qint64 NodeList::sendStatsToDomainServer(const QJsonObject& statsObject) { QByteArray statsPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeNodeJsonStats); QDataStream statsPacketStream(&statsPacket, QIODevice::Append); statsPacketStream << statsObject.toVariantMap(); return writeUnverifiedDatagram(statsPacket, _domainHandler.getSockAddr()); }
QByteArray LimitedNodeList::constructPingPacket(PingType_t pingType, bool isVerified, const QUuid& packetHeaderID) { QByteArray pingPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(isVerified ? PacketTypePing : PacketTypeUnverifiedPing, packetHeaderID); QDataStream packetStream(&pingPacket, QIODevice::Append); packetStream << pingType; packetStream << usecTimestampNow(); return pingPacket; }
void NodeList::sendAssignment(Assignment& assignment) { PacketType assignmentPacketType = assignment.getCommand() == Assignment::CreateCommand ? PacketTypeCreateAssignment : PacketTypeRequestAssignment; QByteArray packet = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(assignmentPacketType); QDataStream packetStream(&packet, QIODevice::Append); packetStream << assignment; _nodeSocket.writeDatagram(packet, _assignmentServerSocket.getAddress(), _assignmentServerSocket.getPort()); }
MetavoxelSession::MetavoxelSession(MetavoxelServer* server, const SharedNodePointer& node) : _server(server), _sequencer(byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeMetavoxelData)), _node(node) { connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(readyToWrite(const QByteArray&)), SLOT(sendData(const QByteArray&))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(readyToRead(Bitstream&)), SLOT(readPacket(Bitstream&))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(sendAcknowledged(int)), SLOT(clearSendRecordsBefore(int))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(receivedHighPriorityMessage(const QVariant&)), SLOT(handleMessage(const QVariant&))); // insert the baseline send record SendRecord record = { 0 }; _sendRecords.append(record); }
Endpoint::Endpoint(const SharedNodePointer& node, PacketRecord* baselineSendRecord, PacketRecord* baselineReceiveRecord) : _node(node), _sequencer(byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeMetavoxelData), this) { connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(readyToWrite(const QByteArray&)), SLOT(sendDatagram(const QByteArray&))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(readyToRead(Bitstream&)), SLOT(readMessage(Bitstream&))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(sendRecorded()), SLOT(recordSend())); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(receiveRecorded()), SLOT(recordReceive())); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(sendAcknowledged(int)), SLOT(clearSendRecordsBefore(int))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(receiveAcknowledged(int)), SLOT(clearReceiveRecordsBefore(int))); // insert the baseline send and receive records _sendRecords.append(baselineSendRecord); _receiveRecords.append(baselineReceiveRecord); }
MetavoxelClient::MetavoxelClient(const SharedNodePointer& node) : _node(node), _sequencer(byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeMetavoxelData)) { connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(readyToWrite(const QByteArray&)), SLOT(sendData(const QByteArray&))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(readyToRead(Bitstream&)), SLOT(readPacket(Bitstream&))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(sendAcknowledged(int)), SLOT(clearSendRecordsBefore(int))); connect(&_sequencer, SIGNAL(receiveAcknowledged(int)), SLOT(clearReceiveRecordsBefore(int))); // insert the baseline send record SendRecord sendRecord = { 0 }; _sendRecords.append(sendRecord); // insert the baseline receive record ReceiveRecord receiveRecord = { 0, _data }; _receiveRecords.append(receiveRecord); }
void DataServerClient::putValueForKeyAndUserString(const QString& key, const QString& value, const QString& userString) { // setup the header for this packet and push packetStream to desired spot QByteArray putPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeDataServerPut); QDataStream packetStream(&putPacket, QIODevice::Append); // pack our data for the put packet packetStream << _sequenceNumber << userString << key << value; // add the putPacket to our vector of unconfirmed packets, will be deleted once put is confirmed _unmatchedPackets.insert(_sequenceNumber, putPacket); // send this put request to the data server NodeList::getInstance()->getNodeSocket().writeDatagram(putPacket, dataServerSockAddr().getAddress(), dataServerSockAddr().getPort()); // push the sequence number forwards _sequenceNumber++; }
void DataServerClient::getValuesForKeysAndUserString(const QStringList& keys, const QString& userString, DataServerCallbackObject* callbackObject) { if (!userString.isEmpty() && keys.size() <= UCHAR_MAX) { QByteArray getPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeDataServerGet); QDataStream packetStream(&getPacket, QIODevice::Append); // pack our data for the getPacket packetStream << _sequenceNumber << userString << keys.join(MULTI_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); // add the getPacket to our map of unconfirmed packets, will be deleted once we get a response from the nameserver _unmatchedPackets.insert(_sequenceNumber, getPacket); _callbackObjects.insert(_sequenceNumber, callbackObject); // send the get to the data server NodeList::getInstance()->getNodeSocket().writeDatagram(getPacket, dataServerSockAddr().getAddress(), dataServerSockAddr().getPort()); _sequenceNumber++; } }
QByteArray LimitedNodeList::constructPingReplyPacket(const QByteArray& pingPacket, const QUuid& packetHeaderID) { QDataStream pingPacketStream(pingPacket); pingPacketStream.skipRawData(numBytesForPacketHeader(pingPacket)); PingType_t typeFromOriginalPing; pingPacketStream >> typeFromOriginalPing; quint64 timeFromOriginalPing; pingPacketStream >> timeFromOriginalPing; PacketType replyType = (packetTypeForPacket(pingPacket) == PacketTypePing) ? PacketTypePingReply : PacketTypeUnverifiedPingReply; QByteArray replyPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(replyType, packetHeaderID); QDataStream packetStream(&replyPacket, QIODevice::Append); packetStream << typeFromOriginalPing << timeFromOriginalPing << usecTimestampNow(); return replyPacket; }
void AudioInjector::injectAudio() { QByteArray soundByteArray = _sound->getByteArray(); // make sure we actually have samples downloaded to inject if (soundByteArray.size()) { // give our sample byte array to the local audio interface, if we have it, so it can be handled locally if (_options.getLoopbackAudioInterface()) { // assume that localAudioInterface could be on a separate thread, use Qt::AutoConnection to handle properly QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_options.getLoopbackAudioInterface(), "handleAudioByteArray", Qt::AutoConnection, Q_ARG(QByteArray, soundByteArray)); } NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); // setup the packet for injected audio QByteArray injectAudioPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeInjectAudio); QDataStream packetStream(&injectAudioPacket, QIODevice::Append); packetStream << QUuid::createUuid(); // pack the flag for loopback uchar loopbackFlag = (uchar) (!_options.getLoopbackAudioInterface()); packetStream << loopbackFlag; // pack the position for injected audio packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_options.getPosition()), sizeof(_options.getPosition())); // pack our orientation for injected audio packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_options.getOrientation()), sizeof(_options.getOrientation())); // pack zero for radius float radius = 0; packetStream << radius; // pack 255 for attenuation byte quint8 volume = MAX_INJECTOR_VOLUME * _options.getVolume(); packetStream << volume; QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); int nextFrame = 0; int currentSendPosition = 0; int numPreAudioDataBytes = injectAudioPacket.size(); // loop to send off our audio in NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL byte chunks while (currentSendPosition < soundByteArray.size() && !_shouldStop) { int bytesToCopy = std::min(NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL, soundByteArray.size() - currentSendPosition); // resize the QByteArray to the right size injectAudioPacket.resize(numPreAudioDataBytes + bytesToCopy); // copy the next NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL bytes to the packet memcpy(injectAudioPacket.data() + numPreAudioDataBytes, soundByteArray.data() + currentSendPosition, bytesToCopy); // grab our audio mixer from the NodeList, if it exists SharedNodePointer audioMixer = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NodeType::AudioMixer); // send off this audio packet nodeList->writeDatagram(injectAudioPacket, audioMixer); currentSendPosition += bytesToCopy; // send two packets before the first sleep so the mixer can start playback right away if (currentSendPosition != bytesToCopy && currentSendPosition < soundByteArray.size()) { // not the first packet and not done // sleep for the appropriate time int usecToSleep = (++nextFrame * BUFFER_SEND_INTERVAL_USECS) - timer.nsecsElapsed() / 1000; if (usecToSleep > 0) { usleep(usecToSleep); } } } } emit finished(); }
void NodeList::sendDomainServerCheckIn() { if (_publicSockAddr.isNull() && !_hasCompletedInitialSTUNFailure) { // we don't know our public socket and we need to send it to the domain server // send a STUN request to figure it out sendSTUNRequest(); } else if (_domainHandler.getIP().isNull() && _domainHandler.requiresICE()) { handleICEConnectionToDomainServer(); } else if (!_domainHandler.getIP().isNull()) { bool isUsingDTLS = false; PacketType domainPacketType = !_domainHandler.isConnected() ? PacketTypeDomainConnectRequest : PacketTypeDomainListRequest; if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) { qDebug() << "Sending connect request to domain-server at" << _domainHandler.getHostname(); } // construct the DS check in packet QUuid packetUUID = _sessionUUID; if (domainPacketType == PacketTypeDomainConnectRequest) { if (!_domainHandler.getAssignmentUUID().isNull()) { // this is a connect request and we're an assigned node // so set our packetUUID as the assignment UUID packetUUID = _domainHandler.getAssignmentUUID(); } else if (_domainHandler.requiresICE()) { // this is a connect request and we're an interface client // that used ice to discover the DS // so send our ICE client UUID with the connect request packetUUID = _domainHandler.getICEClientID(); } } QByteArray domainServerPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(domainPacketType, packetUUID); QDataStream packetStream(&domainServerPacket, QIODevice::Append); // pack our data to send to the domain-server packetStream << _ownerType << _publicSockAddr << _localSockAddr << _nodeTypesOfInterest.toList(); // if this is a connect request, and we can present a username signature, send it along if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) { DataServerAccountInfo& accountInfo = AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo(); packetStream << accountInfo.getUsername(); const QByteArray& usernameSignature = AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo().getUsernameSignature(); if (!usernameSignature.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Including username signature in domain connect request."; packetStream << usernameSignature; } } if (!isUsingDTLS) { writeDatagram(domainServerPacket, _domainHandler.getSockAddr(), QUuid()); } const int NUM_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECKINS_PER_STUN_REQUEST = 5; static unsigned int numDomainCheckins = 0; // send a STUN request every Nth domain server check in so we update our public socket, if required if (numDomainCheckins++ % NUM_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECKINS_PER_STUN_REQUEST == 0) { sendSTUNRequest(); } if (_numNoReplyDomainCheckIns >= MAX_SILENT_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_INS) { // we haven't heard back from DS in MAX_SILENT_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_INS // so emit our signal that says that emit limitOfSilentDomainCheckInsReached(); } // increment the count of un-replied check-ins _numNoReplyDomainCheckIns++; } }
void ScriptEngine::run() { if (!_isInitialized) { init(); } _isRunning = true; emit runningStateChanged(); QScriptValue result = _engine.evaluate(_scriptContents); if (_engine.hasUncaughtException()) { int line = _engine.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(); qDebug() << "Uncaught exception at line" << line << ":" << result.toString(); emit errorMessage("Uncaught exception at line" + QString::number(line) + ":" + result.toString()); } QElapsedTimer startTime; startTime.start(); int thisFrame = 0; NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); qint64 lastUpdate = usecTimestampNow(); while (!_isFinished) { int usecToSleep = (thisFrame++ * SCRIPT_DATA_CALLBACK_USECS) - startTime.nsecsElapsed() / 1000; // nsec to usec if (usecToSleep > 0) { usleep(usecToSleep); } if (_isFinished) { break; } QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_isFinished) { break; } if (_voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit voxel messages. _voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!_voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->isThreaded()) { _voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->process(); } } if (_particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit voxel messages. _particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!_particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->isThreaded()) { _particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->process(); } } if (_modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit voxel messages. _modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!_modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->isThreaded()) { _modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->process(); } } if (_isAvatar && _avatarData) { const int SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES = floor(((SCRIPT_DATA_CALLBACK_USECS * SAMPLE_RATE) / (1000 * 1000)) + 0.5); const int SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BYTES = SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES * sizeof(int16_t); QByteArray avatarPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeAvatarData); avatarPacket.append(_avatarData->toByteArray()); nodeList->broadcastToNodes(avatarPacket, NodeSet() << NodeType::AvatarMixer); if (_isListeningToAudioStream || _avatarSound) { // if we have an avatar audio stream then send it out to our audio-mixer bool silentFrame = true; int16_t numAvailableSamples = SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES; const int16_t* nextSoundOutput = NULL; if (_avatarSound) { const QByteArray& soundByteArray = _avatarSound->getByteArray(); nextSoundOutput = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(soundByteArray.data() + _numAvatarSoundSentBytes); int numAvailableBytes = (soundByteArray.size() - _numAvatarSoundSentBytes) > SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BYTES ? SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BYTES : soundByteArray.size() - _numAvatarSoundSentBytes; numAvailableSamples = numAvailableBytes / sizeof(int16_t); // check if the all of the _numAvatarAudioBufferSamples to be sent are silence for (int i = 0; i < numAvailableSamples; ++i) { if (nextSoundOutput[i] != 0) { silentFrame = false; break; } } _numAvatarSoundSentBytes += numAvailableBytes; if (_numAvatarSoundSentBytes == soundByteArray.size()) { // we're done with this sound object - so set our pointer back to NULL // and our sent bytes back to zero _avatarSound = NULL; _numAvatarSoundSentBytes = 0; } } QByteArray audioPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(silentFrame ? PacketTypeSilentAudioFrame : PacketTypeMicrophoneAudioNoEcho); QDataStream packetStream(&audioPacket, QIODevice::Append); // use the orientation and position of this avatar for the source of this audio packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_avatarData->getPosition()), sizeof(glm::vec3)); glm::quat headOrientation = _avatarData->getHeadOrientation(); packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&headOrientation), sizeof(glm::quat)); if (silentFrame) { if (!_isListeningToAudioStream) { // if we have a silent frame and we're not listening then just send nothing and break out of here break; } // write the number of silent samples so the audio-mixer can uphold timing packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES), sizeof(int16_t)); } else if (nextSoundOutput) { // write the raw audio data packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(nextSoundOutput), numAvailableSamples * sizeof(int16_t)); } nodeList->broadcastToNodes(audioPacket, NodeSet() << NodeType::AudioMixer); } } qint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); float deltaTime = (float) (now - lastUpdate) / (float) USECS_PER_SECOND; emit update(deltaTime); lastUpdate = now; if (_engine.hasUncaughtException()) { int line = _engine.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(); qDebug() << "Uncaught exception at line" << line << ":" << _engine.uncaughtException().toString(); emit errorMessage("Uncaught exception at line" + QString::number(line) + ":" + _engine.uncaughtException().toString()); } } emit scriptEnding(); // kill the avatar identity timer delete _avatarIdentityTimer; if (_voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit voxel messages. _voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!_voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->isThreaded()) { _voxelsScriptingInterface.getVoxelPacketSender()->process(); } } if (_particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit voxel messages. _particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!_particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->isThreaded()) { _particlesScriptingInterface.getParticlePacketSender()->process(); } } if (_modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit voxel messages. _modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!_modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->isThreaded()) { _modelsScriptingInterface.getModelPacketSender()->process(); } } // If we were on a thread, then wait till it's done if (thread()) { thread()->quit(); } emit finished(_fileNameString); _isRunning = false; emit runningStateChanged(); }
void AudioInjector::injectToMixer() { if (_currentSendPosition < 0 || _currentSendPosition >= _audioData.size()) { _currentSendPosition = 0; } auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>(); // make sure we actually have samples downloaded to inject if (_audioData.size()) { // setup the packet for injected audio QByteArray injectAudioPacket = nodeList->byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeInjectAudio); QDataStream packetStream(&injectAudioPacket, QIODevice::Append); // pack some placeholder sequence number for now int numPreSequenceNumberBytes = injectAudioPacket.size(); packetStream << (quint16)0; // pack stream identifier (a generated UUID) packetStream << QUuid::createUuid(); // pack the stereo/mono type of the stream packetStream << _options.stereo; // pack the flag for loopback uchar loopbackFlag = (uchar) true; packetStream << loopbackFlag; // pack the position for injected audio int positionOptionOffset = injectAudioPacket.size(); packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_options.position), sizeof(_options.position)); // pack our orientation for injected audio int orientationOptionOffset = injectAudioPacket.size(); packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_options.orientation), sizeof(_options.orientation)); // pack zero for radius float radius = 0; packetStream << radius; // pack 255 for attenuation byte int volumeOptionOffset = injectAudioPacket.size(); quint8 volume = MAX_INJECTOR_VOLUME * _options.volume; packetStream << volume; packetStream << _options.ignorePenumbra; QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); int nextFrame = 0; int numPreAudioDataBytes = injectAudioPacket.size(); bool shouldLoop = _options.loop; // loop to send off our audio in NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL byte chunks quint16 outgoingInjectedAudioSequenceNumber = 0; while (_currentSendPosition < _audioData.size() && !_shouldStop) { int bytesToCopy = std::min(((_options.stereo) ? 2 : 1) * AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL, _audioData.size() - _currentSendPosition); // Measure the loudness of this frame _loudness = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < bytesToCopy; i += sizeof(int16_t)) { _loudness += abs(*reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(_audioData.data() + _currentSendPosition + i)) / (AudioConstants::MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE / 2.0f); } _loudness /= (float)(bytesToCopy / sizeof(int16_t)); memcpy(injectAudioPacket.data() + positionOptionOffset, &_options.position, sizeof(_options.position)); memcpy(injectAudioPacket.data() + orientationOptionOffset, &_options.orientation, sizeof(_options.orientation)); volume = MAX_INJECTOR_VOLUME * _options.volume; memcpy(injectAudioPacket.data() + volumeOptionOffset, &volume, sizeof(volume)); // resize the QByteArray to the right size injectAudioPacket.resize(numPreAudioDataBytes + bytesToCopy); // pack the sequence number memcpy(injectAudioPacket.data() + numPreSequenceNumberBytes, &outgoingInjectedAudioSequenceNumber, sizeof(quint16)); // copy the next NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL bytes to the packet memcpy(injectAudioPacket.data() + numPreAudioDataBytes, _audioData.data() + _currentSendPosition, bytesToCopy); // grab our audio mixer from the NodeList, if it exists SharedNodePointer audioMixer = nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NodeType::AudioMixer); // send off this audio packet nodeList->writeDatagram(injectAudioPacket, audioMixer); outgoingInjectedAudioSequenceNumber++; _currentSendPosition += bytesToCopy; // send two packets before the first sleep so the mixer can start playback right away if (_currentSendPosition != bytesToCopy && _currentSendPosition < _audioData.size()) { // process events in case we have been told to stop and be deleted QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_shouldStop) { break; } // not the first packet and not done // sleep for the appropriate time int usecToSleep = (++nextFrame * AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_USECS) - timer.nsecsElapsed() / 1000; if (usecToSleep > 0) { usleep(usecToSleep); } } if (shouldLoop && _currentSendPosition >= _audioData.size()) { _currentSendPosition = 0; } } } setIsFinished(true); }
void ScriptEngine::run() { // TODO: can we add a short circuit for _stoppingAllScripts here? What does it mean to not start running if // we're in the process of stopping? if (!_isInitialized) { init(); } _isRunning = true; _isFinished = false; emit runningStateChanged(); QScriptValue result = evaluate(_scriptContents); QElapsedTimer startTime; startTime.start(); int thisFrame = 0; auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>(); auto entityScriptingInterface = DependencyManager::get<EntityScriptingInterface>(); qint64 lastUpdate = usecTimestampNow(); while (!_isFinished) { int usecToSleep = (thisFrame++ * SCRIPT_DATA_CALLBACK_USECS) - startTime.nsecsElapsed() / 1000; // nsec to usec if (usecToSleep > 0) { usleep(usecToSleep); } if (_isFinished) { break; } QCoreApplication::processEvents(); if (_isFinished) { break; } if (!_isFinished && entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit entity messages. entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->isThreaded()) { entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->process(); } } if (!_isFinished && _isAvatar && _avatarData) { const int SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES = floor(((SCRIPT_DATA_CALLBACK_USECS * AudioConstants::SAMPLE_RATE) / (1000 * 1000)) + 0.5); const int SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BYTES = SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES * sizeof(int16_t); QByteArray avatarPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeAvatarData); avatarPacket.append(_avatarData->toByteArray()); nodeList->broadcastToNodes(avatarPacket, NodeSet() << NodeType::AvatarMixer); if (_isListeningToAudioStream || _avatarSound) { // if we have an avatar audio stream then send it out to our audio-mixer bool silentFrame = true; int16_t numAvailableSamples = SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES; const int16_t* nextSoundOutput = NULL; if (_avatarSound) { const QByteArray& soundByteArray = _avatarSound->getByteArray(); nextSoundOutput = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(soundByteArray.data() + _numAvatarSoundSentBytes); int numAvailableBytes = (soundByteArray.size() - _numAvatarSoundSentBytes) > SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BYTES ? SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_BYTES : soundByteArray.size() - _numAvatarSoundSentBytes; numAvailableSamples = numAvailableBytes / sizeof(int16_t); // check if the all of the _numAvatarAudioBufferSamples to be sent are silence for (int i = 0; i < numAvailableSamples; ++i) { if (nextSoundOutput[i] != 0) { silentFrame = false; break; } } _numAvatarSoundSentBytes += numAvailableBytes; if (_numAvatarSoundSentBytes == soundByteArray.size()) { // we're done with this sound object - so set our pointer back to NULL // and our sent bytes back to zero _avatarSound = NULL; _numAvatarSoundSentBytes = 0; } } QByteArray audioPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(silentFrame ? PacketTypeSilentAudioFrame : PacketTypeMicrophoneAudioNoEcho); QDataStream packetStream(&audioPacket, QIODevice::Append); // pack a placeholder value for sequence number for now, will be packed when destination node is known int numPreSequenceNumberBytes = audioPacket.size(); packetStream << (quint16) 0; if (silentFrame) { if (!_isListeningToAudioStream) { // if we have a silent frame and we're not listening then just send nothing and break out of here break; } // write the number of silent samples so the audio-mixer can uphold timing packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&SCRIPT_AUDIO_BUFFER_SAMPLES), sizeof(int16_t)); // use the orientation and position of this avatar for the source of this audio packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_avatarData->getPosition()), sizeof(glm::vec3)); glm::quat headOrientation = _avatarData->getHeadOrientation(); packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&headOrientation), sizeof(glm::quat)); } else if (nextSoundOutput) { // assume scripted avatar audio is mono and set channel flag to zero packetStream << (quint8)0; // use the orientation and position of this avatar for the source of this audio packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_avatarData->getPosition()), sizeof(glm::vec3)); glm::quat headOrientation = _avatarData->getHeadOrientation(); packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&headOrientation), sizeof(glm::quat)); // write the raw audio data packetStream.writeRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(nextSoundOutput), numAvailableSamples * sizeof(int16_t)); } // write audio packet to AudioMixer nodes auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>(); nodeList->eachNode([this, &nodeList, &audioPacket, &numPreSequenceNumberBytes](const SharedNodePointer& node){ // only send to nodes of type AudioMixer if (node->getType() == NodeType::AudioMixer) { // pack sequence number quint16 sequence = _outgoingScriptAudioSequenceNumbers[node->getUUID()]++; memcpy(audioPacket.data() + numPreSequenceNumberBytes, &sequence, sizeof(quint16)); // send audio packet nodeList->writeDatagram(audioPacket, node); } }); } } qint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); float deltaTime = (float) (now - lastUpdate) / (float) USECS_PER_SECOND; if (hasUncaughtException()) { int line = uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(); qCDebug(scriptengine) << "Uncaught exception at (" << _fileNameString << ") line" << line << ":" << uncaughtException().toString(); emit errorMessage("Uncaught exception at (" + _fileNameString + ") line" + QString::number(line) + ":" + uncaughtException().toString()); clearExceptions(); } if (!_isFinished) { emit update(deltaTime); } lastUpdate = now; } stopAllTimers(); // make sure all our timers are stopped if the script is ending emit scriptEnding(); // kill the avatar identity timer delete _avatarIdentityTimer; if (entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->serversExist()) { // release the queue of edit entity messages. entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->releaseQueuedMessages(); // since we're in non-threaded mode, call process so that the packets are sent if (!entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->isThreaded()) { entityScriptingInterface->getEntityPacketSender()->process(); } } // If we were on a thread, then wait till it's done if (thread()) { thread()->quit(); } emit finished(_fileNameString); _isRunning = false; emit runningStateChanged(); emit doneRunning(); _doneRunningThisScript = true; }
// NOTE: some additional optimizations to consider. // 1) use the view frustum to cull those avatars that are out of view. Since avatar data doesn't need to be present // if the avatar is not in view or in the keyhole. void AvatarMixer::broadcastAvatarData() { int idleTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - _lastFrameTimestamp; ++_numStatFrames; const float STRUGGLE_TRIGGER_SLEEP_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD = 0.10f; const float BACK_OFF_TRIGGER_SLEEP_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD = 0.20f; const float RATIO_BACK_OFF = 0.02f; const int TRAILING_AVERAGE_FRAMES = 100; int framesSinceCutoffEvent = TRAILING_AVERAGE_FRAMES; const float CURRENT_FRAME_RATIO = 1.0f / TRAILING_AVERAGE_FRAMES; const float PREVIOUS_FRAMES_RATIO = 1.0f - CURRENT_FRAME_RATIO; _trailingSleepRatio = (PREVIOUS_FRAMES_RATIO * _trailingSleepRatio) + (idleTime * CURRENT_FRAME_RATIO / (float) AVATAR_DATA_SEND_INTERVAL_MSECS); float lastCutoffRatio = _performanceThrottlingRatio; bool hasRatioChanged = false; if (framesSinceCutoffEvent >= TRAILING_AVERAGE_FRAMES) { if (_trailingSleepRatio <= STRUGGLE_TRIGGER_SLEEP_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD) { // we're struggling - change our min required loudness to reduce some load _performanceThrottlingRatio = _performanceThrottlingRatio + (0.5f * (1.0f - _performanceThrottlingRatio)); qDebug() << "Mixer is struggling, sleeping" << _trailingSleepRatio * 100 << "% of frame time. Old cutoff was" << lastCutoffRatio << "and is now" << _performanceThrottlingRatio; hasRatioChanged = true; } else if (_trailingSleepRatio >= BACK_OFF_TRIGGER_SLEEP_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD && _performanceThrottlingRatio != 0) { // we've recovered and can back off the required loudness _performanceThrottlingRatio = _performanceThrottlingRatio - RATIO_BACK_OFF; if (_performanceThrottlingRatio < 0) { _performanceThrottlingRatio = 0; } qDebug() << "Mixer is recovering, sleeping" << _trailingSleepRatio * 100 << "% of frame time. Old cutoff was" << lastCutoffRatio << "and is now" << _performanceThrottlingRatio; hasRatioChanged = true; } if (hasRatioChanged) { framesSinceCutoffEvent = 0; } } if (!hasRatioChanged) { ++framesSinceCutoffEvent; } static QByteArray mixedAvatarByteArray; int numPacketHeaderBytes = populatePacketHeader(mixedAvatarByteArray, PacketTypeBulkAvatarData); NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); AvatarMixerClientData* nodeData = NULL; AvatarMixerClientData* otherNodeData = NULL; foreach (const SharedNodePointer& node, nodeList->getNodeHash()) { if (node->getLinkedData() && node->getType() == NodeType::Agent && node->getActiveSocket() && (nodeData = reinterpret_cast<AvatarMixerClientData*>(node->getLinkedData()))->getMutex().tryLock()) { ++_sumListeners; // reset packet pointers for this node mixedAvatarByteArray.resize(numPacketHeaderBytes); AvatarData& avatar = nodeData->getAvatar(); glm::vec3 myPosition = avatar.getPosition(); // this is an AGENT we have received head data from // send back a packet with other active node data to this node foreach (const SharedNodePointer& otherNode, nodeList->getNodeHash()) { if (otherNode->getLinkedData() && otherNode->getUUID() != node->getUUID() && (otherNodeData = reinterpret_cast<AvatarMixerClientData*>(otherNode->getLinkedData()))->getMutex().tryLock()) { AvatarMixerClientData* otherNodeData = reinterpret_cast<AvatarMixerClientData*>(otherNode->getLinkedData()); AvatarData& otherAvatar = otherNodeData->getAvatar(); glm::vec3 otherPosition = otherAvatar.getPosition(); float distanceToAvatar = glm::length(myPosition - otherPosition); // The full rate distance is the distance at which EVERY update will be sent for this avatar // at a distance of twice the full rate distance, there will be a 50% chance of sending this avatar's update const float FULL_RATE_DISTANCE = 2.0f; // Decide whether to send this avatar's data based on it's distance from us if ((_performanceThrottlingRatio == 0 || randFloat() < (1.0f - _performanceThrottlingRatio)) && (distanceToAvatar == 0.0f || randFloat() < FULL_RATE_DISTANCE / distanceToAvatar)) { QByteArray avatarByteArray; avatarByteArray.append(otherNode->getUUID().toRfc4122()); avatarByteArray.append(otherAvatar.toByteArray()); if (avatarByteArray.size() + mixedAvatarByteArray.size() > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { nodeList->writeDatagram(mixedAvatarByteArray, node); // reset the packet mixedAvatarByteArray.resize(numPacketHeaderBytes); } // copy the avatar into the mixedAvatarByteArray packet mixedAvatarByteArray.append(avatarByteArray); // if the receiving avatar has just connected make sure we send out the mesh and billboard // for this avatar (assuming they exist) bool forceSend = !nodeData->checkAndSetHasReceivedFirstPackets(); // we will also force a send of billboard or identity packet // if either has changed in the last frame if (otherNodeData->getBillboardChangeTimestamp() > 0 && (forceSend || otherNodeData->getBillboardChangeTimestamp() > _lastFrameTimestamp || randFloat() < BILLBOARD_AND_IDENTITY_SEND_PROBABILITY)) { QByteArray billboardPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeAvatarBillboard); billboardPacket.append(otherNode->getUUID().toRfc4122()); billboardPacket.append(otherNodeData->getAvatar().getBillboard()); nodeList->writeDatagram(billboardPacket, node); ++_sumBillboardPackets; } if (otherNodeData->getIdentityChangeTimestamp() > 0 && (forceSend || otherNodeData->getIdentityChangeTimestamp() > _lastFrameTimestamp || randFloat() < BILLBOARD_AND_IDENTITY_SEND_PROBABILITY)) { QByteArray identityPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(PacketTypeAvatarIdentity); QByteArray individualData = otherNodeData->getAvatar().identityByteArray(); individualData.replace(0, NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID, otherNode->getUUID().toRfc4122()); identityPacket.append(individualData); nodeList->writeDatagram(identityPacket, node); ++_sumIdentityPackets; } } otherNodeData->getMutex().unlock(); } } nodeList->writeDatagram(mixedAvatarByteArray, node); nodeData->getMutex().unlock(); } }