* returns the victim page that is to be removed. This will be
* used bu LRU algorithm.
char findVictimPage(){
	struct frames *refFrame;
	refFrame = head;
	while (refFrame->next != NULL){
		refFrame->refBitDecimalValue = binToDecimal(refFrame->refBitArray);
		refFrame = refFrame->next;
	refFrame = head;
	int minimumVal = refFrame->refBitDecimalValue;
	char victim = refFrame->pageNum;
	while (refFrame->next != NULL){
		if (minimumVal > refFrame->refBitDecimalValue){
			minimumVal = refFrame->refBitDecimalValue;
			victim = refFrame->pageNum;
		refFrame = refFrame->next;
	return victim;
************** LRU Page Replacement Algorithm ****************
void LRURefPageReplacement(){
	int numberOfPageFaults = 0,j;
	frame = malloc(sizeof(struct frames));
	head = malloc(sizeof(struct frames));
	tail = malloc(sizeof(struct frames));
	head = frame;
	tail = frame;
	frame->next = NULL;
	frame->prev = head;
	frame->pageNum = inputSeq[0];
	for (j=0;j<8;j++)	
		frame->refBitArray[j] = 0;
	int i, isPageAlreadyExists = 0;
	frame->refBitDecimalValue = binToDecimal(frame->refBitArray);
	numberOfPageFaults += 1;
	for (i=0; i<strlen(inputSeq); i++){
		if (isspace(inputSeq[i]) == 0){
			isPageAlreadyExists = findPage(inputSeq[i]);
			if (isPageAlreadyExists == 1){
			}else if (isPageAlreadyExists == 0 && isFrameAvailable() == 1){
				numberOfPageFaults += 1;
				framesLeft -= 1;
			}else if (isPageAlreadyExists == 0 && isFrameAvailable() == 0){
				numberOfPageFaults += 1;
				char victimPage = findVictimPage();
	printf("\n# of page replacements with LRU-REF8 = %d\n",numberOfPageFaults-availableFrames);
	nbOfPageReplacementByAlgo = numberOfPageFaults-availableFrames;
void MainWindow::obtainOptionsSelectedMainWindow()
    // check binning
    int v = 0;
    if( ui->binningHorizontalRadio->isChecked() )
    if( ui->mirrorRadio->isChecked() ) // mirror Additional 1
    v += binToDecimal(4); // default
    createParameter(hBinR, v, hBinDV, parameters);

    if( ui->binningVerticalRadio->isChecked() )
    v += vBinDV; // default
    createParameter(vBinR, v, vBinDV, parameters);

    // mirror and flip

    if( ui->mirrorRadio->isChecked() )
        createParameter(mirrorAdditionalR2, v+=binToDecimal(5)+binToDecimal(4), 0xB4, parameters); // mirror Addiontal 2
    if( ui->flipRadio->isChecked() )
    // compression
    if( ui->compressionRadio->isChecked() )
    v += mirrorVFlipDV;
    createParameter(mirrorVFlipR, v, mirrorVFlipDV, parameters);

    // nightmode
    if( ui->nightModeRadio->isChecked() )
    v += nightModeDV;     // default value
    createParameter(nightModeR, v, nightModeDV, parameters);

    //createParameter(compressionR, v, compressionDV, parameters);

    // AEC/AGC
    if( ui->manualModeAECRadio->isChecked() )
    if( ui->manualModeAGCRadio->isChecked() )
    createParameter(aecAGCVTSControlR, v, manualAECAGCDV, parameters);

    if( ui->manualModeAECRadio->isChecked() ) // check sliders/spin AEC : first with AEC
        int vts = round( ( ui->automaticControlVTSSpin->text().toInt() ) * 25.0 * 1000 / 1944 );
        int aec = round( ( ui->automaticControlAECSpin->text().toInt() ) * 25.0 * 1000 / 1944 );

        std::string bVTS = decToBinaryString( vts );
        std::string bAEC = decToBinaryString( aec );
        // split binary string
        int temp = 0;

        // first 4 aec
        for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
            if( bAEC.at(i) == '1' )
                v += binToDecimal(4-i);
        createParameter( aeclR1, v, manualAECAGCDV, parameters  );

        // vts with aec
        for( int i = 4; i < 12; i++ )
            if( bVTS.at(i-4) == '1' )
                temp += binToDecimal(11-i);
            if( bAEC.at(i) == '1' )
                v += binToDecimal(11-i);
        createParameter( aeclR2, v, manualAECAGCDV, parameters );
        createParameter( vtsR1, temp, manualVTSR1DV, parameters );

        for( int i = 12; i < 16; i++ )
            if( bVTS.at(i-4) == '1' )
                temp += binToDecimal(19-i);
            if( bAEC.at(i) == '1' )
                v += binToDecimal(19-i);
        createParameter( aeclR3, v, manualAECAGCDV, parameters );

        // finish vts
        for( int i = 12; i < 16; i++ )
            if( bVTS.at(i) == '1' )
                temp += binToDecimal(15-i);
        createParameter( vtsR2, temp, manualVTSR2DV, parameters );


    if( ui->manualModeAGCRadio->isChecked() ) // AGC
        std::string bAGC = decToBinaryString( ui->automaticControlAGCSpin->text().toInt() );
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < bAGC.length(); i++ )
            if( bAGC.at(i) == '1' )
                v += binToDecimal(16-i);
        createParameter( agcAECadjR2, v, manualAECAGCDV, parameters );
