// pre-conditions:
// - bottom and top image have the same size
// - bottom image format is ARGB32_Premultiplied
void IndependentChannelBlending::blend( QImage * const bottom,
                                        TextureTile const * const top ) const
    QImage const * const topImage = top->image();
    Q_ASSERT( topImage );
    Q_ASSERT( bottom->size() == topImage->size() );
    Q_ASSERT( bottom->format() == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );

    int const width = bottom->width();
    int const height = bottom->height();
    QImage const topImagePremult = topImage->convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
    for ( int y = 0; y < height; ++y ) {
        for ( int x = 0; x < width; ++x ) {
            QRgb const bottomPixel = bottom->pixel( x, y );
            QRgb const topPixel = topImagePremult.pixel( x, y );
            qreal const resultRed = blendChannel( qRed( bottomPixel ) / 255.0,
                                                  qRed( topPixel ) / 255.0 );
            qreal const resultGreen = blendChannel( qGreen( bottomPixel ) / 255.0,
                                                    qGreen( topPixel ) / 255.0 );
            qreal const resultBlue = blendChannel( qBlue( bottomPixel ) / 255.0,
                                                   qBlue( topPixel ) / 255.0 );
            bottom->setPixel( x, y, qRgb( resultRed * 255.0,
                                          resultGreen * 255.0,
                                          resultBlue * 255.0 ));
inline uint32_t blendSrcOverDstNonPremultiplied(uint32_t src, uint32_t dst)
    uint8_t srcA = SkGetPackedA32(src);
    if (srcA == 0)
        return dst;

    uint8_t dstA = SkGetPackedA32(dst);
    uint8_t dstFactorA = (dstA * SkAlpha255To256(255 - srcA)) >> 8;
    ASSERT(srcA + dstFactorA < (1U << 8));
    uint8_t blendA = srcA + dstFactorA;
    unsigned scale = (1UL << 24) / blendA;

    uint8_t blendR = blendChannel(SkGetPackedR32(src), srcA, SkGetPackedR32(dst), dstFactorA, scale);
    uint8_t blendG = blendChannel(SkGetPackedG32(src), srcA, SkGetPackedG32(dst), dstFactorA, scale);
    uint8_t blendB = blendChannel(SkGetPackedB32(src), srcA, SkGetPackedB32(dst), dstFactorA, scale);

    return SkPackARGB32NoCheck(blendA, blendR, blendG, blendB);