Exemple #1
*	函 数 名: BSP_Init
*	功能说明: 初始化CPU时钟、按键和LED灯GPIO、设置systick中断。这个函数由应用程序调用。
*	形    参:无
*	返 回 值: 无
void  BSP_Init (void)

	bsp_InitLed();		/* 初始化LED的GPIO */

	SysTick_Config(BSP_CPU_ClkFreq() / OS_TICKS_PER_SEC);

*       LCD_X_DisplayDriver
* Function description:
*   This function is called by the display driver for several purposes.
*   To support the according task the routine needs to be adapted to
*   the display controller. Please note that the commands marked with
*   'optional' are not cogently required and should only be adapted if
*   the display controller supports these features.
* Parameter:
*   LayerIndex - Index of layer to be configured
*   Cmd        - Please refer to the details in the switch statement below
*   pData      - Pointer to a LCD_X_DATA structure
* Return Value:
*   < -1 - Error
*     -1 - Command not handled
*      0 - Ok
int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * pData) {
  int r;
  (void) LayerIndex;
  (void) pData;
  switch (Cmd) {
    // Called during the initialization process in order to set up the
    // display controller and put it into operation. If the display
    // controller is not initialized by any external routine this needs
    // to be adapted by the customer...
    // ...
		bsp_InitLCD();						//modify by fire
    return 0;
    r = -1;
  return r;