Exemple #1
    void buildKdTree(KdNode *nodes, float *tmp, Item *items, int n, int depth, int thisNode, int &freeNode) {
        KdNode *node = nodes + thisNode;
        int keyIndex = depth%2;
        if (n==0) {
            node->child_node = -1;
        if (n<2) {
            node->child_node = 0;
            node->leftBounds[0] = items->bbox[keyIndex][0];
            node->leftBounds[1] = items->bbox[keyIndex][1];
            *((void**)(node->rightBounds)) = items->data;
            if (this->maxDepth<depth)
                this->maxDepth = depth;
        int medianIndex = n/2-1;
        for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
            tmp[i] = items[i].bbox[keyIndex][0];
        std::sort(tmp, tmp+n);
        float median = tmp[n/2-1];
        int l = 0;
        int r = n-1;
        while (l<r) {
            while (l<n && items[l].bbox[keyIndex][0]<=median) l++;
            while (r>=0 && items[r].bbox[keyIndex][0]>median) r--;
            if (l<r)
                std::swap(items[l], items[r]);
        medianIndex = r;
        if (medianIndex==n-1)
            medianIndex = n-2;
        node->leftBounds[0] = node->rightBounds[0] = FLT_MAX;
        node->leftBounds[1] = node->rightBounds[1] = -FLT_MAX;

        for (unsigned i=0; i<=medianIndex; i++) {
            if (items[i].bbox[keyIndex][0]<node->leftBounds[0])
                node->leftBounds[0] = items[i].bbox[keyIndex][0];
            if (items[i].bbox[keyIndex][1]>node->leftBounds[1])
                node->leftBounds[1] = items[i].bbox[keyIndex][1];

        for (unsigned i=medianIndex+1; i<n; i++) {
            if (items[i].bbox[keyIndex][0]<node->rightBounds[0])
                node->rightBounds[0] = items[i].bbox[keyIndex][0];
            if (items[i].bbox[keyIndex][1]>node->rightBounds[1])
                node->rightBounds[1] = items[i].bbox[keyIndex][1];

        node->child_node = freeNode;
        freeNode += 2;
        buildKdTree(nodes, tmp, items, medianIndex+1, depth+1, node->child_node, freeNode);
        if (medianIndex<n-1)
            buildKdTree(nodes, tmp, items + medianIndex+1, n-medianIndex-1, depth+1,
                        node->child_node+1, freeNode);
            nodes[node->child_node+1].child_node = -1;
Exemple #2
 void createKdTree(Item *items, int n) {
     this->maxDepth = 0;
     float *tmp = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*n);
     int freeNode = 1;
     buildKdTree(this->nodes.data(), tmp, items, n, 0, 0, freeNode);
     fprintf(stderr, "Created a Kd tree for bounding boxes with %d nodes and depth %d.\n", freeNode, this->maxDepth);
void Centerline::run()
  double t1 = Cpu();
  if (update_needed){
    std::ifstream input;
    //std::string pattern = FixRelativePath(fileName, "./");
    //Msg::StatusBar(true, "Reading TEST '%s'...", pattern.c_str());
      Msg::Fatal("Centerline file '%s' does not exist ", fileName.c_str());
    update_needed = false;

  if (is_cut) cutMesh();
    GFace *gf = current->getFaceByTag(1);
    current->setPhysicalName("wall", 2, 1);//tag 1
    NV = current->getMaxElementaryNumber(0);
    NE = current->getMaxElementaryNumber(1);
    NF = current->getMaxElementaryNumber(2);
    NR = current->getMaxElementaryNumber(3);

  //identify the boundary edges by looping over all discreteFaces
  std::vector<GEdge*> boundEdges;
  double dist_inlet = 1.e6;
  GEdge *gin = NULL;
  for (int i= 0; i< NF; i++){
    GFace *gf = current->getFaceByTag(i+1);
    std::list<GEdge*> l_edges = gf->edges();
    for(std::list<GEdge*>::iterator it = l_edges.begin(); it != l_edges.end(); it++){
      std::vector<GEdge*>::iterator ite = std::find(boundEdges.begin(),
                                                    boundEdges.end(), *it);
      if (ite != boundEdges.end()) boundEdges.erase(ite);
      else boundEdges.push_back(*it);
      GVertex *gv = (*it)->getBeginVertex();
      SPoint3 pt(gv->x(), gv->y(), gv->z());
      double dist = pt.distance(ptin);
      if(dist < dist_inlet){
	dist_inlet = dist;
	gin = *it;

  if (is_closed)   createClosedVolume(gin, boundEdges);
  if (is_extruded) extrudeBoundaryLayerWall(gin, boundEdges);

  double t2 = Cpu();
  Msg::Info("Centerline operators computed in %g (s) ",t2-t1);
double Centerline::operator() (double x, double y, double z, GEntity *ge)

  if (update_needed){
     std::ifstream input;
       Msg::Fatal("Centerline file '%s' does not exist", fileName.c_str());
     update_needed = false;

   double xyz[3] = {x,y,z};
   //take xyz = closest point on boundary in case we are on the planar in/out faces
   //or in the volume
   bool isCompound = false;
     if (ge->dim() == 2 && ge->geomType() == GEntity::CompoundSurface) isCompound = true;
     std::list<GFace*> cFaces;
     if (isCompound) cFaces = ((GFaceCompound*)ge)->getCompounds();
     if ( ge->dim() == 3 || (ge->dim() == 2 && ge->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ||
	  (isCompound && (*cFaces.begin())->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ){
       const int num_neighbours = 1;
       ANNidx index[num_neighbours];
       ANNdist dist[num_neighbours];
       kdtreeR->annkSearch(xyz, num_neighbours, index, dist);
       ANNpointArray nodesR = kdtreeR->thePoints();
       xyz[0] = nodesR[index[0]][0];
       xyz[1] = nodesR[index[0]][1];
       xyz[2] = nodesR[index[0]][2];

   const int num_neighbours = 1;
   ANNidx index[num_neighbours];
   ANNdist dist[num_neighbours];
   kdtree->annkSearch(xyz, num_neighbours, index, dist);
   double rad = sqrt(dist[0]);

   //double cmax, cmin;
   //SVector3 dirMax,dirMin;
   //cmax = ge->curvatures(SPoint2(u, v),&dirMax, &dirMin, &cmax,&cmin);
   //cmax = ge->curvatureMax(SPoint2(u,v));
   //double radC = 1./cmax;

   double lc = 2*M_PI*rad/nbPoints;

   if(!ge) { return rad;}
   else  return lc;

Centerline::Centerline(std::string fileName): kdtree(0), kdtreeR(0)
  recombine = (CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll) || (CTX::instance()->mesh.recombine3DAll);
  nbPoints = 25;
  hLayer = 0.3;
  hSecondLayer = 0.3;
  nbElemLayer = 3;
  nbElemSecondLayer = 0;
  is_cut = 0;
  is_closed = 0;
  is_extruded = 0;

  update_needed = false;
Exemple #6
void MultiObjectSeg::addGraphEdge(PCloudGraph& pcGraph, Sample& smp)
	IndexType nSize = smp.num_vertices();

	unordered_map<IndexType,bool> recordEdges;


	IndexType gIndex = 0;
	const IndexType k = 6;
	IndexType neighbours[k];
	ScalarType dist[k];

	IndexType edNum = 0;

	for (; gIndex < nSize; ++ gIndex)

		for (IndexType i = 1; i < k; ++i)

			bool temp = recordEdges[frame_index_to_key(gIndex,neighbours[i]) ];

			if (!temp)
				PCEdgeProperty ep;
				ep.index = edNum;
				ep.start_ = gIndex;
				ep.end_ = neighbours[i];
				ep.dist = dist[i];


				recordEdges[frame_index_to_key(neighbours[i],gIndex)] = true;

				++ edNum;
void  Centerline::operator() (double x, double y, double z, SMetric3 &metr, GEntity *ge)

   if (update_needed){
     std::ifstream input;
       Msg::Fatal("Centerline file '%s' does not exist", fileName.c_str());
     update_needed = false;

   //take xyz = closest point on boundary in case we are on
   //the planar IN/OUT FACES or in VOLUME
   double xyz[3] = {x,y,z};
   bool onTubularSurface = true;
   double ds = 0.0;
   bool isCompound = (ge->dim() == 2 && ge->geomType() == GEntity::CompoundSurface) ?
     true : false;
   bool onInOutlets = (ge->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ? true: false;
   std::list<GFace*> cFaces;
   if (isCompound) cFaces = ((GFaceCompound*)ge)->getCompounds();
   if ( ge->dim() == 3 || (ge->dim() == 2 && ge->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ||
	(isCompound && (*cFaces.begin())->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ){
     onTubularSurface = false;

   ANNidx index[1];
   ANNdist dist[1];
   kdtreeR->annkSearch(xyz, 1, index, dist);
   if (! onTubularSurface){
     ANNpointArray nodesR = kdtreeR->thePoints();
     ds = sqrt(dist[0]);
     xyz[0] = nodesR[index[0]][0];
     xyz[1] = nodesR[index[0]][1];
     xyz[2] = nodesR[index[0]][2];

   ANNidx index2[2];
   ANNdist dist2[2];
   kdtree->annkSearch(xyz, 2, index2, dist2);
   double radMax = sqrt(dist2[0]);
   ANNpointArray nodes = kdtree->thePoints();
   SVector3  p0(nodes[index2[0]][0], nodes[index2[0]][1], nodes[index2[0]][2]);
   SVector3  p1(nodes[index2[1]][0], nodes[index2[1]][1], nodes[index2[1]][2]);

   //dir_a = direction along the centerline
   //dir_n = normal direction of the disk
   //dir_t = tangential direction of the disk
   SVector3 dir_a = p1-p0; dir_a.normalize();
   SVector3 dir_n(xyz[0]-p0.x(), xyz[1]-p0.y(), xyz[2]-p0.z()); dir_n.normalize();
   SVector3 dir_cross  = crossprod(dir_a,dir_n); dir_cross.normalize();
   // if (ge->dim()==3){
   //   printf("coucou dim ==3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n");
   //   SVector3 d1,d2,d3;
   //   computeCrossField(x,y,z,d1,d2,d3);
   //   exit(1);
   // }

   //find discrete curvature at closest vertex
   Curvature& curvature = Curvature::getInstance();
   if( !Curvature::valueAlreadyComputed() ) {
     Msg::Info("Need to compute discrete curvature");
     Curvature::typeOfCurvature type = Curvature::RUSIN;
     curvature.computeCurvature(current, type);
   double curv, cMin, cMax;
   SVector3 dMin, dMax;
   int isAbs = 1.0;
   curvature.vertexNodalValuesAndDirections(vertices[index[0]],&dMax, &dMin, &cMax, &cMin, isAbs);
   curvature.vertexNodalValues(vertices[index[0]], curv, 1);
   if (cMin == 0) cMin =1.e-12;
   if (cMax == 0) cMax =1.e-12;
   double rhoMin = 1./cMin;
   double rhoMax = 1./cMax;
   //double signMin = (rhoMin > 0.0) ? -1.0: 1.0;
   //double signMax = (rhoMax > 0.0) ? -1.0: 1.0;

   //user-defined parameters
   //define h_n, h_t1, and h_t2
   double thickness = radMax/3.;
   double h_far = radMax/5.;
   double beta = (ds <= thickness) ? 1.2 : 2.1; //CTX::instance()->mesh.smoothRatio;
   double ddist = (ds <= thickness) ? ds: thickness;

   double h_n_0 = thickness/20.;
   double h_n   = std::min( (h_n_0+ds*log(beta)), h_far);

   double betaMin = 10.0;
   double betaMax = 3.1;
   double oneOverD2_min = 1./(2.*rhoMin*rhoMin*(betaMin*betaMin-1)) *
     (sqrt(1+ (4.*rhoMin*rhoMin*(betaMin*betaMin-1))/(h_n*h_n))-1.);
   double oneOverD2_max = 1./(2.*rhoMax*rhoMax*(betaMax*betaMax-1)) *
    (sqrt(1+ (4.*rhoMax*rhoMax*(betaMax*betaMax-1))/(h_n*h_n))-1.);
   double h_t1_0 = sqrt(1./oneOverD2_min);
   double h_t2_0 = sqrt(1./oneOverD2_max);
   //double h_t1 =  h_t1_0*(rhoMin+signMin*ddist)/rhoMin ;
   //double h_t2 =  h_t2_0*(rhoMax+signMax*ddist)/rhoMax ;
   double h_t1  = std::min( (h_t1_0+(ddist*log(beta))), radMax);
   double h_t2  = std::min( (h_t2_0+(ddist*log(beta))), h_far);

   double dCenter = radMax-ds;
   double h_a_0 = 0.5*radMax;
   double h_a = h_a_0 - (h_a_0-h_t1_0)/(radMax)*dCenter;

   //length between min and max
   double lcMin = ((2 * M_PI *radMax) /( 50*nbPoints )); //CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin;
   double lcMax =  lcMin*2000.; //CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax;
   h_n = std::max(h_n, lcMin);    h_n = std::min(h_n, lcMax);
   h_t1 = std::max(h_t1, lcMin);  h_t1 = std::min(h_t1, lcMax);
   h_t2 = std::max(h_t2, lcMin);  h_t2 = std::min(h_t2, lcMax);

   //curvature metric
   SMetric3 curvMetric, curvMetric1, curvMetric2;
   SMetric3 centMetric1, centMetric2, centMetric;
   if (onInOutlets){
     metr = buildMetricTangentToCurve(dir_n,h_n,h_t2);
   else {
     //on surface and in volume boundary layer
     if ( ds < thickness ){
       metr = metricBasedOnSurfaceCurvature(dMin, dMax, cMin, cMax, h_n, h_t1, h_t2);
     //in volume
     else {
       //curvMetric = metricBasedOnSurfaceCurvature(dMin, dMax, cMin, cMax, h_n, h_t1, h_t2);
       metr = SMetric3( 1./(h_a*h_a), 1./(h_n*h_n), 1./(h_n*h_n), dir_a, dir_n, dir_cross);

       //metr = intersection_conserveM1_bis(metr, curvMetric);
       //metr = intersection_conserveM1(metr,curvMetric);
       //metr = intersection_conserve_mostaniso(metr, curvMetric);
       //metr = intersection(metr,curvMetric);

