Exemple #1
 * int ttp_accept_retransmit(ttp_session_t *session,
 *                           retransmission_t *retransmission,
 *                           u_char *datagram);
 * Handles the given retransmission request.  The actions taken depend
 * on the nature of the request:
 *   REQUEST_RETRANSMIT -- Retransmit the given block.
 *   REQUEST_RESTART    -- Restart the transfer at the given block.
 *   REQUEST_ERROR_RATE -- Use the given error rate to adjust the IPD.
 * For REQUEST_RETRANSMIT messsages, the given buffer must be large
 * enough to hold (block_size + 6) bytes.  For other messages, the
 * datagram parameter is ignored.
 * Returns 0 on success and non-zero on failure.
int ttp_accept_retransmit(ttp_session_t *session, retransmission_t *retransmission, u_char *datagram)
    ttp_transfer_t  *xfer      = &session->transfer;
    ttp_parameter_t *param     = session->parameter;
    static int       iteration = 0;
    static char      stats_line[80];
    int              status;
    u_int16_t        type;

    /* convert the retransmission fields to host byte order */
    retransmission->block      = ntohl(retransmission->block);
    retransmission->error_rate = ntohl(retransmission->error_rate);
    type                       = ntohs(retransmission->request_type);

    /* if it's an error rate notification */
    if (type == REQUEST_ERROR_RATE) {

	/* calculate a new IPD */
	if (retransmission->error_rate > param->error_rate) {
	    double factor1 = (1.0 * param->slower_num / param->slower_den) - 1.0;
	    double factor2 = (1.0 + retransmission->error_rate - param->error_rate) / (100000.0 - param->error_rate);
	    xfer->ipd_current *= 1.0 + (factor1 * factor2);
	} else {
	    xfer->ipd_current *= (double) param->faster_num / param->faster_den;

    /* make sure the IPD is still in range, for later calculations */
    xfer->ipd_current = max(min(xfer->ipd_current, 10000.0), param->ipd_time);

    /* build the stats string */
    sprintf(stats_line, "%6u %3.2fus %5uus %7u %6.2f %3u\n",
        retransmission->error_rate, (float)xfer->ipd_current, param->ipd_time, xfer->block,
        100.0 * xfer->block / param->block_count, session->session_id);

	/* print a status report */
	if (!(iteration++ % 23))
	    printf(" erate     ipd  target   block   %%done srvNr\n");
	printf("%s", stats_line);

	/* print to the transcript if the user wants */
	if (param->transcript_yn)
	    xscript_data_log(session, stats_line);

    /* if it's a restart request */
    } else if (type == REQUEST_RESTART) {

	/* do range-checking first */
	if ((retransmission->block == 0) || (retransmission->block > param->block_count)) {
	    sprintf(g_error, "Attempt to restart at illegal block %u", retransmission->block);
	    return warn(g_error);
	} else
	    xfer->block = retransmission->block;

    /* if it's a retransmit request */
    } else if (type == REQUEST_RETRANSMIT) {

        /* build the retransmission */
        status = build_datagram(session, retransmission->block, TS_BLOCK_RETRANSMISSION, datagram);
        if (status < 0) {
            sprintf(g_error, "Could not build retransmission for block %u", retransmission->block);
            return warn(g_error);
        /* try to send out the block */
        status = sendto(xfer->udp_fd, datagram, 6 + param->block_size, 0, xfer->udp_address, xfer->udp_length);
        if (status < 0) {
            sprintf(g_error, "Could not retransmit block %u", retransmission->block);
            return warn(g_error);

    /* if it's another kind of request */
    } else {
	sprintf(g_error, "Received unknown retransmission request of type %u", ntohs(retransmission->request_type));
	return warn(g_error);

    /* we're done */
    return 0;
Exemple #2
 * void client_handler(ttp_session_t *session);
 * This routine is run by the client processes that are created in
 * response to incoming connections.
void client_handler(ttp_session_t *session)
    retransmission_t  retransmission;                /* the retransmission data object                 */
    struct timeval    start, stop;                   /* the start and stop times for the transfer      */
    struct timeval    prevpacketT;                   /* the send time of the previous packet           */
    struct timeval    currpacketT;                   /* the interpacket delay value                    */
    struct timeval    lastfeedback;                  /* the time since last client feedback            */
    struct timeval    lasthblostreport;              /* the time since last 'heartbeat lost' report    */
    u_int32_t         deadconnection_counter;        /* the counter for checking dead conn timeout     */
    int               retransmitlen;                 /* number of bytes read from retransmission queue */
    u_char            datagram[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 6];  /* the datagram containing the file block         */
    int64_t           ipd_time;                      /* the time to delay/sleep after packet, signed   */
    int64_t           ipd_usleep_diff;               /* the time correction to ipd_time, signed        */
    int64_t           ipd_time_max;
    int               status;
    ttp_transfer_t   *xfer  = &session->transfer;
    ttp_parameter_t  *param =  session->parameter;
    u_int64_t         delta;
    u_char            block_type;

    /* negotiate the connection parameters */
    status = ttp_negotiate(session);
    if (status < 0)
        error("Protocol revision number mismatch");

    /* have the client try to authenticate to us */
    status = ttp_authenticate(session, session->parameter->secret);
    if (status < 0)
        error("Client authentication failure");

    if (1==param->verbose_yn) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Client authenticated. Negotiated parameters are:\n");
        fprintf(stderr,"Block size: %d\n", param->block_size);
        fprintf(stderr,"Buffer size: %d\n", param->udp_buffer); 
        fprintf(stderr,"Port: %d\n", param->tcp_port);    

    /* while we haven't been told to stop */
    while (1) {

    /* make the client descriptor blocking */
    status = fcntl(session->client_fd, F_SETFL, 0);
    if (status < 0)
        error("Could not make client socket blocking");

    /* negotiate another transfer */
    status = ttp_open_transfer(session);
    if (status < 0) {
        warn("Invalid file request");

    /* negotiate a data transfer port */
    status = ttp_open_port(session);
    if (status < 0) {
        warn("UDP socket creation failed");

    /* make the client descriptor non-blocking again */
    status = fcntl(session->client_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
    if (status < 0)
        error("Could not make client socket non-blocking");

    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
    if (param->transcript_yn)
        xscript_data_start(session, &start);

    lasthblostreport       = start;
    lastfeedback           = start;
    prevpacketT            = start;
    deadconnection_counter = 0;
    ipd_time               = 0;
    ipd_time_max           = 0;
    ipd_usleep_diff        = 0;
    retransmitlen          = 0;

    /* start by blasting out every block */
    xfer->block = 0;
    while (xfer->block <= param->block_count) {

        /* default: flag as retransmitted block */
        block_type = TS_BLOCK_RETRANSMISSION;

        /* precalculate time to wait after sending the next packet */
        gettimeofday(&currpacketT, NULL);
        ipd_usleep_diff = xfer->ipd_current + tv_diff_usec(prevpacketT, currpacketT);
        prevpacketT = currpacketT;
        if (ipd_usleep_diff > 0 || ipd_time > 0) {
            ipd_time += ipd_usleep_diff;
        ipd_time_max = (ipd_time > ipd_time_max) ? ipd_time : ipd_time_max;

        /* see if transmit requests are available */
        status = read(session->client_fd, ((char*)&retransmission)+retransmitlen, sizeof(retransmission)-retransmitlen);
        #ifndef VSIB_REALTIME
        if ((status <= 0) && (errno != EAGAIN))
            error("Retransmission read failed");
        if ((status <= 0) && (errno != EAGAIN) && (!session->parameter->fileout))
            error("Retransmission read failed and not writing local backup file");
        if (status > 0)
            retransmitlen += status;

        /* if we have a retransmission */
        if (retransmitlen == sizeof(retransmission_t)) {

            /* store current time */
            lastfeedback           = currpacketT;
            lasthblostreport       = currpacketT;
            deadconnection_counter = 0;

            /* if it's a stop request, go back to waiting for a filename */
            if (ntohs(retransmission.request_type) == REQUEST_STOP) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Transmission complete.\n");

            /* otherwise, handle the retransmission */
            status = ttp_accept_retransmit(session, &retransmission, datagram);
            if (status < 0)
                warn("Retransmission error");
            retransmitlen = 0;

        /* if we have no retransmission */
        } else if (retransmitlen < sizeof(retransmission_t)) {

            /* build the block */
            xfer->block = min(xfer->block + 1, param->block_count);
            block_type = (xfer->block == param->block_count) ? TS_BLOCK_TERMINATE : TS_BLOCK_ORIGINAL;
            status = build_datagram(session, xfer->block, block_type, datagram);
            if (status < 0) {
                sprintf(g_error, "Could not read block #%u", xfer->block);

            /* transmit the block */
            status = sendto(xfer->udp_fd, datagram, 6 + param->block_size, 0, xfer->udp_address, xfer->udp_length);
            if (status < 0) {
                sprintf(g_error, "Could not transmit block #%u", xfer->block);

        /* if we have too long retransmission message */
        } else if (retransmitlen > sizeof(retransmission_t)) {

            fprintf(stderr, "warn: retransmitlen > %d\n", (int)sizeof(retransmission_t));
            retransmitlen = 0;


        /* monitor client heartbeat and disconnect dead client */
        if ((deadconnection_counter++) > 2048) {
            char stats_line[160];

            deadconnection_counter = 0;

            /* limit 'heartbeat lost' reports to 500ms intervals */
            if (get_usec_since(&lasthblostreport) < 500000.0) continue;
            gettimeofday(&lasthblostreport, NULL);

            /* throttle IPD with fake 100% loss report */
            #ifndef VSIB_REALTIME
            retransmission.request_type = htons(REQUEST_ERROR_RATE);
            retransmission.error_rate   = htonl(100000);
            retransmission.block = 0;
            ttp_accept_retransmit(session, &retransmission, datagram);

            delta = get_usec_since(&lastfeedback);

            /* show an (additional) statistics line */
            snprintf(stats_line, sizeof(stats_line)-1,
                                "   n/a     n/a     n/a %7u %6.2f %3u -- no heartbeat since %3.2fs\n",
                                xfer->block, 100.0 * xfer->block / param->block_count, session->session_id,
            if (param->transcript_yn)
               xscript_data_log(session, stats_line);
            fprintf(stderr, "%s", stats_line);

            /* handle timeout for normal file transfers */
            #ifndef VSIB_REALTIME
            if ((1e-6 * delta) > param->hb_timeout) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Heartbeat timeout of %d seconds reached, terminating transfer.\n", param->hb_timeout);
            /* handle timeout condition for : realtime with local backup, simple realtime */
            if ((1e-6 * delta) > param->hb_timeout) {
                if ((session->parameter->fileout) && (block_type == TS_BLOCK_TERMINATE)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Reached the Terminate block and timed out, terminating transfer.\n");
                } else if(!session->parameter->fileout) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Heartbeat timeout of %d seconds reached and not doing local backup, terminating transfer now.\n", param->hb_timeout);
                } else {
                    lastfeedback = currpacketT;

         /* wait before handling the next packet */
         if (block_type == TS_BLOCK_TERMINATE) {
         if (ipd_time > 0) {


    gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
    if (param->transcript_yn)
        xscript_data_stop(session, &stop);
    delta = 1000000LL * (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

    /* report on the transfer */
    if (param->verbose_yn)
        fprintf(stderr, "Server %d transferred %llu bytes in %0.2f seconds (%0.1f Mbps)\n",
                session->session_id, (ull_t)param->file_size, delta / 1000000.0, 
                8.0 * param->file_size / (delta * 1e-6 * 1024*1024) );

    /* close the transcript */
    if (param->transcript_yn)
        xscript_close(session, delta);

    #ifndef VSIB_REALTIME

    /* close the file */


    /* VSIB local disk copy: close file only if file output was requested */
    if (param->fileout) {

    /* stop the VSIB */


    /* close the UDP socket */
    memset(xfer, 0, sizeof(*xfer));

    } //while(1)
