Exemple #1
void buzzvm_vstig_onconflictlost(buzzvm_t vm,
                                 buzzvstig_t vs,
                                 buzzobj_t k,
                                 buzzvstig_elem_t lv) {
    /* Was a conflict manager defined? */
    if(vs->onconflictlost) {
        /* Push closure */
        buzzvm_push(vm, vs->onconflictlost);
        /* Push key */
        buzzvm_push(vm, k);
        /* Make table for local value */
        buzzobj_t loc = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "robot"));
        buzzvm_pushi(vm, lv->robot);
        buzzvm_push(vm, loc);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "data"));
        buzzvm_push(vm, lv->data);
        buzzvm_push(vm, loc);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "timestamp"));
        buzzvm_pushi(vm, lv->timestamp);
        /* Call closure with 2 arguments */
        buzzvm_push(vm, loc);
        buzzvm_closure_call(vm, 2);
Exemple #2
buzzvm_state buzzvm_function_call(buzzvm_t vm,
                                  const char* fname,
                                  uint32_t argc) {
   /* Reset the VM state if it's DONE */
   if(vm->state == BUZZVM_STATE_DONE)
      vm->state = BUZZVM_STATE_READY;
   /* Don't continue if the VM has an error */
   if(vm->state != BUZZVM_STATE_READY)
      return vm->state;
   /* Push the function name (return with error if not found) */
   buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, fname, 0));
   /* Get associated symbol */
   /* Make sure it's a closure */
   buzzvm_type_assert(vm, 1, BUZZTYPE_CLOSURE);
   /* Move closure before arguments */
   if(argc > 0) {
                        buzzdarray_size(vm->stack) - argc - 1,
                        buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1));
   /* Call the closure */
   return buzzvm_closure_call(vm, argc);
Exemple #3
void buzzvstig_foreach_entry(const void* key, void* data, void* params) {
   /* Cast params */
   struct buzzvstig_foreach_params* p = (struct buzzvstig_foreach_params*)params;
   if(p->vm->state != BUZZVM_STATE_READY) return;
   /* Push closure and params (key, value, robot) */
   buzzvm_push(p->vm, p->fun);
   buzzvm_push(p->vm, *(buzzobj_t*)key);
   buzzvm_push(p->vm, (*(buzzvstig_elem_t*)data)->data);
   buzzvm_pushi(p->vm, (*(buzzvstig_elem_t*)data)->robot);
   /* Call closure */
   p->vm->state = buzzvm_closure_call(p->vm, 3);
Exemple #4
void buzzvstig_onconflictlost_call(buzzvm_t vm,
                                   buzzvstig_t vs,
                                   buzzobj_t k,
                                   buzzvstig_elem_t lv) {
   /* Was a conflict manager defined? */
   if(vs->onconflictlost) {
      /* Push closure */
      buzzvm_push(vm, vs->onconflictlost);
      /* Push key */
      buzzvm_push(vm, k);
      /* Make table for local value */
      add_field(robot, lv, pushi);
      add_field(data, lv, push);
      add_field(timestamp, lv, pushi);
      /* Call closure (key and table are on the stack) */
      buzzvm_closure_call(vm, 2);
Exemple #5
buzzvstig_elem_t buzzvstig_onconflict_call(buzzvm_t vm,
                                           buzzvstig_t vs,
                                           buzzobj_t k,
                                           buzzvstig_elem_t lv,
                                           buzzvstig_elem_t rv) {
   /* Was a conflict manager defined? */
   if(vs->onconflict) {
      /* Push closure */
      buzzvm_push(vm, vs->onconflict);
      /* Push key */
      buzzvm_push(vm, k);
      /* Make table for local value */
      add_field(robot, lv, pushi);
      add_field(data, lv, push);
      add_field(timestamp, lv, pushi);
      /* Make table for remote value */
      add_field(robot, rv, pushi);
      add_field(data, rv, push);
      add_field(timestamp, rv, pushi);
      /* Call closure (key, lv, rv on the stack) */
      buzzvm_closure_call(vm, 3);
      /* Make new entry with return value */
      /* Make sure it's a table */
      if(buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->o.type != BUZZTYPE_TABLE) {
         fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] virtual stigmergy onconflict(): Return value type is %s, expected table\n", vm->robot, buzztype_desc[buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->o.type]);
         return NULL;
      /* Get the robot id */
      buzzobj_t ret = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
      buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "robot", 1));
      if(buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->o.type != BUZZTYPE_INT)
         return NULL;
      uint16_t robot = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->i.value;
      /* Get the data */
      buzzvm_push(vm, ret);
      buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "data", 1));
      buzzobj_t data = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
      /* Make new entry */
      return buzzvstig_elem_new(data, lv->timestamp, robot);
   else {
      /* No conflict manager, use default behavior */
      /* If both values are not nil, keep the value of the robot with the higher id */
      if(((lv->data->o.type == BUZZTYPE_NIL) && (rv->data->o.type == BUZZTYPE_NIL)) ||
         ((lv->data->o.type != BUZZTYPE_NIL) && (rv->data->o.type != BUZZTYPE_NIL))) {
         if(lv->robot > rv->robot)
            return buzzvstig_elem_clone(vm, lv);
            return buzzvstig_elem_clone(vm, rv);
      /* If my value is not nil, keep mine */
      if(lv->data->o.type != BUZZTYPE_NIL)
         return buzzvstig_elem_clone(vm, lv);
      /* If the other value is not nil, keep that one */
      if(rv->data->o.type != BUZZTYPE_NIL)
         return buzzvstig_elem_clone(vm, rv);
      /* Otherwise nothing to do */
      return NULL;
Exemple #6
buzzvstig_elem_t buzzvm_vstig_onconflict(buzzvm_t vm,
        buzzvstig_t vs,
        buzzobj_t k,
        buzzvstig_elem_t lv,
        buzzvstig_elem_t rv) {
    /* Was a conflict manager defined? */
    if(vs->onconflict) {
        /* Push closure */
        buzzvm_push(vm, vs->onconflict);
        /* Push key */
        buzzvm_push(vm, k);
        /* Make table for local value */
        buzzobj_t loc = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "robot"));
        buzzvm_pushi(vm, lv->robot);
        buzzvm_push(vm, loc);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "data"));
        buzzvm_push(vm, lv->data);
        buzzvm_push(vm, loc);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "timestamp"));
        buzzvm_pushi(vm, lv->timestamp);
        /* Make table for remote value */
        buzzobj_t rem = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "robot"));
        buzzvm_pushi(vm, rv->robot);
        buzzvm_push(vm, rem);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "data"));
        buzzvm_push(vm, rv->data);
        buzzvm_push(vm, rem);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "timestamp"));
        buzzvm_pushi(vm, rv->timestamp);
        /* Call closure with 3 arguments */
        buzzvm_push(vm, loc);
        buzzvm_push(vm, rem);
        buzzvm_closure_call(vm, 3);
        /* Make new entry with return value */
        /* Make sure it's a table */
        if(buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->o.type != BUZZTYPE_TABLE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Return value type is %d\n", vm->robot, buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->o.type);
            return NULL;
        /* Get the robot id */
        buzzobj_t ret = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "robot"));
        if(buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->o.type != BUZZTYPE_INT)
            return NULL;
        uint16_t robot = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->i.value;
        /* Get the data */
        buzzvm_push(vm, ret);
        buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "data"));
        buzzobj_t data = buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1);
        /* Make new entry */
        return buzzvstig_elem_new(data, lv->timestamp, robot);
    else {
        /* No conflict manager, use default behavior */
        if(lv->robot > rv->robot) return buzzvstig_elem_clone(lv);
        else return buzzvstig_elem_clone(rv);
Exemple #7
void buzzvm_process_inmsgs(buzzvm_t vm) {
   /* Go through the messages */
   while(!buzzinmsg_queue_isempty(vm->inmsgs)) {
      /* Make sure the VM is in the right state */
      if(vm->state != BUZZVM_STATE_READY) return;
      /* Extract the message data */
      uint16_t rid;
      buzzmsg_payload_t msg;
      buzzinmsg_queue_extract(vm, &rid, &msg);
      /* Dispatch the message wrt its type in msg->payload[0] */
      switch(buzzmsg_payload_get(msg, 0)) {
         case BUZZMSG_BROADCAST: {
            /* Deserialize the topic */
            buzzobj_t topic;
            int64_t pos = buzzobj_deserialize(&topic, msg, 1, vm);
            /* Make sure there's a listener to call */
            const buzzobj_t* l = buzzdict_get(vm->listeners, &topic->s.value.sid, buzzobj_t);
            if(!l) {
               /* No listener, ignore message */
            /* Deserialize value */
            buzzobj_t value;
            pos = buzzobj_deserialize(&value, msg, pos, vm);
            /* Make an object for the robot id */
            buzzobj_t rido = buzzheap_newobj(vm, BUZZTYPE_INT);
            rido->i.value = rid;
            /* Call listener */
            buzzvm_push(vm, *l);
            buzzvm_push(vm, topic);
            buzzvm_push(vm, value);
            buzzvm_push(vm, rido);
            buzzvm_closure_call(vm, 3);
         case BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT: {
            /* Deserialize the vstig id */
            uint16_t id;
            int64_t pos = buzzmsg_deserialize_u16(&id, msg, 1);
            if(pos < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT message received\n", vm->robot);
            /* Look for virtual stigmergy */
            const buzzvstig_t* vs = buzzdict_get(vm->vstigs, &id, buzzvstig_t);
            if(!vs) break;
            /* Virtual stigmergy found */
            /* Deserialize key and value from msg */
            buzzobj_t k;          // key
            buzzvstig_elem_t v =  // value
               (buzzvstig_elem_t)malloc(sizeof(struct buzzvstig_elem_s));
            if(buzzvstig_elem_deserialize(&k, &v, msg, pos, vm) < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT message received\n", vm->robot);
            /* Deserialization successful */
            /* Fetch local vstig element */
            const buzzvstig_elem_t* l = buzzvstig_fetch(*vs, &k);
            if((!l)                             || /* Element not found */
               ((*l)->timestamp < v->timestamp)) { /* Local element is older */
               /* Local element must be updated */
               /* Store element */
               buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &v);
               buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT, id, k, v);
            else if(((*l)->timestamp == v->timestamp) && /* Same timestamp */
                    ((*l)->robot != v->robot)) {         /* Different robot */
               /* Conflict! */
               /* Call conflict manager */
               buzzvstig_elem_t c =
                  buzzvstig_onconflict_call(vm, *vs, k, *l, v);
               if(!c) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Error resolving PUT conflict\n", vm->robot);
               /* Get rid of useless vstig element */
               /* Did this robot lose the conflict? */
               if((c->robot != vm->robot) &&
                  ((*l)->robot == vm->robot)) {
                  /* Yes */
                  /* Save current local entry */
                  buzzvstig_elem_t ol = buzzvstig_elem_clone(vm, *l);
                  /* Store winning value */
                  buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &c);
                  /* Call conflict lost manager */
                  buzzvstig_onconflictlost_call(vm, *vs, k, ol);
               else {
                  /* This robot did not lose the conflict */
                  /* Just propagate the PUT message */
                  buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &c);
               buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT, id, k, c);
            else {
               /* Remote element is older, ignore it */
               /* Get rid of useless vstig element */
         case BUZZMSG_VSTIG_QUERY: {
            /* Deserialize the vstig id */
            uint16_t id;
            int64_t pos = buzzmsg_deserialize_u16(&id, msg, 1);
            if(pos < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_VSTIG_QUERY message received (1)\n", vm->robot);
            /* Deserialize key and value from msg */
            buzzobj_t k;         // key
            buzzvstig_elem_t v = // value
               (buzzvstig_elem_t)malloc(sizeof(struct buzzvstig_elem_s));
            if(buzzvstig_elem_deserialize(&k, &v, msg, pos, vm) < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_VSTIG_QUERY message received (2)\n", vm->robot);
            /* Look for virtual stigmergy */
            const buzzvstig_t* vs = buzzdict_get(vm->vstigs, &id, buzzvstig_t);
            if(!vs) {
               /* Virtual stigmergy not found, simply propagate the message */
               buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_QUERY, id, k, v);
            /* Virtual stigmergy found */
            /* Fetch local vstig element */
            const buzzvstig_elem_t* l = buzzvstig_fetch(*vs, &k);
            if(!l) {
               /* Element not found */
               if(v->data->o.type == BUZZTYPE_NIL) {
                  /* This robot knows nothing about the query, just propagate it */
                  buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_QUERY, id, k, v);
               else {
                  /* Store element and propagate PUT message */
                  buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &v);
                  buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT, id, k, v);
            /* Element found */
            if((*l)->timestamp < v->timestamp) {
               /* Local element is older */
               /* Store element */
               buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &v);
               buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT, id, k, v);
            else if((*l)->timestamp > v->timestamp) {
               /* Local element is newer */
               /* Append a PUT message to the out message queue */
               buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT, id, k, *l);
            else if(((*l)->timestamp == v->timestamp) && /* Same timestamp */
                    ((*l)->robot != v->robot)) {         /* Different robot */
               /* Conflict! */
               /* Call conflict manager */
               buzzvstig_elem_t c =
                  buzzvstig_onconflict_call(vm, *vs, k, *l, v);
               /* Make sure conflict manager returned with an element to process */
               if(!c) break;
               /* Did this robot lose the conflict? */
               if((c->robot != vm->robot) &&
                  ((*l)->robot == vm->robot)) {
                  /* Yes */
                  /* Save current local entry */
                  buzzvstig_elem_t ol = buzzvstig_elem_clone(vm, *l);
                  /* Store winning value */
                  buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &c);
                  /* Call conflict lost manager */
                  buzzvstig_onconflictlost_call(vm, *vs, k, ol);
               else {
                  /* This robot did not lose the conflict */
                  /* Just propagate the PUT message */
                  buzzvstig_store(*vs, &k, &c);
               buzzoutmsg_queue_append_vstig(vm, BUZZMSG_VSTIG_PUT, id, k, c);
            else {
               /* Remote element is same as local, ignore it */
               /* Get rid of useless vstig element */
         case BUZZMSG_SWARM_LIST: {
            /* Deserialize number of swarm ids */
            uint16_t nsids;
            int64_t pos = buzzmsg_deserialize_u16(&nsids, msg, 1);
            if(pos < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_SWARM_LIST message received\n", vm->robot);
            if(nsids < 1) break;
            /* Deserialize swarm ids */
            buzzdarray_t sids = buzzdarray_new(nsids, sizeof(uint16_t), NULL);
            uint16_t i;
            for(i = 0; i < nsids; ++i) {
               pos = buzzmsg_deserialize_u16(buzzdarray_makeslot(sids, i), msg, pos);
               if(pos < 0) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_SWARM_LIST message received\n", vm->robot);
            /* Update the information */
            buzzswarm_members_refresh(vm->swarmmembers, rid, sids);
         case BUZZMSG_SWARM_JOIN: {
            /* Deserialize swarm id */
            uint16_t sid;
            int64_t pos = buzzmsg_deserialize_u16(&sid, msg, 1);
            if(pos < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_SWARM_JOIN message received\n", vm->robot);
            /* Update the information */
            buzzswarm_members_join(vm->swarmmembers, rid, sid);
         case BUZZMSG_SWARM_LEAVE: {
            /* Deserialize swarm id */
            uint16_t sid;
            int64_t pos = buzzmsg_deserialize_u16(&sid, msg, 1);
            if(pos < 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] [ROBOT %u] Malformed BUZZMSG_SWARM_LEAVE message received\n", vm->robot);
            /* Update the information */
            buzzswarm_members_leave(vm->swarmmembers, rid, sid);
      /* Get rid of the message */
   /* Update swarm membership */