long TimePermRingBuffer::timeSpan()
  return m_period * bufferSize();
void JavaScriptAudioNode::process(size_t framesToProcess)
    // Discussion about inputs and outputs:
    // As in other AudioNodes, JavaScriptAudioNode uses an AudioBus for its input and output (see inputBus and outputBus below).
    // Additionally, there is a double-buffering for input and output which is exposed directly to JavaScript (see inputBuffer and outputBuffer below).
    // This node is the producer for inputBuffer and the consumer for outputBuffer.
    // The JavaScript code is the consumer of inputBuffer and the producer for outputBuffer.
    // Get input and output busses.
    AudioBus* inputBus = this->input(0)->bus();
    AudioBus* outputBus = this->output(0)->bus();

    // Get input and output buffers.  We double-buffer both the input and output sides.
    unsigned doubleBufferIndex = this->doubleBufferIndex();
    bool isDoubleBufferIndexGood = doubleBufferIndex < 2 && doubleBufferIndex < m_inputBuffers.size() && doubleBufferIndex < m_outputBuffers.size();
    if (!isDoubleBufferIndexGood)
    AudioBuffer* inputBuffer = m_inputBuffers[doubleBufferIndex].get();
    AudioBuffer* outputBuffer = m_outputBuffers[doubleBufferIndex].get();

    // Check the consistency of input and output buffers.
    bool buffersAreGood = inputBuffer && outputBuffer && bufferSize() == inputBuffer->length() && bufferSize() == outputBuffer->length()
        && m_bufferReadWriteIndex + framesToProcess <= bufferSize();
    if (!buffersAreGood)

    // We assume that bufferSize() is evenly divisible by framesToProcess - should always be true, but we should still check.
    bool isFramesToProcessGood = framesToProcess && bufferSize() >= framesToProcess && !(bufferSize() % framesToProcess);
    if (!isFramesToProcessGood)
    unsigned numberOfInputChannels = inputBus->numberOfChannels();
    bool channelsAreGood = (numberOfInputChannels == 1 || numberOfInputChannels == 2) && outputBus->numberOfChannels() == 2;
    if (!channelsAreGood)

    float* sourceL = inputBus->channel(0)->data();
    float* sourceR = numberOfInputChannels > 1 ? inputBus->channel(1)->data() : 0;
    float* destinationL = outputBus->channel(0)->data();
    float* destinationR = outputBus->channel(1)->data();

    // Copy from the input to the input buffer.  See "buffersAreGood" check above for safety.
    size_t bytesToCopy = sizeof(float) * framesToProcess;
    memcpy(inputBuffer->getChannelData(0)->data() + m_bufferReadWriteIndex, sourceL, bytesToCopy);
    if (numberOfInputChannels == 2)
        memcpy(inputBuffer->getChannelData(1)->data() + m_bufferReadWriteIndex, sourceR, bytesToCopy);
    else if (numberOfInputChannels == 1) {
        // If the input is mono, then also copy the mono input to the right channel of the AudioBuffer which the AudioProcessingEvent uses.
        // FIXME: it is likely the audio API will evolve to present an AudioBuffer with the same number of channels as our input.
        memcpy(inputBuffer->getChannelData(1)->data() + m_bufferReadWriteIndex, sourceL, bytesToCopy);
    // Copy from the output buffer to the output.  See "buffersAreGood" check above for safety.
    memcpy(destinationL, outputBuffer->getChannelData(0)->data() + m_bufferReadWriteIndex, bytesToCopy);
    memcpy(destinationR, outputBuffer->getChannelData(1)->data() + m_bufferReadWriteIndex, bytesToCopy);

    // Update the buffering index.
    m_bufferReadWriteIndex = (m_bufferReadWriteIndex + framesToProcess) % bufferSize();

    // m_bufferReadWriteIndex will wrap back around to 0 when the current input and output buffers are full.
    // When this happens, fire an event and swap buffers.
    if (!m_bufferReadWriteIndex) {
        // Avoid building up requests on the main thread to fire process events when they're not being handled.
        // This could be a problem if the main thread is very busy doing other things and is being held up handling previous requests.
        if (m_isRequestOutstanding) {
            // We're late in handling the previous request.  The main thread must be very busy.
            // The best we can do is clear out the buffer ourself here.
        } else {
            // Reference ourself so we don't accidentally get deleted before fireProcessEvent() gets called.
            // Fire the event on the main thread, not this one (which is the realtime audio thread).
            m_doubleBufferIndexForEvent = m_doubleBufferIndex;
            m_isRequestOutstanding = true;
            callOnMainThread(fireProcessEventDispatch, this);
