int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { char * argv[100]; int argc; program = program_name(hInstance); argc = breakargs(program, lpszCmdLine, argv); bind_terminal(); PL_set_prolog_flag("verbose", PL_ATOM, "silent"); /* operate silently */ DEBUG(ok("About to start Prolog with %d arguments", argc)); if ( !PL_initialise(argc, argv) ) { ok("Initialisation failed"); PL_halt(1); } if ( PL_toplevel() ) { PL_halt(0); } else { ok("Toplevel failed"); PL_halt(1); } return 0; }
void addOptionString(const char *s) { char *argv[256]; int argc = breakargs(s, argv); parseOptions(argc, argv); }
void fsd::handlecidline(char *line) { certificate *tempcert; int mode, level; char *array[4], *cid, *pwd; if (line[0]==';'||line[0]=='#') return; if (breakargs(line, array, 4)<3) return; cid=array[0], level=atoi(array[2]), pwd=array[1]; tempcert=getcert(cid); if (!tempcert) { tempcert=new certificate(cid, pwd, level, mgmtime(), myserver->ident); mode=CERT_ADD; } else { tempcert->livecheck=1; if (!STRCASECMP(tempcert->password, pwd)&&level==tempcert->level) return; tempcert->configure(pwd, level, mgmtime(), myserver->ident); mode=CERT_MODIFY; } if (serverinterface) serverinterface->sendcert("*", mode, tempcert, NULL); }