Exemple #1
void svoGNGEuLearn(svo_gng_eu_t *gng_eu)
    const bor_vec_t *input_signal;
    bor_net_node_t *nn;
    svo_gng_eu_node_t *n1, *n2, *n;
    bor_net_edge_t *nedge;
    svo_gng_eu_edge_t *edge;
    bor_real_t dist2;
    bor_list_t *list, *item, *item_tmp;

    if (gng_eu->step > gng_eu->params.lambda){
        gng_eu->cycle += 1L;
        gng_eu->step = 1;

    // 1. Get input signal
    input_signal = gng_eu->ops.input_signal(gng_eu->ops.input_signal_data);

    // 2. Find two nearest nodes to input signal
    svoGNGEuNearest(gng_eu, input_signal, &n1, &n2);

    // 3. Create connection between n1 and n2 if doesn't exist and set age
    //    to zero
    svoGNGEuHebbianLearning(gng_eu, n1, n2);

    // 4. Increase error counter of winner node
    dist2 = svoGNGEuDist2(gng_eu, input_signal, n1);
    svoGNGEuNodeIncError(gng_eu, n1, dist2 * gng_eu->beta_n[gng_eu->params.lambda - gng_eu->step]);

    // 5. Adapt nodes to input signal using fractions eb and en
    // + 6. Increment age of all edges by one
    // + 7. Remove edges with age higher than age_max
    svoGNGEuMoveTowards(gng_eu, n1, input_signal, gng_eu->params.eb);
    // adapt also direct topological neighbors of winner node
    list = borNetNodeEdges(&n1->node);
    BOR_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(list, item, item_tmp){
        nedge = borNetEdgeFromNodeList(item);
        edge  = bor_container_of(nedge, svo_gng_eu_edge_t, edge);
        nn   = borNetEdgeOtherNode(&edge->edge, &n1->node);
        n    = bor_container_of(nn, svo_gng_eu_node_t, node);

        // increase age (6.)
        edge->age += 1;

        // remove edge if it has age higher than age_max (7.)
        if (edge->age > gng_eu->params.age_max){
            svoGNGEuEdgeDel(gng_eu, edge);

            if (borNetNodeEdgesLen(nn) == 0){
                // remove node if not connected into net anymore
                svoGNGEuNodeDel(gng_eu, n);
                n = NULL;

        // move node (5.)
        if (n){
            svoGNGEuMoveTowards(gng_eu, n, input_signal, gng_eu->params.en);
Exemple #2
static void test2(bor_rand_mt_t *rand,
                  bor_nn_t *n, bor_list_t *list, size_t num)
    bor_nn_el_t *nn[10];
    bor_list_t *nn2[10];
    el_t *el, *el2;
    bor_vec2_t p;
    size_t len, len2, i;

    borVec2Set(&p, borRandMT(rand, -3, 3), borRandMT(rand, -3, 3));
    len = borNNNearest(n, (const bor_vec_t *)&p, num, nn);
    len2 = borNearestLinear(list, (void *)&p, dist2, nn2, num, NULL);

    assertEquals(len, num);
    assertEquals(len2, num);

    for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
        el  = bor_container_of(nn[i], el_t, el);
        el2 = bor_container_of(nn2[i], el_t, list);

        if (el == el2){
            assertEquals(el, el2);
            fprintf(stderr, "%.30f %.30f [%.30f] - %.30f %.30f [%.30f]\n",
                    borVec2X(&el->w), borVec2Y(&el->w), borVec2Dist(&el->w, &p),
                    borVec2X(&el2->w), borVec2Y(&el2->w), borVec2Dist(&el2->w, &p));
Exemple #3
static int ltEl(const bor_pairheap_node_t *n1, const bor_pairheap_node_t *n2, void *_)
    el_t *el1, *el2;

    el1 = bor_container_of(n1, el_t, node);
    el2 = bor_container_of(n2, el_t, node);

    return el1->val < el2->val;
Exemple #4
static void checkCorrect3(int ID, size_t num)
    el_t *els, *el;
    int *ids;
    bor_pairheap_t *heap;
    bor_pairheap_node_t *n;
    size_t i;
    FILE *fout1, *fout2;
    char fn[300];
    bor_rand_t r;


    sprintf(fn, "regressions/tmp.TSPairHeap.rand-%d.out", ID);
    fout1 = fopen(fn, "w");
    sprintf(fn, "regressions/TSPairHeap.rand-%d.out", ID);
    fout2 = fopen(fn, "w");

    els = randomEls(num);
    ids = BOR_ALLOC_ARR(int, num);

    heap = borPairHeapNew(ltEl, NULL);
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
        borPairHeapAdd(heap, &els[i].node);

    for (i = 0; i < num; i += 10){
        els[i].val += borRand(&r, 1, 100);
        borPairHeapUpdate(heap, &els[i].node);

    i = 0;
    while (!borPairHeapEmpty(heap)){
        n = borPairHeapExtractMin(heap);
        el = bor_container_of(n, el_t, node);
        fprintf(fout1, "%d\n", el->val);

        el = bor_container_of(n, el_t, node);
        ids[i] = el->id;

    qsort(els, num, sizeof(el_t), cmpIncEl);
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
        fprintf(fout2, "%d\n", els[i].val);


Exemple #5
static bor_real_t dist62(void *item1, bor_list_t *item2, void *_)
    el6_t *el2;
    bor_vec_t *v;

    v   = (bor_vec_t *)item1;
    el2 = bor_container_of(item2, el6_t, list);
    return borVecDist2(6, v, el2->v);
Exemple #6
void borFiboRemove(bor_fibo_t *f, bor_fibo_node_t *n)
    bor_list_t *list, *item, *item_tmp;
    bor_fibo_node_t *c;

    __borFiboCutCascade(f, n);

    // remove all its children
    list = &n->children;
    BOR_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(list, item, item_tmp){
        c = bor_container_of(item, bor_fibo_node_t, list);
        __borFiboCut(f, c, n);
Exemple #7
static void checkOrder(bor_rbtree_t *rbtree, el_t *els, size_t num)
    int *vals, curval;
    size_t i;
    bor_rbtree_node_t *node;
    el_t *el;

    vals = BOR_ALLOC_ARR(int, num);
    for (i = 0; i < num; ++i){
        vals[i] = els[i].val;
    borSort(vals, num, sizeof(int), sortCmpAsc, NULL);

    node = borRBTreeMin(rbtree);
    el = bor_container_of(node, el_t, node);
    i = 0;
    BOR_RBTREE_FOR_EACH(rbtree, node){
        curval = vals[i];
        el = bor_container_of(node, el_t, node);
        assertEquals(el->val, curval);
        for (++i; i < num && vals[i] == curval; ++i);
Exemple #8
static void testCorrect(void)
    bor_nn_params_t params;
    bor_real_t range[4] = { -15., 15., -18., 17. };
    el_t *ns, *near[3];
    bor_nn_el_t *el_linear[50], *el_gug[50], *el_vp[50];
    int i, j, k;
    int len_linear, len_gug, len_vp;
    int incorrect;
    bor_vec2_t v;

    borNNParamsSetDim(&params, 2);
    params.gug.num_cells = 0;
    params.gug.max_dens = 1;
    params.gug.expand_rate = 2.;
    params.gug.aabb = range;

    params.type = BOR_NN_LINEAR;
    linear = borNNNew(&params);
    params.type = BOR_NN_GUG;
    gug    = borNNNew(&params);
    params.type = BOR_NN_VPTREE;
    vp     = borNNNew(&params);

    ns = elsNew(arr_len);

    for (k = 0; k < nearest_len; k++){
        incorrect = 0;

        for (i=0; i < loops; i++){
            fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %08d / %08d\r", (int)k, (int)i, (int)loops);
            borVec2Set(&v, borRand(&r, -10., 10.), borRand(&r, -10, 10));

            len_linear = borNNNearest(linear, (const bor_vec_t *)&v, k + 1, el_linear);
            len_gug    = borNNNearest(gug, (const bor_vec_t *)&v, k + 1, el_gug);
            len_vp     = borNNNearest(vp, (const bor_vec_t *)&v, k + 1, el_vp);

            if (len_linear != len_gug
                    || len_linear != len_vp
                    || len_vp != len_gug
                    || len_linear != k + 1){
                incorrect = 1;

            for (j = 0; j < k + 1; j++){
                near[0] = bor_container_of(el_linear[j], el_t, linear);
                near[1] = bor_container_of(el_gug[j], el_t, gug);
                near[2] = bor_container_of(el_vp[j], el_t, vp);
                if (near[0] != near[1]
                        || near[0] != near[2]
                        || near[1] != near[2]){
                    incorrect = 1;

        if (incorrect){
            fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %08d / %08d FAIL\n", (int)k, (int)i, (int)loops);
            fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %08d / %08d OK\n", (int)k, (int)i, (int)loops);

Exemple #9
static void bench(void)
    bor_nn_params_t params;
    bor_real_t range[4] = { -15., 15., -18., 17. };
    el_t *ns, *near;
    bor_nn_el_t *el[50];
    int i, j, k;
    bor_vec2_t v;
    int devnull;
    bor_timer_t timer;

    devnull = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
    if (devnull < 0){
        perror("Error: ");

    borNNParamsSetDim(&params, 2);
    params.gug.num_cells = 0;
    params.gug.max_dens = 1;
    params.gug.expand_rate = 2.;
    params.gug.aabb = range;

    params.type = BOR_NN_LINEAR;
    linear = borNNNew(&params);
    params.type = BOR_NN_GUG;
    gug    = borNNNew(&params);
    params.type = BOR_NN_VPTREE;
    vp     = borNNNew(&params);

    ns = elsNew(arr_len);

    for (k = 0; k < nearest_len; k++){
        for (i=0; i < loops; i++){
            //fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %08d / %08d\r", (int)k, (int)i, (int)loops);
            borVec2Set(&v, borRand(&r, -10., 10.), borRand(&r, -10, 10));

            borNNNearest(linear, (const bor_vec_t *)&v, k + 1, el);
            for (j = 0; j < k + 1; j++){
                near = bor_container_of(el[j], el_t, linear);
                write(devnull, &near->v, 1);
        borTimerPrintElapsed(&timer, stderr, " - [%d] - linear -                \n", k);

        for (i=0; i < loops; i++){
            //fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %08d / %08d\r", (int)k, (int)i, (int)loops);
            borVec2Set(&v, borRand(&r, -10., 10.), borRand(&r, -10, 10));

            borNNNearest(gug, (const bor_vec_t *)&v, k + 1, el);
            for (j = 0; j < k + 1; j++){
                near = bor_container_of(el[j], el_t, gug);
                write(devnull, &near->v, 1);
        borTimerPrintElapsed(&timer, stderr, " - [%d] - gug -                \n", k);

        for (i=0; i < loops; i++){
            //fprintf(stderr, "[%d] %08d / %08d\r", (int)k, (int)i, (int)loops);
            borVec2Set(&v, borRand(&r, -10., 10.), borRand(&r, -10, 10));

            borNNNearest(vp, (const bor_vec_t *)&v, k + 1, el);
            for (j = 0; j < k + 1; j++){
                near = bor_container_of(el[j], el_t, vp);
                write(devnull, &near->v, 1);
        borTimerPrintElapsed(&timer, stderr, " - [%d] - vptree -                \n", k);


Exemple #10
static void clearFn(bor_pairheap_node_t *node,
                    void *data)
    el_t *el = bor_container_of(node, el_t, node);
Exemple #11
static void _svoGNGLearn(svo_gng_t *gng, size_t step)
    const void *input_signal;
    bor_net_node_t *nn;
    svo_gng_node_t *n1, *n2, *n;
    bor_net_edge_t *nedge;
    svo_gng_edge_t *edge;
    bor_real_t dist2;
    bor_list_t *list, *item, *item_tmp;

    // 1. Get input signal
    input_signal = OPS(gng, input_signal)(OPS_DATA(gng, input_signal));

    // 2. Find two nearest nodes to input signal
    OPS(gng, nearest)(input_signal, &n1, &n2, OPS_DATA(gng, nearest));

    // 3. Create connection between n1 and n2 if doesn't exist and set age
    //    to zero
    nedge = borNetNodeCommonEdge(&n1->node, &n2->node);
    if (!nedge){
        edge = edgeNew(gng, n1, n2);
        edge = bor_container_of(nedge, svo_gng_edge_t, edge);
    edge->age = 0;

    // 4. Increase error counter of winner node
    dist2 = OPS(gng, dist2)(input_signal, n1, OPS_DATA(gng, dist2));
    nodeIncError(gng, n1, dist2 * gng->beta_n[gng->params.lambda - step]);

    // 5. Adapt nodes to input signal using fractions eb and en
    // + 6. Increment age of all edges by one
    // + 7. Remove edges with age higher than age_max
    OPS(gng, move_towards)(n1, input_signal, gng->params.eb,
                           OPS_DATA(gng, move_towards));
    // adapt also direct topological neighbors of winner node
    list = borNetNodeEdges(&n1->node);
    BOR_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(list, item, item_tmp){
        nedge = borNetEdgeFromNodeList(item);
        edge  = bor_container_of(nedge, svo_gng_edge_t, edge);
        nn   = borNetEdgeOtherNode(&edge->edge, &n1->node);
        n    = bor_container_of(nn, svo_gng_node_t, node);

        // increase age (6.)
        edge->age += 1;

        // remove edge if it has age higher than age_max (7.)
        if (edge->age > gng->params.age_max){
            edgeDel(gng, edge);

            if (borNetNodeEdgesLen(nn) == 0){
                // remove node if not connected into net anymore
                nodeRemove(gng, n);
                n = NULL;

        // move node (5.)
        if (n){
            OPS(gng, move_towards)(n, input_signal, gng->params.en,
                OPS_DATA(gng, move_towards));