Exemple #1
celix_status_t deploymentAdmin_updateDeploymentPackageBundles(deployment_admin_pt admin, deployment_package_pt source) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	array_list_pt infos = NULL;
	deploymentPackage_getBundleInfos(source, &infos);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(infos); i++) {
		bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
		bundle_info_pt info = arrayList_get(infos, i);

		bundleContext_getBundle(admin->context, &bundle);
		char *entry = NULL;
		bundle_getEntry(bundle, "/", &entry);
		char *name = NULL;
		deploymentPackage_getName(source, &name);
		char *bundlePath = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo/", name, "/", info->path, NULL);
		char *bsn = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, "osgi-dp:", info->symbolicName, NULL);

		bundle_pt updateBundle = NULL;
		deploymentPackage_getBundle(source, info->symbolicName, &updateBundle);
		if (updateBundle != NULL) {
			//printf("Update bundle from: %s\n", bundlePath);
			bundle_update(updateBundle, bundlePath);
		} else {
			//printf("Install bundle from: %s\n", bundlePath);
			bundleContext_installBundle2(admin->context, bsn, bundlePath, &updateBundle);

	return status;
Exemple #2
celix_status_t deploymentAdmin_processDeploymentPackageResources(deployment_admin_pt admin, deployment_package_pt source) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	array_list_pt infos = NULL;
	deploymentPackage_getResourceInfos(source, &infos);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(infos); i++) {
		resource_info_pt info = arrayList_get(infos, i);
		apr_pool_t *tmpPool = NULL;
		array_list_pt services = NULL;
		char *filter = NULL;

		apr_pool_create(&tmpPool, admin->pool);
		filter = apr_pstrcat(tmpPool, "(", OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_PID, "=", info->resourceProcessor, ")", NULL);

		status = bundleContext_getServiceReferences(admin->context, DEPLOYMENTADMIN_RESOURCE_PROCESSOR_SERVICE, filter, &services);
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			if (services != NULL && arrayList_size(services) > 0) {
				service_reference_pt ref = arrayList_get(services, 0);
				// In Felix a check is done to assure the processor belongs to the deployment package
				// Is this according to spec?
				void *processorP = NULL;
				status = bundleContext_getService(admin->context, ref, &processorP);
				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
					char *entry = NULL;
					char *name = NULL;
					char *packageName = NULL;
					resource_processor_service_pt processor = processorP;

					bundleContext_getBundle(admin->context, &bundle);
					bundle_getEntry(bundle, "/", &entry);
					deploymentPackage_getName(source, &name);

					char *resourcePath = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo/", name, "/", info->path, NULL);
					deploymentPackage_getName(source, &packageName);

					processor->begin(processor->processor, packageName);
					processor->process(processor->processor, info->path, resourcePath);



	return status;
Exemple #3
 * Loop through all bundles and look for the bundle with the keys inside.
 * If no key bundle found, return NULL
 * Caller is responsible for freeing the object
char* pubsub_getKeysBundleDir(bundle_context_pt ctx)
	array_list_pt bundles = NULL;
	bundleContext_getBundles(ctx, &bundles);
	int nrOfBundles = arrayList_size(bundles);
	long bundle_id = -1;
	char* result = NULL;

	for (int i = 0; i < nrOfBundles; i++){
		bundle_pt b = arrayList_get(bundles, i);

		/* Skip bundle 0 (framework bundle) since it has no path nor revisions */
		bundle_getBundleId(b, &bundle_id);

		char* dir = NULL;
		bundle_getEntry(b, ".", &dir);

		char cert_dir[MAX_KEYBUNDLE_LENGTH];
		snprintf(cert_dir, MAX_KEYBUNDLE_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys", dir);

		struct stat s;
		int err = stat(cert_dir, &s);
		if (err != -1){
			if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)){
				result = dir;



	return result;
static celix_status_t importRegistration_createProxy(import_registration_pt import, bundle_pt bundle, struct service_proxy **out) {
    celix_status_t  status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

    char *descriptorFile = NULL;
    char name[128];
    snprintf(name, 128, "%s.descriptor", import->classObject);
    status = bundle_getEntry(bundle, name, &descriptorFile);
    if (descriptorFile == NULL) {
        printf("Cannot find entry '%s'\n", name);
        status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
    } else {
        printf("Found descriptor at '%s'\n", descriptorFile);

    struct service_proxy *proxy = NULL;
    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
        proxy = calloc(1, sizeof(*proxy));
        if (proxy == NULL) {
            status = CELIX_ENOMEM;

    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
        FILE *df = fopen(descriptorFile, "r");
        if (df != NULL) {
            int rc = dynInterface_parse(df, &proxy->intf);
            if (rc != 0) {
                status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;

    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
        size_t count = dynInterface_nrOfMethods(proxy->intf);
        proxy->service = calloc(1 + count, sizeof(void *));
        if (proxy->service == NULL) {
            status = CELIX_ENOMEM;

    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
        void **serv = proxy->service;
        serv[0] = import;

        struct methods_head *list = NULL;
        dynInterface_methods(proxy->intf, &list);
        struct method_entry *entry = NULL;
        void (*fn)(void) = NULL;
        int index = 0;
        TAILQ_FOREACH(entry, list, entries) {
            int rc = dynFunction_createClosure(entry->dynFunc, importRegistration_proxyFunc, entry, &fn);
            serv[index + 1] = fn;
            index += 1;

            if (rc != 0) {
                status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
Exemple #5
static void * APR_THREAD_FUNC deploymentAdmin_poll(apr_thread_t *thd, void *deploymentAdmin) {
	deployment_admin_pt admin = deploymentAdmin;

	/*first poll send framework started audit event, note this will register the target in Apache ACE*/
	deploymentAdmin_updateAuditPool(admin, DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN_AUDIT_EVENT__FRAMEWORK_STARTED);

	while (admin->running) {
		//poll ace
		array_list_pt versions = NULL;
		deploymentAdmin_readVersions(admin, &versions);

		char *last = arrayList_get(versions, arrayList_size(versions) - 1);

		if (last != NULL) {
			if (admin->current == NULL || strcmp(last, admin->current) > 0) {
				char *request = NULL;
				if (admin->current == NULL) {
					request = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, admin->pollUrl, "/", last, NULL);
				} else {
					// We do not yet support fix packages
					//request = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, VERSIONS, "/", last, "?current=", admin->current, NULL);
					request = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, admin->pollUrl, "/", last, NULL);

				char inputFile[256];
				inputFile[0] = '\0';
				char *test = inputFile;
				celix_status_t status = deploymentAdmin_download(request, &test);
				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
					bundleContext_getBundle(admin->context, &bundle);
					char *entry = NULL;
					bundle_getEntry(bundle, "/", &entry);

					// Handle file
					char tmpDir[256];
					char uuidStr[128];
                    apr_uuid_t tmpUuid;
                    apr_uuid_format(uuidStr, &tmpUuid);
                    sprintf(tmpDir, "%s%s", entry, uuidStr);
					apr_dir_make(tmpDir, APR_UREAD|APR_UWRITE|APR_UEXECUTE, admin->pool);

					// TODO: update to use bundle cache DataFile instead of module entries.
					unzip_extractDeploymentPackage(test, tmpDir);
					char *manifest = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, tmpDir, "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", NULL);
					manifest_pt mf = NULL;
					manifest_createFromFile(manifest, &mf);
					deployment_package_pt source = NULL;
					deploymentPackage_create(admin->pool, admin->context, mf, &source);
					char *name = NULL;
					deploymentPackage_getName(source, &name);

					char *repoDir = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo", NULL);
					apr_dir_make(repoDir, APR_UREAD|APR_UWRITE|APR_UEXECUTE, admin->pool);
					char *repoCache = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo/", name, NULL);
					deploymentAdmin_deleteTree(repoCache, admin->pool);
					apr_status_t stat = apr_file_rename(tmpDir, repoCache, admin->pool);
					if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) {
						printf("No success\n");

					deployment_package_pt target = hashMap_get(admin->packages, name);
					if (target == NULL) {
//						target = empty package

					deploymentAdmin_stopDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, target);
					deploymentAdmin_updateDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, source);
					deploymentAdmin_startDeploymentPackageCustomizerBundles(admin, source, target);
					deploymentAdmin_processDeploymentPackageResources(admin, source);
					deploymentAdmin_dropDeploymentPackageResources(admin, source, target);
					deploymentAdmin_dropDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, source, target);
					deploymentAdmin_startDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, source);

					deploymentAdmin_deleteTree(repoCache, admin->pool);
					deploymentAdmin_deleteTree(tmpDir, admin->pool);
					admin->current = strdup(last);
					hashMap_put(admin->packages, name, source);

	apr_thread_exit(thd, APR_SUCCESS);
	return NULL;