void burn_operation::evaluate( transaction_evaluation_state& eval_state )
   { try {
      if( message.size() )
          FC_ASSERT( amount.asset_id == 0 );

      if( amount.asset_id == 0 )
          FC_ASSERT( amount.amount >= BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MIN_BURN_FEE, "",

      oasset_record asset_rec = eval_state._current_state->get_asset_record( amount.asset_id );
      FC_ASSERT( asset_rec.valid() );
      FC_ASSERT( !asset_rec->is_market_issued() );

      asset_rec->current_share_supply -= this->amount.amount;
      eval_state.sub_balance( address(), this->amount );

      eval_state._current_state->store_asset_record( *asset_rec );

      if( account_id != 0 ) // you can offer burnt offerings to God if you like... otherwise it must be an account
          // TODO: support burning to any OBJECT ID not just accounts
          const oaccount_record account_rec = eval_state._current_state->get_account_record( abs( this->account_id ) );
          FC_ASSERT( account_rec.valid() );
      eval_state._current_state->store_burn_record( burn_record( burn_record_key( {account_id, eval_state.trx.id()} ),
                                                                 burn_record_value( {amount,message,message_signature} ) ) );
   } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (*this) ) }
 oburn_record pending_chain_state::fetch_burn_record( const burn_record_key& key )const
    auto itr = burns.find(key);
    if( itr == burns.end() )
       chain_interface_ptr prev_state = _prev_state.lock();
       return prev_state->fetch_burn_record( key );
    return burn_record( itr->first, itr->second );
   void pending_chain_state::get_undo_state( const chain_interface_ptr& undo_state_arg )const
      auto undo_state = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<pending_chain_state>( undo_state_arg );
      chain_interface_ptr prev_state = _prev_state.lock();
      FC_ASSERT( prev_state );
      for( const auto& item : properties )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_property( (chain_property_enum)item.first );
         undo_state->set_property( (chain_property_enum)item.first, prev_value );
      for( const auto& item : assets )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_asset_record( item.first );
         if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_asset_record( *prev_value );
         else undo_state->store_asset_record( item.second.make_null() );
      for( const auto& item : slates )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_delegate_slate( item.first );
         if( prev_value ) undo_state->store_delegate_slate( item.first, *prev_value );
         else undo_state->store_delegate_slate( item.first, delegate_slate() );
      for( const auto& item : accounts )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_account_record( item.first );
         if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_account_record( *prev_value );
         else undo_state->store_account_record( item.second.make_null() );
#if 0
      for( const auto& item : proposals )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_proposal_record( item.first );
         if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_proposal_record( *prev_value );
         else undo_state->store_proposal_record( item.second.make_null() );
      for( const auto& item : proposal_votes )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_proposal_vote( item.first );
         if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_proposal_vote( *prev_value );
         else { undo_state->store_proposal_vote( item.second.make_null() ); }
      for( const auto& item : balances )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_balance_record( item.first );
         if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_balance_record( *prev_value );
         else undo_state->store_balance_record( item.second.make_null() );
      for( const auto& item : transactions )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_transaction( item.first );
         if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_transaction( item.first, *prev_value );
         else undo_state->store_transaction( item.first, transaction_record() );
      for( const auto& item : bids )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_bid_record( item.first );
         if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_bid_record( item.first, *prev_value );
         else  undo_state->store_bid_record( item.first, order_record() );
      for( const auto& item : asks )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_ask_record( item.first );
         if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_ask_record( item.first, *prev_value );
         else  undo_state->store_ask_record( item.first, order_record() );
      for( const auto& item : shorts )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_short_record( item.first );
         if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_short_record( item.first, *prev_value );
         else  undo_state->store_short_record( item.first, order_record() );
      for( const auto& item : collateral )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_collateral_record( item.first );
         if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_collateral_record( item.first, *prev_value );
         else  undo_state->store_collateral_record( item.first, collateral_record() );
      for( const auto& item : slots )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_slot_record( item.first );
         if( prev_value ) undo_state->store_slot_record( *prev_value );
             slot_record invalid_slot_record;
             invalid_slot_record.start_time = item.first;
             invalid_slot_record.block_produced = true;
             invalid_slot_record.block_id = block_id_type();
             undo_state->store_slot_record( invalid_slot_record );
      for( const auto& item : market_statuses )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_market_status( item.first.first, item.first.second );
         if( prev_value ) undo_state->store_market_status( *prev_value );
            undo_state->store_market_status( market_status() );
      for( const auto& item : feeds )
         auto prev_value = prev_state->get_feed( item.first );
         if( prev_value ) undo_state->set_feed( *prev_value );
         else undo_state->set_feed( feed_record{item.first} );
      for( const auto& item : burns )
         undo_state->store_burn_record( burn_record( item.first ) );

      const auto dirty_markets = prev_state->get_dirty_markets();

      /* NOTE: Recent operations are currently not rewound on undo */