Exemple #1
build_elem_elem(Exo_DB *exo)
  int ce;
  int count;
  int e;
  int ebi;
  int elem;
  int ename;
  int face;
  //int his_dim, her_dim;
  int i, j;
  int index;
  int len_curr;
  int len_prev;
  int len_intr;
  int length, length_new, num_faces;
  int iel;
  int ioffset;
  int n;
  int neighbor_name = -1;
  int node;
  int num_elem_sides;
  int num_nodes;
  int snl[MAX_NODES_PER_SIDE];	/* Side Node List - NOT Saturday Night Live! */
  char err_msg[MAX_CHAR_ERR_MSG];

   * Integer arrays used to find intersection sets of node->element lists.

  int prev_set[MAX_EPN];	/* list of elements attached to previous node*/
  int curr_set[MAX_EPN];	/* list of elements attached to "this" node */

  int interset[MAX_EPN];	/* values of hits between */

  int ip[MAX_EPN];		/* indeces of hits for prev_set[] */
  int ic[MAX_EPN];		/* indeces of hits for curr_set[] */

   * If the element->node and node->element connectivities have not been
   * built, then we won't be able to do this task.

  if ( ! exo->elem_node_conn_exists ||
       ! exo->node_elem_conn_exists )
      EH(-1, "Build elem->node before node->elem.");
  * The number of elements connected via conventional faces may be deduced
  * from the number of elements and their type.

 exo->elem_elem_pntr = (int *) smalloc((exo->num_elems+1)*sizeof(int));

 length = 0;

 for ( i=0; i<exo->num_elem_blocks; i++)
     length += exo->eb_num_elems[i] * get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[i]);

 exo->elem_elem_list = (int *) smalloc(length*sizeof(int));

  * Initialize...

 for ( i=0; i<length; i++)
     exo->elem_elem_list[i] = UNASSIGNED_YET;


 elem = 0;
 for ( ebi=0; ebi<exo->num_elem_blocks; ebi++)
     num_elem_sides = get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[ebi]);     
     for ( e=0; e<exo->eb_num_elems[ebi]; e++)
	 exo->elem_elem_pntr[elem] = count;
	 count += num_elem_sides;

  * Walk through the elements, block by block.

 count = 0;
 elem  = 0;
 for ( ebi=0; ebi<exo->num_elem_blocks; ebi++)
     num_elem_sides = get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[ebi]);

     for ( e=0; e<exo->eb_num_elems[ebi]; e++,elem++)
	 exo->elem_elem_pntr[elem] = count;
	 count += num_elem_sides;
	  * Look at each side of the element, collecting a unique
	  * list of integers corresponding to the minimum number of nodes
	  * needed to identify an entire side. 
	  * Typically, the same number of nodes as space dimensions are
	  * needed, with exceptions being the various "sides" of shells,
	  * beams and trusses...

	 for ( face=0; face<num_elem_sides; face++)

	      * Given the element and the face construct the
	      * list of node numbers that determine that side.

	      * Later, we might not need *all* the nodes on a side,
	      * particularly for high order elements. It may suffice
	      * to check only as many nodes as space dimensions that
	      * the element lives in...

	     num_nodes = build_side_node_list(elem, face, ebi, exo, snl);
#ifdef DEBUG
	     fprintf(stderr, "Elem %d, face %d has %d nodes: ", elem, face,
	     for ( i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
		 fprintf(stderr, " %d", snl[i]);
	     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

	      * Cross check: for each node in the side there is a list
	      * of elements connected to it. Beginning with all the
	      * elements connected to the first node (except for this given
	      * element), cross check with all the elements connected with
	      * the 2nd node to build an intersection set of one element.

	     for ( i=0; i<MAX_EPN; i++)
		 prev_set[i] = -1;
		 curr_set[i] = -1;
		 interset[i] = -1;
	     len_prev  = 0;
	     len_curr  = 0;
	     len_intr  = 0;

	     for ( n=0; n<num_nodes; n++)
		  * Copy this node's element list into a clean "curr_set" array
		  * that will be intersected with any previously gathered
		  * lists of elements that qualify as promiscuously in
		  * contact with nodes...

		 node = snl[n];

		 for ( i=0; i<MAX_EPN; i++)
		     curr_set[i] = -1;

		 len_curr  = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
		 fprintf(stderr, "Traversing n->e connectivity of node %d\n",
#endif /* DEBUG */
		 for ( ce=exo->node_elem_pntr[node]; 
		       ce<exo->node_elem_pntr[node+1]; ce++)
		     ename = exo->node_elem_list[ce];
#ifdef DEBUG
		     fprintf(stderr, "\telem %d\n", ename);
#endif /* DEBUG */
		      * Go ahead and accumulate the self element name
		      * just as a consistency check....

		     if ( ename != e )

		      * PKN: The current Goma use of ->elem_elem...
		      * is such that this connectivity should list
		      * connections like QUAD-BAR or HEX-SHELL.
		      * So, I'll add this dimension matching conditional

		     /* PRS (Summer 2012): Need to change this for shell stacks which 
			have the same dim*/

		     /* We need however to consider a special case (as of 8/30/2012
		      * this is a SHELL-on-SHELL stack. Viz. two materials, each a shell material
		      * which share not a side but a face.   Since faces of shells are sides
		      * in patran speak, we need some special logic.   We need to avoid adding
		      * the friend shell element (neighboring material) to the current shell element
		      * even though each material has the same number of sides.   
		      * Here goes   (BTW, I cannot find max-nodes-per-element anywhere!!!!)
		     int shell_on_shell = 0; int flippy_flop = 0; 
		     int nbr_ebid; int nbr_num_elem_sides;
		     nbr_ebid = fence_post(ename, exo->eb_ptr,
                     EH(nbr_ebid, "Bad element block ID!");
                     nbr_num_elem_sides = get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[nbr_ebid]);
		     shell_on_shell = 0; 
		     flippy_flop = 0;

		     if (exo->eb_id[ebi] < 100 && exo->eb_id[nbr_ebid] >= 100) flippy_flop=1;
		     if (exo->eb_id[ebi] >= 100 && exo->eb_id[nbr_ebid] < 100) flippy_flop=1;

		     if ((nbr_ebid != ebi) && 
			 (strstr(exo->eb_elem_type[nbr_ebid], "SHELL")) &&
			 (strstr(exo->eb_elem_type[ebi],      "SHELL")) &&
			 flippy_flop)  shell_on_shell = 1;

		     // his_dim = elem_info(NDIM, exo->eb_elem_itype[ebi]);
		     // her_dim = elem_info(NDIM, exo->eb_elem_itype[exo->elem_eb[ename]]);
		     // if( his_dim == her_dim )
		     if (nbr_num_elem_sides == num_elem_sides && !shell_on_shell)
			 curr_set[len_curr] = ename;
		  * The first node is special - we'll just compare
		  * it with itself by making the "previous set" just the
		  * same as the current set...

		 if ( n == 0 )
		     for ( i=0; i<MAX_EPN; i++)
			 prev_set[i] = curr_set[i];
		     len_prev = len_curr;

#ifdef DEBUG
		 fprintf(stderr, "\ncurr_set: ");
		 for ( i=0; i<len_curr; i++)
		     fprintf(stderr, "%d ", curr_set[i]);
		 fprintf(stderr, "\nprev_set: ");
		 for ( i=0; i<len_prev; i++)
		     fprintf(stderr, "%d ", prev_set[i]);
#endif /* DEBUG */

		  * First, clean the intersection list and the list of
		  * hit indeces in the previous and current lists.
		  * Then find the intersection of the previous and current 
		  * sets of elements attached to the previous and current
		  * nodes...

		 for ( i=0; i<MAX_EPN; i++)
		     interset[i] = -1;
		     ip[i]       = -1;
		     ic[i]       = -1;
		 len_intr = 0;

		 len_intr = int_intersect(prev_set, curr_set, len_prev,
					  len_curr, ip, ic);

#ifdef DEBUG
		 fprintf(stderr, "num_hits = %d\n", len_intr);
#endif /* DEBUG */
		  * Now, let's make the intersection set the next previous
		  * set of elements, a standard for comparison. We should
		  * eventually boil down to either one or zero elements
		  * that qualify...
		 for ( i=0; i<MAX_EPN; i++)
		     prev_set[i] = -1;

		 for ( i=0; i<len_intr; i++)
		      prev_set[i] = curr_set[ic[i]];

		 len_prev = len_intr;

#ifdef DEBUG
	     fprintf(stderr, "Element [%d], face [%d], local_node [%d]\n",
		     elem, face, n);
	     fprintf(stderr, "Intersection set length = %d\n", len_intr);
#endif /* DEBUG */

	      * Now consider the different cases.

	     if ( len_intr == 2 )
		  * The boiled list contains self and one other element.

		 if ( prev_set[0] == elem )
		     neighbor_name = prev_set[1];
		     neighbor_name = prev_set[0];
		     if ( prev_set[1] != elem )
			 sr = sprintf(err_msg, 
				      "2 elems ( %d %d ) 1 should be %d!",
				      prev_set[0], prev_set[1], elem);
			 EH(-1, err_msg);
	     else if ( len_intr == 1 &&  prev_set[0] == elem )
		  * The boiled list has one member, this element.
		  * The face must connect either to outer space or to
		  * another processor.
		 if ( Num_Proc == 1 )
		     neighbor_name = -1;
		     neighbor_name = -1;

		      * I am going to punt for now. Later, revisit this
		      * condition and insert code to check for neighbor
		      * processors containing all the same face nodes.
		      * EH(-1, "Not done yet..."); 

		      * Check if ALL the nodes on this face belong
		      * to another processors list of nodes. I.e., the
		      * node must all be in the external node list of
		      * and belong to the same external processor.

	      * Pathological cases that normally should not occur....

	     else if ( len_intr == 0 )
		 sr = sprintf(err_msg, "Elem %d, face %d should self contain!",
			      elem, face);
		 EH(-1, err_msg);
	     else if ( len_intr == 1 && prev_set[0] != elem )
		 sr = sprintf(err_msg, 
			      "Elem %d, face %d only connects with elem %d ?",
			      elem, face, prev_set[0]);
		 EH(-1, err_msg);
		 sr = sprintf(err_msg, 
   	         "Unknown elem-elem connection elem %d, face %d, len_intr=%d",
			      elem, face, len_intr);
		 WH(-1, err_msg);

	      * Now we know how to assign the neighbor name for this face
	      * of the element.

	     index = exo->elem_elem_pntr[elem] + face;
	     exo->elem_elem_list[index] = neighbor_name;
	   } /* end face loop this elem */

       } /* end elem loop this elemblock */

   } /* end elem block loop */

 exo->elem_elem_pntr[exo->num_elems] = count; /* last fencepost */

 exo->elem_elem_conn_exists = TRUE;

 if (Linear_Solver == FRONT)
      * Now that we have elem_elem_pntr and elem_elem_list for our parallel
      * world, we are going to use them also for optimal element bandwidth
      * reduction ordering.    We will use METIS, but METIS requires the CSR
      * format, which is compressed, viz. we need to remove the -1s.  Here
      * we go
     /* First check for the assumption that all blocks have same number of
	element faces.  Stop if they don't and issue an error to the next
	aspiring developer */
     for ( i=0; i<exo->num_elem_blocks; i++)
	 if(get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[0]) != 
	    get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[i])     )
	     EH(-1,"Stop! We cannot reorder these elements with METIS with elemement type changes");
     /* Now begin */
     exo->elem_elem_xadj = (int *) smalloc((exo->num_elems+1)*sizeof(int));
     /*initialize */
     for(e=0; e<exo->num_elems+1 ; e++) 
      	 exo->elem_elem_xadj[e] = exo->elem_elem_pntr[e]; 
     /* Recompute length of adjacency list by removing external edges */
     length_new = 0; 
     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { 
       if(exo->elem_elem_list[i] != -1) length_new++; 
     exo->elem_elem_adjncy = alloc_int_1(length_new, -1);
     /* Now convert */
     for(iel = 0; iel < exo->num_elems; iel++) 
	 /* Big assumption here that all blocks have the same   */
	 /* element type.  Can be furbished later since this is  */
	 /* just for the frontal solver   */
	 num_faces = get_num_faces(exo->eb_elem_type[0]); 
      	 for (i= iel*num_faces; i < (iel+1)*num_faces; i++) 
      	     j = i - ioffset; 
      	     if(exo->elem_elem_list[i] == -1) 
      		 for(e=iel +1; e <exo->num_elems+1; e++)exo->elem_elem_xadj[e]--; 
      		 exo->elem_elem_adjncy[j] = exo->elem_elem_list[i]; 
     /* convert to Fortran style */
     for(e=0; e<exo->num_elems+1 ; e++)  exo->elem_elem_xadj[e]++;
     for ( i=0; i<length_new; i++)   exo->elem_elem_adjncy[i]++;

   } /* End FRONTAL_SOLVER if  */

  * Verification that every element/face has assigned something besides
  * the initial default value of "unassigned".
  * For your convenience - FORTRAN 1-based numbering.

#ifdef DEBUG

 for ( e=0; e<exo->num_elems; e++)
     fprintf(stdout, "Elem %3d:", e+1);
     for ( ce=exo->elem_elem_pntr[e]; ce<exo->elem_elem_pntr[e+1]; ce++)
	 if ( exo->elem_elem_list[ce] == -1 )
	     fprintf(stdout, " spc");
	 else if ( exo->elem_elem_list[ce] < -1 )
	     fprintf(stdout, " prc");
	     fprintf(stdout, " %3d", exo->elem_elem_list[ce] + 1);
	 if ( exo->elem_elem_list[ce] == UNASSIGNED_YET )
	     sr = sprintf(err_msg, 
			  "You need to plug a leak at elem (%d) face (%d)",
			  exo->elem_elem_list[ce] + 1, 
			  ce - exo->elem_elem_pntr[e] + 1);
	     EH(-1, err_msg);
     fprintf(stdout, "\n");

#endif /* DEBUG */


Exemple #2
build_elem_elem_xtra(Exo_DB *exo) /* monolith FE db w/ connectivity     (in) */
  int length;
  int e;
  int f;
  int face;
  int hi;
  int i;
  int lo;
  int n1;
  int n2;
  int neighbor;
  int snl_this[MAX_NODES_PER_SIDE]; /* Side Node List */
  int snl_other[MAX_NODES_PER_SIDE]; /* Side Node List */
  int twist;
  int where;

  if ( ! exo->elem_elem_conn_exists )
      EH(-1, "Cannot build xtra w/o basic info.");

   * Allocate some space...

  length = exo->elem_elem_pntr[exo->num_elems];

  exo->elem_elem_face = (int *) smalloc(length*sizeof(int));
  exo->elem_elem_twst = (int *) smalloc(length*sizeof(int));

   * Initialize...

  for ( i=0; i<length; i++)
      exo->elem_elem_face[i] = -1;
      exo->elem_elem_twst[i] = -1;

   * The names of the neighbor's face can be built by find the neighbor
   * and searching for which of its faces connects to the originating
   * element.

  for ( e=0; e<exo->num_elems; e++)
       * Clean out the side node lists...

      for ( i=0; i<MAX_NODES_PER_SIDE; i++)
	  snl_this[i]  = -1;
	  snl_other[i] = -1;

       * Look at each face of this element and the neighbor, if any, that
       * is there.

      for ( f=exo->elem_elem_pntr[e],face=0; 
	  neighbor = exo->elem_elem_list[f];

	  if ( neighbor > -1 )

	       * Now, go the neighbor and find out the index of this element
	       * in its list!
	      lo = exo->elem_elem_pntr[neighbor];
	      hi = exo->elem_elem_pntr[neighbor+1];

	      where = in_list(e, exo->elem_elem_list + lo, hi-lo);

	      EH(where, "Didn't find my recipricol element!");

	       * Record where originating element was found!

	      exo->elem_elem_face[f] = where;

	       * Now load up the nodes on this element, this face and compare
	       * to other element, other face collection of same nodes. How
	       * much cyclic twist of the OTHER element is required to get
	       * the low nodes coincident?

	      n1 = build_side_node_list(e, face, exo, snl_this);

	      n2 = build_side_node_list(neighbor, where, exo, snl_other);

	      if ( n1 != n2 )
		  EH(-1, "Difft number of nodes on facing elems!?!");

	      twist = in_list(snl_this[0], snl_other, n2);

	      EH(twist, "Low node not found in facing neighbor!");

	      exo->elem_elem_twst[f] = twist;
