Vérification du mode:
	-n : next_fit
	-f : first_fit
	-b : best_fit
void verification_mode(char* mode) {

	int* tab_objets = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n_objets);

	if (strcmp(mode, "-n") == 0) {
		printf("Mode NextFit : OK\n");
	if (strcmp(mode, "-f") == 0) {
		printf("Mode FirstFit : OK\n");
	if (strcmp(mode, "-b") == 0) {
		printf("Mode BestFit : OK\n");


	perror("Le mode n'existe pas...");
Exemple #2
/** Allocate an extent of the specified size (best fit first) from the extent map, removing the returned extent from the map. */
ExtentMap::allocate_best_fit(rose_addr_t size)
    iterator found = best_fit(size, begin());
    if (found==end())
        throw std::bad_alloc();
    Extent retval(found->first.first(), size);
    return retval;
void			*malloc_intern(size_t size)
  t_list		*list;

  list = g_alloc_list;
  if ((list = best_fit(size)) != NULL)
    return (alloc_at(list, size));
  if ((list = alloc_new(size)) == NULL)
    return (NULL);
  if (list->used == TRUE)
    return (list + 1);
  return (alloc_at(list, size));
void *free_allocation(info_p handler, long n_bytes){
	int full_mem=0;
	if(n_bytes < 0){
		printf("Free Allocation Error: requested negative space\n");
		return NULL;
	if(handler->n_bytes < n_bytes){
		printf("Free Allocation Error: requested too much space\n");
		return NULL; //User requested more space than permitted
	if(n_bytes == handler->n_bytes){
		//printf("request:%lu; bytes: %lu; declaring full memory\n", n_bytes, handler->n_bytes);
	if(handler->free_list == NULL){
		return NULL;
	void *mem = handler->memptr-4;
	//printf("free list head: %p; size of mem is: %lu\n",handler->free_list, *(long *)mem);
		case (FREE1_ALLOC): //first fit
			return first_fit(handler, handler->free_list, n_bytes,full_mem);
		case (FREE2_ALLOC): //next fit
			return next_fit(handler, n_bytes);
		case (FREE3_ALLOC): //best fit
			return best_fit(handler, n_bytes);
		case (FREE4_ALLOC): //worst fit
			return worst_fit(handler, n_bytes);
		default: //should never happen
			return NULL;
	printf("Not enough memory to allocate\n");
	return NULL;
Exemple #5
 * @brief Détermine la bonne méthode d'allocation
 * @param kv descripteur d'accès à la base
 * @param key clé
 * @param val valeur
 * @param offset index dans le .kv modifié par effet de bord
int kv_put_dkv(KV *kv, const kv_datum *key, const kv_datum *val, len_t *offset)
    if(kv->alloc == 0)
        return first_fit(kv, key, val, offset);
    else if(kv->alloc == 1)
        return worst_fit(kv, key, val, offset);
    else if(kv->alloc == 2)
        return best_fit(kv, key, val, offset);
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;
Exemple #6
int main()
	int n;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	NODE *phead;  //空闲链
	init_list(&phead, 0);
	init_list_a(phead, n);
	//init_list_b(phead, n);
	NODE *head;
	init_list(&head, 0);
	NODE *hd;
	init_list(&hd, 0);
	printf("首次适应算法-1 循环首次适应算法-2 最佳适应算法-3 最坏适应算法-4\n");
	int ch;
	scanf("%d", &ch);
	while (1)
		if (ch == 1)
			first_fit(phead, head, hd);
		else if (ch == 2)
			next_fit(phead, head);
		else if (ch == 3)
			best_fit(phead, head);
		else if (ch == 4)
			best_fit1(phead, head);
	return 0;
Exemple #7
//only add function called from SRT or RR.  Determines which memory algorithm to use
bool Memory::add_memory(char proc, int proc_size, int time){

    if(algo == "First-Fit"){
        first_fit(proc, proc_size, time);   

    else if(algo == "Next-Fit"){
        next_fit(proc, proc_size, time);   

    else if(algo == "Best-Fit"){
        best_fit(proc, proc_size, time);   
        return false;


    return true;
Exemple #8
static void fit_curves(args_t *args)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<args->ndist; i++)
        dist_t *dist = &args->dist[i];
        if ( dist->copy_number!=0 )
            fprintf(args->dat_fp,"CN\t%s\t%.2f\n", dist->chr,(float)dist->copy_number);
            save_dist(args, i, 0, NULL);

        // Parameters (center,scale,sigma) for gaussian peaks.
        double params_cn2[] = { 1/2.,0.5,0.05 };
        double params_cn3[] = { 1/3.,0.5,0.05, 2/3.,0.5,0.05 };
        double params_cn4[] = { 1/4.,0.5,0.05, 1/2.,0.5,0.05, 3/4.,0.5,0.05 };

        double fit_cn2 = best_fit(args,&args->dist[i],1,params_cn2);
        double fit_cn3 = best_fit(args,&args->dist[i],2,params_cn3);
        double fit_cn4 = best_fit(args,&args->dist[i],3,params_cn4);

        double dx_cn3  = fabs(params_cn3[0] - params_cn3[3]);
        double dx_cn4  = fabs(params_cn4[0] - params_cn4[6]);
        double dy_cn3  = params_cn3[1] > params_cn3[4] ? params_cn3[4]/params_cn3[1] : params_cn3[1]/params_cn3[4];
        double dy_cn4a = params_cn4[1] > params_cn4[7] ? params_cn4[7]/params_cn4[1] : params_cn4[1]/params_cn4[7]; // side peaks
        double ymax = params_cn4[1] > params_cn4[7] ? params_cn4[1] : params_cn4[7];
        double dy_cn4b = ymax > params_cn4[4] ? params_cn4[4]/ymax : ymax/params_cn4[4];    // middle peak

        // Three peaks (CN4) are always a better fit than two (CN3) or one (CN2). Therefore
        // check that peaks are well separated and that the peak sizes are reasonable
        char cn2_fail = 0, cn3_fail = 0, cn4_fail = 0;
        if ( fit_cn2 > args->fit_th ) cn2_fail = 'f';

        if ( fit_cn3 > args->fit_th ) cn3_fail = 'f';
        else if ( dx_cn3 < 0.05 ) cn3_fail = 'x';         // peak separation: at least ~10% of cells
        else if ( dy_cn3 < args->peak_symmetry ) cn3_fail = 'y';    

        if ( fit_cn4 > args->fit_th ) cn4_fail = 'f';
        else if ( dx_cn4 < 0.1 ) cn4_fail = 'x';            // peak separation
        else if ( dy_cn4a < args->peak_symmetry ) cn4_fail = 'y';
        else if ( dy_cn4b < args->peak_symmetry ) cn4_fail = 'Y';

        // Estimate fraction of affected cells. For CN4 we estimate
        // contamination (the fraction of foreign cells), which is more
        // common than CN4; hence the value is from the interval [0,0.5].
        //      CN3 .. f = 2*dx/(1-dx)
        //      CN4 .. f = dx
        dx_cn3 = 2*dx_cn3 / (1-dx_cn3);

        double cn = -1, fit = fit_cn2;
        if ( !cn2_fail ) { cn = 2; fit = fit_cn2; }
        if ( !cn3_fail && fit_cn3 < args->cn_penalty * fit ) { cn = 3; fit = fit_cn3; }
        if ( !cn4_fail && fit_cn4 < args->cn_penalty * fit ) { cn = 4; fit = fit_cn4; }

        if ( cn==-1 ) save_dist(args, i, 0, NULL);
        else if ( cn==2 ) save_dist(args, i, 1, params_cn2);
        else if ( cn==3 ) { save_dist(args, i, 2, params_cn3); cn = 2 + dx_cn3; }
        else if ( cn==4 ) { save_dist(args, i, 3, params_cn4); cn = 3 + dx_cn4; }

        if ( args->verbose )
            printf("%s: \n", args->dist[i].chr);
            print_params(&args->dist[i].dat, 1, params_cn2, fit_cn2, 1.0,    cn2_fail, cn==2 ? '*' : ' ');
            print_params(&args->dist[i].dat, 2, params_cn3, fit_cn3, dx_cn3, cn3_fail, cn>2 && cn<=3 ? '*' : ' ');
            print_params(&args->dist[i].dat, 3, params_cn4, fit_cn4, dx_cn4, cn4_fail, cn>3 ? '*' : ' ');
        fprintf(args->dat_fp,"CN\t%s\t%.2f\t%f\n", dist->chr, cn, fit);
Exemple #9
RcppExport SEXP FitPhasingBurst(SEXP R_signal, SEXP R_flowCycle, SEXP R_read_sequence,
                SEXP R_phasing, SEXP R_burstFlows, SEXP R_maxEvalFlow, SEXP R_maxSimFlow) {

 SEXP ret = R_NilValue;
 char *exceptionMesg = NULL;

 try {

     Rcpp::NumericMatrix  signal(R_signal);
     Rcpp::NumericMatrix  phasing(R_phasing);     // Standard phasing parameters
     string flowCycle   = Rcpp::as<string>(R_flowCycle);
     Rcpp::StringVector   read_sequences(R_read_sequence);
     Rcpp::NumericVector  phasing_burst(R_burstFlows);
     Rcpp::NumericVector  max_eval_flow(R_maxEvalFlow);
     Rcpp::NumericVector  max_sim_flow(R_maxSimFlow);
     int window_size    = 38; // For normalization

     ion::FlowOrder flow_order(flowCycle, flowCycle.length());
     unsigned int num_flows = flow_order.num_flows();
     unsigned int num_reads = read_sequences.size();

     // Containers to store results
     Rcpp::NumericVector null_fit(num_reads);
     Rcpp::NumericMatrix null_prediction(num_reads, num_flows);
     Rcpp::NumericVector best_fit(num_reads);
     Rcpp::NumericVector best_ie_value(num_reads);
     Rcpp::NumericMatrix best_prediction(num_reads, num_flows);

     BasecallerRead bc_read;
     DPTreephaser dpTreephaser(flow_order);
     DPPhaseSimulator PhaseSimulator(flow_order);
     vector<double> cf_vec(num_flows, 0.0);
     vector<double> ie_vec(num_flows, 0.0);
     vector<double> dr_vec(num_flows, 0.0);

     // IE Burst Estimation Loop
     for (unsigned int iRead=0; iRead<num_reads; iRead++) {

       // Set read object
       vector<float> my_signal(num_flows);
       for (unsigned int iFlow=0; iFlow<num_flows; iFlow++)
         my_signal.at(iFlow) = signal(iRead, iFlow);
       bc_read.SetData(my_signal, num_flows);
       string my_sequence = Rcpp::as<std::string>(read_sequences(iRead));

       // Default phasing as baseline
       double my_best_fit, my_best_ie;
       double base_cf  = (double)phasing(iRead, 0);
       double base_ie  = (double)phasing(iRead, 1);
       double base_dr  = (double)phasing(iRead, 2);
       int burst_flow = (int)phasing_burst(iRead);
       vector<float> my_best_prediction;

       cf_vec.assign(num_flows, base_cf);
       dr_vec.assign(num_flows, base_dr);
       int my_max_flow  = min((int)num_flows, (int)max_sim_flow(iRead));
       int my_eval_flow = min(my_max_flow, (int)max_eval_flow(iRead));

       PhaseSimulator.SetPhasingParameters_Basic(base_cf, base_ie, base_dr);
       dpTreephaser.WindowedNormalize(bc_read, (my_eval_flow/window_size), window_size, true);

       my_best_ie = base_ie;
       my_best_prediction = bc_read.prediction;
       my_best_fit = 0;
       for (int iFlow=0; iFlow<my_eval_flow; iFlow++) {
         double residual = bc_read.raw_measurements.at(iFlow) - bc_read.prediction.at(iFlow);
         my_best_fit += residual*residual;
       for (unsigned int iFlow=0; iFlow<num_flows; iFlow++)
         null_prediction(iRead, iFlow) = bc_read.prediction.at(iFlow);
       null_fit(iRead) = my_best_fit;

       // Make sure that there are enough flows to fit a burst
       if (burst_flow < my_eval_flow-10) {
    	 int    num_steps  = 0;
    	 double step_size  = 0.0;
    	 double step_start = 0.0;
    	 double step_end   = 0.0;

         // Brute force phasing burst value estimation using grid search, crude first, then refine
         for (unsigned int iIteration = 0; iIteration<3; iIteration++) {

           switch(iIteration) {
             case 0:
               step_size = 0.05;
               step_end = 0.8;
             case 1:
               step_end   = (floor(my_best_ie / step_size)*step_size) + step_size;
               step_start = max(0.0, (step_end - 2.0*step_size));
               step_size  = 0.01;
               step_end   = (floor(my_best_ie / step_size)*step_size) + step_size;
               step_start = max(0.0, step_end - 2*step_size);
               step_size = step_size / 10;
           num_steps  = 1+ ((step_end - step_start) / step_size);

           for (int iPhase=0; iPhase <= num_steps; iPhase++) {

        	 double try_ie = step_start+(iPhase*step_size);
             ie_vec.assign(num_flows, try_ie);

             PhaseSimulator.SetBasePhasingParameters(burst_flow, cf_vec, ie_vec, dr_vec);
             dpTreephaser.WindowedNormalize(bc_read, (my_eval_flow/window_size), window_size, true);

             double my_fit = 0.0;
             for (int iFlow=burst_flow+1; iFlow<my_eval_flow; iFlow++) {
               double residual = bc_read.raw_measurements.at(iFlow) - bc_read.prediction.at(iFlow);
               my_fit += residual*residual;
             if (my_fit < my_best_fit) {
               my_best_fit = my_fit;
               my_best_ie  = try_ie;
               my_best_prediction = bc_read.prediction;

       // Set output information for this read
       best_fit(iRead) = my_best_fit;
       best_ie_value(iRead)   = my_best_ie;
       for (unsigned int iFlow=0; iFlow<num_flows; iFlow++)
         best_prediction(iRead, iFlow) = my_best_prediction.at(iFlow);

     ret = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("null_fit")        = null_fit,
                              Rcpp::Named("null_prediction") = null_prediction,
                              Rcpp::Named("burst_flow")      = phasing_burst,
                              Rcpp::Named("best_fit")        = best_fit,
                              Rcpp::Named("best_ie_value")   = best_ie_value,
                              Rcpp::Named("best_prediction") = best_prediction);

 } catch(std::exception& ex) {
 } catch(...) {
   ::Rf_error("c++ exception (unknown reason)");

 if(exceptionMesg != NULL)
 return ret;

void impl_aux(bip_context* c, int* fixed, int* alpha, int* workplace,
              int* candidate, int* parents, int level, int* node)
    if(level == c->num_vars) {

    /* Register node num */
    int c_node = (*node);
    (*node) = c_node + 1;
    parents[level] = c_node;
    imp_node_open(c, fixed, parents, c_node);

    /* Calculate best fit and test if performance is improved */
    int bf = best_fit(c, fixed, workplace);
    imp_node_log_bf(c, fixed, workplace, bf, *alpha); /* LOG */
    if((c->maximize && (bf <= *alpha)) || (!c->maximize && (bf >= *alpha))) {
        DEBUG("Node %i: Close node. Doesn't improve performance.\n", c_node);
        imp_node_close(c, doesnt_improve); /* LOG */

    /* Check factibility */
    imp_node_log_rc(c); /* LOG */
    bool fact = check_restrictions(c, workplace);
    if(fact) {

        /* Set the solution as new candidate */
        for(int i = 0; i < c->num_vars; i++) {
            candidate[i] = workplace[i];

        /* Set alpha as the new performance */
        (*alpha) = bf;

        DEBUG("Node %i: Close node. New candidate solution: %i.\n", c_node, bf);
        imp_node_close(c, new_candidate); /* LOG */

    /* Not factible, check possible future factibility */
    bool future_fact = check_future_fact(c, fixed, workplace);
    if(!future_fact) {
        DEBUG("Node %i: Close node. Not factible.\n", c_node);
        imp_node_close(c, not_factible); /* LOG */

    DEBUG("Node %i: Expand node. Possible future factibility.\n", c_node);
    imp_node_close(c, expand); /* LOG */

    fixed[level] = 0;
    impl_aux(c, fixed, alpha, workplace, candidate, parents, level + 1, node);
    for(int i = level + 1; i < c->num_vars; i++) {
        fixed[i] = -1;
        parents[i] = -1;

    fixed[level] = 1;
    impl_aux(c, fixed, alpha, workplace, candidate, parents, level + 1, node);
    for(int i = level + 1; i < c->num_vars; i++) {
        fixed[i] = -1;
        parents[i] = -1;
