top    ? JI_TOP:
                        (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_MIDDLE)));
  /* separator */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "separator") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");
    bool center      = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
    bool right       = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
    bool middle      = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "middle");
    bool bottom      = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
    bool horizontal  = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
    bool vertical    = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");

    widget = new Separator(text ? TRANSLATE_ATTR(text): NULL,
                           (horizontal ? JI_HORIZONTAL: 0) |
                           (vertical ? JI_VERTICAL: 0) |
                           (center ? JI_CENTER:
                            (right ? JI_RIGHT: JI_LEFT)) |
                           (middle ? JI_MIDDLE:
                            (bottom ? JI_BOTTOM: JI_TOP)));
  /* slider */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "slider") == 0) {
    const char *min = elem->Attribute("min");
    const char *max = elem->Attribute("max");
    int min_value = min != NULL ? ustrtol(min, NULL, 10): 0;
    int max_value = max != NULL ? ustrtol(max, NULL, 10): 0;

    widget = new Slider(min_value, max_value, min_value);
  /* textbox */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "textbox") == 0) {
    //bool wordwrap = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "wordwrap");

    /* TODO add translatable support */
    /* TODO here we need jxmlelem_get_text(elem) */
    /* widget = jtextbox_new(tag->text, wordwrap ? JI_WORDWRAP: 0); */
  /* view */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "view") == 0) {
    widget = new View();
  /* window */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "window") == 0) {
    const char *text = elem->Attribute("text");

    if (text) {
      bool desktop = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "desktop");

      if (desktop)
        widget = new Frame(true, NULL);
        widget = new Frame(false, TRANSLATE_ATTR(text));
  /* colorpicker */
  else if (ustrcmp(elem_name, "colorpicker") == 0) {
    widget = new ColorButton(Color::fromMask(), app_get_current_pixel_format());

  // Was the widget created?
  if (widget) {
    const char *name      = elem->Attribute("name");
    const char *tooltip   = elem->Attribute("tooltip");
    bool selected         = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "selected");
    bool disabled         = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "disabled");
    bool expansive        = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "expansive");
    bool magnetic         = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "magnetic");
    bool noborders        = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "noborders");
    const char *width     = elem->Attribute("width");
    const char *height    = elem->Attribute("height");
    const char *minwidth  = elem->Attribute("minwidth");
    const char *minheight = elem->Attribute("minheight");
    const char *maxwidth  = elem->Attribute("maxwidth");
    const char *maxheight = elem->Attribute("maxheight");
    const char *childspacing = elem->Attribute("childspacing");

    if (name != NULL)

    if (tooltip != NULL)
      jwidget_add_tooltip_text(widget, tooltip, JI_LEFT);

    if (selected)

    if (disabled)

    if (expansive)

    if (magnetic)

    if (noborders)

    if (childspacing)
      widget->child_spacing = ustrtol(childspacing, NULL, 10);

    if (width || minwidth ||
        height || minheight) {
      int w = (width || minwidth) ? ustrtol(width ? width: minwidth, NULL, 10): 0;
      int h = (height || minheight) ? ustrtol(height ? height: minheight, NULL, 10): 0;
      jwidget_set_min_size(widget, w*jguiscale(), h*jguiscale());

    if (width || maxwidth ||
        height || maxheight) {
      int w = (width || maxwidth) ? strtol(width ? width: maxwidth, NULL, 10): INT_MAX;
      int h = (height || maxheight) ? strtol(height ? height: maxheight, NULL, 10): INT_MAX;
      jwidget_set_max_size(widget, w*jguiscale(), h*jguiscale());

    if (!root)
      root = widget;

    // Children
    TiXmlElement* child_elem = elem->FirstChildElement();
    while (child_elem) {
      child = convert_xmlelement_to_widget(child_elem, root);
      if (child) {
        // Attach the child in the view
        if (widget->type == JI_VIEW) {
        // Add the child in the grid
        else if (widget->type == JI_GRID) {
          const char* cell_hspan = child_elem->Attribute("cell_hspan");
          const char* cell_vspan = child_elem->Attribute("cell_vspan");
          const char* cell_align = child_elem->Attribute("cell_align");
          int hspan = cell_hspan ? ustrtol(cell_hspan, NULL, 10): 1;
          int vspan = cell_vspan ? ustrtol(cell_vspan, NULL, 10): 1;
          int align = cell_align ? convert_align_value_to_flags(cell_align): 0;
          Grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Grid*>(widget);
          ASSERT(grid != NULL);

          grid->addChildInCell(child, hspan, vspan, align);
        // Just add the child in any other kind of widget
      child_elem = child_elem->NextSiblingElement();

    if (widget->type == JI_VIEW) {
      bool maxsize = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "maxsize");
      if (maxsize)

  return widget;