Exemple #1
MatrixFloat ClassificationData::getClassHistogramData(UINT classLabel,UINT numBins) const{

    const UINT M = getNumSamples();
    const UINT N = getNumDimensions();

    Vector< MinMax > ranges = getRanges();
    VectorFloat binRange(N);
    for(UINT i=0; i<ranges.size(); i++){
        binRange[i] = (ranges[i].maxValue-ranges[i].minValue)/Float(numBins);

    MatrixFloat histData(N,numBins);

    Float norm = 0;
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        if( data[i].getClassLabel() == classLabel ){
            for(UINT j=0; j<N; j++){
                UINT binIndex = 0;
                bool binFound = false;
                for(UINT k=0; k<numBins-1; k++){
                    if( data[i][j] >= ranges[i].minValue + (binRange[j]*k) && data[i][j] >= ranges[i].minValue + (binRange[j]*(k+1)) ){
                        binIndex = k;
                        binFound = true;
                if( !binFound ) binIndex = numBins-1;

    if( norm == 0 ) return histData;

    //Is this the best way to normalize a multidimensional histogram???
    for(UINT i=0; i<histData.getNumRows(); i++){
        for(UINT j=0; j<histData.getNumCols(); j++){
            histData[i][j] /= norm;

    return histData;
Exemple #2
/** Unwraps an X array, converting the units to wavelength along the way.
 *  @param tempWS ::   A pointer to the temporary workspace in which the results
 * are being stored
 *  @param spectrum :: The workspace index
 *  @param Ld ::       The flightpath for the detector related to this spectrum
 *  @return A 3-element vector containing the bins at which the upper and lower
 * ranges start & end
const std::vector<int>
UnwrapMonitor::unwrapX(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &tempWS,
                       const int &spectrum, const double &Ld) {
  // Create and initalise the vector that will store the bin ranges, and will be
  // returned
  // Elements are: 0 - Lower range start, 1 - Lower range end, 2 - Upper range
  // start
  std::vector<int> binRange(3, -1);

  // Calculate cut-off times
  const double T1 = m_Tmax - (m_Tmin * (1 - (Ld / m_LRef)));
  const double T2 = m_Tmax * (Ld / m_LRef);

  // Create a temporary vector to store the lower range of the unwrapped
  // histograms
  std::vector<double> tempX_L;
      m_XSize); // Doing this possible gives a small efficiency increase
  // Create a vector for the upper range. Make it a reference to the output
  // histogram to save an assignment later
  MantidVec &tempX_U = tempWS->dataX(spectrum);

  // Get a reference to the input x data
  const MantidVec &xdata = m_inputWS->readX(spectrum);
  // Loop over histogram, selecting bins in appropriate ranges.
  // At the moment, the data in the bin in which a cut-off sits is excluded.
  for (unsigned int bin = 0; bin < m_XSize; ++bin) {
    // This is the time-of-flight value under consideration in the current
    // iteration of the loop
    const double tof = xdata[bin];
    // First deal with bins where m_Tmin < tof < T2
    if (tof < T2) {
      const double wavelength = (m_conversionConstant * tof) / Ld;
      // Record the bins that fall in this range for copying over the data &
      // errors
      if (binRange[0] == -1)
        binRange[0] = bin;
      binRange[1] = bin;
    // Now do the bins where T1 < tof < m_Tmax
    else if (tof > T1) {
      const double velocity = Ld / (tof - m_Tmax + m_Tmin);
      const double wavelength = m_conversionConstant / velocity;
      // Remove the duplicate boundary bin
      if (tof == m_Tmax && std::abs(wavelength - tempX_L.front()) < 1.0e-5)
      // Record the bins that fall in this range for copying over the data &
      // errors
      if (binRange[2] == -1)
        binRange[2] = bin;
  } // loop over X values

  // Deal with the (rare) case that a detector (e.g. downstream monitor) is at a
  // longer flightpath than m_LRef
  if (Ld > m_LRef) {
    std::pair<int, int> binLimits =
        this->handleFrameOverlapped(xdata, Ld, tempX_L);
    binRange[0] = binLimits.first;
    binRange[1] = binLimits.second;

  // Record the point at which the unwrapped sections are joined, first time
  // through only
  Property *join = getProperty("JoinWavelength");
  if (join->isDefault()) {
    g_log.information() << "Joining wavelength: " << tempX_L.front()
                        << " Angstrom\n";
    setProperty("JoinWavelength", tempX_L.front());

  // Append first vector to back of second
  tempX_U.insert(tempX_U.end(), tempX_L.begin(), tempX_L.end());

  return binRange;