Exemple #1
** WEBPAGE: dir
** Query parameters:
**    name=PATH        Directory to display.  Required.
**    ci=LABEL         Show only files in this check-in.  Optional.
void page_dir(void){
  const char *zD = P("name");
  int mxLen;
  int nCol, nRow;
  int cnt, i;
  char *zPrefix;
  Stmt q;
  const char *zCI = P("ci");
  int rid = 0;
  Blob content;
  Blob dirname;
  Manifest m;
  const char *zSubdirLink;

  if( !g.okHistory ){ login_needed(); return; }
  style_header("File List");
  sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "pathelement", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
                          pathelementFunc, 0, 0);

  /* If the name= parameter is an empty string, make it a NULL pointer */
  if( zD && strlen(zD)==0 ){ zD = 0; }

  /* If a specific check-in is requested, fetch and parse it. */
  if( zCI && (rid = name_to_rid(zCI))!=0 && content_get(rid, &content) ){
    if( !manifest_parse(&m, &content) || m.type!=CFTYPE_MANIFEST ){
      zCI = 0;

  /* Compute the title of the page */  
  if( zD ){
    blob_append(&dirname, "in directory ", -1);
    hyperlinked_path(zD, &dirname);
    zPrefix = mprintf("%h/", zD);
    blob_append(&dirname, "in the top-level directory", -1);
    zPrefix = "";
  if( zCI ){
    char *zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
    char zShort[20];
    memcpy(zShort, zUuid, 10);
    zShort[10] = 0;
    @ <h2>Files of check-in [<a href="vinfo?name=%T(zUuid)">%s(zShort)</a>]
    @ %s(blob_str(&dirname))</h2>
    zSubdirLink = mprintf("%s/dir?ci=%S&amp;name=%T", g.zTop, zUuid, zPrefix);
    if( zD ){
      style_submenu_element("Top", "Top", "%s/dir?ci=%S", g.zTop, zUuid);
      style_submenu_element("All", "All", "%s/dir?name=%t", g.zTop, zD);
      style_submenu_element("All", "All", "%s/dir", g.zBaseURL);
** WEBPAGE: access_log
**    y=N      1: success only.  2: failure only.  3: both
**    n=N      Number of entries to show
**    o=N      Skip this many entries
void access_log_page(void){
  int y = atoi(PD("y","3"));
  int n = atoi(PD("n","50"));
  int skip = atoi(PD("o","0"));
  Blob sql;
  Stmt q;
  int cnt = 0;
  int rc;

  if( !g.perm.Admin ){ login_needed(); return; }

  if( P("delall") && P("delallbtn") ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM accesslog");
    cgi_redirectf("%s/access_log?y=%d&n=%d&o=%o", g.zTop, y, n, skip);
  if( P("delanon") && P("delanonbtn") ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM accesslog WHERE uname='anonymous'");
    cgi_redirectf("%s/access_log?y=%d&n=%d&o=%o", g.zTop, y, n, skip);
  if( P("delfail") && P("delfailbtn") ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM accesslog WHERE NOT success");
    cgi_redirectf("%s/access_log?y=%d&n=%d&o=%o", g.zTop, y, n, skip);
  if( P("delold") && P("deloldbtn") ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM accesslog WHERE rowid in"
                  "(SELECT rowid FROM accesslog ORDER BY rowid DESC"
                  " LIMIT -1 OFFSET 200)");
    cgi_redirectf("%s/access_log?y=%d&n=%d", g.zTop, y, n);
  style_header("Access Log");
    "SELECT uname, ipaddr, datetime(mtime, 'localtime'), success"
    "  FROM accesslog", -1
  if( y==1 ){
    blob_append(&sql, "  WHERE success", -1);
  }else if( y==2 ){
    blob_append(&sql, "  WHERE NOT success", -1);
  blob_appendf(&sql,"  ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", n+1, skip);
  if( skip ){
    style_submenu_element("Newer", "Newer entries",
              "%s/access_log?o=%d&n=%d&y=%d", g.zTop, skip>=n ? skip-n : 0,
              n, y);
  rc = db_prepare_ignore_error(&q, blob_str(&sql));
  @ <center><table border="1" cellpadding="5">
** SSH initialization of the transport layer
int transport_ssh_open(UrlData *pUrlData){
  /* For SSH we need to create and run SSH fossil http 
  ** to talk to the remote machine.
  const char *zSsh;  /* The base SSH command */
  Blob zCmd;         /* The SSH command */
  char *zHost;       /* The host name to contact */
  int n;             /* Size of prefix string */

  zSsh = db_get("ssh-command", zDefaultSshCmd);
  blob_init(&zCmd, zSsh, -1);
  if( pUrlData->port!=pUrlData->dfltPort && pUrlData->port ){
#ifdef __MINGW32__
    blob_appendf(&zCmd, " -P %d", pUrlData->port);
    blob_appendf(&zCmd, " -p %d", pUrlData->port);
  if( g.fSshTrace ){
    fossil_print("%s", blob_str(&zCmd));  /* Show the base of the SSH command */
  if( pUrlData->user && pUrlData->user[0] ){
    zHost = mprintf("%s@%s", pUrlData->user, pUrlData->name);
    zHost = mprintf("%s", pUrlData->name);
  n = blob_size(&zCmd);
  blob_append(&zCmd, " ", 1);
  shell_escape(&zCmd, zHost);
  blob_append(&zCmd, " ", 1);
  shell_escape(&zCmd, mprintf("%s", pUrlData->fossil));
  blob_append(&zCmd, " test-http", 10);
  if( pUrlData->path && pUrlData->path[0] ){
    blob_append(&zCmd, " ", 1);
    shell_escape(&zCmd, mprintf("%s", pUrlData->path));
  if( g.fSshTrace ){
    fossil_print("%s\n", blob_str(&zCmd)+n);  /* Show tail of SSH command */
  popen2(blob_str(&zCmd), &sshIn, &sshOut, &sshPid);
  if( sshPid==0 ){
    socket_set_errmsg("cannot start ssh tunnel using [%b]", &zCmd);
  return sshPid==0;
Exemple #4
static void html_escape(struct Blob *ob, const char *data, size_t size){
  size_t beg = 0, i = 0;
  while( i<size ){
    beg = i;
    while( i<size
     && data[i]!='<'
     && data[i]!='>'
     && data[i]!='"'
     && data[i]!='&'
    blob_append(ob, data+beg, i-beg);
    while( i<size ){
      if( data[i]=='<' ){
        BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "&lt;");
      }else if( data[i]=='>' ){
        BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "&gt;");
      }else if( data[i]=='&' ){
        BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "&amp;");
      }else if( data[i]=='"' ){
        BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "&quot;");
Exemple #5
** Helper for the timeline family of functions.  Possibly appends 1
** AND clause and an ORDER BY clause to pSql, depending on the state
** of the "after" ("a") or "before" ("b") environment parameters.
** This function gives "after" precedence over "before", and only
** applies one of them.
** Returns -1 if it adds a "before" clause, 1 if it adds
** an "after" clause, and 0 if adds only an order-by clause.
static char json_timeline_add_time_clause(Blob *pSql){
  char const * zAfter = NULL;
  char const * zBefore = NULL;
  int rc = 0;
  zAfter = json_find_option_cstr("after",NULL,"a");
  zBefore = zAfter ? NULL : json_find_option_cstr("before",NULL,"b");

    while( fossil_isspace(*zAfter) ) ++zAfter;
                 " AND event.mtime>=(SELECT julianday(%Q,'utc')) "
                 " ORDER BY event.mtime ASC ",
    rc = 1;
  }else if(zBefore && *zBefore){
    while( fossil_isspace(*zBefore) ) ++zBefore;
                 " AND event.mtime<=(SELECT julianday(%Q,'utc')) "
                 " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC ",
    rc = -1;
    blob_append(pSql, " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC ", -1);
    rc = 0;
  return rc;
Exemple #6
static void html_raw_block(struct Blob *ob, struct Blob *text, void *opaque){
  char *data = blob_buffer(text);
  size_t first = 0, size = blob_size(text);
  while( first<size && data[first]=='\n' ) first++;
  while( size>first && data[size-1]=='\n' ) size--;
  blob_append(ob, data+first, size-first);
Exemple #7
** Strip a possible byte-order-mark (BOM) from the blob. On Windows, if there
** is either no BOM at all or an (le/be) UTF-16 BOM, a conversion to UTF-8 is
** done.  If useMbcs is false and there is no BOM, the input string is assumed
** to be UTF-8 already, so no conversion is done.
void blob_to_utf8_no_bom(Blob *pBlob, int useMbcs){
  char *zUtf8;
  int bomSize = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  int bomReverse = 0;
  if( starts_with_utf8_bom(pBlob, &bomSize) ){
    struct Blob temp;
    zUtf8 = blob_str(pBlob) + bomSize;
    blob_append(&temp, zUtf8, -1);
    blob_swap(pBlob, &temp);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  }else if( starts_with_utf16_bom(pBlob, &bomSize, &bomReverse) ){
    zUtf8 = blob_buffer(pBlob);
    if( bomReverse ){
      /* Found BOM, but with reversed bytes */
      unsigned int i = blob_size(pBlob);
      while( i>0 ){
        /* swap bytes of unicode representation */
        char zTemp = zUtf8[--i];
        zUtf8[i] = zUtf8[i-1];
        zUtf8[--i] = zTemp;
    /* Make sure the blob contains two terminating 0-bytes */
    blob_append(pBlob, "", 1);
    zUtf8 = blob_str(pBlob) + bomSize;
    zUtf8 = fossil_unicode_to_utf8(zUtf8);
    blob_append(pBlob, zUtf8, -1);
#endif /* _WIN32 ||  __CYGWIN__ */
#if defined(_WIN32)
  }else if( useMbcs ){
    zUtf8 = fossil_mbcs_to_utf8(blob_str(pBlob));
    blob_append(pBlob, zUtf8, -1);
#endif /* _WIN32 */
Exemple #8
** Show the difference between two files, one in memory and one on disk.
** The difference is the set of edits needed to transform pFile1 into
** zFile2.  The content of pFile1 is in memory.  zFile2 exists on disk.
** Use the internal diff logic if zDiffCmd is NULL.  Otherwise call the
** command zDiffCmd to do the diffing.
static void diff_file(
  Blob *pFile1,             /* In memory content to compare from */
  const char *zFile2,       /* On disk content to compare to */
  const char *zName,        /* Display name of the file */
  const char *zDiffCmd,     /* Command for comparison */
  int ignoreEolWs           /* Ignore whitespace at end of lines */
  if( zDiffCmd==0 ){
    Blob out;      /* Diff output text */
    Blob file2;    /* Content of zFile2 */

    /* Read content of zFile2 into memory */
    blob_read_from_file(&file2, zFile2);

    /* Compute and output the differences */
    //text_diff(pFile1, &file2, &out, 5, ignoreEolWs);
    csvs_diff(pFile1, &file2, &out);
    printf("--- %s\n+++ %s\n", zName, zName);
    printf("%s\n", blob_str(&out));

    /* Release memory resources */
    int cnt = 0;
    Blob nameFile1;    /* Name of temporary file to old pFile1 content */
    Blob cmd;          /* Text of command to run */

    /* Construct a temporary file to hold pFile1 based on the name of
    ** zFile2 */
      blob_appendf(&nameFile1, "%s~%d", zFile2, cnt++);
    }while( access(blob_str(&nameFile1),0)==0 );
    blob_write_to_file(pFile1, blob_str(&nameFile1));

    /* Construct the external diff command */
    blob_appendf(&cmd, "%s ", zDiffCmd);
    shell_escape(&cmd, blob_str(&nameFile1));
    blob_append(&cmd, " ", 1);
    shell_escape(&cmd, zFile2);

    /* Run the external diff command */

    /* Delete the temporary file and clean up memory used */
Exemple #9
** Return a pointer to a null-terminated string for a blob.
char *blob_str(Blob *p){
  if( p->nUsed==0 ){
    blob_append(p, "", 1);
    p->nUsed = 0;
  if( p->aData[p->nUsed]!=0 ){
  return p->aData;
** Add a control record to the repository that either creates
** or cancels a tag.
void tag_add_artifact(
  const char *zPrefix,        /* Prefix to prepend to tag name */
  const char *zTagname,       /* The tag to add or cancel */
  const char *zObjName,       /* Name of object attached to */
  const char *zValue,         /* Value for the tag.  Might be NULL */
  int tagtype,                /* 0:cancel 1:singleton 2:propagated */
  const char *zDateOvrd,      /* Override date string */
  const char *zUserOvrd       /* Override user name */
  int rid;
  int nrid;
  char *zDate;
  Blob uuid;
  Blob ctrl;
  Blob cksum;
  static const char zTagtype[] = { '-', '+', '*' };

  assert( tagtype>=0 && tagtype<=2 );
  blob_append(&uuid, zObjName, -1);
  if( name_to_uuid(&uuid, 9, "*") ){
    fossil_fatal("%s", g.zErrMsg);
  rid = name_to_rid(blob_str(&uuid));
  g.markPrivate = content_is_private(rid);

#if 0
  if( validate16(zTagname, strlen(zTagname)) ){
       "invalid tag name \"%s\" - might be confused with"
       " a hexadecimal artifact ID",
  zDate = date_in_standard_format(zDateOvrd ? zDateOvrd : "now");
  blob_appendf(&ctrl, "D %s\n", zDate);
  blob_appendf(&ctrl, "T %c%s%F %b",
               zTagtype[tagtype], zPrefix, zTagname, &uuid);
  if( tagtype>0 && zValue && zValue[0] ){
    blob_appendf(&ctrl, " %F\n", zValue);
    blob_appendf(&ctrl, "\n");
  blob_appendf(&ctrl, "U %F\n", zUserOvrd ? zUserOvrd : g.zLogin);
  md5sum_blob(&ctrl, &cksum);
  blob_appendf(&ctrl, "Z %b\n", &cksum);
  nrid = content_put(&ctrl);
  manifest_crosslink(nrid, &ctrl);
  assert( blob_is_reset(&ctrl) );
** COMMAND: leaves*
** Usage: %fossil leaves ?OPTIONS?
** Find leaves of all branches.  By default show only open leaves.
** The -a|--all flag causes all leaves (closed and open) to be shown.
** The -c|--closed flag shows only closed leaves.
** The --recompute flag causes the content of the "leaf" table in the
** repository database to be recomputed.
** Options:
**   -a|--all     show ALL leaves
**   -c|--closed  show only closed leaves
**   --bybranch   order output by branch name
**   --recompute  recompute the "leaf" table in the repository DB
** See also: descendants, finfo, info, branch
void leaves_cmd(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob sql;
  int showAll = find_option("all", "a", 0)!=0;
  int showClosed = find_option("closed", "c", 0)!=0;
  int recomputeFlag = find_option("recompute",0,0)!=0;
  int byBranch = find_option("bybranch",0,0)!=0;
  char *zLastBr = 0;
  int n;
  char zLineNo[10];

  if( recomputeFlag ) leaf_rebuild();
  blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_tty(), -1);
  blob_appendf(&sql, " AND blob.rid IN leaf");
  if( showClosed ){
    blob_appendf(&sql," AND %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
  }else if( !showAll ){
    blob_appendf(&sql," AND NOT %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
  if( byBranch ){
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY nullif(branch,'trunk') COLLATE nocase,"
                   " event.mtime DESC",
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", blob_str(&sql));
  n = 0;
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zId = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    const char *zCom = db_column_text(&q, 3);
    const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 7);
    char *z;

    if( byBranch && fossil_strcmp(zBr, zLastBr)!=0 ){
      fossil_print("*** %s ***\n", zBr);
      zLastBr = fossil_strdup(zBr);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLineNo), zLineNo, "(%d)", n);
    fossil_print("%6s ", zLineNo);
    z = mprintf("%s [%.10s] %s", zDate, zId, zCom);
    comment_print(z, 7, 79);
Exemple #12
** Internal helper for the json_timeline_EVENTTYPE() family of
** functions. zEventType must be one of (ci, w, t). pSql must be a
** cleanly-initialized, empty Blob to store the sql in. If pPayload is
** not NULL it is assumed to be the pending response payload. If
** json_timeline_limit() returns non-0, this function adds a LIMIT
** clause to the generated SQL.
** If pPayload is not NULL then this might add properties to pPayload,
** reflecting options set in the request environment.
** Returns 0 on success. On error processing should not continue and
** the returned value should be used as g.json.resultCode.
static int json_timeline_setup_sql( char const * zEventType,
                                    Blob * pSql,
                                    cson_object * pPayload ){
  int limit;
  assert( zEventType && *zEventType && pSql );
  blob_append(pSql, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO json_timeline ", -1);
  blob_append(pSql, json_timeline_query(), -1 );
  blob_appendf(pSql, " AND event.type IN(%Q) ", zEventType);
  if( json_timeline_add_tag_branch_clause(pSql, pPayload) < 0 ){
  limit = json_timeline_limit(20);
    blob_appendf(pSql,"LIMIT %d ",limit);
    cson_object_set(pPayload, "limit", json_new_int(limit));
  return 0;
Exemple #13
static void html_list_item(
  struct Blob *ob,
  struct Blob *text,
  int flags,
  void *opaque
  char *text_data = blob_buffer(text);
  size_t text_size = blob_size(text);
  while( text_size>0 && text_data[text_size-1]=='\n' ) text_size--;
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "<li>");
  blob_append(ob, text_data, text_size);
  BLOB_APPEND_LITERAL(ob, "</li>\n");
Exemple #14
** Strip leading and trailing space from a string and add the string
** onto the end of a blob.
static void strip_string(Blob *pBlob, char *z){
  int i;
  while( isspace(*z) ){ z++; }
  for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
    if( z[i]=='\r' || z[i]=='\n' ){
       while( i>0 && isspace(z[i-1]) ){ i--; }
       z[i] = 0;
    if( z[i]<' ' ) z[i] = ' ';
  blob_append(pBlob, z, -1);
** Return a list of all reserved filenames as an SQL list.
const char *fossil_all_reserved_names(void){
  static char *zAll = 0;
  if( zAll==0 ){
    Blob x;
    int i;
    const char *z;
    for(i=0; (z = fossil_reserved_name(i))!=0; i++){
      if( i>0 ) blob_append(&x, ",", 1);
      blob_appendf(&x, "'%q'", z);
    zAll = blob_str(&x);
  return zAll;
Exemple #16
** Shell-escape the given string.  Append the result to a blob.
void shell_escape(Blob *pBlob, const char *zIn){
  int n = blob_size(pBlob);
  int k = strlen(zIn);
  int i, c;
  char *z;
  for(i=0; (c = zIn[i])!=0; i++){
    if( fossil_isspace(c) || c=='"' || (c=='\\' && zIn[i+1]!=0) ){
      blob_appendf(pBlob, "\"%s\"", zIn);
      z = blob_buffer(pBlob);
      for(i=n+1; i<=n+k; i++){
        if( z[i]=='"' ) z[i] = '_';
  blob_append(pBlob, zIn, -1);
Exemple #17
** Initialize a blob to the data on an input channel.  Return
** the number of bytes read into the blob.  Any prior content
** of the blob is discarded, not freed.
int blob_read_from_channel(Blob *pBlob, FILE *in, int nToRead){
  size_t n;
  if( nToRead<0 ){
    char zBuf[10000];
    while( !feof(in) ){
      n = fread(zBuf, 1, sizeof(zBuf), in);
      if( n>0 ){
        blob_append(pBlob, zBuf, n);
    blob_resize(pBlob, nToRead);
    n = fread(blob_buffer(pBlob), 1, nToRead, in);
    blob_resize(pBlob, n);
  return blob_size(pBlob);
Exemple #18
** Show the difference between two files, both in memory.
** The difference is the set of edits needed to transform pFile1 into
** pFile2.
** Use the internal diff logic if zDiffCmd is NULL.  Otherwise call the
** command zDiffCmd to do the diffing.
static void diff_file_mem(
  Blob *pFile1,             /* In memory content to compare from */
  Blob *pFile2,             /* In memory content to compare to */
  const char *zName,        /* Display name of the file */
  const char *zDiffCmd,     /* Command for comparison */
  int ignoreEolWs           /* Ignore whitespace at end of lines */
  if( zDiffCmd==0 ){
    Blob out;      /* Diff output text */

    text_diff(pFile1, pFile2, &out, 5, ignoreEolWs);
    printf("--- %s\n+++ %s\n", zName, zName);
    printf("%s\n", blob_str(&out));

    /* Release memory resources */
    Blob cmd;
    char zTemp1[300];
    char zTemp2[300];

    /* Construct a temporary file names */
    file_tempname(sizeof(zTemp1), zTemp1);
    file_tempname(sizeof(zTemp2), zTemp2);
    blob_write_to_file(pFile1, zTemp1);
    blob_write_to_file(pFile2, zTemp2);

    /* Construct the external diff command */
    blob_appendf(&cmd, "%s ", zDiffCmd);
    shell_escape(&cmd, zTemp1);
    blob_append(&cmd, " ", 1);
    shell_escape(&cmd, zTemp2);

    /* Run the external diff command */

    /* Delete the temporary file and clean up memory used */
Exemple #19
** Open a connection to the server.  The server is defined by the following
** global variables:
**   g.urlName        Name of the server.  Ex: www.fossil-scm.org
**   g.urlPort        TCP/IP port.  Ex: 80
**   g.urlIsHttps     Use TLS for the connection
** Return the number of errors.
int transport_open(void){
  int rc = 0;
  if( transport.isOpen==0 ){
    if( g.urlIsSsh ){
      Blob cmd;
      shell_escape(&cmd, g.urlFossil);
      blob_append(&cmd, " test-http ", -1);
      shell_escape(&cmd, g.urlPath);
      /* fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", blob_str(&cmd)); */
      fprintf(sshOut, "%s\n", blob_str(&cmd));
    }else if( g.urlIsHttps ){
      #ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL
      rc = ssl_open();
      if( rc==0 ) transport.isOpen = 1;
      socket_set_errmsg("HTTPS: Fossil has been compiled without SSL support");
      rc = 1;
    }else if( g.urlIsFile ){
      sqlite3_uint64 iRandId;
      sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(iRandId), &iRandId);
      transport.zOutFile = mprintf("%s-%llu-out.http", 
                                       g.zRepositoryName, iRandId);
      transport.zInFile = mprintf("%s-%llu-in.http", 
                                       g.zRepositoryName, iRandId);
      transport.pFile = fopen(transport.zOutFile, "wb");
      if( transport.pFile==0 ){
        fossil_fatal("cannot output temporary file: %s", transport.zOutFile);
      transport.isOpen = 1;
      rc = socket_open();
      if( rc==0 ) transport.isOpen = 1;
  return rc;
Exemple #20
** Compute an aggregate MD5 checksum over the repository image of every
** file in manifest vid.  The file names are part of the checksum.  The
** resulting checksum is suitable for use as the R-card of a manifest.
** Return the resulting checksum in blob pOut.
** If pManOut is not NULL then fill it with the checksum found in the
** "R" card near the end of the manifest.
** In a well-formed manifest, the two checksums computed here, pOut and
** pManOut, should be identical.  
void vfile_aggregate_checksum_manifest(int vid, Blob *pOut, Blob *pManOut){
  int fid;
  Blob file;
  Blob err;
  Manifest *pManifest;
  ManifestFile *pFile;
  char zBuf[100];

  if( pManOut ){
  pManifest = manifest_get(vid, CFTYPE_MANIFEST, &err);
  if( pManifest==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("manifest file (%d) is malformed:\n%s\n",
                 vid, blob_str(&err));
  while( (pFile = manifest_file_next(pManifest,0))!=0 ){
    if( pFile->zUuid==0 ) continue;
    fid = uuid_to_rid(pFile->zUuid, 0);
    md5sum_step_text(pFile->zName, -1);
    content_get(fid, &file);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, " %d\n", blob_size(&file));
    md5sum_step_text(zBuf, -1);
  if( pManOut ){
    if( pManifest->zRepoCksum ){
      blob_append(pManOut, pManifest->zRepoCksum, -1);
Exemple #21
** COMMAND: leaves*
** Usage: %fossil leaves ?OPTIONS?
** Find leaves of all branches.  By default show only open leaves.
** The --all flag causes all leaves (closed and open) to be shown.
** The --closed flag shows only closed leaves.
** The --recompute flag causes the content of the "leaf" table in the
** repository database to be recomputed.
** Options:
**   --all        show ALL leaves
**   --closed     show only closed leaves
**   --recompute  recompute the "leaf" table in the repository DB
** See also: descendants, finfo, info, branch
void leaves_cmd(void) {
    Stmt q;
    Blob sql;
    int showAll = find_option("all", 0, 0)!=0;
    int showClosed = find_option("closed", 0, 0)!=0;
    int recomputeFlag = find_option("recompute",0,0)!=0;

    if( recomputeFlag ) leaf_rebuild();
    blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_tty(), -1);
    blob_appendf(&sql, " AND blob.rid IN leaf");
    if( showClosed ) {
        blob_appendf(&sql," AND %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
    } else if( !showAll ) {
        blob_appendf(&sql," AND NOT %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", blob_str(&sql));
    print_timeline(&q, 2000, 0);
Exemple #22
** Copy N lines of text from pFrom into pTo.  The copy begins at the
** current cursor position of pIn.  The pIn cursor is left pointing
** at the first character past the last \n copied.
** If pTo==NULL then this routine simply skips over N lines.
void blob_copy_lines(Blob *pTo, Blob *pFrom, int N){
  char *z = pFrom->aData;
  int i = pFrom->iCursor;
  int n = pFrom->nUsed;
  int cnt = 0;

  if( N==0 ) return;
  while( i<n ){
    if( z[i]=='\n' ){
      if( cnt==N ){
  if( pTo ){
    blob_append(pTo, &pFrom->aData[pFrom->iCursor], i - pFrom->iCursor);
  pFrom->iCursor = i;
** Impl of /json/report/list.
static cson_value * json_report_list(){
  Blob sql = empty_blob;
  cson_value * pay = NULL;
                 "Requires 'r' privileges.");
    return NULL;
  blob_append(&sql, "SELECT"
              " rn AS report,"
              " title as title,"
              " owner as owner"
              " FROM reportfmt"
              " WHERE 1"
              " ORDER BY title",
  pay = json_sql_to_array_of_obj(&sql, NULL, 1);
                 "Quite unexpected: no ticket reports found.");
  return pay;
/* dupe ifdef needed for mkindex
** COMMAND: winsrv*
** Usage: fossil winsrv METHOD ?SERVICE-NAME? ?OPTIONS?
** Where METHOD is one of: create delete show start stop.
** The winsrv command manages Fossil as a Windows service.  This allows
** (for example) Fossil to be running in the background when no user
** is logged in.
** In the following description of the methods, "Fossil-DSCM" will be
** used as the default SERVICE-NAME:
**    fossil winsrv create ?SERVICE-NAME? ?OPTIONS?
**         Creates a service. Available options include:
**         -D|--display DISPLAY-NAME
**              Sets the display name of the service. This name is shown
**              by graphical interface programs. By default, the display name
**              equals to the service name.
**         -S|--start TYPE
**              Sets the start type of the service. TYPE can be "manual",
**              which means you need to start the service yourself with the
**              'fossil winsrv start' command or with the "net start" command
**              from the operating system. If TYPE is set to "auto", the service
**              will be started automatically by the system during startup.
**         -U|--username USERNAME
**              Specifies the user account which will be used to run the
**              service. The account needs the "Logon as a service" right
**              enabled in its profile. Specify local accounts as follows:
**              ".\\USERNAME". By default, the "LocalSystem" account will be
**              used.
**         -W|--password PASSWORD
**              Password for the user account.
**         The following options are more or less the same as for the "server"
**         command and influence the behaviour of the http server:
**         -P|--port TCPPORT
**              Specifies the TCP port (default port is 8080) on which the
**              server should listen.
**         -R|--repository REPOSITORY
**              Specifies the name of the repository to be served.
**              The repository option may be omitted if the working directory
**              is within an open checkout.
**              The REPOSITORY can be a directory (aka folder) that contains
**              one or more repositories with names ending in ".fossil".
**              In that case, the first element of the URL is used to select
**              among the various repositories.
**         --notfound URL
**              If REPOSITORY is a directory that contains one or more
**              repositories with names of the form "*.fossil" then the
**              first element of the URL  pathname selects among the various
**              repositories. If the pathname does not select a valid
**              repository and the --notfound option is available,
**              then the server redirects (HTTP code 302) to the URL of
**              --notfound.
**         --localauth
**              Enables automatic login if the --localauth option is present
**              and the "localauth" setting is off and the connection is from
**              localhost.
**    fossil winsrv delete ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Deletes a service. If the service is currently running, it will be
**         stopped first and then deleted.
**    fossil winsrv show ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Shows how the service is configured and its current state.
**    fossil winsrv start ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Start the service.
**    fossil winsrv stop ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Stop the service.
** NOTE: This command is available on Windows operating systems only and
**       requires administrative rights on the machine executed.
void cmd_win32_service(void){
  int n;
  const char *zMethod;
  const char *zSvcName = "Fossil-DSCM";    /* Default service name */

  if( g.argc<3 ){
    usage("create|delete|show|start|stop ...");
  zMethod = g.argv[2];
  n = strlen(zMethod);

  if( strncmp(zMethod, "create", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
      svcDescr = {L"Fossil - Distributed Software Configuration Management"};
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to create service '%s': %s";
    const char *zDisplay    = find_option("display", "D", 1);
    const char *zStart      = find_option("start", "S", 1);
    const char *zUsername   = find_option("username", "U", 1);
    const char *zPassword   = find_option("password", "W", 1);
    const char *zPort       = find_option("port", "P", 1);
    const char *zNotFound   = find_option("notfound", 0, 1);
    const char *zLocalAuth  = find_option("localauth", 0, 0);
    const char *zRepository = find_option("repository", "R", 1);
    Blob binPath;

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for create method.");
    /* Process service creation specific options. */
    if( !zDisplay ){
      zDisplay = zSvcName;
    if( zStart ){
      if( strncmp(zStart, "auto", strlen(zStart))==0 ){
        dwStartType = SERVICE_AUTO_START;
      }else if( strncmp(zStart, "manual", strlen(zStart))==0 ){
        dwStartType = SERVICE_DEMAND_START;
        fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName,
                     "specify 'auto' or 'manual' for the '-S|--start' option");
    /* Process options for Fossil running as server. */
    if( zPort && (atoi(zPort)<=0) ){
      fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName,
                   "port number must be in the range 1 - 65535.");
    if( !zRepository ){
    }else if( file_isdir(zRepository)==1 ){
      g.zRepositoryName = mprintf("%s", zRepository);
      file_simplify_name(g.zRepositoryName, -1, 0);
    /* Build the fully-qualified path to the service binary file. */
    blob_appendf(&binPath, "\"%s\" server", g.nameOfExe);
    if( zPort ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --port %s", zPort);
    if( zNotFound ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --notfound \"%s\"", zNotFound);
    if( zLocalAuth ) blob_append(&binPath, " --localauth", -1);
    blob_appendf(&binPath, " \"%s\"", g.zRepositoryName);
    /* Create the service. */
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = CreateServiceW(
             hScm,                                    /* Handle to the SCM */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName),           /* Name of the service */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zDisplay),           /* Display name */
             SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,                      /* Desired access */
             SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,               /* Service type */
             dwStartType,                             /* Start type */
             SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,                    /* Error control */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(blob_str(&binPath)), /* Binary path */
             NULL,                                    /* Load ordering group */
             NULL,                                    /* Tag value */
             NULL,                                    /* Service dependencies */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zUsername),          /* Service account */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zPassword)           /* Account password */
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Set the service description. */
    ChangeServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &svcDescr);
    fossil_print("Service '%s' successfully created.\n", zSvcName);
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "delete", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to delete service '%s': %s";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for delete method.");
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
      fossil_print("Stopping service '%s'", zSvcName);
      if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ){
        if( !ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sstat) ){
          fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      while( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
        QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
      fossil_print("\nService '%s' stopped.\n", zSvcName);
    if( !DeleteService(hSvc) ){
      if( GetLastError()==ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ){
        fossil_warning("Service '%s' already marked for delete.\n", zSvcName);
        fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      fossil_print("Service '%s' successfully deleted.\n", zSvcName);
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "show", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    BOOL bStatus;
    DWORD nRequired;
    const char *zErrFmt = "unable to show service '%s': %s";
    static const char *const zSvcTypes[] = {
      "Driver service",
      "File system driver service",
      "Service runs in its own process",
      "Service shares a process with other services",
      "Service can interact with the desktop"
    const char *zSvcType = "";
    static const char *const zSvcStartTypes[] = {
      "Started by the system loader",
      "Started by the IoInitSystem function",
      "Started automatically by the service control manager",
      "Started manually",
      "Service cannot be started"
    const char *zSvcStartType = "";
    static const char *const zSvcStates[] = {
      "Stopped", "Starting", "Stopping", "Running",
      "Continue pending", "Pause pending", "Paused"
    const char *zSvcState = "";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for show method.");
    hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ);
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), GENERIC_READ);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Get the service configuration */
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfigW(hSvc, NULL, 0, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus && GetLastError()!=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){
      fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    pSvcConfig = fossil_malloc(nRequired);
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfigW(hSvc, pSvcConfig, nRequired, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Translate the service type */
    switch( pSvcConfig->dwServiceType ){
      case SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER:       zSvcType = zSvcTypes[0]; break;
      case SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER:  zSvcType = zSvcTypes[1]; break;
      case SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS:   zSvcType = zSvcTypes[2]; break;
      case SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[3]; break;
      case SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[4]; break;
    /* Translate the service start type */
    switch( pSvcConfig->dwStartType ){
      case SERVICE_BOOT_START:    zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[0]; break;
      case SERVICE_SYSTEM_START:  zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[1]; break;
      case SERVICE_AUTO_START:    zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[2]; break;
      case SERVICE_DEMAND_START:  zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[3]; break;
      case SERVICE_DISABLED:      zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[4]; break;
    /* Get the service description. */
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,
                                  NULL, 0, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus && GetLastError()!=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){
      fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    pSvcDescr = fossil_malloc(nRequired);
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,
                                  (LPBYTE)pSvcDescr, nRequired, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Retrieves the current status of the specified service. */
    bStatus = QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( !bStatus ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Translate the current state. */
    switch( sstat.dwCurrentState ){
      case SERVICE_STOPPED:          zSvcState = zSvcStates[0]; break;
      case SERVICE_START_PENDING:    zSvcState = zSvcStates[1]; break;
      case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING:     zSvcState = zSvcStates[2]; break;
      case SERVICE_RUNNING:          zSvcState = zSvcStates[3]; break;
      case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[4]; break;
      case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING:    zSvcState = zSvcStates[5]; break;
      case SERVICE_PAUSED:           zSvcState = zSvcStates[6]; break;
    /* Print service information to terminal */
    fossil_print("Service name .......: %s\n", zSvcName);
    fossil_print("Display name .......: %s\n",
    fossil_print("Service description : %s\n",
    fossil_print("Service type .......: %s.\n", zSvcType);
    fossil_print("Service start type .: %s.\n", zSvcStartType);
    fossil_print("Binary path name ...: %s\n",
    fossil_print("Service username ...: %s\n",
    fossil_print("Current state ......: %s.\n", zSvcState);
    /* Cleanup */
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "start", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to start service '%s': %s";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for start method.");
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_RUNNING ){
      fossil_print("Starting service '%s'", zSvcName);
      if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_START_PENDING ){
        if( !StartServiceW(hSvc, 0, NULL) ){
          fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      while( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_RUNNING ){
        QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
      fossil_print("\nService '%s' started.\n", zSvcName);
      fossil_print("Service '%s' is already started.\n", zSvcName);
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "stop", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to stop service '%s': %s";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for stop method.");
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
      fossil_print("Stopping service '%s'", zSvcName);
      if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ){
        if( !ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sstat) ){
          fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      while( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
        QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
      fossil_print("\nService '%s' stopped.\n", zSvcName);
      fossil_print("Service '%s' is already stopped.\n", zSvcName);
    fossil_fatal("METHOD should be one of:"
                 " create delete show start stop");
** Impl for /json/report/run
** Options/arguments:
** report=int (CLI: -report # or -r #) is the report number to run.
** limit=int (CLI: -limit # or -n #) -n is for compat. with other commands.
** format=a|o Specifies result format: a=each row is an arry, o=each
** row is an object.  Default=o.
static cson_value * json_report_run(){
  int nReport;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
  cson_object * pay = NULL;
  cson_array * tktList = NULL;
  char const * zFmt;
  char * zTitle = NULL;
  Blob sql = empty_blob;
  int limit = 0;
  cson_value * colNames = NULL;
  int i;

                 "Requires 'r' privileges.");
    return NULL;
  nReport = json_report_get_number(3);
  if(nReport <=0){
                 "Missing or invalid 'number' (-n) parameter.");
    goto error;
  zFmt = json_find_option_cstr2("format",NULL,"f",3);
  if(!zFmt) zFmt = "o";
             "SELECT sqlcode, "
             " title"
             " FROM reportfmt"
             " WHERE rn=%d",
  if(SQLITE_ROW != db_step(&q)){
                 "Report number %d not found.",
    goto error;

  limit = json_find_option_int("limit",NULL,"n",-1);

  /* Copy over report's SQL...*/
  blob_append(&sql, db_column_text(&q,0), -1);
  zTitle = mprintf("%s", db_column_text(&q,1));
  db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_str(&sql));

  /** Build the response... */
  pay = cson_new_object();

  cson_object_set(pay, "report", json_new_int(nReport));
  cson_object_set(pay, "title", json_new_string(zTitle));
    cson_object_set(pay, "limit", json_new_int((limit<0) ? 0 : limit));
  zTitle = NULL;

    cson_object_set(pay, "sqlcode",
                                          (unsigned int)blob_size(&sql)));

  colNames = cson_sqlite3_column_names(q.pStmt);
  cson_object_set( pay, "columnNames", colNames);
  for( i = 0 ; ((limit>0) ?(i < limit) : 1)
         && (SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&q));
    cson_value * row = ('a'==*zFmt)
      ? cson_sqlite3_row_to_array(q.pStmt)
      : cson_sqlite3_row_to_object2(q.pStmt,
    if(row && !tktList){
      tktList = cson_new_array();
    cson_array_append(tktList, row);
  cson_object_set(pay, "tickets",
                  tktList ? cson_array_value(tktList) : cson_value_null());

  goto end;

  assert(0 != g.json.resultCode);
  cson_value_free( cson_object_value(pay) );
  pay = NULL;

  return pay ? cson_object_value(pay) : NULL;

Exemple #26
** Implementation of the /json/status page.
cson_value * json_page_status(){
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
  cson_object * oPay;
  /*cson_object * files;*/
  int vid, nErr = 0;
  cson_object * tmpO;
  char * zTmp;
  i64 iMtime;
  cson_array * aFiles;

    return NULL;
  oPay = cson_new_object();
  cson_object_set(oPay, "repository",
  cson_object_set(oPay, "localRoot",
  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
      json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Can this even happen?" );
      return 0;
  /* TODO: dupe show_common_info() state */
  tmpO = cson_new_object();
  cson_object_set(oPay, "checkout", cson_object_value(tmpO));

  zTmp = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid);
  cson_object_set(tmpO, "uuid", json_new_string(zTmp) );

  cson_object_set( tmpO, "tags", json_tags_for_checkin_rid(vid, 0) );

  /* FIXME: optimize the datetime/timestamp queries into 1 query. */
  zTmp = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(mtime) || "
                 "' UTC' FROM event WHERE objid=%d",
  cson_object_set(tmpO, "datetime", json_new_string(zTmp));
  iMtime = db_int64(0, "SELECT CAST(strftime('%%s',mtime) AS INTEGER) "
                    "FROM event WHERE objid=%d", vid);
  cson_object_set(tmpO, "timestamp",
#if 0
    /* TODO: add parent artifact info */
  tmpO = cson_new_object();
  cson_object_set( oPay, "parent", cson_object_value(tmpO) );
  cson_object_set( tmpO, "uuid", TODO );
  cson_object_set( tmpO, "timestamp", TODO );

  /* Now get the list of non-pristine files... */
  aFiles = cson_new_array();
  cson_object_set( oPay, "files", cson_array_value( aFiles ) );

    "SELECT pathname, deleted, chnged, rid, coalesce(origname!=pathname,0)"
    "  FROM vfile "
    " WHERE is_selected(id)"
    "   AND (chnged OR deleted OR rid=0 OR pathname!=origname) ORDER BY 1"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zPathname = db_column_text(&q,0);
    int isDeleted = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    int isChnged = db_column_int(&q,2);
    int isNew = db_column_int(&q,3)==0;
    int isRenamed = db_column_int(&q,4);
    cson_object * oFile;
    char const * zStatus = "???";
    char * zFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPathname);
    if( isDeleted ){
      zStatus = "deleted";
    }else if( isNew ){
      zStatus = "new" /* maintenance reminder: MUST come
                         BEFORE the isChnged checks. */;
    }else if( isRenamed ){
      zStatus = "renamed";
    }else if( !file_wd_isfile_or_link(zFullName) ){
      if( file_access(zFullName, F_OK)==0 ){
        zStatus = "notAFile";
        zStatus = "missing";
    }else if( 2==isChnged ){
      zStatus = "updatedByMerge";
    }else if( 3==isChnged ){
      zStatus = "addedByMerge";
    }else if( 4==isChnged ){
      zStatus = "updatedByIntegrate";
    }else if( 5==isChnged ){
      zStatus = "addedByIntegrate";
    }else if( 1==isChnged ){
      if( file_contains_merge_marker(zFullName) ){
        zStatus = "conflict";
        zStatus = "edited";

    oFile = cson_new_object();
    cson_array_append( aFiles, cson_object_value(oFile) );
    /* optimization potential: move these keys into cson_strings
       to take advantage of refcounting. */
    cson_object_set( oFile, "name", json_new_string( zPathname ) );
    cson_object_set( oFile, "status", json_new_string( zStatus ) );

  cson_object_set( oPay, "errorCount", json_new_int( nErr ) );

#if 0
  /* TODO: add "merged with" status.  First need (A) to decide on a
     structure and (B) to set up some tests for the multi-merge
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid, id FROM vmerge JOIN blob ON merge=rid"
                 " WHERE id<=0");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zLabel = "MERGED_WITH";
    switch( db_column_int(&q, 1) ){
      case -1:  zLabel = "CHERRYPICK ";  break;
      case -2:  zLabel = "BACKOUT    ";  break;
      case -4:  zLabel = "INTEGRATE  ";  break;
    blob_append(report, zPrefix, nPrefix);
    blob_appendf(report, "%s %s\n", zLabel, db_column_text(&q, 0));
  if( nErr ){
    fossil_fatal("aborting due to prior errors");
  return cson_object_value( oPay );
Exemple #27
** Copy a blob
void blob_copy(Blob *pTo, Blob *pFrom){
  blob_append(pTo, blob_buffer(pFrom), blob_size(pFrom));
Exemple #28
**  fossil branch new    BRANCH-NAME ?ORIGIN-CHECK-IN? ?-bgcolor COLOR?
**  argv0  argv1  argv2  argv3       argv4
void branch_new(void){
  int rootid;            /* RID of the root check-in - what we branch off of */
  int brid;              /* RID of the branch check-in */
  int noSign;            /* True if the branch is unsigned */
  int i;                 /* Loop counter */
  char *zUuid;           /* Artifact ID of origin */
  Stmt q;                /* Generic query */
  const char *zBranch;   /* Name of the new branch */
  char *zDate;           /* Date that branch was created */
  char *zComment;        /* Check-in comment for the new branch */
  const char *zColor;    /* Color of the new branch */
  Blob branch;           /* manifest for the new branch */
  Manifest *pParent;     /* Parsed parent manifest */
  Blob mcksum;           /* Self-checksum on the manifest */
  const char *zDateOvrd; /* Override date string */
  const char *zUserOvrd; /* Override user name */
  int isPrivate = 0;     /* True if the branch should be private */
  noSign = find_option("nosign","",0)!=0;
  zColor = find_option("bgcolor","c",1);
  isPrivate = find_option("private",0,0)!=0;
  zDateOvrd = find_option("date-override",0,1);
  zUserOvrd = find_option("user-override",0,1);
  if( g.argc<5 ){
    usage("new BRANCH-NAME CHECK-IN ?-bgcolor COLOR?");
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);  
  noSign = db_get_int("omitsign", 0)|noSign;
  /* fossil branch new name */
  zBranch = g.argv[3];
  if( zBranch==0 || zBranch[0]==0 ){
    fossil_panic("branch name cannot be empty");
  if( db_exists(
        "SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
        " WHERE tagtype>0"
        "   AND tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-%s')",
        zBranch)!=0 ){
    fossil_fatal("branch \"%s\" already exists", zBranch);

  rootid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[4], "ci");
  if( rootid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("unable to locate check-in off of which to branch");

  pParent = manifest_get(rootid, CFTYPE_MANIFEST);
  if( pParent==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("%s is not a valid check-in", g.argv[4]);

  /* Create a manifest for the new branch */
  if( pParent->zBaseline ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "B %s\n", pParent->zBaseline);
  zComment = mprintf("Create new branch named \"%h\"", zBranch);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "C %F\n", zComment);
  zDate = date_in_standard_format(zDateOvrd ? zDateOvrd : "now");
  blob_appendf(&branch, "D %s\n", zDate);

  /* Copy all of the content from the parent into the branch */
  for(i=0; i<pParent->nFile; ++i){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "F %F", pParent->aFile[i].zName);
    if( pParent->aFile[i].zUuid ){
      blob_appendf(&branch, " %s", pParent->aFile[i].zUuid);
      if( pParent->aFile[i].zPerm && pParent->aFile[i].zPerm[0] ){
        blob_appendf(&branch, " %s", pParent->aFile[i].zPerm);
    blob_append(&branch, "\n", 1);
  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rootid);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "P %s\n", zUuid);
  if( pParent->zRepoCksum ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "R %s\n", pParent->zRepoCksum);

  /* Add the symbolic branch name and the "branch" tag to identify
  ** this as a new branch */
  if( content_is_private(rootid) ) isPrivate = 1;
  if( isPrivate && zColor==0 ) zColor = "#fec084";
  if( zColor!=0 ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "T *branch * %F\n", zBranch);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
  if( isPrivate ){
    blob_appendf(&branch, "T +private *\n");
    noSign = 1;

  /* Cancel all other symbolic tags */
      "SELECT tagname FROM tagxref, tag"
      " WHERE tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
      "   AND tagtype>0 AND tagname GLOB 'sym-*'"
      " ORDER BY tagname",
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zTag = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    blob_appendf(&branch, "T -%F *\n", zTag);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "U %F\n", zUserOvrd ? zUserOvrd : g.zLogin);
  md5sum_blob(&branch, &mcksum);
  blob_appendf(&branch, "Z %b\n", &mcksum);
  if( !noSign && clearsign(&branch, &branch) ){
    Blob ans;
    prompt_user("unable to sign manifest.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
    if( blob_str(&ans)[0]!='y' ){

  brid = content_put_ex(&branch, 0, 0, 0, isPrivate);
  if( brid==0 ){
    fossil_panic("trouble committing manifest: %s", g.zErrMsg);
  db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unsent VALUES(%d)", brid);
  if( manifest_crosslink(brid, &branch)==0 ){
    fossil_panic("unable to install new manifest");
  assert( blob_is_reset(&branch) );
  content_deltify(rootid, brid, 0);
  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", brid);
  fossil_print("New branch: %s\n", zUuid);
  if( g.argc==3 ){
      "Note: the local check-out has not been updated to the new\n"
      "      branch.  To begin working on the new branch, do this:\n"
      "      %s update %s\n",
      fossil_nameofexe(), zBranch

  /* Commit */
  /* Do an autosync push, if requested */
  if( !isPrivate ) autosync(AUTOSYNC_PUSH);
Exemple #29
** Expects pUser to contain fossil user fields in JSON form: name,
** uid, info, capabilities, password.
** At least one of (name, uid) must be included. All others are
** optional and their db fields will not be updated if those fields
** are not included in pUser.
** If uid is specified then name may refer to a _new_ name
** for a user, otherwise the name must refer to an existing user.
** If uid=-1 then the name must be specified and a new user is
** created (fails if one already exists).
** If uid is not set, this function might modify pUser to contain the
** db-found (or inserted) user ID.
** On error g.json's error state is set and one of the FSL_JSON_E_xxx
** values from FossilJsonCodes is returned.
** On success the db record for the given user is updated.
** Requires either Admin, Setup, or Password access. Non-admin/setup
** users can only change their own information. Non-setup users may
** not modify the 's' permission. Admin users without setup
** permissions may not edit any other user who has the 's' permission.
int json_user_update_from_json( cson_object * pUser ){
#define CSTR(X) cson_string_cstr(cson_value_get_string( cson_object_get(pUser, X ) ))
  char const * zName = CSTR("name");
  char const * zNameNew = zName;
  char * zNameFree = NULL;
  char const * zInfo = CSTR("info");
  char const * zCap = CSTR("capabilities");
  char const * zPW = CSTR("password");
  cson_value const * forceLogout = cson_object_get(pUser, "forceLogout");
  int gotFields = 0;
#undef CSTR
  cson_int_t uid = cson_value_get_integer( cson_object_get(pUser, "uid") );
  char const tgtHasSetup = zCap && (NULL!=strchr(zCap, 's'));
  char tgtHadSetup = 0;
  Blob sql = empty_blob;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;

#if 0
  if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup && !g.perm.Password){
    return json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED,
                         "Password change requires 'a', 's', "
                         "or 'p' permissions.");
  if(uid<=0 && (!zName||!*zName)){
    return json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS,
                        "One of 'uid' or 'name' is required.");
  }else if(uid>0){
    zNameFree = db_text(NULL, "SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid=%d",uid);
      return json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND,
                          "No login found for uid %d.", uid);
    zName = zNameFree;
  }else if(-1==uid){
    /* try to create a new user */
    if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup){
                   "Requires 'a' or 's' privileges.");
      goto error;
    }else if(!zName || !*zName){
                   "No name specified for new user.");
      goto error;
    }else if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zName) ){
                   "User %s already exists.", zName);
      goto error;
      Stmt ins = empty_Stmt;
      db_prepare(&ins, "INSERT INTO user (login) VALUES(%Q)",zName);
      db_step( &ins );
      uid = db_int(0,"SELECT uid FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zName);
      zNameNew = zName;
      cson_object_set( pUser, "uid", cson_value_new_integer(uid) );
    uid = db_int(0,"SELECT uid FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zName);
                   "No login found for user [%s].", zName);
      goto error;
    cson_object_set( pUser, "uid", cson_value_new_integer(uid) );

  /* Maintenance note: all error-returns from here on out should go
     via 'goto error' in order to clean up.
  if(uid != g.userUid){
    if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup){
                   "Changing another user's data requires "
                   "'a' or 's' privileges.");
      goto error;
  /* check if the target uid currently has setup rights. */
  tgtHadSetup = db_int(0,"SELECT 1 FROM user where uid=%d"
                       " AND cap GLOB '*s*'", uid);

  if((tgtHasSetup || tgtHadSetup) && !g.perm.Setup){
      Do not allow a non-setup user to set or remove setup
      privileges. setup.c uses similar logic.
                 "Modifying 's' users/privileges requires "
                 "'s' privileges.");
    goto error;
    Potential todo: do not allow a setup user to remove 's' from
    himself, to avoid locking himself out?

  blob_append(&sql, "UPDATE user SET",-1 );
  blob_append(&sql, " mtime=cast(strftime('%s') AS INTEGER)", -1);

  if((uid>0) && zNameNew){
    /* Check for name change... */
      if( (!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup)
          && (zName != zNameNew)){
        json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED,
                      "Modifying user names requires 'a' or 's' privileges.");
        goto error;
      forceLogout = cson_value_true()
        /* reminders: 1) does not allocate.
           2) we do this because changing a name
           invalidates any login token because the old name
           is part of the token hash.
      blob_append_sql(&sql, ", login=%Q", zNameNew);

  if( zCap && *zCap ){
    if(!g.perm.Admin || !g.perm.Setup){
      /* we "could" arguably silently ignore cap in this case. */
                   "Changing capabilities requires 'a' or 's' privileges.");
      goto error;
    blob_append_sql(&sql, ", cap=%Q", zCap);

  if( zPW && *zPW ){
    if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup && !g.perm.Password){
      json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED,
                    "Password change requires 'a', 's', "
                    "or 'p' permissions.");
      goto error;
#define TRY_LOGIN_GROUP 0 /* login group support is not yet implemented. */
      char * zPWHash = NULL;
      zPWHash = sha1_shared_secret(zPW, zNameNew ? zNameNew : zName, NULL);
      blob_append_sql(&sql, ", pw=%Q", zPWHash);
      blob_append_sql(&sql, ", pw=coalesce(shared_secret(%Q,%Q,"
                   "(SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='project-code')))",
                   zPW, zNameNew ? zNameNew : zName);
      /* shared_secret() func is undefined? */

  if( zInfo ){
    blob_append_sql(&sql, ", info=%Q", zInfo);

  if((g.perm.Admin || g.perm.Setup)
     && forceLogout && cson_value_get_bool(forceLogout)){
    blob_append(&sql, ", cookie=NULL, cexpire=NULL", -1);
    json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS,
                  "Required user data are missing.");
    goto error;
  blob_append_sql(&sql, " WHERE uid=%d", uid);
#else /* need name for login group support :/ */
  blob_append_sql(&sql, " WHERE login=%Q", zName);
#if 0
  cson_output_FILE( cson_object_value(pUser), stdout, NULL );
  db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));
  if( zPW || cson_value_get_bool(forceLogout) ){
    Blob groupSql = empty_blob;
    char * zErr = NULL;
      "INSERT INTO user(login)"
      zName, zName
    blob_append(&groupSql, blob_str(&sql), blob_size(&sql));
    login_group_sql(blob_str(&groupSql), NULL, NULL, &zErr);
    if( zErr ){
      json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN,
                    "Repo-group update at least partially failed: %s",
      goto error;
#endif /* TRY_LOGIN_GROUP */


  free( zNameFree );
  return 0;

  assert(0 != g.json.resultCode);
  return g.json.resultCode;
Exemple #30
** The root program.  All variations call this core.
**   func   This is a pointer to a function taking three arguments
**            1. A pointer to anything.  Same as the "arg" parameter.
**            2. A pointer to the list of characters to be output
**               (Note, this list is NOT null terminated.)
**            3. An integer number of characters to be output.
**               (Note: This number might be zero.)
**   arg    This is the pointer to anything which will be passed as the
**          first argument to "func".  Use it for whatever you like.
**   fmt    This is the format string, as in the usual print.
**   ap     This is a pointer to a list of arguments.  Same as in
**          vfprint.
**          The return value is the total number of characters sent to
**          the function "func".  Returns -1 on a error.
** Note that the order in which automatic variables are declared below
** seems to make a big difference in determining how fast this beast
** will run.
int vxprintf(
  Blob *pBlob,                       /* Append output to this blob */
  const char *fmt,                   /* Format string */
  va_list ap                         /* arguments */
  int c;                     /* Next character in the format string */
  char *bufpt;               /* Pointer to the conversion buffer */
  int precision;             /* Precision of the current field */
  int length;                /* Length of the field */
  int idx;                   /* A general purpose loop counter */
  int count;                 /* Total number of characters output */
  int width;                 /* Width of the current field */
  etByte flag_leftjustify;   /* True if "-" flag is present */
  etByte flag_plussign;      /* True if "+" flag is present */
  etByte flag_blanksign;     /* True if " " flag is present */
  etByte flag_alternateform; /* True if "#" flag is present */
  etByte flag_altform2;      /* True if "!" flag is present */
  etByte flag_zeropad;       /* True if field width constant starts with zero */
  etByte flag_long;          /* True if "l" flag is present */
  etByte flag_longlong;      /* True if the "ll" flag is present */
  etByte done;               /* Loop termination flag */
  u64 longvalue;             /* Value for integer types */
  long double realvalue;     /* Value for real types */
  const et_info *infop;      /* Pointer to the appropriate info structure */
  char buf[etBUFSIZE];       /* Conversion buffer */
  char prefix;               /* Prefix character.  "+" or "-" or " " or '\0'. */
  etByte errorflag = 0;      /* True if an error is encountered */
  etByte xtype;              /* Conversion paradigm */
  char *zExtra;              /* Extra memory used for etTCLESCAPE conversions */
  static const char spaces[] =
   "                                                                         ";
#define etSPACESIZE (sizeof(spaces)-1)
  int  exp, e2;              /* exponent of real numbers */
  double rounder;            /* Used for rounding floating point values */
  etByte flag_dp;            /* True if decimal point should be shown */
  etByte flag_rtz;           /* True if trailing zeros should be removed */
  etByte flag_exp;           /* True to force display of the exponent */
  int nsd;                   /* Number of significant digits returned */

  count = length = 0;
  bufpt = 0;
  for(; (c=(*fmt))!=0; ++fmt){
    if( c!='%' ){
      int amt;
      bufpt = (char *)fmt;
      amt = 1;
      while( (c=(*++fmt))!='%' && c!=0 ) amt++;
      count += amt;
      if( c==0 ) break;
    if( (c=(*++fmt))==0 ){
      errorflag = 1;
    /* Find out what flags are present */
    flag_leftjustify = flag_plussign = flag_blanksign = 
     flag_alternateform = flag_altform2 = flag_zeropad = 0;
    done = 0;
      switch( c ){
        case '-':   flag_leftjustify = 1;     break;
        case '+':   flag_plussign = 1;        break;
        case ' ':   flag_blanksign = 1;       break;
        case '#':   flag_alternateform = 1;   break;
        case '!':   flag_altform2 = 1;        break;
        case '0':   flag_zeropad = 1;         break;
        default:    done = 1;                 break;
    }while( !done && (c=(*++fmt))!=0 );
    /* Get the field width */
    width = 0;
    if( c=='*' ){
      width = va_arg(ap,int);
      if( width<0 ){
        flag_leftjustify = 1;
        width = -width;
      c = *++fmt;
      while( c>='0' && c<='9' ){