/// resizes the image to nh x nw using bilinear_interpolation
   uchar* resize_image( uchar* &image, int h, int w, int nh, int nw, bool in_place )
      uchar* out = kutility::zeros<uchar>( nh*nw );

      double ratioy = h / (double)nh;
      double ratiox = w / (double)nw;

      int y, x, ynw;
      double ny, nx;
      #pragma omp parallel for private( y, x, ny, nx, ynw )
      for( y=0; y<nh; y++ )
         ny = y * ratioy;

         ynw = y * nw;

         for( x=0; x<nw; x++ )
            nx = x * ratiox;

            out[ ynw + x ] = (uchar)bilinear_interpolation( image, w, nx, ny );

      if( in_place )
         deallocate( image );
         image = out;

      return out;
Exemple #2
// zoom-in by replicating pixels into 2x2 blocks
// no NAN's are expected in the input image
static void zoom_in_by_factor_two(float *out, int ow, int oh,
		float *in, int iw, int ih)
	for (int j = 0; j < oh; j++)
	for (int i = 0; i < ow; i++)
		out[ow*j+i] = bilinear_interpolation(in, iw, ih,
				(i-0.5)/2, (j-0.5)/2);
Exemple #3
// zoom-in by replicating pixels into 2x2 blocks
// no NAN's are expected in the input image
static void zoom_in_by_factor_two(float *out, int ow, int oh,
		float *in, int iw, int ih)
	getpixel_operator p = getpixel_1;
	assert(abs(2*iw-ow) < 2);
	assert(abs(2*ih-oh) < 2);
	for (int j = 0; j < oh; j++)
	for (int i = 0; i < ow; i++)
		float x = (i - 0.5)/2;
		float y = (j - 0.5)/2;
		out[ow*j+i] = bilinear_interpolation(in, iw, ih, x, y);
		//out[ow*j+i] = p(in, iw, ih, round(x), round(y));
static force_inline uint32_t
bits_image_fetch_pixel_bilinear (bits_image_t   *image,
				 pixman_fixed_t  x,
				 pixman_fixed_t  y,
				 get_pixel_t	 get_pixel)
    pixman_repeat_t repeat_mode = image->common.repeat;
    int width = image->width;
    int height = image->height;
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    uint32_t tl, tr, bl, br;
    int32_t distx, disty;

    x1 = x - pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
    y1 = y - pixman_fixed_1 / 2;

    distx = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (x1);
    disty = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (y1);

    x1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (x1);
    y1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (y1);
    x2 = x1 + 1;
    y2 = y1 + 1;

    if (repeat_mode != PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE)
	repeat (repeat_mode, &x1, width);
	repeat (repeat_mode, &y1, height);
	repeat (repeat_mode, &x2, width);
	repeat (repeat_mode, &y2, height);

	tl = get_pixel (image, x1, y1, FALSE);
	bl = get_pixel (image, x1, y2, FALSE);
	tr = get_pixel (image, x2, y1, FALSE);
	br = get_pixel (image, x2, y2, FALSE);
	tl = get_pixel (image, x1, y1, TRUE);
	tr = get_pixel (image, x2, y1, TRUE);
	bl = get_pixel (image, x1, y2, TRUE);
	br = get_pixel (image, x2, y2, TRUE);

    return bilinear_interpolation (tl, tr, bl, br, distx, disty);
Exemple #5
void Solver::MiePrint(complex<double>* p, string name){
	printf("Mie print\n");
	ofstream ofs = WriteOpen(name+"Mie");

	if(ofs) {
		for(int i=0; i<=180; i++){
			double _x = 1.2*lambda_s*cos((180-i)*PI/180) + mField->getNx()/2;
			double _y = 1.2*lambda_s*sin((180-i)*PI/180) + mField->getNy()/2;
			double _val = bilinear_interpolation(p,_x,_y);
			ofs << _val << endl;
		printf("output finished\n");
		printf("No file");
Exemple #6
// Реализует функцию УОЗ от оборотов(мин-1) и нагрузки(кПа) для рабочего режима двигателя
// Возвращает значение угла опережения в целом виде * 32, 2 * 16 = 32.
int16_t work_function(struct ecudata_t* d, uint8_t i_update_airflow_only)
 int16_t  gradient, discharge, rpm = d->sens.inst_frq, l;
 int8_t f, fp1, lp1;

 discharge = (d->param.map_upper_pressure - d->sens.map);
 if (discharge < 0) discharge = 0;

 //map_upper_pressure - верхнее значение давления
 //map_lower_pressure - нижнее значение давления
 gradient = (d->param.map_upper_pressure - d->param.map_lower_pressure) / 16; //делим на количество узлов интерполяции по оси давления
 if (gradient < 1)
  gradient = 1;  //исключаем деление на ноль и отрицательное значение если верхнее давление меньше нижнего
 l = (discharge / gradient);

 if (l >= (F_WRK_POINTS_F - 1))
  lp1 = l = F_WRK_POINTS_F - 1;
  lp1 = l + 1;

 //обновляем переменную расхода воздуха
 d->airflow = 16 - l;

 if (i_update_airflow_only)
  return 0; //выходим если вызвавший указал что мы должны обновить только расход воздуха

 //находим узлы интерполяции, вводим ограничение если обороты выходят за пределы
 for(f = 14; f >= 0; f--)
  if (rpm >= PGM_GET_WORD(&f_slots_ranges[f])) break;

 //рабочая карта работает на 600-х оборотах и выше
 if (f < 0)  {f = 0; rpm = 600;}
  fp1 = f + 1;

 return bilinear_interpolation(rpm, discharge,
        (gradient * l),
Exemple #7
void BLI_bilinear_interpolation_char(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char *output, int width, int height,
                                     int components, float u, float v)
	bilinear_interpolation(buffer, NULL, output, NULL, width, height, components, u, v);
Exemple #8
void BLI_bilinear_interpolation_fl(const float *buffer, float *output, int width, int height,
                                   int components, float u, float v)
	bilinear_interpolation(NULL, buffer, NULL, output, width, height, components, u, v);
/* only supports RGBA nodes now */
static void node_composit_exec_rotate(void *UNUSED(data), bNode *node, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack **out)


	if(in[0]->data) {
		CompBuf *cbuf= typecheck_compbuf(in[0]->data, CB_RGBA);
		CompBuf *stackbuf= alloc_compbuf(cbuf->x, cbuf->y, CB_RGBA, 1);	/* note, this returns zero'd image */
		float rad, u, v, s, c, centx, centy, miny, maxy, minx, maxx;
		int x, y, yo, xo;
		ImBuf *ibuf, *obuf;

		rad= (M_PI*in[1]->vec[0])/180.0f;

		s= sin(rad);
		c= cos(rad);
		centx= cbuf->x/2;
		centy= cbuf->y/2;

		minx= -centx;
		maxx= -centx + (float)cbuf->x;
		miny= -centy;
		maxy= -centy + (float)cbuf->y;

		ibuf=IMB_allocImBuf(cbuf->x, cbuf->y, 32, 0);
		obuf=IMB_allocImBuf(stackbuf->x, stackbuf->y, 32, 0);

		if(ibuf && obuf){

			for(y=miny; y<maxy; y++) {
				yo= y+(int)centy;

				for(x=minx; x<maxx;x++) {
					u=c*x + y*s + centx;
					v=-s*x + c*y + centy;
					xo= x+(int)centx;

					switch(node->custom1) {
					case 0:
						neareast_interpolation(ibuf, obuf, u, v, xo, yo);
						break ;
					case 1:
						bilinear_interpolation(ibuf, obuf, u, v, xo, yo);
					case 2:
						bicubic_interpolation(ibuf, obuf, u, v, xo, yo);


			/* rotate offset vector too, but why negative rad, ehh?? Has to be replaced with [3][3] matrix once (ton) */
			s= sin(-rad);
			c= cos(-rad);
			centx= (float)cbuf->xof; centy= (float)cbuf->yof;
			stackbuf->xof= (int)( c*centx + s*centy);
			stackbuf->yof= (int)(-s*centx + c*centy);


		/* pass on output and free */
		out[0]->data= stackbuf;
		if(cbuf!=in[0]->data) {
Exemple #10
CompBuf* node_composit_transform(CompBuf *cbuf, float x, float y, float angle, float scale, int filter_type)
	CompBuf *stackbuf= alloc_compbuf(cbuf->x, cbuf->y, CB_RGBA, 1);
	ImBuf *ibuf, *obuf;
	float mat[4][4], lmat[4][4], rmat[4][4], smat[4][4], cmat[4][4], icmat[4][4];
	float svec[3]= {scale, scale, scale}, loc[2]= {x, y};


	/* image center as rotation center */
	cmat[3][0]= (float)cbuf->x/2.0f;
	cmat[3][1]= (float)cbuf->y/2.0f;
	invert_m4_m4(icmat, cmat);

	size_to_mat4(smat, svec);		/* scale matrix */
	add_v2_v2(lmat[3], loc);		/* tranlation matrix */
	rotate_m4(rmat, 'Z', angle);	/* rotation matrix */

	/* compose transformation matrix */
	mul_serie_m4(mat, lmat, cmat, rmat, smat, icmat, NULL, NULL, NULL);


	ibuf= IMB_allocImBuf(cbuf->x, cbuf->y, 32, 0);
	obuf= IMB_allocImBuf(stackbuf->x, stackbuf->y, 32, 0);

	if (ibuf && obuf) {
		int i, j;

		ibuf->rect_float= cbuf->rect;
		obuf->rect_float= stackbuf->rect;

		for (j=0; j<cbuf->y; j++) {
			for (i=0; i<cbuf->x;i++) {
				float vec[3]= {i, j, 0};

				mul_v3_m4v3(vec, mat, vec);

				switch(filter_type) {
					case 0:
						neareast_interpolation(ibuf, obuf, vec[0], vec[1], i, j);
					case 1:
						bilinear_interpolation(ibuf, obuf, vec[0], vec[1], i, j);
					case 2:
						bicubic_interpolation(ibuf, obuf, vec[0], vec[1], i, j);


	/* pass on output and free */
	return stackbuf;
static force_inline void
bits_image_fetch_bilinear_affine (pixman_image_t * image,
				  int              offset,
				  int              line,
				  int              width,
				  uint32_t *       buffer,
				  const uint32_t * mask,

				  convert_pixel_t	convert_pixel,
				  pixman_format_code_t	format,
				  pixman_repeat_t	repeat_mode)
    pixman_fixed_t x, y;
    pixman_fixed_t ux, uy;
    pixman_vector_t v;
    bits_image_t *bits = &image->bits;
    int i;

    /* reference point is the center of the pixel */
    v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (offset) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
    v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (line) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
    v.vector[2] = pixman_fixed_1;

    if (!pixman_transform_point_3d (image->common.transform, &v))

    ux = image->common.transform->matrix[0][0];
    uy = image->common.transform->matrix[1][0];

    x = v.vector[0];
    y = v.vector[1];

    for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
	int x1, y1, x2, y2;
	uint32_t tl, tr, bl, br;
	int32_t distx, disty;
	int width = image->bits.width;
	int height = image->bits.height;
	const uint8_t *row1;
	const uint8_t *row2;

	if (mask && !mask[i])
	    goto next;

	x1 = x - pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
	y1 = y - pixman_fixed_1 / 2;

	distx = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (x1);
	disty = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (y1);

	y1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (y1);
	y2 = y1 + 1;
	x1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (x1);
	x2 = x1 + 1;

	if (repeat_mode != PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE)
	    uint32_t mask;

	    mask = PIXMAN_FORMAT_A (format)? 0 : 0xff000000;

	    repeat (repeat_mode, &x1, width);
	    repeat (repeat_mode, &y1, height);
	    repeat (repeat_mode, &x2, width);
	    repeat (repeat_mode, &y2, height);

	    row1 = (uint8_t *)bits->bits + bits->rowstride * 4 * y1;
	    row2 = (uint8_t *)bits->bits + bits->rowstride * 4 * y2;

	    tl = convert_pixel (row1, x1) | mask;
	    tr = convert_pixel (row1, x2) | mask;
	    bl = convert_pixel (row2, x1) | mask;
	    br = convert_pixel (row2, x2) | mask;
	    uint32_t mask1, mask2;
	    int bpp;

	    /* Note: PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP() returns an unsigned value,
	     * which means if you use it in expressions, those
	     * expressions become unsigned themselves. Since
	     * the variables below can be negative in some cases,
	     * that will lead to crashes on 64 bit architectures.
	     * So this line makes sure bpp is signed
	    bpp = PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (format);

	    if (x1 >= width || x2 < 0 || y1 >= height || y2 < 0)
		buffer[i] = 0;
		goto next;

	    if (y2 == 0)
		row1 = zero;
		mask1 = 0;
		row1 = (uint8_t *)bits->bits + bits->rowstride * 4 * y1;
		row1 += bpp / 8 * x1;

		mask1 = PIXMAN_FORMAT_A (format)? 0 : 0xff000000;

	    if (y1 == height - 1)
		row2 = zero;
		mask2 = 0;
		row2 = (uint8_t *)bits->bits + bits->rowstride * 4 * y2;
		row2 += bpp / 8 * x1;

		mask2 = PIXMAN_FORMAT_A (format)? 0 : 0xff000000;

	    if (x2 == 0)
		tl = 0;
		bl = 0;
		tl = convert_pixel (row1, 0) | mask1;
		bl = convert_pixel (row2, 0) | mask2;

	    if (x1 == width - 1)
		tr = 0;
		br = 0;
		tr = convert_pixel (row1, 1) | mask1;
		br = convert_pixel (row2, 1) | mask2;

	buffer[i] = bilinear_interpolation (
	    tl, tr, bl, br, distx, disty);

	x += ux;
	y += uy;
static uint32_t *
bits_image_fetch_bilinear_no_repeat_8888 (pixman_iter_t *iter,
					  const uint32_t *mask)

    pixman_image_t * ima = iter->image;
    int              offset = iter->x;
    int              line = iter->y++;
    int              width = iter->width;
    uint32_t *       buffer = iter->buffer;

    bits_image_t *bits = &ima->bits;
    pixman_fixed_t x_top, x_bottom, x;
    pixman_fixed_t ux_top, ux_bottom, ux;
    pixman_vector_t v;
    uint32_t top_mask, bottom_mask;
    uint32_t *top_row;
    uint32_t *bottom_row;
    uint32_t *end;
    uint32_t zero[2] = { 0, 0 };
    uint32_t one = 1;
    int y, y1, y2;
    int disty;
    int mask_inc;
    int w;

    /* reference point is the center of the pixel */
    v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (offset) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
    v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (line) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
    v.vector[2] = pixman_fixed_1;

    if (!pixman_transform_point_3d (bits->common.transform, &v))
	return iter->buffer;

    ux = ux_top = ux_bottom = bits->common.transform->matrix[0][0];
    x = x_top = x_bottom = v.vector[0] - pixman_fixed_1/2;

    y = v.vector[1] - pixman_fixed_1/2;
    disty = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (y);

    /* Load the pointers to the first and second lines from the source
     * image that bilinear code must read.
     * The main trick in this code is about the check if any line are
     * outside of the image;
     * When I realize that a line (any one) is outside, I change
     * the pointer to a dummy area with zeros. Once I change this, I
     * must be sure the pointer will not change, so I set the
     * variables to each pointer increments inside the loop.
    y1 = pixman_fixed_to_int (y);
    y2 = y1 + 1;

    if (y1 < 0 || y1 >= bits->height)
	top_row = zero;
	x_top = 0;
	ux_top = 0;
	top_row = bits->bits + y1 * bits->rowstride;
	x_top = x;
	ux_top = ux;

    if (y2 < 0 || y2 >= bits->height)
	bottom_row = zero;
	x_bottom = 0;
	ux_bottom = 0;
	bottom_row = bits->bits + y2 * bits->rowstride;
	x_bottom = x;
	ux_bottom = ux;

    /* Instead of checking whether the operation uses the mast in
     * each loop iteration, verify this only once and prepare the
     * variables to make the code smaller inside the loop.
    if (!mask)
        mask_inc = 0;
        mask = &one;
        /* If have a mask, prepare the variables to check it */
        mask_inc = 1;

    /* If both are zero, then the whole thing is zero */
    if (top_row == zero && bottom_row == zero)
	memset (buffer, 0, width * sizeof (uint32_t));
	return iter->buffer;
    else if (bits->format == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8)
	if (top_row == zero)
	    top_mask = 0;
	    bottom_mask = 0xff000000;
	else if (bottom_row == zero)
	    top_mask = 0xff000000;
	    bottom_mask = 0;
	    top_mask = 0xff000000;
	    bottom_mask = 0xff000000;
	top_mask = 0;
	bottom_mask = 0;

    end = buffer + width;

    /* Zero fill to the left of the image */
    while (buffer < end && x < pixman_fixed_minus_1)
	*buffer++ = 0;
	x += ux;
	x_top += ux_top;
	x_bottom += ux_bottom;
	mask += mask_inc;

    /* Left edge
    while (buffer < end && x < 0)
	uint32_t tr, br;
	int32_t distx;

	tr = top_row[pixman_fixed_to_int (x_top) + 1] | top_mask;
	br = bottom_row[pixman_fixed_to_int (x_bottom) + 1] | bottom_mask;

	distx = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (x);

	*buffer++ = bilinear_interpolation (0, tr, 0, br, distx, disty);

	x += ux;
	x_top += ux_top;
	x_bottom += ux_bottom;
	mask += mask_inc;

    /* Main part */
    w = pixman_int_to_fixed (bits->width - 1);

    while (buffer < end  &&  x < w)
	if (*mask)
	    uint32_t tl, tr, bl, br;
	    int32_t distx;

	    tl = top_row [pixman_fixed_to_int (x_top)] | top_mask;
	    tr = top_row [pixman_fixed_to_int (x_top) + 1] | top_mask;
	    bl = bottom_row [pixman_fixed_to_int (x_bottom)] | bottom_mask;
	    br = bottom_row [pixman_fixed_to_int (x_bottom) + 1] | bottom_mask;

	    distx = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (x);

	    *buffer = bilinear_interpolation (tl, tr, bl, br, distx, disty);

	x += ux;
	x_top += ux_top;
	x_bottom += ux_bottom;
	mask += mask_inc;

    /* Right Edge */
    w = pixman_int_to_fixed (bits->width);
    while (buffer < end  &&  x < w)
	if (*mask)
	    uint32_t tl, bl;
	    int32_t distx;

	    tl = top_row [pixman_fixed_to_int (x_top)] | top_mask;
	    bl = bottom_row [pixman_fixed_to_int (x_bottom)] | bottom_mask;

	    distx = pixman_fixed_to_bilinear_weight (x);

	    *buffer = bilinear_interpolation (tl, 0, bl, 0, distx, disty);

	x += ux;
	x_top += ux_top;
	x_bottom += ux_bottom;
	mask += mask_inc;

    /* Zero fill to the left of the image */
    while (buffer < end)
	*buffer++ = 0;

    return iter->buffer;
void Glyphs::draw_glyphs()
    double wn = (double)(winWidth*0.95) / (double)(DIM + 1);   // Grid cell width
    double hn = (double)(winHeight) / (double)(DIM + 1);  // Grid cell heigh

    if (vector_field == VECTOR_VELOC)
        vf_x = vx;
        vf_y = vy;
    else if (vector_field == VECTOR_FORCE)
        vf_x = fx;
        vf_y = fy;

    switch (scalar_field) {
    case SCALAR_RHO:

    if (glyph_type == GLYPH_LINE)
        for (double i = 0; i < DIM+0.01; i += (DIM/(double)x_axis_samples))
            for (double j = 0; j < DIM+0.01; j += (DIM/(double)y_axis_samples))
                double vec [2] = {0,0};
                srand (i*DIM +j);
                double ni = abs(fmod(i + jitter*3*sin(rand()), DIM-1));
                double nj = abs(fmod(j + jitter*3*cos(rand()), DIM-1));

                color_glyph(round(ni), round(nj)); // nearest neighbour policy for coloring
                bilinear_interpolation(vec, vf_x, vf_y, ni, nj); // interpolation for vetor values
                glVertex2f(wn + ni * wn, hn + nj * hn);
                glVertex2f((wn + ni * wn) + vec_scale * vec[0],
                           (hn + nj * hn) + vec_scale * vec[1]);
    else if (glyph_type == GLYPH_NEEDLE)

        for (double i = 0; i < DIM+0.01; i += (DIM/(double)x_axis_samples))
            for (double j = 0; j < DIM+0.01; j += (DIM/(double)y_axis_samples))
                double vec [2] = {0,0};
                srand (i*DIM +j);
                double ni = abs(fmod(i + jitter*3*sin(rand()), DIM-1));
                double nj = abs(fmod(j + jitter*3*cos(rand()), DIM-1));

                color_glyph(round(ni), round(nj)); // nearest neighbour polocy for coloring
                bilinear_interpolation(vec, vf_x, vf_y, ni, nj); // interpolation for vetor values

                glVertex2f(wn + ni*wn, hn + nj*hn);
                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + vec_scale * vec[0],
                           (hn + nj*hn) + vec_scale * vec[1]);

                double angle_rad = 0.0;
                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + 0.05*vec_scale*(cos(angle_rad)*vec[1] -sin(angle_rad)*vec[0]),
                            (hn + nj*hn) + 0.05*vec_scale*(sin(angle_rad)*vec[1] -cos(angle_rad)*vec[0]));

                glVertex2f(wn + ni*wn, hn + nj*hn);
                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + vec_scale * vec[0],
                           (hn + nj*hn) + vec_scale * vec[1]);
                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + (-0.05)*vec_scale*(cos(angle_rad)*vec[1] -sin(angle_rad)*vec[0]),
                           (hn + nj*hn) + (-0.05)*vec_scale*(sin(angle_rad)*vec[1] -cos(angle_rad)*vec[0]));

    else if (glyph_type == GLYPH_ARROW)
        for (double i = 0; i < DIM+0.01; i += (DIM/(double)x_axis_samples))
            for (double j = 0; j < DIM+0.01; j += (DIM/(double)y_axis_samples))
                double vec [2] = {0,0};
                srand (i*DIM +j);
                double ni = abs(fmod(i + jitter*3*sin(rand()), DIM-1));
                double nj = abs(fmod(j + jitter*3*cos(rand()), DIM-1));
                color_glyph(round(ni), round(nj)); // nearest neighbour polocy for coloring
                bilinear_interpolation(vec, vf_x, vf_y, ni, nj); // interpolation for vetor values
                glVertex2f(wn + ni * wn, hn + nj * hn);
                glVertex2f((wn + ni * wn) + vec_scale * vec[0],
                           (hn + nj * hn) + vec_scale * vec[1]);

        for (double i = 0; i < DIM+0.01; i += (DIM/(double)x_axis_samples))
            for (double j = 0; j < DIM+0.01; j += (DIM/(double)y_axis_samples))
                double vec [2] = {0,0};
                srand (i*DIM +j);
                double ni = abs(fmod(i + jitter*3*sin(rand()), DIM-1));
                double nj = abs(fmod(j + jitter*3*cos(rand()), DIM-1));
                color_glyph(round(ni), round(nj)); // nearest neighbour polocy for coloring
                bilinear_interpolation(vec, vf_x, vf_y, ni, nj); // interpolation for vetor values

                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + vec_scale * vec[0],
                            (hn + nj*hn) + vec_scale * vec[1]);

                double angle_rad = 0.0;
                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + 0.8*vec_scale*vec[0] + 0.05*vec_scale*(cos(angle_rad)*vec[1] -sin(angle_rad)*vec[0]),
                           (hn + nj*hn) + 0.8*vec_scale*vec[1] + 0.05*vec_scale*(sin(angle_rad)*vec[1] -cos(angle_rad)*vec[0]));

                glVertex2f((wn + ni*wn) + 0.8*vec_scale*vec[0] + (-0.05)*vec_scale*(cos(angle_rad)*vec[1] -sin(angle_rad)*vec[0]),
                           (hn + nj*hn) + 0.8*vec_scale*vec[1] + (-0.05)*vec_scale*(sin(angle_rad)*vec[1] -cos(angle_rad)*vec[0]));


    switch (scalar_field) {
    case SCALAR_RHO:
Exemple #14
//The Kernel
void get_movementData(FILE* outTxt,float* udata,float* vdata,float* dirData, float* precipData,float* pressureData,float* u10data,float* v10data)
	fprintf(outTxt,"pos_row \t pos_col \t u_val \t\t v_val \t\t dir_u \t\t dir_v \t\t u_air \t\t v_air \t\t bird_GroundSpeed \t wind_Speed \t\t distance \t l \t skip\n");
	float distance,prev_row,prev_col,bird_AirSpeed,wind_Speed;
	distance = 0;
	bird_AirSpeed = 0;
	wind_Speed = 0;
	prev_row = STARTING_ROW;
	prev_col = STARTING_COL;

	float pos_row,pos_col;
	//pos_row = LONG_SIZE - STARTING_ROW;
	pos_row = STARTING_ROW;
	pos_col = STARTING_COL;
	int k;
	//long l_old;

	float pressure_sum,pressure_MultSum,last_pressure,slope;
	pressure_MultSum = 0;
	pressure_sum = 0;
	slope = 1;
	last_pressure = 1011;
	//l = 18;
	//l_old = 18;
	float profit_value,dirAngleFromFile,dirAngle,actualAngle;

	float dir_v,dir_u;
	//long skip_size = (SKIP_TIMESTEPS * LONG_SIZE * LAT_SIZE) - 1;
	long skip_size = 0;

	float u_val,v_val,precip_val,v_ten,u_ten;
	int skip;
	//skip_size = 120174

	printf("i \t l \t k \t precipData \t profit_value \t pos_row \t pos_col \t (v_val,u_val)\n");
	//i = skip_size +pos_row * LAT_SIZE + pos_col;
	//while( i <= (TIMESTEPS-1) * LAT_SIZE * LONG_SIZE ) {
		dir_v = 0;
		dir_u = 0;
		dirAngle = 0;
		dirAngleFromFile = 0;
		actualAngle = 0;
		u_val = 0;
		v_val = 0;
		precip_val = 0;
		v_ten = 0;
		u_ten = 0;
		pressure_sum = 0;
		pressure_MultSum = 0;
		//If current pressure is greater than pressure in the previous day
		//if(pressureData[i] - old_pressure > 0) {
		printf("Main loop[k]\n");

		u_ten = bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,u10data,l,1);
		v_ten = bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,v10data,l,1);
		//The direction angle is chosen only once, before the flight.
		dirAngleFromFile = dirData[(int)(rintf(pos_row) * LAT_SIZE + rintf(pos_col))];
		dirAngle = WrappedNormal(dirAngleFromFile,STD_BIRDANGLE);
		actualAngle = dirAngle;

		if(dirAngle <= 90){
			dirAngle = 90 - dirAngle;
			dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180));
			dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180));
		else if((dirAngle > 90) && (dirAngle <= 180)){
			dirAngle -= 90;
			dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;
			dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180));
		else if((dirAngle > 180) && (dirAngle <= 270)) {
			dirAngle = 270 - dirAngle;
			dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;
			dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;
		else if((dirAngle > 270) && (dirAngle <= 360)){
			dirAngle -= 270;
			dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180));
			dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;

		printf("10 profit value::%f\n",getProfitValue(u_ten,v_ten,actualAngle,dir_u,dir_v));
		printf("pressure value::%f,slope value::%f\n",last_pressure,slope);

		dirAngleFromFile = dirData[(int)(rintf(pos_row) * LAT_SIZE + rintf(pos_col))];
		dirAngle = WrappedNormal(dirAngleFromFile,STD_BIRDANGLE);
		printf("\n First DirectionAngle = %f,AngleFromFile = %f\n",dirAngle,dirAngleFromFile);
		actualAngle = dirAngle;

		//Relation between last_pressure and slope is an OR
		if((getProfitValue(u_ten,v_ten,actualAngle,dir_u,dir_v) >= MIN_PROFIT) && ((last_pressure>=1009)||(slope >-1))){

			//dirAngleFromFile = dirData[(int)(rintf(pos_row) * LAT_SIZE + rintf(pos_col))];
			//dirAngle = WrappedNormal(dirAngleFromFile,STD_BIRDANGLE);
			printf("\n\nl value check: %ld\n\n",l);
			for(k=0;k<6;k++,l++ ) {
				i = skip_size + l * LAT_SIZE * LONG_SIZE + pos_row * LAT_SIZE + pos_col;
				skip = 0;

				//dirAngle is with respect to North or the positive y-axis
				//It is the genetic direction of the birds

				//actualAngle = dirAngle;
				//dirAngleFromFile = dirData[(int)(rintf(pos_row) * LAT_SIZE + rintf(pos_col))];
				//dirAngle = WrappedNormal(dirAngleFromFile,STD_BIRDANGLE);

				dirAngle = actualAngle;
				printf("\n DirectionAngle = %f,AngleFromFile = %f\n",dirAngle,dirAngleFromFile);
				//The grid is upside down; y increases from top to bottom while x increases from left to right 
				//dir_v and dir_u are the x and y components of the wind (v=y,u=x)
				if(dirAngle <= 90){//Checked OK
					dirAngle = 90 - dirAngle;
					dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180));
					dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180));
				else if((dirAngle > 90) && (dirAngle <= 180)){//Checked OK
					dirAngle -= 90;
					dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;
					dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180));
				else if((dirAngle > 180) && (dirAngle <= 270)) {
					dirAngle = 270 - dirAngle;
					dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;
					dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;
				else if((dirAngle > 270) && (dirAngle <= 360)){
					dirAngle -= 270;
					dir_v = DESIRED_SPEED * sin(dirAngle * (PI/180));
					dir_u = DESIRED_SPEED * cos(dirAngle * (PI/180)) * -1;

				//Bilinear interpolation for u and v data
				u_val = bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,udata,l,1);	
				v_val = bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,vdata,l,1);


				profit_value = getProfitValue(u_val,v_val,actualAngle,dir_u,dir_v);
				precip_val = bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,precipData,l,1);

				//Adding precip value
				//if ((profit_value >= MIN_PROFIT) && (precipData[i] < 2) ) {
				if ((profit_value >= MIN_PROFIT) && (precip_val < MAX_PRECIP) ) {

					//Positon is in a 10 km grid. This means for 1m/s, the 
					//position change in 1 hour is 3.6/10 = 0.36units in the grid
	//				pos_row = pos_row + (v_val + dir_v)*0.36;
					pos_row = pos_row + (v_val + dir_v)*0.36*-1;
					pos_col = pos_col + (u_val + dir_u)*0.36;

					//float tmp;
					//tmp = sqrtf((v_val+dir_v)*(v_val+dir_v) + (u_val+dir_u)*(u_val+dir_u));
					printf("%ld \t %ld \t %d \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t (%f,%f)\n",i,l,k,precip_val,profit_value,pos_row,pos_col,v_val,u_val);
					skip = 0;
				else {
					//l increases but it goes back to the original starting hour for the bird; i.e 7pm
					// 6-k because l++ will not be done in the end because it breaks from the loop
					l += (6-k);
					skip = 1;
					printf("Skipped Wind (%f,%f) @ (%f,%f)w_profit = %f,precip=%f,And l = %ld\n",u_val,v_val,pos_row,pos_col,profit_value,precip_val,l);
				distance = sqrt((pos_row - prev_row)*(pos_row - prev_row) + (pos_col - prev_col)*(pos_col - prev_col));
				prev_col = pos_col;
				prev_row = pos_row;
				wind_Speed = sqrt(u_val * u_val + v_val * v_val);
				bird_AirSpeed = sqrt((u_val+dir_u)*(u_val+dir_u) +(v_val+dir_v)*(v_val+dir_v));
				//Distance is in absolute value (kilometers rather than in units of grid points)
				fprintf(outTxt,"%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t%ld\t%d\n",pos_row,pos_col,u_val,v_val,dir_u,dir_v,u_val+dir_u,v_val+dir_v,bird_AirSpeed,wind_Speed,distance*10,l,skip);
		//v10 and u10 profit values were too low
		if(l_old == l){
			printf("u10 v10 profit value too low!\n");

		//Every day has 6 time steps and this line skips the total desired number of days
		l += STOPOVER_DAYS * 6;
		l_old = l - REGRESSION_HRS;

		printf("check l %ld\n",l);

		//Taking the pressure from 6 hours earlier of the location where the bird landed
		for(k=1; (l_old < l) && (k<=REGRESSION_HRS); l_old++,k++){

			//printf("\nPressure Sum Interpolation\n");
			pressure_sum += bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,pressureData,l_old,1);
			//pressure_sum += pressureData[skip_size + l_old * LAT_SIZE * LONG_SIZE + pos_row * LAT_SIZE + pos_col];
			pressure_MultSum += k * bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,pressureData,l_old,1);
			//printf("%f\n",pressureData[skip_size + l_old * LAT_SIZE * LONG_SIZE + pos_row * LAT_SIZE + pos_col]);

			if(k == REGRESSION_HRS) {
				last_pressure = bilinear_interpolation(pos_col,pos_row,pressureData,l_old,1);

		slope = ((REGRESSION_HRS * pressure_MultSum) - (pressure_sum * HRS_SUM))/(DENOM_SLOPE);

		if(slope <= -1){
			if(last_pressure < 1009) {
			else if( (last_pressure >= 1009) && (last_pressure < 1020) ){
				printf("Precipitation is very likely````` \n");
			else if(last_pressure >1020) {
				printf("Cloudy & Warm\n");
		//printf("\t Slope is:: %f\n",slope);
		//old_pressure = pressureData[i_old];
		//Since the data now does not contain all 24 hours but just 7pm to 1am
		//l += 6;
		i = skip_size + l * LAT_SIZE * LONG_SIZE + pos_row * LAT_SIZE + pos_col;
		//l_old = l;
