Exemple #1
void sched_history_fprintf( const sched_history_type * sched_history , const stringlist_type * key_list , FILE * stream) {
  int step = 1;
  time_t start_time = time_t_vector_iget( sched_history->time , 0);
  int total_length = bool_vector_size( sched_history->historical );
  while (true) {
    if (bool_vector_safe_iget( sched_history->historical , step)) {
        int mday,month,year;
        time_t t = time_t_vector_iget( sched_history->time , step );
        double days = (t - start_time) * 1.0 / 86400;
        util_set_date_values_utc( t , &mday , &month , &year);
        //fprintf(stream , "%02d-%02d-%4d  " , mday , month , year );
        fprintf(stream , " %5.0f " , days);
      for (int ikey =0; ikey < stringlist_get_size( key_list ); ikey++) 
        fprintf(stream , "%16.3f " , sched_history_iget( sched_history , stringlist_iget( key_list , ikey) , step));
      fprintf( stream, "\n");
    } else
      break; // We have completed the historical period - and switched to prediction

    if (step == total_length)
Exemple #2
void enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_with_bool_vector(enkf_main_type * enkf_main , const stringlist_type * param_list ,const bool_vector_type * iens_mask , init_mode_type init_mode) {
    int num_cpu = 4;
    int ens_size               = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
    thread_pool_type * tp     = thread_pool_alloc( num_cpu , true );
    arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( ens_size , sizeof * arg_list );
    int i;
    int iens;

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
        arg_list[iens] = arg_pack_alloc();
        if (bool_vector_safe_iget(iens_mask , iens)) {
            arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_list[iens] , enkf_main );
            arg_pack_append_const_ptr( arg_list[iens] , param_list );
            arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[iens] , iens );
            arg_pack_append_int( arg_list[iens] , init_mode );

            thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_main_initialize_from_scratch_mt , arg_list[iens]);

    thread_pool_join( tp );
    for (i = 0; i < ens_size; i++) {
        arg_pack_free( arg_list[i] );
    free( arg_list );
    thread_pool_free( tp );
Exemple #3
double sched_history_iget( const sched_history_type * sched_history , const char * key , int report_step) {
  void * index = hash_get( sched_history->index , key );
  if (!bool_vector_safe_iget( sched_history->historical , report_step ))
    fprintf(stderr,"** Warning - report step:%d is in the prediction phase - can NOT ask for historical data! \n",report_step);
  if (well_index_is_instance( index ))
    return well_history_iget( index , report_step );
  else if (group_index_is_instance( index ))
    return group_history_iget( index , report_step );
  else {
    util_abort("%s: can not determine internal type of:%s - fatal internal error\n", __func__ , key);
    return 0;
Exemple #4
/* Query function: */
bool enkf_config_node_internalize(const enkf_config_node_type * node, int report_step) {
  if (node->internalize == NULL)
    return false;
    return bool_vector_safe_iget( node->internalize , report_step); /* Will return default value if report_step is beyond size. */
Exemple #5
bool obs_vector_load_from_HISTORY_OBSERVATION(obs_vector_type * obs_vector , 
                                              const conf_instance_type * conf_instance , 
                                              const history_type * history , 
                                              ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config, 
                                              double std_cutoff ) {

  if(!conf_instance_is_of_class(conf_instance, "HISTORY_OBSERVATION"))
    util_abort("%s: internal error. expected \"HISTORY_OBSERVATION\" instance, got \"%s\".\n",__func__, conf_instance_get_class_name_ref(conf_instance) );
    bool initOK = false;
    int          size , restart_nr;
    double_vector_type * value              = double_vector_alloc(0,0);
    double_vector_type * std                = double_vector_alloc(0,0);
    bool_vector_type   * valid              = bool_vector_alloc(0 , false); 
    /* The auto_corrf parameters can not be "segmentized" */
    double auto_corrf_param                 = -1;
    const char * auto_corrf_name            = NULL;
    double         error      = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(conf_instance, "ERROR"     );
    double         error_min  = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(conf_instance, "ERROR_MIN" );
    const char *   error_mode = conf_instance_get_item_value_ref(   conf_instance, "ERROR_MODE");
    const char *   sum_key    = conf_instance_get_name_ref(         conf_instance              );
    if(conf_instance_has_item(conf_instance, "AUTO_CORRF")) {
      auto_corrf_name  = conf_instance_get_item_value_ref( conf_instance , "AUTO_CORRF");
      auto_corrf_param = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(conf_instance, "AUTO_CORRF_PARAM");
      if(conf_instance_has_item(conf_instance, "AUTO_CORRF_PARAM")) 
        auto_corrf_param = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(conf_instance, "AUTO_CORRF_PARAM");
        util_abort("%s: When specifying AUTO_CORRF you must also give a vlaue for AUTO_CORRF_PARAM",__func__);
    // Get time series data from history object and allocate
    size = history_get_last_restart(history);
    if (history_init_ts( history , sum_key , value , valid )) {

      // Create  the standard deviation vector
      if(strcmp(error_mode, "ABS") == 0) {
        for( restart_nr = 0; restart_nr < size; restart_nr++)
          double_vector_iset( std , restart_nr , error );
      } else if(strcmp(error_mode, "REL") == 0) {
        for( restart_nr = 0; restart_nr < size; restart_nr++)
          double_vector_iset( std , restart_nr , error * abs( double_vector_iget( value , restart_nr )));
      } else if(strcmp(error_mode, "RELMIN") == 0) {
        for(restart_nr = 0; restart_nr < size; restart_nr++) {
          double tmp_std = util_double_max( error_min , error * abs( double_vector_iget( value , restart_nr )));
          double_vector_iset( std , restart_nr , tmp_std);
      } else
        util_abort("%s: Internal error. Unknown error mode \"%s\"\n", __func__, error_mode);
      // Handle SEGMENTs which can be used to customize the observation error. */
        stringlist_type * segment_keys = conf_instance_alloc_list_of_sub_instances_of_class_by_name(conf_instance, "SEGMENT");
        stringlist_sort( segment_keys , NULL );
        int num_segments = stringlist_get_size(segment_keys);
        for(int segment_nr = 0; segment_nr < num_segments; segment_nr++)
            const char * segment_name = stringlist_iget(segment_keys, segment_nr);
            const conf_instance_type * segment_conf = conf_instance_get_sub_instance_ref(conf_instance, segment_name);
            int start                         = conf_instance_get_item_value_int(   segment_conf, "START"     );
            int stop                          = conf_instance_get_item_value_int(   segment_conf, "STOP"      );
            double         error_segment      = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(segment_conf, "ERROR"     );
            double         error_min_segment  = conf_instance_get_item_value_double(segment_conf, "ERROR_MIN" );
            const char *   error_mode_segment = conf_instance_get_item_value_ref(   segment_conf, "ERROR_MODE");
            if(start < 0)
                printf("%s: WARNING - Segment out of bounds. Truncating start of segment to 0.\n", __func__);
                start = 0;
            if(stop >= size)
                printf("%s: WARNING - Segment out of bounds. Truncating end of segment to %d.\n", __func__, size - 1);
                stop = size -1;
            if(start > stop)
                printf("%s: WARNING - Segment start after stop. Truncating end of segment to %d.\n", __func__, start );
                stop = start;
            // Create  the standard deviation vector
            if(strcmp(error_mode_segment, "ABS") == 0) {
              for( restart_nr = start; restart_nr <= stop; restart_nr++)
                double_vector_iset( std , restart_nr , error_segment) ;
            } else if(strcmp(error_mode_segment, "REL") == 0) {
              for( restart_nr = start; restart_nr <= stop; restart_nr++)
                double_vector_iset( std , restart_nr , error_segment * abs(double_vector_iget( value , restart_nr)));
            } else if(strcmp(error_mode_segment, "RELMIN") == 0) {
              for(restart_nr = start; restart_nr <= stop ; restart_nr++) {
                double tmp_std = util_double_max( error_min_segment , error_segment * abs( double_vector_iget( value , restart_nr )));
                double_vector_iset( std , restart_nr , tmp_std);
            } else
              util_abort("%s: Internal error. Unknown error mode \"%s\"\n", __func__, error_mode);
        This is where the summary observations are finally added.
      for (restart_nr = 0; restart_nr < size; restart_nr++) {
        if (bool_vector_safe_iget( valid , restart_nr)) {
          if (double_vector_iget( std , restart_nr) > std_cutoff) {
            obs_vector_add_summary_obs( obs_vector , restart_nr , sum_key , sum_key , 
                                        double_vector_iget( value ,restart_nr) , double_vector_iget( std , restart_nr ) , 
                                        auto_corrf_name , auto_corrf_param);
          } else 
            fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: to small observation error in observation %s:%d - ignored. \n", sum_key , restart_nr);
      initOK = true;
    return initOK;