 *   TODO: unit test channel_pow_stats::update_pbs_avg
bool channel_pow_stats::update_bps_avg( uint64_t bytes_recv, const pow_hash& msg_pow )
   // normalize the proof of work for the message size
   fc::bigint msg( &msg_pow,     sizeof(msg_pow) );
   msg *= ( (bytes_recv / 1024) + 1); // give the average work per kb

   // for the purposes of this calculation, there is no such thing as a message less than
   // 1 KB in size.
   if( bytes_recv < 1024 ) bytes_recv = 1024; 

   // first check the work, if it is valid we can work it into our
   // POW average, otherwise we will ignore it.
   if( msg_pow > target_pow ) return false;

   // how much time has elapsed since the last bytes that passed
   auto ellapsed_us = (fc::time_point::now() - last_recv).count();
   last_recv = fc::time_point::now();

   // prevent long delays between message from biasing the average too much
   // also protects against OS time changes 
   if( ellapsed_us > BITCHAT_BANDWIDTH_WINDOW_US )
     ellapsed_us = BITCHAT_BANDWIDTH_WINDOW_US/32;

   // calculate the weighted average for the bitrate
   auto total = avg_bits_per_usec*BITCHAT_BANDWIDTH_WINDOW_US + (8 * bytes_recv * ellapsed_us);
   avg_bits_per_usec = total / (BITCHAT_BANDWIDTH_WINDOW_US + ellapsed_us);

   // use the same weighting factors to weight the update to the average POW
   fc::bigint avg( &average_pow, sizeof(average_pow) );
   fc::bigint wsum = (avg * BITCHAT_BANDWIDTH_WINDOW_US + msg*ellapsed_us) 

   fc::bigint tar( &target_pow, sizeof(target_pow) );
   if( avg_bits_per_usec >= target_bits_per_usec )
      tar *= wsum * bigint( 990000ll);
      tar /= bigint(1000000ll);
      // increase target (making it easier to get under)
      tar =  wsum * bigint(1010000ll); 
      tar /=        bigint(1000000ll);

   std::vector<char> tarw(tar);
   std::vector<char> avgw(wsum);
   target_pow = pow_hash();

   memcpy( (char*)&target_pow + sizeof(pow_hash)-tarw.size(), 
            tarw.data(), tarw.size() );
   memcpy( (char*)&average_pow + sizeof(pow_hash)-avgw.size(), 
            avgw.data(), avgw.size() );

   return true;
Exemple #2
u256 calculateEthashDifficulty(
    ChainOperationParams const& _chainParams, BlockHeader const& _bi, BlockHeader const& _parent)
    const unsigned c_expDiffPeriod = 100000;

    if (!_bi.number())
        throw GenesisBlockCannotBeCalculated();
    auto const& minimumDifficulty = _chainParams.minimumDifficulty;
    auto const& difficultyBoundDivisor = _chainParams.difficultyBoundDivisor;
    auto const& durationLimit = _chainParams.durationLimit;

    bigint target;  // stick to a bigint for the target. Don't want to risk going negative.
    if (_bi.number() < _chainParams.homesteadForkBlock)
        // Frontier-era difficulty adjustment
        target = _bi.timestamp() >= _parent.timestamp() + durationLimit ?
                     _parent.difficulty() - (_parent.difficulty() / difficultyBoundDivisor) :
                     (_parent.difficulty() + (_parent.difficulty() / difficultyBoundDivisor));
        bigint const timestampDiff = bigint(_bi.timestamp()) - _parent.timestamp();
        bigint const adjFactor =
            _bi.number() < _chainParams.byzantiumForkBlock ?
                max<bigint>(1 - timestampDiff / 10, -99) :  // Homestead-era difficulty adjustment
                max<bigint>((_parent.hasUncles() ? 2 : 1) - timestampDiff / 9,
                    -99);  // Byzantium-era difficulty adjustment

        target = _parent.difficulty() + _parent.difficulty() / 2048 * adjFactor;

    bigint o = target;
    unsigned exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber = unsigned(_parent.number() + 1);

    // EIP-1234 Constantinople Ice Age delay
    if (_bi.number() >= _chainParams.constantinopleForkBlock)
        if (exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber >= 5000000)
            exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber -= 5000000;
            exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber = 0;
    // EIP-649 Byzantium Ice Age delay
    else if (_bi.number() >= _chainParams.byzantiumForkBlock)
        if (exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber >= 3000000)
            exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber -= 3000000;
            exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber = 0;

    unsigned periodCount = exponentialIceAgeBlockNumber / c_expDiffPeriod;
    if (periodCount > 1)
        o += (bigint(1) << (periodCount - 2));  // latter will eventually become huge, so ensure
                                                // it's a bigint.

    o = max<bigint>(minimumDifficulty, o);
    return u256(min<bigint>(o, std::numeric_limits<u256>::max()));
	Secp256k1() :
Exemple #4
main (int argc, char **argv)
  random_update ();

  bigint m, r, s1, s2;
  barrett b;

  for (int i = 120; i < 162; i++) {
    m = random_bigint (i);
    m.setbit (0, 1);
    b.set (m);
    for (int j = i - 33; j <= 2 * i; j++) {
      r = random_bigint (j);
      s1 = mod (r, m);
      s2 = b.reduce (r);
      if (s1 != s2)
	panic << "r = " << r << "\n"
	      << "     " << s1 << "\n  != " << s2 << "\n"
	      << "    ["
	      << strbuf ("%*s", mpz_sizeinbase (&s1, 16),
			 bigint (abs (s1 - s2)).cstr ())
	      << "]\n";

  return 0;
Exemple #5

            if (m_rev < EVMC_BYZANTIUM)
            bigint const endOfAccess = bigint(m_SP[1]) + bigint(m_SP[2]);
            if (m_returnData.size() < endOfAccess)

            m_copyMemSize = toInt63(m_SP[2]);
            updateMem(memNeed(m_SP[0], m_SP[2]));

            copyDataToMemory(&m_returnData, m_SP);
Exemple #6
void SealEngineFace::verify(Strictness _s, BlockHeader const& _bi, BlockHeader const& _parent, bytesConstRef _block) const
    _bi.verify(_s, _parent, _block);

    if (_s != CheckNothingNew)
        if (_bi.difficulty() < chainParams().minimumDifficulty)
                        InvalidDifficulty() << RequirementError(
                            bigint(chainParams().minimumDifficulty), bigint(_bi.difficulty())));

        if (_bi.gasLimit() < chainParams().minGasLimit)
            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidGasLimit() << RequirementError(
                                      bigint(chainParams().minGasLimit), bigint(_bi.gasLimit())));

        if (_bi.gasLimit() > chainParams().maxGasLimit)
            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidGasLimit() << RequirementError(
                                      bigint(chainParams().maxGasLimit), bigint(_bi.gasLimit())));

        if (_bi.number() && _bi.extraData().size() > chainParams().maximumExtraDataSize)
                        << RequirementError(bigint(chainParams().maximumExtraDataSize),
                        << errinfo_extraData(_bi.extraData()));

        u256 const& daoHardfork = chainParams().daoHardforkBlock;
        if (daoHardfork != 0 && daoHardfork + 9 >= daoHardfork && _bi.number() >= daoHardfork &&
                _bi.number() <= daoHardfork + 9)
            if (_bi.extraData() != fromHex("0x64616f2d686172642d666f726b"))
                            << errinfo_comment("Received block from the wrong fork (invalid extradata)."));

    if (_parent)
        auto gasLimit = _bi.gasLimit();
        auto parentGasLimit = _parent.gasLimit();
        if (gasLimit < chainParams().minGasLimit || gasLimit > chainParams().maxGasLimit ||
                gasLimit <= parentGasLimit - parentGasLimit / chainParams().gasLimitBoundDivisor ||
                gasLimit >= parentGasLimit + parentGasLimit / chainParams().gasLimitBoundDivisor)
                        << errinfo_min(
                            (bigint)((bigint)parentGasLimit -
                                     (bigint)(parentGasLimit / chainParams().gasLimitBoundDivisor)))
                        << errinfo_got((bigint)gasLimit)
                        << errinfo_max((bigint)((bigint)parentGasLimit +
                                                parentGasLimit / chainParams().gasLimitBoundDivisor)));
int main() {
	int h = 0, n;
	bigint x;
	char *buf1;
	while (scanf(" %as %d", &buf1, &n) != EOF) {
		x = bigint(buf1);
		printf("#%d\n%s\n\n", ++h, string(x.root(n)).c_str());
Exemple #8
void u_test(bigint test) //tests the constructors. Pass in default constructor
	assert (test.digits[0] == 0);
	assert (test.digits[1] == -1);
	test = bigint("0");
	assert (test.digits[0] == 0);
	assert (test.digits[1] == -1);
	test = bigint(0);
	assert (test.digits[0] == 0);
	assert (test.digits[1] == -1);
	test = bigint(123);
	assert (test.digits[0] == 3 && test.digits[1] == 2 && test.digits[2] == 1 && test.digits[3] == -1);
	test = bigint("123");
	assert (test.digits[0] == 3 && test.digits[1] == 2 && test.digits[2] == 1 && test.digits[3] == -1);
Exemple #9
void Ethash::BlockHeaderRaw::populateFromHeader(RLP const& _header, Strictness _s)
	m_mixHash = _header[BlockInfo::BasicFields].toHash<h256>();
	m_nonce = _header[BlockInfo::BasicFields + 1].toHash<h64>();

	// check it hashes according to proof of work or that it's the genesis block.
	if (_s == CheckEverything && m_parentHash && !verify())
		InvalidBlockNonce ex;
		ex << errinfo_nonce(m_nonce);
		ex << errinfo_mixHash(m_mixHash);
		ex << errinfo_seedHash(seedHash());
		EthashProofOfWork::Result er = EthashAux::eval(seedHash(), hashWithout(), m_nonce);
		ex << errinfo_ethashResult(make_tuple(er.value, er.mixHash));
		ex << errinfo_hash256(hashWithout());
		ex << errinfo_difficulty(m_difficulty);
		ex << errinfo_target(boundary());
	else if (_s == QuickNonce && m_parentHash && !preVerify())
		InvalidBlockNonce ex;
		ex << errinfo_hash256(hashWithout());
		ex << errinfo_difficulty(m_difficulty);
		ex << errinfo_nonce(m_nonce);

	if (_s != CheckNothing)
		if (m_difficulty < c_minimumDifficulty)
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDifficulty() << RequirementError(bigint(c_minimumDifficulty), bigint(m_difficulty)) );

		if (m_gasLimit < c_minGasLimit)
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidGasLimit() << RequirementError(bigint(c_minGasLimit), bigint(m_gasLimit)) );

		if (m_number && m_extraData.size() > c_maximumExtraDataSize)
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExtraDataTooBig() << RequirementError(bigint(c_maximumExtraDataSize), bigint(m_extraData.size())) << errinfo_extraData(m_extraData));
int main (int argc, char * const argv[])
    // check the correct number of inputs
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cout << "Please specify n (n>=1)" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    int num = atoi(argv[1]);
    BigInteger bigint(num);
    bigint = ComplexFactorial(bigint);
    std::cout << bigint << std::endl;

    return 0;
Exemple #11
	static void buildRLP(js::mValue& _v, RLPStream& _rlp)
		if (_v.type() == js::array_type)
			RLPStream s;
			for (auto& i: _v.get_array())
				buildRLP(i, s);
		else if (_v.type() == js::int_type)
		else if (_v.type() == js::str_type)
			auto s = _v.get_str();
			if (s.size() && s[0] == '#')
Exemple #12
void process(const std::string& input_file, const std::string& output_file)
   std::ifstream input(input_file.c_str());
   std::ofstream output(output_file.c_str());
   std::string line;
   std::getline(input, line); // Ignore the first line.
   for (int i = 1; std::getline(input, line); i++) {
      if (line.empty())

      std::vector<std::string> elements;
      boost::split(elements, line, boost::is_any_of(" "));
      std::vector<bigint> events;
      for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = ++elements.begin();
           it != elements.end(); it++)

      output << "Case #" << i << ": "
             << calculate_apocalypse(events).get_str()
             << std::endl;
main (int argc, char **argv)
  random_update ();

  bigint r, s1, s2;

  for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
    r = random_bigint (rnd.getword () % 2048);
    s1 = r * r;
    mpz_square (&s2, &r);
    if (s1 != s2)
      panic << "r = " << r << "\n"
	    << "     " << s1 << "\n  != " << s2 << "\n"
	    << "    ["
	    << strbuf ("%*s", int (mpz_sizeinbase (&s1, 16)),
		       bigint (abs (s1 - s2)).cstr ())
	    << "]\n";

  return 0;
compare_nodes (merkle_tree *ltree, bigint rngmin, bigint rngmax, 
	       merkle_node *lnode, merkle_rpc_node *rnode,
	       uint vnode, dhash_ctype ctype,
	       missingfnc_t missingfnc, rpcfnc_t rpcfnc)
  trace << (lnode->isleaf ()  ? "L" : "I")
       << " vs "
       << (rnode->isleaf ? "L" : "I")
       << "\n";

  vec<chordID> lkeys = ltree->database_get_IDs (rnode->depth, 
  if (rnode->isleaf) {
    vec<chordID> rkeys;
    for (u_int i = 0; i < rnode->child_hash.size (); i++) 
	rkeys.push_back (tobigint(rnode->child_hash[i]));

    compare_keylists (lkeys, rkeys, rngmin, rngmax, missingfnc);    
  } else if (lnode->isleaf () && !rnode->isleaf) {
    bigint tmpmin = tobigint (rnode->prefix);
    bigint node_width = bigint (1) << (160 - rnode->depth);
    bigint tmpmax = tmpmin + node_width - 1;

    // further constrain to be within the host's range of interest
    if (between (tmpmin, tmpmax, rngmin))
      tmpmin = rngmin;
    if (between (tmpmin, tmpmax, rngmax))
      tmpmax = rngmax;

    vNew merkle_getkeyrange (vnode, ctype, tmpmin, tmpmax, lkeys, 
			     missingfnc, rpcfnc);
Exemple #15
 bigint operator+(const bigint& other) const
     return bigint(add(num, other.num), base);
Exemple #16
 bigint& bigint::operator--()
   return *this = *this - bigint(1);
Exemple #17
 bigint bigint::operator--(int)
   bigint tmp = *this;
   *this = *this - bigint(1);
   return tmp;
Exemple #18
 bigint& bigint::operator++()
   return *this = *this + bigint(1);
Exemple #19
 bigint bigint::operator++(int)
   bigint tmp = *this;
   *this = *this + bigint(1);
   return tmp;
Exemple #20
 bigint operator +(const bigint& x){ return bigint(*this) += x; }
Exemple #21
int main ()
      /*---------------Test Add-------------*/
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(0);
      bigint right(0);
      bigint result;

      // Test 
      result = left + right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == 0);
      assert(right  == 0);
      assert(result == 0);

      left = bigint(123);
      right = bigint(123);
      result = left+right;
      assert(left == 123);
      assert(right == 123);
      assert(result == 246);
      left = bigint(999);
      right = bigint(999);
      result = left+right;
      assert(left == 999);
      assert(result == 1998);

    /*--------------------------Test Multiply-------------------------*/
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(0);
      bigint right(0);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == 0);
      assert(right  == 0);
      assert(result == 0);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(1);
      bigint right(0);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == 1);
      assert(right  == 0);
      assert(result == 0);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(0);
      bigint right(1);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == 0);
      assert(right  == 1);
      assert(result == 0);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(123);
      bigint right(56);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   ==  123);
      assert(right  ==   56);
      assert(result == 6888);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(65);
      bigint right(321);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   ==    65);
      assert(right  ==   321);
      assert(result == 20865);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(9999);
      bigint right(2);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   ==  9999);
      assert(right  ==     2);
      assert(result == 19998);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left(2);
      bigint right(999999);
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   ==       2);
      assert(right  ==  999999);
      assert(result == 1999998);
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left("2222");
      bigint right("888888888888888888888888888888888888");
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == "2222");
      assert(right  == "888888888888888888888888888888888888");
      assert(result == "1975111111111111111111111111111111109136");
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left("777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777");
      bigint right("333333");
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == "777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777");
      assert(right  == "333333");
      assert(result == "259258999999999999999999999999999999999999999740741");
      // Setup fixture
      bigint left("111111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
      bigint right("999999999999999999999999999999999999999999");
      bigint result;
      // Test 
      result = left * right;
      // Verify
      assert(left   == "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
      assert(right  == "999999999999999999999999999999999999999999");
      assert(result == "111111111111111111111111111111111111111110888888888888888888888888888888888888888889");
    //Add test cases as needed.

    std::cout << "Done testing multiply" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Done with testing addition." << std::endl;

  /*------------------------Test Times 10--------------------------------*/
    // Setup fixture
    bigint bi(3);
    // Test 
    bi.shiftLeft(0); //Or whatever you call it.
    // Verify
    assert(bi == 3);
  //Add test cases as needed.
  std::cout << "Done testing times10" << std::endl;
Exemple #22
 // assume that this is larger than other
 bigint operator-(const bigint& other) const
     return bigint(sub(num, other.num), base);
Exemple #23
 bigint operator %(const bigint& x){ return bigint(*this) %= x; }
Exemple #24
 bigint operator /(const bigint& x){ return bigint(*this).div(x); }
void CUserQueryHiveLog::Core()
	std::string pchSqlPermissions ;//= "insert into rtb_hive_data";
	//char insertMysqlValue[2000];
	std::string insertMysqlValue;
	std::string createTable;
	std::string tableValue ="( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,\
							log_time datetime DEFAULT NULL ,\
							reqParams varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL ,\
							reqAction varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL ,\
							resultValue varchar(19800) DEFAULT NULL ,\
							queryTime bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,\
							log_dayID bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL ,\
							log_HourID bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL ,\
	char chSource[10];
	char chProvider[10];
	char logDate[30];
	std::string strHiveDate;
	while(true) {

		strHiveDate = BdxUserQueryHiveLogGetDate();

		createTable =   "create table if not exists apigateway_hive_data_"+ strHiveDate + tableValue;
		pchSqlPermissions = "insert into apigateway_hive_data_" + strHiveDate +"(log_time,reqParams,reqAction,resultValue,queryTime,log_dayID,log_hourID)values";
		std::vector<HIVELOCALLOG_S>::iterator itr;
        time_t timep;

		#ifdef __MYSQL__
		m_stMysqlServerInfoHive->ExecuteMySql(createTable.c_str());//create table
		//printf("Line:%d,create table %s\n",__LINE__,createTable.c_str());
		LOG(DEBUG,"create table %s",createTable.c_str());

        struct tm* timeinfo = localtime(&timep);
		for(u_int i = 0; i < CUserQueryWorkThreads::m_vecHiveLog.size(); ++i) {
				m_stHiveLog = CUserQueryWorkThreads::m_vecHiveLog[i].front();
				fprintf(m_pFile, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\t", timeinfo->tm_year + 1900, timeinfo->tm_mon + 1,timeinfo->tm_mday, timeinfo->tm_hour, timeinfo->tm_min);

				#ifdef __MYSQL__
				sprintf(logDate, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d",timeinfo->tm_year + 1900, timeinfo->tm_mon + 1,timeinfo->tm_mday, timeinfo->tm_hour, timeinfo->tm_min);
				insertMysqlValue =pchSqlPermissions + "('"+std::string(logDate)+"','" + m_stHiveLog.strReqParams +"','" + m_stHiveLog.strAction +"','" + m_stHiveLog.strValue + "','" + m_stHiveLog.strQuerytime +"','" + m_stHiveLog.strDayId + "','" + m_stHiveLog.strHourId + "');";


                m_stMysqlServerInfoHive->ExecuteMySql(std::string("set names utf8").c_str());//set charset
                m_stMysqlServerInfoHive->ExecuteMySql((std::string("alter database ")+g_mySqlInfoHive.pchDbName+ std::string(" default character set utf8")).c_str());//set charset

					LOG(DEBUG,"%s success",insertMysqlValue.c_str());
					//printf("Line:%d,Insert into mysql is success.....%s\n",__LINE__,insertMysqlValue.c_str());
					LOG(DEBUG," %s error!!!!1",insertMysqlValue.c_str());
					//printf("Line:%d,Insert into mysql is error.....\n",__LINE__);					
Exemple #26
main (int argc, char **argv)
    random_update ();

    bigint m, m2, r, r2, ri, s1, s2;
    montgom b;

    for (int i = 120; i < 162; i++) {
        int res = 0;
        m = random_bigint (i);
        m.setbit (0, 1);
        b.set (m);
        m2 = m * b.getr ();
        for (int j = i - 33; j <= 2 * i; j++) {
            r = random_zn (m2);
            r.trunc (j);
            s1 = mod (r * b.getri (), m);
            //s2 = b.mreduce (r);
            b.mpz_mreduce (&s2, &r);
            if (s1 != s2) {
                res |= 1;
                int sz = mpz_sizeinbase (&s1, 16);
                panic << "mreduce failed\n"
                      << " m = " << m << "\n"
                      << " r = " << r << "\n"
                      << "     " << s1 << "\n  != " << s2 << "\n"
                      << "    ["
                      << strbuf ("%*s", sz, bigint (abs (s1 - s2)).cstr ())
                      << "]\n";

        // r = s1;
        r = random_zn (m);
        r2 = random_zn (m);
        assert (r < m && r2 < m);

        s1 = mod (r * r2 * b.getri (), m);
        b.mpz_mmul (&s2, &r, &r2);
        if (s1 != s2) {
            res |= 2;
            int sz = mpz_sizeinbase (&s1, 16);
            panic << "mmul failed\n"
                  << " m = " << m << "\n"
                  << " r = " << r << "\n"
                  << "     " << s1 << "\n  != " << s2 << "\n"
                  << "    ["
                  << strbuf ("%*s", sz, bigint (abs (s1 - s2)).cstr ())
                  << "]\n";

        s1 = powm (r, r2, m);
        b.mpz_powm (&s2, &r, &r2);
        if (s1 != s2) {
            res |= 4;
            int sz = mpz_sizeinbase (&s1, 16);
            panic << "powm failed\n"
                  << " m = " << m << "\n"
                  << " r = " << r << "\n"
                  << "     " << s1 << "\n  != " << s2 << "\n"
                  << "    ["
                  << strbuf ("%*s", sz, bigint (abs (s1 - s2)).cstr ())
                  << "]\n";

#if 0
        warn ("%s mreduce.. %d\n", (res&1) ? "fail" : "ok", i);
        warn ("%s mmul.. %d\n", (res&2) ? "fail" : "ok", i);
        warn ("%s powm.. %d\n", (res&4) ? "fail" : "ok", i);

    return 0;
merkle_syncer::next (void)
  trace << "local range [" <<  local_rngmin << "," << local_rngmax << "]\n";
  assert (!sync_done);
  assert (!fatal_err);

  // st is queue of pending index nodes
  while (st.size ()) {
    pair<merkle_rpc_node, int> &p = st.back ();
    merkle_rpc_node *rnode = &p.first;
    assert (!rnode->isleaf);
    merkle_node *lnode = ltree->lookup_exact (rnode->depth, rnode->prefix);

    if (!lnode) {
      fatal << "lookup_exact didn't match for " << rnode->prefix << " at depth " << rnode->depth << "\n";

    trace << "starting from slot " << p.second << "\n";

    while (p.second < 64) {
      u_int i = p.second;
      p.second += 1;
      trace << "CHECKING: " << i;

      bigint remote = tobigint (rnode->child_hash[i]);
      bigint local = tobigint (lnode->child_hash(i));

      u_int depth = rnode->depth + 1;

      //prefix is the high bits of the first key 
      // the node is responsible for.
      merkle_hash prefix = rnode->prefix;
      prefix.write_slot (rnode->depth, i);
      bigint slot_rngmin = tobigint (prefix);
      bigint slot_width = bigint (1) << (160 - 6*depth);
      bigint slot_rngmax = slot_rngmin + slot_width - 1;

      bool overlaps = overlap (local_rngmin, local_rngmax, slot_rngmin, slot_rngmax);

      strbuf tr;
      if (remote != local) {
	tr << " differ. local " << local << " != remote " << remote;

	if (overlaps) {
	  tr << " .. sending\n";
	  sendnode (depth, prefix);
	  trace << tr;
	} else {
	  tr << " .. not sending\n";
      } else {
	tr << " same. local " << local << " == remote " << remote << "\n";
      trace << tr;

    assert (p.second == 64);
    st.pop_back ();

  trace << "DONE .. in NEXT\n";
  setdone ();
  trace << "OK!\n";
Exemple #28
 bigint operator -(const bigint& x){ return bigint(*this) -= x; }
Exemple #29
 bigint operator*(const bigint& other) const
     return bigint(mul(num, other.num), base);