// create the constrained lines
    foreach(QVariant item, lines) {
        QObject* line = item.value<QObject*>();

        int start = line->property("startPoint").value<QObject*>()->property("identifier").toInt();
        int end = line->property("endPoint").value<QObject*>()->property("identifier").toInt();

        qDebug() << "SketchSolver: line [" << start << "," << end << "]";

        bool vertical = line->property("verticallyConstrained").toBool();
        bool horizontal = line->property("horizontallyConstrained").toBool();

        bool distanceFixed = line->property("distanceFixed").toBool();

        int identifier = line->property("identifier").toInt();

        QSharedPointer<ConstrainedLine> cLine1(new ConstrainedLine(this->points[start], this->points[end], identifier));
        QSharedPointer<ConstrainedLine> cLine2(new ConstrainedLine(this->points[end], this->points[start], identifier));

        if(distanceFixed) {
            double desiredDistance = line->property("desiredDistance").toDouble();


            this->constraints << cLine1;

        if(horizontal) {

        if(vertical) {

        this->lines << cLine1 << cLine2;
void MythSqueezeDisplay::PaintSqueezeDisplay(DisplayBuffer *buf)
    DEBUGF("Colors" << m_displayBackgroundColor << m_textcolorGeneral );
    int playedCount = 0;
    int totalCount = 1; // this way we never get a divide by zero error
    QString timeText = "";

    QPainter p( displayImage );
    QBrush b( m_displayBackgroundColor );
    m_textcolorGeneral.setAlpha( m_Brightness );
    textcolorLine1.setAlpha( m_Brightness - line1Alpha );

    QBrush c( m_textcolorGeneral );
    QBrush e( c ); // non-filling brush
    e.setStyle( Qt::NoBrush );
    p.setBackground( b );
    p.setBrush( c );
    p.setPen( m_textcolorGeneral );
    p.setFont( large );
    p.eraseRect( displayImage->rect() );

    DEBUGF("LINE 0: " << line0Bounds << " LINE 1:" << line1Bounds);

    // draw Line 0  NOTE: Only transitions left or right, but NOT up and down
    if( buf->line0.length() > 0 ) {
        p.setFont( small );
        if( isTransition && ( transitionDirection == transLEFT || transitionDirection == transRIGHT)) {
            p.drawText(line0Bounds.left()+xOffsetOld, line0Bounds.bottom(), transBuffer.line0);
            p.drawText(line0Bounds.left()+xOffsetNew, line0Bounds.bottom(), buf->line0);
            p.drawText(line0Bounds.x(), line0Bounds.bottom(), buf->line0);

    // draw Line 1
    if( buf->line1.length() > 0 ) {
        if( buf->line0.left( 8 ) == "Volume (" ) {   // it's the volume, so emulate a progress bar
            qreal volume = buf->line0.mid( 8, buf->line0.indexOf( ')' ) - 8 ).toInt();
            volFillRect.setWidth( (qreal)volRect.width() * ( volume / (qreal)100 ) );
            p.setBrush( e );  // non-filling brush so we end up with an outline of a rounded rectangle
            p.drawRoundedRect( volRect, radius, radius );
            p.setBrush( c );
            if( volume > 1 ) // if it's too small, we get a funny line at the start of the progress bar
                p.drawRoundedRect( volFillRect, radius, radius );
        else {
            QBrush cLine1( textcolorLine1 );
            p.setBrush( cLine1 );
            p.setPen( textcolorLine1 );
            p.setFont( large );
            p.setClipRegion( line1Clipping );
            if( isTransition ) {
                p.drawText( line1Bounds.x() + xOffsetOld, line1Bounds.bottom() + yOffsetOld, transBuffer.line1);
                p.drawText( line1Bounds.x() + xOffsetNew, line1Bounds.bottom() + yOffsetNew, buf->line1 );
            } else {
                //                p.drawText( line1Bounds.x(), line1Bounds.bottom(), buf->line1 );
                p.drawText( line1Bounds.x() - ScrollOffset, line1Bounds.bottom(), buf->line1 );
                if( scrollState != NOSCROLL )
                    p.drawText(pointLine1_2.x() - ScrollOffset, line1Bounds.bottom(), buf->line1 );
            p.setClipRegion( fullDisplayClipping );
            p.setBrush( c );
            p.setPen( m_textcolorGeneral );

    // deal with "overlay0" (the right-hand portion of the display) this can be time (e.g., "-3:08") or number of items (e.g., "(2 of 7)")
    if( buf->overlay0.length() > 0 ) {
        if( Slimp3Display( buf->overlay0 ) ) {
            QRegExp rx( "\\W(\\w+)\\W");
            //            QRegExp rx( "\037(\\w+)\037" );
            QStringList el;
            int pos = 0;

            while ((pos = rx.indexIn(buf->overlay0, pos)) != -1) {
                el << rx.cap(1);
                pos += rx.matchedLength();

            rx.indexIn( buf->overlay0 );
            QStringList::iterator it = el.begin();
            while( it != el.end() ) {
                QString s = *it;
                if( s.left( 12 ) == "leftprogress" ) { // first element
                    int inc = s.at( 12 ).digitValue();
                    playedCount += inc;
                    totalCount += 4;
                else if( s.left( 14 ) == "middleprogress" ) { // standard element
                    int inc = s.at( 14 ).digitValue();
                    playedCount += inc;
                    totalCount += 4;
                else if( s.left( 10 ) == "solidblock" ) { // full block
                    playedCount += 4;
                    totalCount += 4;
                else if( s.left( 13 ) == "rightprogress" ) { // end element
                    int inc = s.at( 13 ).digitValue();
                    playedCount += inc;
                    totalCount += 4;
            QChar *data = buf->overlay0.data();
            for( int i = ( buf->overlay0.length() - 8 ); i < buf->overlay0.length(); i++ ) {
                if( *( data + i ) == ' ' ) {
                    timeText = buf->overlay0.mid( i + 1 );
        else if( buf->overlay0.contains( QChar( 8 ) ) ) {
            QChar elapsed = QChar(8);
            QChar remaining = QChar(5);
            QChar *data = buf->overlay0.data();
            for( int i = 0; i < buf->overlay0.length(); i++, data++ ) {
                if( *data == elapsed ) {
                else if( *data == remaining )
                else if( *data == ' ' ) {
                    timeText = buf->overlay0.mid( i + 1 );
        else {
            timeText = buf->overlay0;
        p.setFont( small );
        QFontMetrics fm = p.fontMetrics();
        //        p.setClipping(false);
        p.setClipRegion(line0Clipping );
        if( isTransition ) {
            p.drawText( ( line0Bounds.right() + xOffsetNew ) - fm.width(timeText), line0Bounds.bottom(), timeText );
        else {
            p.drawText( line0Bounds.right() - fm.width(timeText), line0Bounds.bottom(), timeText );
        if( totalCount > 1 ) {  // make sure we received data on a progress bar, otherwise, don't draw
            progRect.setLeft( ( qreal )( line0Bounds.x() + fm.width( buf->line0.toUpper() ) + xOffsetOld ) );
            progRect.setRight( ( qreal )( line0Bounds.right() + xOffsetOld - ( qreal )( 3 * fm.width( timeText ) / 2 ) ) );
            progFillRect.setLeft( progRect.left() );
            progFillRect.setWidth( ( playedCount * progRect.width() ) / totalCount );
            p.setBrush( e );  // non-filling brush so we end up with an outline of a rounded rectangle
            p.drawRoundedRect( progRect, radius, radius );
            p.setBrush( c );
            if( playedCount > 1 ) // if it's too small, we get a funny line at the start of the progress bar
                p.drawRoundedRect( progFillRect, radius, radius );

    // deal with "overlay1" (the right-hand portion of the display)
//    if( buf->overlay1.length() > 0 ) {
//        DEBUGF( "Don't know what to do with overlay1 yet" );
//    }
//     if we've received a "center" display, it means we're powered down, so draw them
        if( buf->center0.length() > 0 ) {
            p.setFont( medium );
            QFontMetrics fm = p.fontMetrics();
            QPoint start = QPoint( center0Bounds.x() + (center0Bounds.width()/2) - (fm.width( buf->center0 )/2 ), center0Bounds.bottom() );
            p.drawText( start, buf->center0 );

        if( buf->center1.length() > 0 ) {
            p.setFont( medium );
            QFontMetrics fm = p.fontMetrics();
            QPoint start = QPoint( center1Bounds.x() + (center1Bounds.width()/2)- ( fm.width( buf->center1 )/2 ), center1Bounds.bottom() );
            p.drawText( start, buf->center1 );
//    displayLabel.setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage( *displayImage) );
        QPixmap pix = QPixmap::fromImage(*displayImage);