static int builtin_posix_module_element_open_basic (builtin_posix_module_t *posix_module, builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *posix_dataset,
                                                    hio_element_t element) {
  const char *element_name = hioi_object_identifier(element);
  char *path;
  int rc;

  if (HIO_SET_ELEMENT_UNIQUE == posix_dataset->base.ds_mode) {
    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/element_data.%s.%05d", posix_dataset->base_path, element_name,
  } else {
    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/element_data.%s", posix_dataset->base_path, element_name);

  if (0 > rc) {

  rc = builtin_posix_open_file (posix_module, posix_dataset, path, &element->e_file);
  free (path);
  if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
    return rc;

  fseek (element->e_file.f_hndl, 0, SEEK_END);
  element->e_size = ftell (element->e_file.f_hndl);
  fseek (element->e_file.f_hndl, 0, SEEK_SET);

  return HIO_SUCCESS;
static int builtin_posix_element_translate_strided (builtin_posix_module_t *posix_module, hio_element_t element,
                                                    uint64_t offset, size_t *size, hio_file_t **file_out) {
  builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *posix_dataset = (builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *) hioi_element_dataset (element);
  size_t block_id, block_base, block_bound, block_offset, file_id, file_block;
  hio_context_t context = hioi_object_context (&element->e_object);
  hio_file_t *file;
  int32_t file_index;
  char *path;
  int rc;

  block_id = offset / posix_dataset->ds_bs;

  file_id = block_id % posix_dataset->ds_fcount;
  file_block = block_id / posix_dataset->ds_fcount;

  block_base = block_id * posix_dataset->ds_bs;
  block_bound = block_base + posix_dataset->ds_bs;
  block_offset = file_block * posix_dataset->ds_bs + offset - block_base;

  hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_LOW, "builtin_posix_element_translate_strided: element: %s, offset: %"
            PRIu64 ", file_id: %lu, file_block: %lu, block_offset: %lu, block_size: %" PRIu64,
            hioi_object_identifier(element), offset, file_id, file_id, block_offset, posix_dataset->ds_bs);

  if (offset + *size > block_bound) {
    *size = block_bound - offset;

  rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data/%s_block.%08lu", posix_dataset->base_path, hioi_object_identifier(element),
                 (unsigned long) file_id);
  if (0 > rc) {

  /* use crc as a hash to pick a file index to use */
  file_index = file_id % HIO_POSIX_MAX_OPEN_FILES;
  file = posix_dataset->files + file_index;

  if (file_id != file->f_bid || file->f_element != element) {
    if (file->f_bid >= 0) {
      POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, hioi_file_close (file), "file_close", file->f_bid, 0);
    file->f_bid = -1;

    file->f_element = element;

    POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, rc = builtin_posix_open_file (posix_module, posix_dataset, path, file),
                     "file_open", file_id, 0);
    if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
      return rc;

    file->f_bid = file_id;

  POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, hioi_file_seek (file, block_offset, SEEK_SET), "file_seek", file->f_bid, block_offset);

  *file_out = file;

  return HIO_SUCCESS;
static int builtin_posix_module_element_open_basic (builtin_posix_module_t *posix_module, builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *posix_dataset,
                                                    hio_element_t element) {
  const char *element_name = hioi_object_identifier(element);
  char *path;
  int rc;

  if (HIO_SET_ELEMENT_UNIQUE == posix_dataset->base.ds_mode) {
    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data/element_data.%s.%08d", posix_dataset->base_path, element_name,
  } else {
    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data/element_data.%s", posix_dataset->base_path, element_name);

  if (0 > rc) {

  if (access (path, R_OK)) {
    /* fall back on old naming scheme */
    if (HIO_SET_ELEMENT_UNIQUE == posix_dataset->base.ds_mode) {
      rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/element_data.%s.%08d", posix_dataset->base_path, element_name,
    } else {
      rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/element_data.%s", posix_dataset->base_path, element_name);

    if (0 > rc) {
      return hioi_err_errno (errno);

  POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, rc = builtin_posix_open_file (posix_module, posix_dataset, path, &element->e_file),
                   "file_open", 0, 0);
  free (path);
  if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
    return rc;

  fseek (element->e_file.f_hndl, 0, SEEK_END);
  element->e_size = ftell (element->e_file.f_hndl);
  fseek (element->e_file.f_hndl, 0, SEEK_SET);
  element->e_size = lseek (element->e_file.f_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
  lseek (element->e_file.f_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

  return HIO_SUCCESS;
static int builtin_posix_element_translate_opt (builtin_posix_module_t *posix_module, hio_element_t element, off_t offset,
                                                size_t *size, hio_file_t **file_out, bool reading) {
  builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *posix_dataset = (builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *) hioi_element_dataset (element);
  hio_context_t context = hioi_object_context (&element->e_object);
  builtin_posix_file_t *file;
  uint64_t file_offset;
  int file_index;
  char *path;
  int rc;

  hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MED, "translating element %s offset %ld size %lu",
            hioi_object_identifier (&element->e_object), offset, *size);
  rc = hioi_element_translate_offset (element, offset, &file_index, &file_offset, size);
  if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
    if (reading) {
      hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MED, "offset not found");
      /* not found */
      return rc;

    if (hioi_context_using_mpi (context)) {
      rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data.%x", posix_dataset->base_path, posix_dataset->base.ds_shared_control->s_master);
      if (0 > rc) {
        return HIO_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    } else {
      rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data", posix_dataset->base_path);
      if (0 > rc) {
        return HIO_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    file_offset = builtin_posix_reserve (posix_dataset, size);

    file_index = hioi_dataset_add_file (&posix_dataset->base, strrchr (path, '/') + 1);
    hioi_element_add_segment (element, file_index, file_offset, offset, *size);
  } else {
    hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MED, "offset found in file @ index %d, offset %lu, size %lu", file_index,
              file_offset, *size);
    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/%s", posix_dataset->base_path, posix_dataset->base.ds_flist[file_index].f_name);
    if (0 > rc) {

  /* use crc as a hash to pick a file index to use */
  int internal_index = file_index % HIO_POSIX_MAX_OPEN_FILES;
  file = posix_dataset->files + internal_index;

  if (internal_index != file->f_bid) {
    if (NULL != file->f_file.f_hndl) {
      fclose (file->f_file.f_hndl);
      file->f_file.f_hndl = NULL;
      file->f_bid = -1;

    rc = builtin_posix_open_file (posix_module, posix_dataset, path, &file->f_file);
    if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
      free (path);
      return rc;

    file->f_bid = file_index;

  free (path);

  if (file_offset != file->f_file.f_offset) {
    fseek (file->f_file.f_hndl, file_offset, SEEK_SET);
    file->f_file.f_offset = file_offset;

  *file_out = &file->f_file;

  return HIO_SUCCESS;
static int builtin_posix_element_translate_opt_old (builtin_posix_module_t *posix_module, hio_element_t element, off_t offset,
                                                    size_t *size, hio_file_t **file_out) {
  builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *posix_dataset = (builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *) hioi_element_dataset (element);
  hio_context_t context = hioi_object_context (&element->e_object);
  size_t block_id, block_base, block_bound, block_offset;
  builtin_posix_file_t *file;
  int32_t file_index;
  char *path;
  int rc, foo;

  block_id = offset / posix_dataset->base.ds_bs;
  block_base = block_id * posix_dataset->base.ds_bs;
  block_bound = block_base + posix_dataset->base.ds_bs;
  block_offset = offset - block_base;

  hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_LOW, "builtin_posix_element_translate: element: %s, offset: %lu, block_id: %lu, "
            "block_offset: %lu, block_size: %lu", hioi_object_identifier(element), (unsigned long) offset,
            block_id, block_offset, posix_dataset->base.ds_bs);

  if (offset + *size > block_bound) {
    *size = block_bound - offset;

  rc = asprintf (&path, "%s_block.%lu", hioi_object_identifier(element), (unsigned long) block_id);
  if (0 > rc) {

  if (HIO_FLAG_WRITE & posix_dataset->base.ds_flags) {
    foo = hioi_dataset_add_file (&posix_dataset->base, path);
  char *tmp = path;
  rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/%s", posix_dataset->base_path, tmp);
  free (tmp);
  if (0 > rc) {

  /* use crc as a hash to pick a file index to use */
  file_index = hioi_crc32 ((uint8_t *) path, strlen (path)) % HIO_POSIX_MAX_OPEN_FILES;
  file = posix_dataset->files + file_index;

  if (block_id != file->f_bid || file->f_element != element) {
    if (file->f_file.f_hndl != NULL) {
      fclose (file->f_file.f_hndl);
      file->f_file.f_hndl = NULL;
      file->f_bid = -1;

    file->f_element = element;

    rc = builtin_posix_open_file (posix_module, posix_dataset, path, &file->f_file);
    if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
      return rc;

    file->f_bid = block_id;

  if (block_offset != file->f_file.f_offset) {
    fseek (file->f_file.f_hndl, block_offset, SEEK_SET);
    file->f_file.f_offset = block_offset;

  if (HIO_FLAG_WRITE & posix_dataset->base.ds_flags) {
    hioi_element_add_segment (element, foo, block_offset, offset, *size);

  *file_out = &file->f_file;

  return HIO_SUCCESS;
static int builtin_posix_element_translate_opt (builtin_posix_module_t *posix_module, hio_element_t element,
                                                uint64_t offset, size_t *size, hio_file_t **file_out,
                                                bool reading) {
  builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *posix_dataset = (builtin_posix_module_dataset_t *) hioi_element_dataset (element);
  hio_context_t context = hioi_object_context (&element->e_object);
  hio_file_t *file;
  uint64_t file_offset;
  int file_index = 0;
  char *path;
  int rc;

  hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MED, "translating element %s offset %" PRIu64 " size %lu",
            hioi_object_identifier (&element->e_object), offset, *size);
  POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, rc = hioi_element_translate_offset (element, offset, &file_index, &file_offset, size),
                   "translate_offset", offset, *size);
  if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc && reading) {
    POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, rc = hioi_dataset_map_translate_offset (element, offset, &file_index, &file_offset, size),
                     "map_translate_offset", offset, *size);

  if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
    if (reading) {
      hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MED, "offset %" PRIu64 " not found", offset);
      /* not found */
      return rc;

    file_offset = builtin_posix_reserve (posix_dataset, size);

    if (hioi_context_using_mpi (context)) {
      file_index = posix_dataset->base.ds_shared_control->s_master;
    } else {
      file_index = 0;

    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data/data.%x", posix_dataset->base_path, file_index);
    if (0 > rc) {

    hioi_element_add_segment (element, file_index, file_offset, offset, *size);
  } else {
    hioi_log (context, HIO_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MED, "offset found in file @ rank %d, offset %" PRIu64
              ", size %lu", file_index, file_offset, *size);
    rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data/data.%x", posix_dataset->base_path, file_index);
    if (0 > rc) {

    if (access (path, R_OK)) {
      free (path);
      rc = asprintf (&path, "%s/data.%x", posix_dataset->base_path, file_index);
      if (0 > rc) {
        return HIO_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

  /* use crc as a hash to pick a file index to use */
  int internal_index = file_index % HIO_POSIX_MAX_OPEN_FILES;
  file = posix_dataset->files + internal_index;

  if (file_index != file->f_bid) {
    if (file->f_bid >= 0) {
      POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, hioi_file_close (file), "file_close", file->f_bid, 0);

    file->f_bid = -1;

    POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, rc = builtin_posix_open_file (posix_module, posix_dataset, path, file),
                     "file_open", file_index, 0);
    if (HIO_SUCCESS != rc) {
      free (path);
      return rc;

    file->f_bid = file_index;

  free (path);

  POSIX_TRACE_CALL(posix_dataset, hioi_file_seek (file, file_offset, SEEK_SET), "file_seek", file->f_bid, file_offset);

  *file_out = file;

  return HIO_SUCCESS;