Exemple #1
void bli_obj_print( char* label, obj_t* obj )
	FILE*  file     = stdout;

	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_obj_print_check( label, obj );

	fprintf( file, "\n" );
	fprintf( file, "%s\n", label );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " m x n           %lu x %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_length( *obj ),
	                                               ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_width( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " offm, offn      %lu, %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_row_off( *obj ),
	                                              ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_col_off( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " diagoff         %ld\n", ( signed long int )bli_obj_diag_offset( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " buf             %p\n",  ( void* )bli_obj_buffer( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " elem size       %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_elem_size( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " rs, cs          %ld, %ld\n", ( signed long int )bli_obj_row_stride( *obj ),
	                                              ( signed long int )bli_obj_col_stride( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " is              %ld\n", ( signed long int )bli_obj_imag_stride( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " m_padded        %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_padded_length( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " n_padded        %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_padded_width( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " ps              %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_panel_stride( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );

	fprintf( file, " info            %lX\n", ( unsigned long int )(*obj).info );
	fprintf( file, " - is complex    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_complex( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - is d. prec    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_double_precision( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - datatype      %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_datatype( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - target dt     %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_target_datatype( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - exec dt       %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_execution_datatype( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - has trans     %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_trans( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - has conj      %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_conj( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - unit diag?    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_unit_diag( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - struc type    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_struc( *obj ) >> BLIS_STRUC_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, " - uplo type     %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_uplo( *obj ) >> BLIS_UPLO_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, "   - is upper    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_upper( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "   - is lower    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_lower( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, "   - is dense    %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_dense( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - pack schema   %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_pack_schema( *obj ) >> BLIS_PACK_SCHEMA_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, " - packinv diag? %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_has_inverted_diag( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - pack ordifup  %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_pack_rev_if_upper( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - pack ordiflo  %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_is_pack_rev_if_lower( *obj ) );
	fprintf( file, " - packbuf type  %lu\n", ( unsigned long int )bli_obj_pack_buffer_type( *obj ) >> BLIS_PACK_BUFFER_SHIFT );
	fprintf( file, "\n" );
Exemple #2
siz_t bli_packv_init_pack
       pack_t  schema,
       bszid_t bmult_id,
       obj_t*  a,
       obj_t*  p,
       cntx_t* cntx
	num_t     dt     = bli_obj_dt( a );
	dim_t     dim_a  = bli_obj_vector_dim( a );
	dim_t     bmult  = bli_cntx_get_blksz_def_dt( dt, bmult_id, cntx );

	membrk_t* membrk = bli_cntx_membrk( cntx );

#if 0
	mem_t*    mem_p;
	dim_t     m_p_pad;
	siz_t     size_p;
	inc_t     rs_p, cs_p;
	void*     buf;

	// We begin by copying the basic fields of c.
	bli_obj_alias_to( a, p );

	// Update the dimensions.
	bli_obj_set_dims( dim_a, 1, p );

	// Reset the view offsets to (0,0).
	bli_obj_set_offs( 0, 0, p );

	// Set the pack schema in the p object to the value in the control tree
	// node.
	bli_obj_set_pack_schema( schema, p );

	// Compute the dimensions padded by the dimension multiples.
	m_p_pad = bli_align_dim_to_mult( bli_obj_vector_dim( p ), bmult );

	// Compute the size of the packed buffer.
	size_p = m_p_pad * 1 * bli_obj_elem_size( p );

#if 0
	// Extract the address of the mem_t object within p that will track
	// properties of the packed buffer.
	mem_p = bli_obj_pack_mem( *p );

	if ( bli_mem_is_unalloc( mem_p ) )
		// If the mem_t object of p has not yet been allocated, then acquire
		// a memory block suitable for a vector.
		bli_membrk_acquire_v( membrk,
		                      mem_p );
 		// If the mem_t object has already been allocated, then release and
		// re-acquire the memory so there is sufficient space.
		if ( bli_mem_size( mem_p ) < size_p )
			bli_membrk_release( mem_p );

			bli_membrk_acquire_v( membrk,
			                      mem_p );

	// Grab the buffer address from the mem_t object and copy it to the
	// main object buffer field. (Sometimes this buffer address will be
	// copied when the value is already up-to-date, because it persists
	// in the main object buffer field across loop iterations.)
	buf = bli_mem_buffer( mem_p );
	bli_obj_set_buffer( buf, p );

	// Save the padded (packed) dimensions into the packed object.
	bli_obj_set_padded_dims( m_p_pad, 1, p );

	// Set the row and column strides of p based on the pack schema.
	if ( schema == BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR )
		// Set the strides to reflect a column-stored vector. Note that the
		// column stride may never be used, and is only useful to determine
		// how much space beyond the vector would need to be zero-padded, if
		// zero-padding was needed.
		rs_p = 1;
		cs_p = bli_obj_padded_length( p );

		bli_obj_set_strides( rs_p, cs_p, p );

	return size_p;
Exemple #3
void bli_packm_acquire_mpart_t2b( subpart_t requested_part,
                                  dim_t     i,
                                  dim_t     b,
                                  obj_t*    obj,
                                  obj_t*    sub_obj )
	dim_t m, n;

	// For now, we only support acquiring the middle subpartition.
	if ( requested_part != BLIS_SUBPART1 )
		bli_check_error_code( BLIS_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED );

	// Partitioning top-to-bottom through packed column panels (which are
	// row-stored) is not yet supported.
	if ( bli_obj_is_col_packed( *obj ) )
		bli_check_error_code( BLIS_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED );

	// Query the dimensions of the parent object.
	m = bli_obj_length( *obj );
	n = bli_obj_width( *obj );

	// Foolproofing: do not let b exceed what's left of the m dimension at
	// row offset i.
	if ( b > m - i ) b = m - i;

	// Begin by copying the info, elem size, buffer, row stride, and column
	// stride fields of the parent object. Note that this omits copying view
	// information because the new partition will have its own dimensions
	// and offsets.
	bli_obj_init_subpart_from( *obj, *sub_obj );

	// Modify offsets and dimensions of requested partition.
	bli_obj_set_dims( b, n, *sub_obj );

	// Tweak the padded length of the subpartition to trick the underlying
	// implementation into only zero-padding for the narrow submatrix of
	// interest. Usually, the value we want is b (for non-edge cases), but
	// at the edges, we want the remainder of the mem_t region in the m
	// dimension. Edge cases are defined as occurring when i + b is exactly
	// equal to the inherited sub-object's length (which happens since the
	// determine_blocksize function would have returned a smaller value of
	// b for the edge iteration). In these cases, we arrive at the new
	// packed length by simply subtracting off i.
		dim_t  m_pack_max = bli_obj_padded_length( *sub_obj );
		dim_t  m_pack_cur;

		if ( i + b == m ) m_pack_cur = m_pack_max - i;
		else              m_pack_cur = b;

		bli_obj_set_padded_length( m_pack_cur, *sub_obj );

	// Translate the desired offsets to a panel offset and adjust the
	// buffer pointer of the subpartition object.
		char* buf_p        = bli_obj_buffer( *sub_obj );
		siz_t elem_size    = bli_obj_elem_size( *sub_obj );
		dim_t off_to_panel = bli_packm_offset_to_panel_for( i, sub_obj );

		buf_p = buf_p + elem_size * off_to_panel;

		bli_obj_set_buffer( ( void* )buf_p, *sub_obj );
Exemple #4
void bli_obj_alloc_buffer( inc_t  rs,
                           inc_t  cs,
                           inc_t  is,
                           obj_t* obj )
	dim_t  n_elem = 0;
	dim_t  m, n;
	siz_t  elem_size;
	siz_t  buffer_size;
	void*  p;

	// Query the dimensions of the object we are allocating.
	m = bli_obj_length( *obj );
	n = bli_obj_width( *obj );

	// Query the size of one element.
	elem_size = bli_obj_elem_size( *obj );

	// Adjust the strides, if needed, before doing anything else
	// (particularly, before doing any error checking).
	bli_adjust_strides( m, n, elem_size, &rs, &cs, &is );

	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_obj_alloc_buffer_check( rs, cs, is, obj );

	// Determine how much object to allocate.
	if ( m == 0 || n == 0 )
		// For empty objects, set n_elem to zero. Row and column strides
		// should remain unchanged (because alignment is not needed).
		n_elem = 0;
		// The number of elements to allocate is given by the distance from
		// the element with the lowest address (usually {0, 0}) to the element
		// with the highest address (usually {m-1, n-1}), plus one for the
		// highest element itself.
		n_elem = (m-1) * bli_abs( rs ) + (n-1) * bli_abs( cs ) + 1;

	// Handle the special case where imaginary stride is larger than
	// normal.
	if ( bli_obj_is_complex( *obj ) )
		// Notice that adding is/2 works regardless of whether the
		// imaginary stride is unit, something between unit and
		// 2*n_elem, or something bigger than 2*n_elem.
		n_elem = bli_abs( is ) / 2 + n_elem;

	// Compute the size of the total buffer to be allocated, which includes
	// padding if the leading dimension was increased for alignment purposes.
	buffer_size = ( siz_t )n_elem * elem_size;

	// Allocate the buffer.
	p = bli_malloc_user( buffer_size );

	// Set individual fields.
	bli_obj_set_buffer( p, *obj );
	bli_obj_set_strides( rs, cs, *obj );
	bli_obj_set_imag_stride( is, *obj );