Exemple #1
	void Plugin::InsertAvatars (QString& body)
		int index = AvatarRX_.indexIn (body);
		QRegExp notBehind ("Recommended by ");
		QRegExp behind("Reply by ");

		while (index >= 0)
			if (IsBehind (body, index, "Recommended by "))
				index = AvatarRX_.indexIn (body, index + 1);

			bool needNewLine = IsBehind (body, index, "Reply by ") ||
					IsBehind (body, index, "Private message from ");

			const QString& avatar =
				QString ("%1<img style='float:left;margin-right:4px' "
						"width='32px' "
						"height='32px' "
					.arg (needNewLine ? "<br />" : "")
					.arg (AvatarRX_.cap (1));
			body.insert (index, avatar);
			index = AvatarRX_.indexIn (body, index + avatar.length () + AvatarRX_.matchedLength ());
Exemple #2
 * Returns values indicating whether the ownship state will pass in front of or behind the intruder (from a horizontal perspective)
 * @param so ownship position
 * @param vo ownship velocity
 * @param si intruder position
 * @param vi intruder velocity
 * @return 1 if ownship will pass in front (or collide, from a horizontal sense), -1 if ownship will pass behind, 0 if divergent or parallel
int VectFuns::passingDirection(const Vect3& so, const Velocity& vo, const Vect3& si, const Velocity& vi) {
	double toi = timeOfIntersection(so,vo,si,vi);
	double tii = timeOfIntersection(si,vi,so,vo); // these values may have opposite sign!
//fpln("int = "+	intersection(so,vo,si,vi));
	if (ISNAN(toi) || toi < 0 || tii < 0) return 0;
	Vect3 so3 = so.linear(vo, toi);
	Vect3 si3 = si.linear(vi, toi);
	if (behind(so3.vect2(), si3.vect2(), vi.vect2())) return -1;
	return 1;
Exemple #3
static void updateCameraAcceleration(UBYTE update)
	Vector3i concern = swapYZ(trackingCamera.target->pos);
	Vector2i behind(0, 0); /* Irrelevant for normal radar tracking */
	bool bFlying = false;

		This is where we check what it is we're tracking.
		Were we to track a building or location - this is
		where it'd be set up
		If we're tracking a droid, then we need to track slightly in front
		of it in order that the droid appears down the screen a bit. This means
		that we need to find an offset point from it relative to it's present
	if (trackingCamera.target->type == OBJ_DROID)
		const int angle = 90 - abs((player.r.x/182) % 90);

		const DROID *psDroid = (DROID*)trackingCamera.target;
		const PROPULSION_STATS *psPropStats = &asPropulsionStats[psDroid->asBits[COMP_PROPULSION].nStat];

		if (psPropStats->propulsionType == PROPULSION_TYPE_LIFT)
			bFlying = true;

		/* Present direction is important */
		if (getNumDroidsSelected() > 2)
			unsigned group = trackingCamera.target->selected ? GROUP_SELECTED : trackingCamera.target->group;

			uint16_t multiAngle = getAverageTrackAngle(group, true);
			getTrackingConcerns(&concern.x, &concern.y, &concern.z, group, true);

			behind = iSinCosR(multiAngle, CAM_DEFAULT_OFFSET);
			behind = iSinCosR(trackingCamera.target->rot.direction, CAM_DEFAULT_OFFSET);

		concern.y += angle*5;

	Vector3i realPos = concern - Vector3i(-behind.x, 0, -behind.y);
	Vector3f separation = realPos - trackingCamera.position;
	Vector3f acceleration;
	if (!bFlying)
		acceleration = separation*ACCEL_CONSTANT - trackingCamera.velocity*VELOCITY_CONSTANT;
		separation.y /= 2.0f;
		acceleration = separation*(ACCEL_CONSTANT*4) - trackingCamera.velocity*(VELOCITY_CONSTANT*2);

	if (update & X_UPDATE)
		/* Need to update acceleration along x axis */
		trackingCamera.acceleration.x = acceleration.x;

	if (update & Y_UPDATE)
		/* Need to update acceleration along y axis */
		trackingCamera.acceleration.y = acceleration.y;

	if (update & Z_UPDATE)
		/* Need to update acceleration along z axis */
		trackingCamera.acceleration.z = acceleration.z;