// while((nstr = yylook()) >= 0) void subtest5(void) { int nstr; bogus(); while((nstr = yylook()) >= 0) { printf("nstr: %04x\n",nstr); bogus(); } }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc < 3) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <font name> <font image>...\n"; return 1; } // Average symbol information std::map<char, OCR::Font::Symbol> average; // Image BMP img; // Load a non-existent font OCR::Font bogus("BOGUS"); // Open file for output std::string outFileName = argv[1]; outFileName = "font/" + outFileName + ".font"; std::ofstream outFile(outFileName.c_str()); // Load each line and read its statistics for (int fileNum = 2; fileNum < argc; ++fileNum) { // Create line img.ReadFromFile(argv[fileNum]); OCR::Line line(img, bogus); // Create vector for symbol info std::vector<OCR::Font::Symbol> symbols; symbols.reserve(ALPHABET.size()); // Do the reading line.Read(&symbols); // Loop through and add to the "average" std::vector<OCR::Font::Symbol>::iterator itr = symbols.begin(); for (unsigned charIndex = 0; itr != symbols.end() && charIndex < ALPHABET .size(); ++itr, ++charIndex) { average[ALPHABET[charIndex]] += *itr; } } for (std::map<char, OCR::Font::Symbol>::iterator itr = average.begin(); itr != average.end(); ++itr) { // Divide all statistics by number of lines read itr->second /= (argc - 2); // Print the character and its statistics to the file outFile << itr->first << ' ' << itr->second << std::endl; } outFile.close(); return 0; }
void user_q( void ) { write( FD_CONSOLE, "User Q running\n", 0 ); write( FD_SIO, "Q", 1 ); bogus(); write( FD_SIO, "q", 1 ); write( FD_CONSOLE, "User Q returned from bogus syscall!?!?!\n", 0 ); exit(); }
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4094906() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString pattern("-"); pattern += (UChar) 0x221E; pattern += "<are negative|0<are no or fraction|1#is one|1<is 1+|"; pattern += (UChar) 0x221E; pattern += "<are many."; ChoiceFormat *fmt = new ChoiceFormat(pattern, status); failure(status, "new ChoiceFormat"); UnicodeString pat; if (fmt->toPattern(pat) != pattern) { errln( (UnicodeString) "Formatter Pattern : " + pat); errln( (UnicodeString) "Expected Pattern : " + pattern); } FieldPosition bogus(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE); UnicodeString str; // Will this work for -inf? logln("Format with -INF : " + fmt->format(Formattable(-uprv_getInfinity()), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with -1.0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(-1.0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with -1.0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(-1.0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable((int32_t)0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 0.9 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(0.9), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 1.0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(1.0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 1.5 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(1.5), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 2 : " + fmt->format(Formattable((int32_t)2), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 2.1 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(2.1), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with NaN : " + fmt->format(Formattable(uprv_getNaN()), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with +INF : " + fmt->format(Formattable(uprv_getInfinity()), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); delete fmt; }
// yyt = yyt + yych; void subtest2(void) { register struct yywork *yyt; int yych; yyt=yycrank; yych=10; bogus(); yyt = yyt + yych; printf("yyt: %d %d\n",yyt->verify,yyt->advance); }
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4106661() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ChoiceFormat *fmt = new ChoiceFormat( "-1#are negative| 0#are no or fraction | 1#is one |1.0<is 1+ |2#are two |2<are more than 2.", status); failure(status, "new ChoiceFormat"); UnicodeString pat; logln("Formatter Pattern : " + fmt->toPattern(pat)); FieldPosition bogus(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE); UnicodeString str; // Will this work for -inf? logln("Format with -INF : " + fmt->format(Formattable(-uprv_getInfinity()), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with -1.0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(-1.0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with -1.0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(-1.0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable((int32_t)0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 0.9 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(0.9), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 1.0 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(1.0), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 1.5 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(1.5), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 2 : " + fmt->format(Formattable((int32_t)2), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with 2.1 : " + fmt->format(Formattable(2.1), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with NaN : " + fmt->format(Formattable(uprv_getNaN()), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); str.remove(); logln("Format with +INF : " + fmt->format(Formattable(uprv_getInfinity()), str, bogus, status)); failure(status, "fmt->format"); delete fmt; }
// yyps -= yyr2[yyn]; void subtest4(void) { register short *yyps, yyn; yyps=0x8004; yyn=0; while(yyn<14) { bogus(); yyps -= yyr2[yyn]; yyn++; } printf("yyps: %04x\n",yyps); }
// if(yyt <= yytop && yyt->verify+yysvec == yystate) void subtest3(void) { register struct yywork *yyt; register struct yysvf *yystate; yyt=yycrank; yystate=yysvec; bogus(); if(yyt <= yytop && yyt->verify+yysvec == yystate) { printf("if ok %d %d\n",yyt->verify,yyt->advance); } else { printf("if not ok %d %d\n",yyt->verify,yyt->advance); } }
void tst_QSocketNotifier::bogusFds() { #ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN //behaviour of QSocketNotifier with an invalid fd is totally different across OS //main point of this test was to check symbian backend doesn't crash QSKIP("test only for symbian", SkipAll); #else QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Internal error"); QSocketNotifier max(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), QSocketNotifier::Read); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket specified"); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Internal error"); QSocketNotifier min(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), QSocketNotifier::Write); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Internal error"); //bogus magic number is the first pseudo socket descriptor from symbian socket engine. QSocketNotifier bogus(0x40000000, QSocketNotifier::Exception); QSocketNotifier largestlegal(FD_SETSIZE - 1, QSocketNotifier::Read); QSignalSpy maxspy(&max, SIGNAL(activated(int))); QSignalSpy minspy(&min, SIGNAL(activated(int))); QSignalSpy bogspy(&bogus, SIGNAL(activated(int))); QSignalSpy llspy(&largestlegal, SIGNAL(activated(int))); //generate some unrelated socket activity QTcpServer server; QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost)); connect(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop())); QTcpSocket client; client.connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, server.serverPort()); QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(5); QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections()); //check no activity on bogus notifiers QCOMPARE(maxspy.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(minspy.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(bogspy.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(llspy.count(), 0); #endif }
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4105380() { UnicodeString patternText1("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0}."); UnicodeString patternText2("There are {0} on the disk \"{1}\""); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const UBool possibleDataError = TRUE; MessageFormat *form1 = new MessageFormat(patternText1, status); failure(status, "new MessageFormat"); MessageFormat *form2 = new MessageFormat(patternText2, status); failure(status, "new MessageFormat"); double filelimits [] = {0,1,2}; UnicodeString filepart [] = { (UnicodeString)"no files", (UnicodeString)"one file", (UnicodeString)"{0,number} files" }; ChoiceFormat *fileform = new ChoiceFormat(filelimits, filepart, 3); form1->setFormat(1, *fileform); form2->setFormat(0, *fileform); //Object[] testArgs = {new Long(12373), "MyDisk"}; Formattable testArgs [] = { Formattable((int32_t)12373), Formattable((UnicodeString)"MyDisk") }; FieldPosition bogus(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE); UnicodeString result; logln(form1->format(testArgs, 2, result, bogus, status)); failure(status, "form1->format", possibleDataError); result.remove(); logln(form2->format(testArgs, 2, result, bogus, status)); failure(status, "form1->format", possibleDataError); delete form1; delete form2; delete fileform; }
// PR c++/54020 // { dg-do compile { target c++11 } } // Preliminaries. extern int nonconst_func(int); constexpr int identity(int x) { return x; } constexpr int zero() { return identity(0); } constexpr int one() { return identity(1); } // Correctly accepted. constexpr int three = one() ? 3 : nonconst_func(0); // Incorrectly accepted. See [dcl.constexpr] #5: // For a constexpr function, if no function argument values exist // such that the function invocation sub-stitution would produce a // constant expression (5.19), the program is ill-formed; no diagnostic // required. constexpr int bogus() { return zero () ? 3 : nonconst_func(0); } // { dg-error "nonconst_func" } // Correctly rejected (not sure why). constexpr int correct_error() { return nonconst_func(0); } // { dg-error "nonconst_func" } // Correctly rejected. constexpr int z = bogus(); // { dg-error "" } // This is also correctly rejected. constexpr int correct_failure() { return 0 ? 3 : nonconst_func(0); } // { dg-error "nonconst_func" }
void QGIPiece::propertySet( char const *pname, QVariant const & var ) { // FIXME: treat QVariant::Invalid appropriately for each property typedef QMap<QString,int> PMAP; static PMAP pmap; if( pmap.isEmpty() ) { #define MAP(S,V) pmap[S] = Impl::V; MAP("color",PropColor); MAP("alpha",PropAlpha); MAP("colorAlpha",PropAlpha); // older name MAP("borderColor",PropBorderColor); MAP("borderSize",PropBorderSize); MAP("borderAlpha",PropBorderAlpha); MAP("borderStyle",PropBorderStyle); MAP("zLevel",PropZLevel); MAP("pos",PropPos); MAP("scale",PropScale); MAP("size",PropSize); MAP("angle",PropAngle); MAP("dragDisabled",PropDragDisabled); MAP("pixmap",PropPixmap); #undef MAP } const QString key(pname?pname:""); int kid = pmap.value( key, Impl::PropUnknown ); if( Impl::PropUnknown == kid ) return; if(0) qDebug() << "QGIPiece::propertySet("<<key<<")] val ="<<var; if( Impl::PropZLevel == kid ) { this->setZValue(var.toDouble()); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropPos == kid ) { this->setPos( var.value<QPointF>() ); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropColor == kid ) { QColor col = var.value<QColor>(); qreal alpha = impl->pen.color().alphaF(); if( 255 == col.alpha() ) // keep original alpha level { if( alpha > 1 ) { col.setAlpha( int(alpha) ); } else { col.setAlphaF( alpha ); } } impl->pen.setColor( col ); if(0) qDebug() << "QGIPiece::propertySet(color):"<<impl->pen.color()<<" alpha ="<<impl->alpha; impl->clearCache(); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropAlpha == kid ) { qreal a = var.toDouble(); QColor col = impl->pen.color(); if( a > 1.0 ) { // assume it's int-encoded col.setAlpha( int(a) ); } else { col.setAlphaF( a ); } impl->pen.setColor( col ); impl->clearCache(); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropBorderColor == kid ) { QColor col = var.value<QColor>(); if( 255 == col.alpha() ) { col.setAlphaF( impl->penB.color().alphaF() ); } impl->penB.setColor( col ); impl->clearCache(); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropBorderAlpha == kid ) { qreal a = var.toDouble(); QColor col( impl->penB.color() ); if( a > 1.0 ) { // assume it's int-encoded col.setAlpha( int(a) ); } else { col.setAlphaF( a ); } impl->penB.setColor( col ); impl->clearCache(); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropBorderSize == kid ) { double bs = var.toDouble(); impl->penB.setWidth( (bs >= 0) ? bs : 0 ); impl->clearCache(); this->update(); } else if( Impl::PropBorderStyle == kid ) { impl->clearCache(); impl->penB.setStyle( s11n::qt::stringToPenStyle(var.toString()) ); this->update(); } else if( (Impl::PropScale == kid) || (Impl::PropAngle == kid) ) { this->refreshTransformation(); } else if( Impl::PropDragDisabled == kid ) { if( var.isValid() ) { this->setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, var.toInt() ? false : true ); } else { this->setFlag( QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, true ); } } else if( Impl::PropPixmap == kid ) { this->prepareGeometryChange(); impl->clearCache(); QPixmap pix; if( var.canConvert<QPixmap>() ) { pix = var.value<QPixmap>(); } else if( var.canConvert<QString>() ) { QString fname( qboard::homeRelative(var.toString()) ); if( pix.load( fname ) ) { this->setProperty("size",pix.size()); } else { pix = QPixmap(300,40); QPainter pain(&pix); pain.fillRect( pix.rect(), Qt::yellow ); QFont font( "courier", 8 ); pain.setFont( font ); pain.setPen( QPen(Qt::red) ); pain.drawText(5,font.pointSize()+6,"Error loading pixmap:"); pain.drawText(5,pix.height()-6,fname); } } // var.canConvert<QString>() this->impl->pixmap = pix; if(1) { // Kludge to ensure that this type's shape is properly set. We don't want // the parent class to have the real pixmap, so that we can control all // painting ourselves. QPixmap bogus( pix.size() ); bogus.fill( QColor(Qt::transparent) ); this->setPixmap(bogus); } this->update(); } // pixmap property if( Impl::PropSize == kid ) { impl->clearCache(); if( impl->pixmap.isNull() ) { QPixmap bogus( var.toSize() ); bogus.fill( QColor(Qt::transparent) ); impl->pixmap = bogus; // Kludge to ensure bounding rect is kept intact this->setPixmap(bogus); } } }