int solver2(
    int m,		/* number of constraints */
    int N,		/* number of variables */
    int nz,		/* number of nonzeros in sparse constraint matrix */
    int *ia, 		/* array row indices */
    int *ka, 		/* array of indices into ia and a */
    double *a,		/* array of nonzeros in the constraint matrix */
    double *b, 		/* right-hand side */
    double *c,          /* objective coefficients */
    double *c2,         /* objective coefficients */
    double  f, 		/* objective function shift */
    int *basics,
    int *nonbasics,
    int *basicflag,
    int *freevars,
    int d1,
    int d2,
    double **BETAhat

    double  *x_B;	/* primal basics */
    double  *y_N;	/* dual nonbasics */

    double  *xbar_B;	/* primal basic perturbation */
    double  *ybar_N;	/* dual nonbasic perturbation */

    double  *dy_N;	/*  dual  basics step direction - values (sparse) */
    int    *idy_N;	/*  dual  basics step direction - row indices */
    int     ndy_N;	/* number of nonz in dy_N */

    double  *dx_B;	/* primal basics step direction - values (sparse) */
    int    *idx_B;	/* primal basics step direction - row indices */
    int     ndx_B;	/* number of nonz in dx_B */

    double  *at;	/* sparse data structure for A^T */
    int    *iat;
    int    *kat;

    int     col_in;	/* entering column; index in 'nonbasics' */
    int     col_out;	/* leaving column; index in 'basics' */

    int     iter = 0;	/* number of iterations */
    int     i,j,k,n,v=0, j1,j2,ii;

    double  s, t, sbar, tbar, mu=HUGE_VAL, old_mu, primal_obj;

    double  *vec;
    int    *ivec;
    int     nvec;

    int	    status=0;

    int     from_scratch;

    * For convenience, we put...

    int n0 = d1*d2;
    n = N-m;

    * Read in the Data and initialize the common memory sites.

    CALLOC(    x_B, m,   double );      
    CALLOC( xbar_B, m,   double );      
    CALLOC(   dx_B, m,   double );      
    CALLOC(    y_N, n,   double );      
    CALLOC( ybar_N, n,   double );      
    CALLOC(   dy_N, n,   double );      
    CALLOC(    vec, N,   double );
    CALLOC(  idx_B, m,    int );      
    CALLOC(  idy_N, n,    int );      
    CALLOC(   ivec, N,    int );
    CALLOC(     at, nz,  double );
    CALLOC(    iat, nz,   int );
    CALLOC(    kat, m+1,  int );

    *  Initialization.              				    *


    lufac( m, ka, ia, a, basics, 0);

    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	  y_N[j] = 0;
    nvec = 0;
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
       	if (c[basics[i]] != 0.0) {
 	    vec[nvec] = c[basics[i]];
 	    ivec[nvec] = i;


    btsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );  		
    Nt_times_y( N, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );
    for (k=0; k<ndy_N; k++) {
	y_N[idy_N[k]] = dy_N[k];
    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	y_N[j] -= c[nonbasics[j]];

    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	   ybar_N[j] = 0;
    nvec = 0;
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	if (c2[basics[i]] != 0.0) {
	    vec[nvec] = c2[basics[i]];
	    ivec[nvec] = i;
    btsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );  		
    Nt_times_y( N, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );
    for (k=0; k<ndy_N; k++) {
	ybar_N[idy_N[k]] = dy_N[k];
    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	ybar_N[j] -= c2[nonbasics[j]];
	if (ybar_N[j] < 0) printf("error: ybar_N[%d] = %e \n", j, ybar_N[j]);

    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	       x_B[i] = 0;
	    xbar_B[i] = 0;
    nvec = 0;
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
      if ( b[i] != 0.0 ) {
	 vec[nvec] = b[i];
	ivec[nvec] = i;

    bsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );
    for (i=0; i<nvec; i++) {
	x_B[ivec[i]] = vec[i];
           if (vec[i] < 0) printf("error: x_B[%d] = %e \n", i, vec[i]);
    printf ("m = %d,n = %d,nz = %d\n",m,N,nz);
"          |   Primal      |        |                           arithmetic  \n"
"  Iter    |  Obj Value    |   mu   |   nonz(L)     nonz(U)     operations  \n"
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n"

    * 	Main loop                                                   *

    for (iter=0; iter<MAX_ITER; iter++) {

      * STEP 1: Find mu                                            *

      old_mu = mu;
      mu = -HUGE_VAL;
      col_in  = -1;
      for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
		if (ybar_N[j] > EPS2) { 
			if ( mu < -y_N[j]/ybar_N[j] ) {
			     mu = -y_N[j]/ybar_N[j];
			     col_in  = j;
      col_out = -1;
      for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
         if (freevars[basics[i]] == 0) {
		if (xbar_B[i] > EPS2) { 
			if ( mu < -x_B[i]/xbar_B[i] ) {
			     mu = -x_B[i]/xbar_B[i];
			     col_out = i;
			     col_in  = -1;

      * STEP 0: Record current portfolio                           *

      primal_obj = sdotprod(c,x_B,basics,m) + f;
      if ( mu <= EPS3 || primal_obj > -EPS0) {	/* OPTIMAL */
          for (j1=0; j1<d1; j1++) {
	      for (j2=0; j2<d2; j2++) {
		  BETAhat[j1][j2] = 0;
	  for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	    if (basics[i] < n0 && x_B[i] > EPS0) {
	      ii = basics[i];
	      j1 = ii%d1;
	      j2 = ii/d1;
	      BETAhat[j1][j2] = x_B[i];
	    else if (basics[i] < 2*n0 && x_B[i] > EPS0) {
	      ii = basics[i]-n0;
	      j1 = ii%d1;
	      j2 = ii/d1;
	      BETAhat[j1][j2] = -x_B[i];
          for (j1=0; j1<d1; j1++) {
            for (j2=0; j2<d2; j2++) {
	      if (ABS(BETAhat[j1][j2]) > 1e-5) {
	  status = 0;

      if ( col_out >= 0 ) {

	*                          -1  T                             *
	* STEP 2: Compute dy  = -(B  N) e                            * 
	*                   N            i			     *
	*         where i = col_out                                  *

	vec[0] = -1.0;
	ivec[0] = col_out;
	nvec = 1;

	btsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );  		

	Nt_times_y( N, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );

	* STEP 3: Ratio test to find entering column                 * 

	col_in = ratio_test2( dy_N, idy_N, ndy_N, y_N, ybar_N, mu );

	if (col_in == -1) { 	/* INFEASIBLE*/
	    status = 2;
	    printf("infeasible \n");

	*                        -1                                  *
	* STEP 4: Compute dx  = B  N e                               * 
	*                   B         j                              *
	*                                                            *

	j = nonbasics[col_in];
	for (i=0, k=ka[j]; k<ka[j+1]; i++, k++) {
	     dx_B[i] =  a[k];
	    idx_B[i] = ia[k];
	ndx_B = i;

	bsolve( m, dx_B, idx_B, &ndx_B );

      } else {

	*                        -1                                  *
	* STEP 2: Compute dx  = B  N e                               * 
	*                   B         j                              *

	j = nonbasics[col_in];
	for (i=0, k=ka[j]; k<ka[j+1]; i++, k++) {
	     dx_B[i] =  a[k];
	    idx_B[i] = ia[k];
	ndx_B = i;

	bsolve( m, dx_B, idx_B, &ndx_B );

	* STEP 3: Ratio test to find leaving column                  * 

	col_out = ratio_test( dx_B, idx_B, ndx_B, x_B, xbar_B, basics, freevars, mu );

	if (col_out == -1) {	/* UNBOUNDED */
	    status = 1;
	    printf("unbounded \n");

	*                          -1  T                             *
	* STEP 4: Compute dy  = -(B  N) e                            * 
	*                   N            i			     *
	*                                                            *

	 vec[0] = -1.0;
	ivec[0] = col_out;
	nvec = 1;

	btsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );  		

	Nt_times_y( N, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );


      *                                                            *
      * STEP 5: Put       t = x /dx                                *
      *                        i   i                               *
      *                   _   _                                    *
      *                   t = x /dx                                *
      *                        i   i                               *
      *                   s = y /dy                                *
      *                        j   j                               *
      *                   _   _                                    *
      *                   s = y /dy                                *
      *                        j   j                               *

      for (k=0; k<ndx_B; k++) if (idx_B[k] == col_out) break;

      t    =    x_B[col_out]/dx_B[k];
      tbar = xbar_B[col_out]/dx_B[k];

      for (k=0; k<ndy_N; k++) if (idy_N[k] == col_in) break;

      s    =    y_N[col_in]/dy_N[k];
      sbar = ybar_N[col_in]/dy_N[k];

      *                                _    _    _                 *
      * STEP 7: Set y  = y  - s dy     y  = y  - s dy              *
      *              N    N       N     N    N       N             *
      *                                _    _                      *
      *             y  = s             y  = s                      *
      *              i                  i                          *
      *             _    _    _                                    *
      *             x  = x  - t dx     x  = x  - t dx              *
      *              B    B       B     B    B       B             *
      *             _    _                                         *
      *             x  = t             x  = t                      *
      *              j                  j                          *

      for (k=0; k<ndy_N; k++) {
		j = idy_N[k];
		y_N[j]    -= s   *dy_N[k];
		ybar_N[j] -= sbar*dy_N[k];

      y_N[col_in]    = s;
      ybar_N[col_in] = sbar;

      for (k=0; k<ndx_B; k++) {
		i = idx_B[k];
		x_B[i]    -= t   *dx_B[k];
		xbar_B[i] -= tbar*dx_B[k];


      x_B[col_out]     = t;
      xbar_B[col_out]  = tbar;

      * STEP 8: Update basis                                       * 

      i =    basics[col_out];
      j = nonbasics[col_in];
      basics[col_out]   = j;
      nonbasics[col_in] = i;
      basicflag[i] = -col_in-1;
      basicflag[j] = col_out;

      * STEP 9: Refactor basis and print statistics                *

      from_scratch = refactor( m, ka, ia, a, basics, col_out, v);

      if (from_scratch) {
          primal_obj = sdotprod(c,x_B,basics,m) + f;
/*          printf("%8d %14.7e %9.2e \n", iter, high(primal_obj), high(mu));

    primal_obj = sdotprod(c,x_B,basics,m) + f;

    * 	Transcribe solution to x vector and dual solution to y      *

    * 	Split out slack variables and shift dual variables.

    * 	Free work space                                             *
    Nt_times_y(-1, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N);



    btsolve(0, vec, ivec, &nvec);
    bsolve(0, vec, ivec, &nvec);

    FREE(  vec );
    FREE( ivec );
    FREE(  x_B );
    FREE(  y_N );
    FREE( dx_B );
    FREE(idx_B );
    FREE( dy_N );
    FREE(idy_N );
    FREE( nonbasics );
    FREE( basics );

    return status;
}   /* End of solver */
Exemple #2
/* Report the traditional tableau corresponding to the current basis */
MYBOOL REPORT_tableau(lprec *lp)
  int  j, row_nr, *coltarget;
  LPSREAL *prow = NULL;
  FILE *stream = lp->outstream;

  if(lp->outstream == NULL)

  if(!lp->model_is_valid || !has_BFP(lp) ||
     (get_total_iter(lp) == 0) || (lp->spx_status == NOTRUN)) {
    lp->spx_status = NOTRUN;
  if(!allocREAL(lp, &prow,lp->sum + 1, TRUE)) {
    lp->spx_status = NOMEMORY;

  fprintf(stream, "\n");
  fprintf(stream, "Tableau at iter %.0f:\n", (double) get_total_iter(lp));

  for(j = 1; j <= lp->sum; j++)
    if (!lp->is_basic[j])
      fprintf(stream, "%15d", (j <= lp->rows ?
                               (j + lp->columns) * ((lp->orig_upbo[j] == 0) ||
                                                    (is_chsign(lp, j)) ? 1 : -1) : j - lp->rows) *
                              (lp->is_lower[j] ? 1 : -1));
  fprintf(stream, "\n");

  coltarget = (int *) mempool_obtainVector(lp->workarrays, lp->columns+1, sizeof(*coltarget));
  if(!get_colIndexA(lp, SCAN_USERVARS+USE_NONBASICVARS, coltarget, FALSE)) {
    mempool_releaseVector(lp->workarrays, (char *) coltarget, FALSE);
  for(row_nr = 1; (row_nr <= lp->rows + 1); row_nr++) {
    if (row_nr <= lp->rows)
      fprintf(stream, "%3d", (lp->var_basic[row_nr] <= lp->rows ?
                              (lp->var_basic[row_nr] + lp->columns) * ((lp->orig_upbo[lp->var_basic [row_nr]] == 0) ||
                                                                       (is_chsign(lp, lp->var_basic[row_nr])) ? 1 : -1) : lp->var_basic[row_nr] - lp->rows) *
                             (lp->is_lower[lp->var_basic [row_nr]] ? 1 : -1));
      fprintf(stream, "   ");
    bsolve(lp, row_nr <= lp->rows ? row_nr : 0, prow, NULL, lp->epsmachine*DOUBLEROUND, 1.0);
    prod_xA(lp, coltarget, prow, NULL, lp->epsmachine, 1.0,
                                       prow, NULL, MAT_ROUNDDEFAULT);

    for(j = 1; j <= lp->rows + lp->columns; j++)
      if (!lp->is_basic[j])
        fprintf(stream, "%15.7f", prow[j] * (lp->is_lower[j] ? 1 : -1) *
                                            (row_nr <= lp->rows ? 1 : -1));
    fprintf(stream, "%15.7f", lp->rhs[row_nr <= lp->rows ? row_nr : 0] *
                              (double) ((row_nr <= lp->rows) || (is_maxim(lp)) ? 1 : -1));
    fprintf(stream, "\n");

  mempool_releaseVector(lp->workarrays, (char *) coltarget, FALSE);
Exemple #3
STATIC void updatePricer(lprec *lp, int rownr, int colnr, REAL *pcol, REAL *prow, int *nzprow)
  REAL   *vEdge = NULL, cEdge, hold, *newEdge, *w = NULL;
  int    i, m, n, exitcol, errlevel = DETAILED;
  MYBOOL forceRefresh = FALSE, isDual, isDEVEX;


  /* Make sure we have something to update */
  hold = lp->edgeVector[0];
  if(hold < 0)
  isDual = (MYBOOL) (hold > 0);

  /* Do common initializations and computations */
  m = lp->rows;
  n = lp->sum;
  isDEVEX = is_piv_rule(lp, PRICER_DEVEX);
  exitcol = lp->var_basic[rownr];

  /* Solve/copy Bw = a */
/*  formWeights(lp, colnr, NULL, &w);  Experimental */
  formWeights(lp, colnr, pcol, &w);

  /* Price norms for the dual simplex - the basic columns */
  if(isDual) {
    REAL rw;
    int  targetcol;

    /* Don't need to compute cross-products with DEVEX */
    if(!isDEVEX) {
      allocREAL(lp, &vEdge, m+1, FALSE);

    /* Extract the row of the inverse containing the leaving variable
       and then form the dot products against the other variables, i.e. "Tau" */
#if 0 /* Extract row explicitly */
      bsolve(lp, rownr, vEdge, 0, 0.0);
#else /* Reuse previously extracted row data */
      MEMCOPY(vEdge, prow, m+1);
      vEdge[0] = 0;
      lp->bfp_ftran_normal(lp, vEdge, NULL);

   /* Deal with the variable entering the basis to become a new leaving candidate */
    cEdge = lp->edgeVector[exitcol];
    rw = w[rownr];
    hold = 1 / rw;
    lp->edgeVector[colnr] = (hold*hold) * cEdge;

   /* Possibly adjust initial value in case of Devex */
    if(isDEVEX && !DEVEX_ENHANCED && (lp->edgeVector[colnr] < DEVEX_MINVALUE))
      lp->edgeVector[colnr] = DEVEX_MINVALUE;

#ifdef Paranoia
    if(lp->edgeVector[colnr] <= lp->epsmachine)
      report(lp, errlevel, "updatePricer: Invalid dual norm %g at entering index %d - iteration %d\n",
                           lp->edgeVector[colnr], rownr, lp->total_iter+lp->current_iter);

   /* Then loop over all basic variables, but skip the leaving row */
    for(i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      if(i == rownr)
      targetcol = lp->var_basic[i];
      hold = w[i];
      if(hold == 0)
      hold /= rw;
      if(fabs(hold) < lp->epsmachine)

      newEdge = &(lp->edgeVector[targetcol]);
      *newEdge += (hold*hold) * cEdge;
      if(isDEVEX) {
        if((*newEdge) > DEVEX_RESTARTLIMIT) {
          forceRefresh = TRUE;
      else {
        *newEdge -= 2*hold*vEdge[i];
#ifdef xxApplySteepestEdgeMinimum
        *newEdge = my_max(*newEdge, hold*hold+1); /* Kludge; use the primal lower bound */
        if(*newEdge <= 0) {
          report(lp, errlevel, "updatePricer: Invalid dual norm %g at index %d - iteration %d\n",
                                *newEdge, i, lp->total_iter+lp->current_iter);
          forceRefresh = TRUE;

  /* Price norms for the primal simplex - the non-basic columns */
  else {

    REAL *vTemp, *vAlpha, cAlpha;
    int  *coltarget;

    allocREAL(lp, &vTemp, m+1, TRUE);
    allocREAL(lp, &vAlpha, n+1, TRUE);

    /* Check if we have strategy fallback for the primal */
      isDEVEX = is_piv_mode(lp, PRICE_PRIMALFALLBACK);

    /* Initialize column target array */
    coltarget = (int *) mempool_obtainVector(lp->workarrays, lp->sum+1, sizeof(*coltarget));
    if(!get_colIndexA(lp, SCAN_ALLVARS+USE_NONBASICVARS, coltarget, FALSE)) {
      mempool_releaseVector(lp->workarrays, (char *) coltarget, FALSE);

    /* Don't need to compute cross-products with DEVEX */
    if(!isDEVEX) {
      vEdge = (REAL *) calloc((n + 1), sizeof(*vEdge));

      /* Compute v and then N'v */
      MEMCOPY(vTemp, w, m+1);
      bsolve(lp, -1, vTemp, NULL, lp->epsmachine*DOUBLEROUND, 0.0);
      vTemp[0] = 0;
      prod_xA(lp, coltarget, vTemp, NULL, XRESULT_FREE, lp->epsmachine, 0.0,
                             vEdge, NULL);

    /* Compute Sigma and then Alpha */
    bsolve(lp, rownr, vTemp, NULL, 0*DOUBLEROUND, 0.0);
    vTemp[0] = 0;
    prod_xA(lp, coltarget, vTemp, NULL, XRESULT_FREE, lp->epsmachine, 0.0,
                           vAlpha, NULL);
    mempool_releaseVector(lp->workarrays, (char *) coltarget, FALSE);

    /* Update the squared steepest edge norms; first store some constants */
    cEdge = lp->edgeVector[colnr];
    cAlpha = vAlpha[colnr];

    /* Deal with the variable leaving the basis to become a new entry candidate */
    hold = 1 / cAlpha;
    lp->edgeVector[exitcol] = (hold*hold) * cEdge;

   /* Possibly adjust initial value in case of Devex */
    if(isDEVEX && !DEVEX_ENHANCED && (lp->edgeVector[exitcol] < DEVEX_MINVALUE))
      lp->edgeVector[exitcol] = DEVEX_MINVALUE;

#ifdef Paranoia
    if(lp->edgeVector[exitcol] <= lp->epsmachine)
      report(lp, errlevel, "updatePricer: Invalid primal norm %g at leaving index %d - iteration %d\n",
                          lp->edgeVector[exitcol], exitcol, lp->total_iter+lp->current_iter);

    /* Then loop over all non-basic variables, but skip the entering column */
    for(i = 1; i <= lp->sum; i++) {
      if(lp->is_basic[i] || (i == colnr))
      hold = vAlpha[i];
      if(hold == 0)
      hold /= cAlpha;
      if(fabs(hold) < lp->epsmachine)

      newEdge = &(lp->edgeVector[i]);
      *newEdge += (hold*hold) * cEdge;
      if(isDEVEX) {
        if((*newEdge) > DEVEX_RESTARTLIMIT) {
          forceRefresh = TRUE;
      else {
        *newEdge -= 2*hold*vEdge[i];
#ifdef ApplySteepestEdgeMinimum
        *newEdge = my_max(*newEdge, hold*hold+1);
        if(*newEdge < 0) {
          report(lp, errlevel, "updatePricer: Invalid primal norm %g at index %d - iteration %d\n",
                               *newEdge, i, lp->total_iter+lp->current_iter);
            report(lp, errlevel, "Error detail: (RelAlpha=%g, vEdge=%g, cEdge=%g)\n", hold, vEdge[i], cEdge);
          forceRefresh = TRUE;



  if(vEdge != NULL)

    restartPricer(lp, AUTOMATIC);

Exemple #4
STATIC void restartPricer(lprec *lp, MYBOOL isdual)
  REAL   *sEdge, seNorm, hold;
  int    i, j, m;


  /* Store the active/current pricing type */
  if(isdual == AUTOMATIC)
    isdual = (MYBOOL) lp->edgeVector[0];
    lp->edgeVector[0] = isdual;

  m = lp->rows;

  /* Determine strategy and check if we have strategy fallback for the primal */
  isDEVEX = is_piv_rule(lp, PRICER_DEVEX);
  if(!isDEVEX && !isdual)
    isDEVEX = is_piv_mode(lp, PRICE_PRIMALFALLBACK);

  /* Check if we only need to do the simple DEVEX initialization */
    if(isdual) {
      for(i = 1; i <= m; i++)
        lp->edgeVector[lp->var_basic[i]] = 1.0;
    else {
      for(i = 1; i <= lp->sum; i++)
          lp->edgeVector[i] = 1.0;

  /* Otherwise do the full Steepest Edge norm initialization */
  sEdge = (REAL *) malloc((m + 1) * sizeof(*sEdge));

  if(isdual) {

   /* Extract the rows of the basis inverse and compute their squared norms */

    for(i = 1; i <= m; i++) {

      bsolve(lp, i, sEdge, NULL, 0, 0.0);

      /* Compute the edge norm */
      seNorm = 0;
      for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
        hold = sEdge[j];
        seNorm += hold*hold;

      j = lp->var_basic[i];
      lp->edgeVector[j] = seNorm;

  else {

   /* Solve a=Bb for b over all non-basic variables and compute their squared norms */

    for(i = 1; i <= lp->sum; i++) {

      fsolve(lp, i, sEdge, NULL, 0, 0.0, FALSE);

      /* Compute the edge norm */
      seNorm = 1;
      for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
        hold = sEdge[j];
        seNorm += hold*hold;

      lp->edgeVector[i] = seNorm;



Exemple #5
/* project when (Kx,Kz) != (0,0) */
void increproject(int count, int k, int z, int x0,
                  func_force_tt force)

    /* External Variables */
    extern int qpts, dimR, dimQ, Nx;
    extern double dt, re;
    extern double *Kx, *Kz, **K2;
    extern mcomplex **IFa, **IFb, **ITM;
    extern double **Q, **Qp, **Qpp, **R, **Rp, **Qw, **Qpw, **Rw, **Qs,
        **Qps, **Qpps, **Rs, **Rps;
    extern double ***M;
    extern mcomplex ****IU, ****IC;
    extern mcomplex *****MIC;
    /* Local variables */
    int i, j, x;
    double s, t[2];

    /* static double a[3] = {29./96., -3./40.,   1./6.};
       static double b[3] = {37./160., 5./24.,   1./6.};
       static double c[3] = { 8./15.,  5./12.,   3./4.};
       static double d[3] = { 0.,    -17./60.,  -5./12.}; */

    static double a[3] = { 1. / 3., -1. / 2, 1. / 3. };
    static double b[3] = { 1. / 6, 2. / 3, 0. };
    static double c[3] = { 1. / 2, 1. / 3., 1., };
    static double d[3] = { 0., -1. / 6, -2. / 3 };

    /*static double e[4] = { 4. / 3., -4. / 15., -4. / 15., 4. / 35. };
    static double r[8] =
        { -16. / 15., 16. / 35., 32. / 105., -32. / 105., -16. / 315.,
16. / 231., 0., 0. };
    static double xx[8] =
        { 8. / 35., -8. / 315., -8. / 105., 8. / 385., 8. / 385.,
-8. / 1001., -8. / 3003., 8. / 6435. };*/
    //   static  double h[3] = { 0., 1./2., 2./3.};
    //   static  double h[3] = { 0., 8./15., 2./3.};

//    mcomplex tmp[Nx / 2][dimR], tmp2[Nx / 2][dimQ];
//    if (force != NULL) {
//        force(n, k, z, tmp[0], tmp2[0]);
//    }

    /* Apply Forcing */
    if ((force != NULL)&&(k==0)) {
        memset(IFa[0], 0, dimQ * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(mcomplex));
        memset(IFb[0], 0, dimR * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(mcomplex));
        force(count, k, z, IFa, IFb);
        /* form mass matrix, solve for forcing contribution to da/dt */
        /* Left hand side M = Mv */
        memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < T_QSDIAG; ++j) {
                for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                    M[i][j][x] = -(K2[z][x] * Qs[i][j] + Qps[i][j]);      
        bsolve(M, IFa, QSDIAG - 1, QSDIAG - 1, dimQ, Nx / 2, x0);

        /* form mass matrix, solve for forcing contribution to db/dt */
        /* Left hand side M = Mv */
        memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < T_RSDIAG; ++j) {
                for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                    M[i][j][x] = Rs[i][j];      
        bsolve(M, IFb, RSDIAG - 1, RSDIAG - 1, dimR, Nx / 2, x0);
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
             for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
                Re(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) += dt * Re(IFa[i][x]);
                Im(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) += dt * Im(IFa[i][x]);
             for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
                Re(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) += dt * Re(IFb[i][x]);
                Im(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) += dt * Im(IFb[i][x]);

    memset(IFa[0], 0, dimQ * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    memset(IFb[0], 0, dimR * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(mcomplex));

    /* Create matrices for solving linear system. 
       Right hand side of system:  If this is the first step in the Runge-Kutta
       scheme, compute 
       [Mv + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dv]*C[z][ALPHA] + dt*c[k]Fv. 
       Otherwise, compute C[z][ALPHA] + dt*c[k]Fv. 
       Lhs matrix:  Mv - (1/RE)b[k]dt*Dv           */

    if (k == 0) {               /* first step */
        memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {    /* M = Mv + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dv */
            for (j = 0; j < T_QSDIAG; ++j) {
                for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                    s = K2[z][x] * K2[z][x];
                    M[i][j][x] = -(K2[z][x] * Qs[i][j] + Qps[i][j]) +
                        re * a[0] * dt * (s * Qs[i][j] +
                                          2. * K2[z][x] * Qps[i][j] +
        /* compute [Mv + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dv]*IC[z][ALPHA] and store the result
           in TM.  Then transfer the result back to IC[z][ALPHA]. */
        smMult(M, IC[z][ALPHA], ITM, QSDIAG - 1, QSDIAG - 1, dimQ, Nx / 2,
        for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
            memcpy(&IC[z][ALPHA][i][x0], &ITM[i][x0],
                   (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));

    /* Left hand side M = Mv - (1/RE)b[k]dt*Dv */
    memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
    for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < T_QSDIAG; ++j) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                s = K2[z][x] * K2[z][x];
                M[i][j][x] = -(K2[z][x] * Qs[i][j] + Qps[i][j]) -
                    re * b[k] * dt * (s * Qs[i][j] +
                                      2. * K2[z][x] * Qps[i][j] +

    /* Finish computing the right hand size */
    /* array IFa */
    //memset(IFa[0], 0, dimR * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < qpts; ++j) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                Re(IFa[i][x]) += (Qpw[i][j] *
                                  (-Kx[x] * Im(IU[z][HXEL][j][x]) -
                                   Kz[z] * Im(IU[z][HZEL][j][x])) -
                                  K2[z][x] * (Qw[i][j] *
                Im(IFa[i][x]) +=
                    (Qpw[i][j] *
                     (Kx[x] * Re(IU[z][HXEL][j][x]) +
                      Kz[z] * Re(IU[z][HZEL][j][x])) -
                     K2[z][x] * (Qw[i][j] * Im(IU[z][HYEL][j][x])));

    //if (force != NULL) {
    //    for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
    //        for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
    //            Im(IFa[i][x]) += Im(tmp[x][i]);
    //            Re(IFa[i][x]) += Re(tmp[x][i]);
    //        }
    //    }

    for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            Re(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) += dt * c[k] * Re(IFa[i][x]);
            Im(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) += dt * c[k] * Im(IFa[i][x]);

/* Boundary conditions enforced here (note presence of Uzbt */

/*    for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
        for (i = 0; i < 8 && i < dimQ; ++i) {
            Re(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) +=
                (r[i] / 2. - K2[z][x] * xx[i]) * (Re(Uzbt[z][x]) -
                                                  Re(Uzb[z][x])) +
                dt * re * (a[k] * Re(Uzbt[z][x]) +
                           b[k] * Re(Uzb[z][x])) * (-K2[z][x] * r[i] +
                                                    K2[z][x] * K2[z][x] *
            Im(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) +=
                (r[i] / 2. - K2[z][x] * xx[i]) * (Im(Uzbt[z][x]) -
                                                  Im(Uzb[z][x])) +
                dt * re * (a[k] * Im(Uzbt[z][x]) +
                           b[k] * Im(Uzb[z][x])) * (-K2[z][x] * r[i] +
                                                    K2[z][x] * K2[z][x] *


    /* Compute alphas */
    bsolve(M, IC[z][ALPHA], QSDIAG - 1, QSDIAG - 1, dimQ, Nx / 2, x0);

    /* Create matrices for solving linear system. 
       Right hand side of system:  If this is the first step in the Runge-Kutta
       scheme, compute 
       [Mg + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dg]*C[z][BETA] + dt*c[k]Fg. 
       Otherwise, compute C[z][BETA] + dt*c[k]Fg. 
       Lhs matrix:  Mg - (1/RE)b[k]dt*Dg                                */

    if (k == 0) {               /* first step */
        /* M = Mg + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dg */
        memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < T_RSDIAG; ++j) {
                for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                    M[i][j][x] = Rs[i][j] -
                        re * a[0] * dt * (Rps[i][j] + K2[z][x] * Rs[i][j]);

        /* compute [Mv + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dv]*IC[z][BETA] and store the result
           in TM.  Then transfer the result back to IC[z][ALPHA]. */
        smMult(M, IC[z][BETA], ITM, RSDIAG - 1, RSDIAG - 1, dimR, Nx / 2,
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
            memcpy(&IC[z][BETA][i][x0], &ITM[i][x0],
                   (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));

    /* left hand side M = Mg - (1/RE)b[k]dt*Dg */
    memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
    for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {        /* M = Mg - (1/RE)b[k]dt*Dg */
        for (j = 0; j < T_RSDIAG; ++j) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                M[i][j][x] = Rs[i][j] +
                    re * b[k] * dt * (Rps[i][j] + K2[z][x] * Rs[i][j]);

    /* Finish computing the right hand size */
    /* array Fb */
    //memset(IFb[0], 0, dimR * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < qpts; ++j) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                Re(IFb[i][x]) += Rw[i][j] *
                    (-Kz[z] * Im(IU[z][HXEL][j][x]) +
                     Kx[x] * Im(IU[z][HZEL][j][x]));
                Im(IFb[i][x]) +=
                    Rw[i][j] * (Kz[z] * Re(IU[z][HXEL][j][x]) -
                                Kx[x] * Re(IU[z][HZEL][j][x]));

//     if (force != NULL) {
//         for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
//             for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
//                 Im(IFb[i][x]) += Im(tmp2[x][i]);
//                 Re(IFb[i][x]) += Re(tmp2[x][i]);
//             }
//         }
//     }
    for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            Re(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) += dt * c[k] * Re(IFb[i][x]);
            Im(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) += dt * c[k] * Im(IFb[i][x]);

    /* Boundary conditions here: */

/*    for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
        for (i = 0; i < 4 && i < dimR; ++i) {
            Re(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) +=
                e[i] / 2. * (Re(Uxbt[z][x]) - Re(Uxb[z][x])) +
                dt * re * (a[k] * Re(Uxbt[z][x]) +
                           b[k] * Re(Uxb[z][x])) * (-K2[z][x] * e[i] / 2.);
            Im(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) +=
                e[i] / 2. * (Im(Uxbt[z][x]) - Im(Uxb[z][x])) +
                dt * re * (a[k] * Im(Uxbt[z][x]) +
                           b[k] * Im(Uxb[z][x])) * (-K2[z][x] * e[i] / 2.);

    /* Compute betas */
    bsolve(M, IC[z][BETA], RSDIAG - 1, RSDIAG - 1, dimR, Nx / 2, x0);

    /* v = uy_hat+c2/4*(1-y)^2*(1+y). */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        memset(&IU[z][YEL][i][x0], 0, (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            for (j = 0; j < dimQ; ++j) {
                Re(IU[z][YEL][i][x]) += Q[i][j] * Re(IC[z][ALPHA][j][x]);
                Im(IU[z][YEL][i][x]) += Q[i][j] * Im(IC[z][ALPHA][j][x]);
            //Re(IU[z][YEL][i][x]) += Re(Uzb[z][x]) * Vadd[i] / 4.;
            //Im(IU[z][YEL][i][x]) += Im(Uzb[z][x]) * Vadd[i] / 4.;

    /* f = -dv/dy and store temporarily in XEL position of array U. */
    /*f=-dv/dy-c2/4*(3y^2-2y-1) */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        memset(&IU[z][XEL][i][x0], 0, (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            for (j = 0; j < dimQ; ++j) {
                Re(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) -= Qp[i][j] * Re(IC[z][ALPHA][j][x]);
                Im(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) -= Qp[i][j] * Im(IC[z][ALPHA][j][x]);
            //Re(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) -= Re(Uzb[z][x]) * Vpadd[i] / 4.;
            //Im(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) -= Im(Uzb[z][x]) * Vpadd[i] / 4.;

    /* sum(Q''alpha) and store in DXEL position. */
    /*df/dy=d^2 v/dy^2+c2/4*(6y-2)=d^2 v/dy^2+c2/2*(-3+3y+2) */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        memset(&IU[z][DXEL][i][x0], 0, (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            for (j = 0; j < dimQ; ++j) {
                Re(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) +=
                    Qpp[i][j] * Re(IC[z][ALPHA][j][x]);
                Im(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) +=
                    Qpp[i][j] * Im(IC[z][ALPHA][j][x]);
            //Re(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) +=
            //    Re(Uzb[z][x]) * (-3 * Uadd[i] + 2) / 2.;
            //Im(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) +=
            //    Im(Uzb[z][x]) * (-3 * Uadd[i] + 2) / 2.;

    /* Compute g = sum(beta*R) and store temporarily in ZEL position of 
       array U. */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        memset(&IU[z][ZEL][i][x0], 0, (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            for (j = 0; j < dimR; ++j) {
                Re(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) += R[i][j] * Re(IC[z][BETA][j][x]);
                Im(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) += R[i][j] * Im(IC[z][BETA][j][x]);

            //Re(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) += Re(Uxb[z][x]) * Uadd[i] / 2.;
            //Im(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) += Im(Uxb[z][x]) * Uadd[i] / 2.;

    /* Compute sum(beta*R') and store temporarily in DZEL position of
       array IU. */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        memset(&IU[z][DZEL][i][x0], 0, (Nx / 2 - x0) * sizeof(mcomplex));
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            for (j = 0; j < dimR; ++j) {
                Re(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) += Rp[i][j] * Re(IC[z][BETA][j][x]);
                Im(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) += Rp[i][j] * Im(IC[z][BETA][j][x]);
            //Re(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) += -Re(Uxb[z][x]) / 2.;
            //Im(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) += -Im(Uxb[z][x]) / 2.;

    /* now compute Iux hat, Iuz hat */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            t[0] = Re(IU[z][XEL][i][x]);        /* real part of f */
            t[1] = Re(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]);        /* real part of g */

            Re(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) = (Kx[x] * Im(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) +
                                    Kz[z] * Im(IU[z][ZEL][i][x])) / K2[z][x];
            Re(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) = (-Kx[x] * Im(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) +
                                    Kz[z] * Im(IU[z][XEL][i][x])) / K2[z][x];
            Im(IU[z][XEL][i][x]) =
                -(Kx[x] * t[0] + Kz[z] * t[1]) / K2[z][x];
            Im(IU[z][ZEL][i][x]) =
                (Kx[x] * t[1] - Kz[z] * t[0]) / K2[z][x];

    /* dux hat, duz hat */
    for (i = 0; i < qpts; ++i) {
        for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
            t[0] = Re(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]);       /* real part of Q''alpha */
            t[1] = Re(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]);       /* real part of R'beta */

            Re(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) = (-Kx[x] * Im(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) +
                                     Kz[z] * Im(IU[z][DZEL][i][x])) /
            Re(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) =
                -(Kx[x] * Im(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) +
                  Kz[z] * Im(IU[z][DXEL][i][x])) / K2[z][x];
            Im(IU[z][DXEL][i][x]) =
                (Kx[x] * t[0] - Kz[z] * t[1]) / K2[z][x];
            Im(IU[z][DZEL][i][x]) =
                (Kx[x] * t[1] + Kz[z] * t[0]) / K2[z][x];

    if (count >= 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; i++) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; x++) {
                Re(MIC[count][z][ALPHA][i][x]) = Re(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]);
                Im(MIC[count][z][ALPHA][i][x]) = Im(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]);
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; i++) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; x++) {
                Re(MIC[count][z][BETA][i][x]) = Re(IC[z][BETA][i][x]);
                Im(MIC[count][z][BETA][i][x]) = Im(IC[z][BETA][i][x]);

    if (k != 2) {               /* not last step */
        /* first alphas */
        memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {    /* M = Mv + (1/RE)a[k+1]dt*Dv */
            for (j = 0; j < T_QSDIAG; ++j) {
                for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                    s = K2[z][x] * K2[z][x];
                    M[i][j][x] = -(K2[z][x] * Qs[i][j] + Qps[i][j]) +
                        re * a[k + 1] * dt * (s * Qs[i][j] +
                                              2. * K2[z][x] * Qps[i][j] +

        /* compute [Mv + (1/RE)a[k]dt*Dv]*C[z][ALPHA].  Then update
           C[z][ALPHA] */
        smMult(M, IC[z][ALPHA], ITM, QSDIAG - 1, QSDIAG - 1, dimQ, Nx / 2,
        for (i = 0; i < dimQ; ++i) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                Re(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) =
                    Re(ITM[i][x]) + dt * d[k + 1] * Re(IFa[i][x]);
                Im(IC[z][ALPHA][i][x]) =
                    Im(ITM[i][x]) + dt * d[k + 1] * Im(IFa[i][x]);

        /* now betas */
        memset(M[0][0], 0, dimR * 9 * (Nx / 2) * sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {    /* M = Mg + (1/RE)a[k+1]dt*Dg */
            for (j = 0; j < T_RSDIAG; ++j) {
                for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                    M[i][j][x] = Rs[i][j] -
                        re * a[k + 1] * dt * (Rps[i][j] +
                                              K2[z][x] * Rs[i][j]);

        /* compute [Mg + (1/RE)a[k+1]dt*Dg]*C[z][BETA] and then
           update C[z][BETA] */
        smMult(M, IC[z][BETA], ITM, RSDIAG - 1, RSDIAG - 1, dimR, Nx / 2,
        for (i = 0; i < dimR; ++i) {
            for (x = x0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                Re(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) =
                    Re(ITM[i][x]) + dt * d[k + 1] * Re(IFb[i][x]);
                Im(IC[z][BETA][i][x]) =
                    Im(ITM[i][x]) + dt * d[k + 1] * Im(IFb[i][x]);

Exemple #6
STATIC MYBOOL restartPricer(lprec *lp, MYBOOL isdual)
  REAL   *sEdge = NULL, seNorm, hold;
  int    i, j, m;
  MYBOOL isDEVEX, ok = applyPricer(lp);
/* Correction from V6, apparently, via Kjell Eikland and the
** lpSolve mailing list 2014-06-18 2:57 p.m. */

  if (ok && (lp->edgeVector[0] < 0) && (isdual == AUTOMATIC))
    ok = FALSE;

    return( ok );

  /* Store the active/current pricing type */
  if(isdual == AUTOMATIC)
    isdual = (MYBOOL) lp->edgeVector[0];
    lp->edgeVector[0] = isdual;

  m = lp->rows;

  /* Determine strategy and check if we have strategy fallback for the primal */
  isDEVEX = is_piv_rule(lp, PRICER_DEVEX);
  if(!isDEVEX && !isdual)
    isDEVEX = is_piv_mode(lp, PRICE_PRIMALFALLBACK);

  /* Check if we only need to do the simple DEVEX initialization */
  if(!is_piv_mode(lp, PRICE_TRUENORMINIT)) {
    if(isdual) {
      for(i = 1; i <= m; i++)
        lp->edgeVector[lp->var_basic[i]] = 1.0;
    else {
      for(i = 1; i <= lp->sum; i++)
          lp->edgeVector[i] = 1.0;
    return( ok );

  /* Otherwise do the full Steepest Edge norm initialization */
  ok = allocREAL(lp, &sEdge, m+1, FALSE);
    return( ok );

  if(isdual) {

   /* Extract the rows of the basis inverse and compute their squared norms */

    for(i = 1; i <= m; i++) {

      bsolve(lp, i, sEdge, NULL, 0, 0.0);

      /* Compute the edge norm */
      seNorm = 0;
      for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
        hold = sEdge[j];
        seNorm += hold*hold;

      j = lp->var_basic[i];
      lp->edgeVector[j] = seNorm;

  else {

   /* Solve a=Bb for b over all non-basic variables and compute their squared norms */

    for(i = 1; i <= lp->sum; i++) {

      fsolve(lp, i, sEdge, NULL, 0, 0.0, FALSE);

      /* Compute the edge norm */
      seNorm = 1;
      for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
        hold = sEdge[j];
        seNorm += hold*hold;

      lp->edgeVector[i] = seNorm;



  return( ok );

Exemple #7
void solver20(
    int m,		/* number of constraints */
    int n,		/* number of variables */
    int nz,		/* number of nonzeros in sparse constraint matrix */
    int *ia, 		/* array row indices */
    int *ka, 		/* array of indices into ia and a */
    double *a,		/* array of nonzeros in the constraint matrix */
    double *b, 		/* right-hand side */
    double *c          /* objective coefficients */

	/*structure of the solver*/

    int *basics;
    int *nonbasics;
    int *basicflag;
    double  *x_B;	/* primal basics */
    double  *y_N;	/* dual nonbasics */
    double  *xbar_B;	/* primal basic perturbation */
    double  *ybar_N;    /* dual nonbasic perturbation*/
    double  *dy_N;	/*  dual  basics step direction - values (sparse) */
    int    *idy_N;	/*  dual  basics step direction - row indices */
    int     ndy_N=0;	/* number of nonz in dy_N */
    double  *dx_B;	/* primal basics step direction - values (sparse) */
    int    *idx_B;	/* primal basics step direction - row indices */
    int     ndx_B;	/* number of nonz in dx_B */
    double  *at;	/* sparse data structure for a^t */
    int    *iat;
    int    *kat;
    int     col_in;	/* entering column; index in 'nonbasics' */
    int     col_out;	/* leaving column; index in 'basics' */
    int     iter = 0;	/* number of iterations */
    int     i,j,k,v=0;
    double  s, t, sbar, tbar, mu=HUGE_VAL;
    double  *vec;
    int    *ivec;
    int     nvec;
    int     N;


    * read in the data and initialize the common memory sites.

	//add the slack variables

    i = 0;
    k = ka[n];
    for (j=n; j<N; j++) {	
	a[k] = 1.0;
	ia[k] = i;
	ka[j+1] = k;
    nz = k;

    MALLOC(    x_B, m,   double );      
    MALLOC( xbar_B, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(   dx_B, m,   double );  
    MALLOC(    y_N, n,   double );
    MALLOC( ybar_N, n,   double );           
    MALLOC(   dy_N, n,   double );  
    MALLOC(    vec, N,   double );
    MALLOC(   ivec, N,    int );
    MALLOC(  idx_B, m,    int );      
    MALLOC(  idy_N, n,    int );      
    MALLOC(     at, nz,  double );
    MALLOC(    iat, nz,   int );
    MALLOC(    kat, m+1,  int );
    MALLOC(   basics,    m,   int );      
    MALLOC(   nonbasics, n,   int );      
    MALLOC(   basicflag, N,   int );
    CALLOC(   x, N, double );

    *  initialization.              				    *


    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	nonbasics[j] = j;
	basicflag[j] = -j-1;
	      y_N[j] = -c[j];
           ybar_N[j] = 1;

    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	    basics[i] = n+i;
       basicflag[n+i] = i;
	       x_B[i] = b[i];
	    xbar_B[i] = 1;

    lufac( m, ka, ia, a, basics, 0 );

 for (iter=0; iter<MAX_ITER; iter++) {

      * step 1: find mu                                            *
      mu = -HUGE_VAL;
      col_in  = -1;
      for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
		if (ybar_N[j] > EPS2) { 
			if ( mu < -y_N[j]/ybar_N[j] ) {
			     mu = -y_N[j]/ybar_N[j];
			     col_in  = j;
      col_out = -1;

     for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
		if (xbar_B[i] > EPS2) { 
			if ( mu < -x_B[i]/xbar_B[i] ) {
			     mu = -x_B[i]/xbar_B[i];
			     col_out = i;
			     col_in  = -1;
       if ( mu <= lambda0 ) {	/* optimal */


	*                          -1  t                             *
	* step 2: compute dy  = -(b  n) e                            * 
	*                   n            i			     *
	*         where i = col_out                                  *
     if ( col_out >= 0 ) {
	vec[0] = -1.0;
	ivec[0] = col_out;
	nvec = 1;

	btsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );  
	Nt_times_y( N, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );

	col_in = ratio_test0( dy_N, idy_N, ndy_N, y_N, ybar_N,mu );

	* STEP 3: Ratio test to find entering column                 * 

	if (col_in == -1) { 	/* infeasible */
	    status0 = 1;

	*                        -1                                  *
	* step 4: compute dx  = b  n e                               * 
	*                   b         j                              *
	*                                                            *

	j = nonbasics[col_in];
	for (i=0, k=ka[j]; k<ka[j+1]; i++, k++) {
	     dx_B[i] =  a[k];
	    idx_B[i] = ia[k];
	ndx_B = i;
	bsolve( m, dx_B, idx_B, &ndx_B );


        else {

	*                        -1                                  *
	* STEP 2: Compute dx  = B  N e                               * 
	*                   B         j                              *

	j = nonbasics[col_in];
	for (i=0, k=ka[j]; k<ka[j+1]; i++, k++) {
	     dx_B[i] =  a[k];
	    idx_B[i] = ia[k];
	ndx_B = i;
	bsolve( m, dx_B, idx_B, &ndx_B );

	* STEP 3: Ratio test to find leaving column                  * 

	col_out = ratio_test0( dx_B, idx_B, ndx_B, x_B, xbar_B, mu );

	if (col_out == -1) {	/* UNBOUNDED */
	    status0 = 2;

	*                          -1  T                             *
	* STEP 4: Compute dy  = -(B  N) e                            * 
	*                   N            i			     *
	*                                                            *

	 vec[0] = -1.0;
	ivec[0] = col_out;
	nvec = 1;

	btsolve( m, vec, ivec, &nvec );  		
	Nt_times_y( N, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );


      *                                                            *
      * step 5: put       t = x /dx                                *
      *                        i   i                               *
      *                   _   _                                    *
      *                   t = x /dx                                *
      *                        i   i                               *
      *                   s = y /dy                                *
      *                        j   j                               *
      *                   _   _                                    *
      *                   s = y /dy                                *
      *                        j   j                               *

      for (k=0; k<ndx_B; k++) if (idx_B[k] == col_out) break;

      t    =    x_B[col_out]/dx_B[k];
      tbar = xbar_B[col_out]/dx_B[k];

      for (k=0; k<ndy_N; k++) if (idy_N[k] == col_in) break;

      s    =    y_N[col_in]/dy_N[k];
      sbar = ybar_N[col_in]/dy_N[k];

      *                                _    _    _                 *
      * step 7: set y  = y  - s dy     y  = y  - s dy              *
      *              n    n       n     n    n       n             *
      *                                _    _                      *
      *             y  = s             y  = s                      *
      *              i                  i                          *
      *             _    _    _                                    *
      *             x  = x  - t dx     x  = x  - t dx              *
      *              b    b       b     b    b       b             *
      *             _    _                                         *
      *             x  = t             x  = t                      *
      *              j                  j                          *

      for (k=0; k<ndy_N; k++) {
		j = idy_N[k];
		y_N[j]    -= s   *dy_N[k];
                ybar_N[j] -= sbar*dy_N[k];
      y_N[col_in]    = s;
      ybar_N[col_in] = sbar;

      for (k=0; k<ndx_B; k++) {
		i = idx_B[k];
		x_B[i]    -= t   *dx_B[k];
		xbar_B[i] -= tbar*dx_B[k];


      x_B[col_out]     = t;
      xbar_B[col_out]  = tbar;

      * step 8: update basis                                       * 

      i =    basics[col_out];
      j = nonbasics[col_in];
      basics[col_out]   = j;
      nonbasics[col_in] = i;
      basicflag[i] = -col_in-1;
      basicflag[j] = col_out;

      * step 9: refactor basis and print statistics                *

      refactor( m, ka, ia, a, basics, col_out, v );



      for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	  x[basics[i]] = x_B[i];

          Nt_times_y( -1, at, iat, kat, basicflag, vec, ivec, nvec, 
		     dy_N, idy_N, &ndy_N );

    * 	free work space                                             *

    FREE(  vec );
    FREE( ivec );
    FREE(  x_B );
    FREE(  y_N );
    FREE( dx_B );
    FREE(idx_B );
    FREE( dy_N );
    FREE(idy_N );
    FREE( nonbasics );
    FREE( basics );

       btsolve(0, vec, ivec, &nvec);
       bsolve(0, vec, ivec, &nvec);
