Exemple #1
void cGELMesh::connectVerticesToSkeleton(bool a_connectToNodesOnly)
    // get number of vertices
    int numVertices = m_gelVertices.size();

    // for each deformable vertex we search for the nearest sphere or link
    for (int i=0; i<numVertices; i++)
        // get current deformable vertex
        cGELVertex* curVertex = &m_gelVertices[i];

        // get current vertex position
        cVector3d pos = curVertex->m_vertex->getPos();

        // initialize constant
        double min_distance = 99999999999999999.0;
        cGELSkeletonNode* nearest_node = NULL;
        cGELSkeletonLink* nearest_link = NULL;

        // search for the nearest node
		list<cGELSkeletonNode*>::iterator itr;
        for(itr = m_nodes.begin(); itr != m_nodes.end(); ++itr)
            cGELSkeletonNode* nextNode = *itr;
            double distance = cDistance(pos, nextNode->m_pos);
            if (distance < min_distance)
                min_distance = distance;
                nearest_node = nextNode;
                nearest_link = NULL;

        // search for the nearest link if any
        if (!a_connectToNodesOnly)
            list<cGELSkeletonLink*>::iterator j;
            for(j = m_links.begin(); j != m_links.end(); ++j)
                cGELSkeletonLink* nextLink = *j;
                double angle0 = cAngle(nextLink->m_wLink01, cSub(pos, nextLink->m_node0->m_pos));
                double angle1 = cAngle(nextLink->m_wLink10, cSub(pos, nextLink->m_node1->m_pos));

                if ((angle0 < (CHAI_PI / 2.0)) && (angle1 < (CHAI_PI / 2.0)))
                    cVector3d p = cProjectPointOnLine(pos,

                    double distance = cDistance(pos, p);

                    if (distance < min_distance)
                        min_distance = distance;
                        nearest_node = NULL;
                        nearest_link = nextLink;

        // attach vertex to nearest node if it exists
        if (nearest_node != NULL)
            curVertex->m_node = nearest_node;
            curVertex->m_link = NULL;
            cVector3d posRel = cSub(pos, nearest_node->m_pos);
            curVertex->m_massParticle->m_pos = cMul(cTrans(nearest_node->m_rot), posRel);

        // attach vertex to nearest link if it exists
        else if (nearest_link != NULL)
            curVertex->m_node = NULL;
            curVertex->m_link = nearest_link;

            cMatrix3d rot;
            rot.setCol( nearest_link->m_A0,
            cVector3d posRel = cSub(pos, nearest_link->m_node0->m_pos);
            curVertex->m_massParticle->m_pos = cMul(cInv(rot), posRel);
bool ch_proxyPointForceAlgo::computeNextProxyPositionWithContraints22(const cVector3d& a_goalGlobalPos, const cVector3d& a_toolVel)
    // The proxy is now constrained by two triangles and can only move along
    // a virtual line; we now calculate the nearest point to the original
    // goal (device position) along this line by projecting the ideal
    // goal onto the line.
    // The line is expressed by the cross product of both surface normals,
    // which have both been oriented to point away from the device
    cVector3d line;
    m_collisionRecorderConstraint0.m_nearestCollision.m_globalNormal.crossr(m_collisionRecorderConstraint1.m_nearestCollision.m_globalNormal, line);

    // check result.
    if (line.equals(cVector3d(0,0,0)))
        m_nextBestProxyGlobalPos = m_proxyGlobalPos;
        m_algoCounter = 0;
        m_numContacts = 2;
        return (false);


    // Compute the projection of the device position (goal) onto the line; this
    // gives us the new goal position.
    cVector3d goalGlobalPos = cProjectPointOnLine(a_goalGlobalPos, m_proxyGlobalPos, line);

    // A vector from the proxy to the goal
    cVector3d vProxyToGoal;
    goalGlobalPos.subr(m_proxyGlobalPos, vProxyToGoal);

    // If the distance between the proxy and the goal position (device) is
    // very small then we can be considered done.
    if (goalAchieved(m_proxyGlobalPos, goalGlobalPos))
        m_nextBestProxyGlobalPos = m_proxyGlobalPos;
        m_algoCounter = 0;
        m_numContacts = 2;
        return (false);

    // compute the normalized form of the vector going from the
    // current proxy position to the desired goal position
    cVector3d vProxyToGoalNormalized;

    // Test whether the path from the proxy to the goal is obstructed.
    // For this we create a segment that goes from the proxy position to
    // the goal position plus a little extra to take into account the
    // physical radius of the proxy.
    cVector3d targetPos = goalGlobalPos +
                          cMul(m_epsilonCollisionDetection, vProxyToGoalNormalized);

    // setup collision detector
    m_collisionSettings.m_collisionRadius = m_radius;

    // search for collision
    m_collisionSettings.m_adjustObjectMotion = false;
    bool hit = m_world->computeCollisionDetection( m_proxyGlobalPos,

    // check if collision occurred between proxy and goal positions.
    double collisionDistance;
    if (hit)
        collisionDistance = sqrt(m_collisionRecorderConstraint2.m_nearestCollision.m_squareDistance);
        if (collisionDistance > (cDistance(m_proxyGlobalPos, goalGlobalPos) + CHAI_SMALL))
            hit = false;
            // a collision has occurred and we check if the distance from the
            // proxy to the collision is smaller than epsilon. If yes, then
            // we reduce the epsilon term in order to avoid possible "pop through"
            // effect if we suddenly push the proxy "up" again.
            if (collisionDistance < m_epsilon)
                m_epsilon = collisionDistance;
                if (m_epsilon < m_epsilonMinimalValue)
                    m_epsilon = m_epsilonMinimalValue;

    // If no collision occurs, we move the proxy to its goal, unless
    // friction prevents us from doing so
    if (!hit)
        cVector3d normal = cMul(0.5,cAdd(m_collisionRecorderConstraint0.m_nearestCollision.m_globalNormal,

                                 m_collisionRecorderConstraint1.m_nearestCollision.m_triangle->getParent(), a_toolVel);
        m_numContacts = 2;
        m_algoCounter = 0;

        return (false);

    // We want the center of the proxy to move as far toward the triangle as it can,
    // but we want it to stop when the _sphere_ representing the proxy hits the
    // triangle.  We want to compute how far the proxy center will have to
    // be pushed _away_ from the collision point - along the vector from the proxy
    // to the goal - to keep a distance m_radius between the proxy center and the
    // triangle.
    // So we compute the cosine of the angle between the normal and proxy-goal vector...
    double cosAngle = vProxyToGoalNormalized.dot(m_collisionRecorderConstraint2.m_nearestCollision.m_globalNormal);

    // Now we compute how far away from the collision point - _backwards_
    // along vProxyGoal - we have to put the proxy to keep it from penetrating
    // the triangle.
    // If only ASCII art were a little more expressive...
    double distanceTriangleProxy = m_epsilon / cAbs(cosAngle);
    if (distanceTriangleProxy > collisionDistance) {
        distanceTriangleProxy = cMax(collisionDistance, m_epsilon);

    // We compute the projection of the vector between the proxy and the collision
    // point onto the normal of the triangle.  This is the direction in which
    // we'll move the _goal_ to "push it away" from the triangle (to account for
    // the radius of the proxy).

    // A vector from the most recent collision point to the proxy
    cVector3d vCollisionToProxy;
    m_proxyGlobalPos.subr(m_contactPoint2->m_globalPos, vCollisionToProxy);

    // Move the proxy to the collision point, minus the distance along the
    // movement vector that we computed above.
    // Note that we're adjusting the 'proxy' variable, which is just a local
    // copy of the proxy position.  We still might decide not to move the
    // 'real' proxy due to friction.
    cVector3d vColNextGoal;
    vProxyToGoalNormalized.mulr(-distanceTriangleProxy, vColNextGoal);
    cVector3d nextProxyPos;
    m_contactPoint2->m_globalPos.addr(vColNextGoal, nextProxyPos);

    // we can now set the next position of the proxy
    m_nextBestProxyGlobalPos = nextProxyPos;
    m_algoCounter = 0;
    m_numContacts = 3;

    // TODO: There actually should be a third friction test to see if we
    // can make it to our new goal position, but this is generally such a
    // small movement in one iteration that it's irrelevant...

    return (true);
Exemple #3
void hapticsLoop(void* a_pUserData)
    // read the position of the haptic device

    // compute forces between the cursor and the environment

    // stop the simulation clock

    // read the time increment in seconds
    double increment = g_clock.getCurrentTime() / 1000000.0;

    // restart the simulation clock

    // get position of cursor in global coordinates
    cVector3d cursorPos = cursor->m_deviceGlobalPos;

    // compute velocity of cursor;
    timeCounter = timeCounter + increment;
    if (timeCounter > 0.01)
        cursorVel = (cursorPos - lastCursorPos) / timeCounter;
        lastCursorPos = cursorPos;
        timeCounter = 0;

    // get position of torus in global coordinates
    cVector3d objectPos = object->getGlobalPos();

    // compute the velocity of the sphere at the contact point
    cVector3d contactVel = cVector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if (rotVelocity.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
        cVector3d projection = cProjectPointOnLine(cursorPos, objectPos, rotVelocity);
        cVector3d vpc = cursorPos - projection;
        if (vpc.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
            contactVel = vpc.length() * rotVelocity.length() * cNormalize(cCross(rotVelocity, vpc));

    // get the last force applied to the cursor in global coordinates
    cVector3d cursorForce = cursor->m_lastComputedGlobalForce;

    // compute friction force
    cVector3d friction = -40.0 * cursorForce.length() * cProjectPointOnPlane((cursorVel - contactVel), cVector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (cursorPos - objectPos));

    // add friction force to cursor

    // update rotational velocity
    if (friction.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
        rotVelocity.add( cMul(-10.0 * increment, cCross(cSub(cursorPos, objectPos), friction)));

    // add some damping...
    //rotVelocity.mul(1.0 - increment);
    // compute the next rotation of the torus
    if (rotVelocity.length() > CHAI_SMALL)
        object->rotate(cNormalize(rotVelocity), increment * rotVelocity.length());

    // send forces to haptic device