/* ret= 0! if action -> end of list(e.g DROP), > 0 to continue processing next actions and <0 on error */ int do_action(struct action* a, struct sip_msg* msg) { int ret; int v; int sec,usec; union sockaddr_union* to; struct proxy_l* p; char* tmp; char *new_uri, *end, *crt; int len,i; int user = 0; int expires = 0; str vals[5]; str result; struct sip_uri uri, next_hop; struct sip_uri *u; unsigned short port; int cmatch; struct action *aitem; struct action *adefault; pv_spec_t *spec; pv_elem_p model; pv_value_t val; pv_elem_t *pve; str name_s; struct timeval start; int end_time; action_elem_t *route_params_bak; int route_params_number_bak; /* reset the value of error to E_UNSPEC so avoid unknowledgable functions to return with error (status<0) and not setting it leaving there previous error; cache the previous value though for functions which want to process it */ prev_ser_error=ser_error; ser_error=E_UNSPEC; start_expire_timer(start,execmsgthreshold); ret=E_BUG; switch ((unsigned char)a->type){ case DROP_T: script_trace("core", "drop", msg, a->line) ; action_flags |= ACT_FL_DROP; case EXIT_T: script_trace("core", "exit", msg, a->line) ; ret=0; action_flags |= ACT_FL_EXIT; break; case RETURN_T: script_trace("core", "return", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type == SCRIPTVAR_ST) { spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[0].u.data; if(pv_get_spec_value(msg, spec, &val)!=0 || (val.flags&PV_VAL_NULL)) { ret=-1; } else { if(!(val.flags&PV_VAL_INT)) ret = 1; else ret = val.ri; } pv_value_destroy(&val); } else { ret=a->elem[0].u.number; } action_flags |= ACT_FL_RETURN; break; case FORWARD_T: script_trace("core", "forward", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type==NOSUBTYPE){ /* parse uri and build a proxy */ if (msg->dst_uri.len) { ret = parse_uri(msg->dst_uri.s, msg->dst_uri.len, &next_hop); u = &next_hop; } else { ret = parse_sip_msg_uri(msg); u = &msg->parsed_uri; } if (ret<0) { LM_ERR("forward: bad_uri dropping packet\n"); break; } /* create a temporary proxy*/ p=mk_proxy(u->maddr_val.len?&u->maddr_val:&u->host, u->port_no, u->proto, (u->type==SIPS_URI_T)?1:0 ); if (p==0){ LM_ERR("bad host name in uri, dropping packet\n"); ret=E_BAD_ADDRESS; goto error_fwd_uri; } ret=forward_request(msg, p); free_proxy(p); /* frees only p content, not p itself */ pkg_free(p); if (ret==0) ret=1; }else if ((a->elem[0].type==PROXY_ST)) { ret=forward_request(msg,(struct proxy_l*)a->elem[0].u.data); if (ret==0) ret=1; }else{ LM_ALERT("BUG in forward() types %d, %d\n", a->elem[0].type, a->elem[1].type); ret=E_BUG; } break; case SEND_T: script_trace("core", "send", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!= PROXY_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in send() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[1].u.data) { if (a->elem[1].type != SCRIPTVAR_ELEM_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in send() header type %d\n",a->elem[1].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } else { pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; } } else { pve = NULL; } to=(union sockaddr_union*) pkg_malloc(sizeof(union sockaddr_union)); if (to==0){ LM_ERR("memory allocation failure\n"); ret=E_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } p=(struct proxy_l*)a->elem[0].u.data; ret=hostent2su(to, &p->host, p->addr_idx, (p->port)?p->port:SIP_PORT ); if (ret==0){ if (pve) { if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_UNSPEC; break; } /* build new msg */ tmp = pkg_malloc(msg->len + name_s.len); if (!tmp) { LM_ERR("memory allocation failure\n"); ret = E_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } LM_DBG("searching for first line %d\n", msg->first_line.len); /* search first line of previous msg */ /* copy headers */ len = msg->first_line.len; memcpy(tmp, msg->buf, len); memcpy(tmp + len, name_s.s, name_s.len); memcpy(tmp + len + name_s.len, msg->buf + len, msg->len - len); ret = msg_send(0/*send_sock*/, p->proto, to, 0/*id*/, tmp, msg->len + name_s.len); pkg_free(tmp); } else { ret = msg_send(0/*send_sock*/, p->proto, to, 0/*id*/, msg->buf, msg->len); } if (ret!=0 && p->host.h_addr_list[p->addr_idx+1]) p->addr_idx++; } pkg_free(to); if (ret==0) ret=1; break; case LOG_T: script_trace("core", "log", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=NUMBER_ST)|(a->elem[1].type!=STRING_ST)){ LM_ALERT("BUG in log() types %d, %d\n", a->elem[0].type, a->elem[1].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } LM_GEN1(a->elem[0].u.number, "%s", a->elem[1].u.string); ret=1; break; case APPEND_BRANCH_T: script_trace("core", "append_branch", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in append_branch %d\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[0].u.s.s==NULL) { ret = append_branch(msg, 0, &msg->dst_uri, &msg->path_vec, get_ruri_q(), getb0flags(), msg->force_send_socket); /* reset all branch info */ msg->force_send_socket = 0; setb0flags(0); set_ruri_q(Q_UNSPECIFIED); if(msg->dst_uri.s!=0) pkg_free(msg->dst_uri.s); msg->dst_uri.s = 0; msg->dst_uri.len = 0; if(msg->path_vec.s!=0) pkg_free(msg->path_vec.s); msg->path_vec.s = 0; msg->path_vec.len = 0; } else { ret = append_branch(msg, &a->elem[0].u.s, &msg->dst_uri, &msg->path_vec, a->elem[1].u.number, getb0flags(), msg->force_send_socket); } break; case REMOVE_BRANCH_T: script_trace("core", "remove_branch", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type == SCRIPTVAR_ST) { spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[0].u.data; if( pv_get_spec_value(msg, spec, &val)!=0 || (val.flags&PV_VAL_NULL) || !(val.flags&PV_VAL_INT) ) { ret=-1; break; } i = val.ri; } else { i=a->elem[0].u.number; } ret = (remove_branch((unsigned int)i)==0)?1:-1; break; case LEN_GT_T: script_trace("core", "len_gt", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=NUMBER_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in len_gt type %d\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } ret = (msg->len >= (unsigned int)a->elem[0].u.number) ? 1 : -1; break; case SET_DEBUG_T: script_trace("core", "set_debug", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type==NUMBER_ST) set_proc_debug_level(a->elem[0].u.number); else reset_proc_debug_level(); ret = 1; break; case SETFLAG_T: script_trace("core", "setflag", msg, a->line) ; ret = setflag( msg, a->elem[0].u.number ); break; case RESETFLAG_T: script_trace("core", "resetflag", msg, a->line) ; ret = resetflag( msg, a->elem[0].u.number ); break; case ISFLAGSET_T: script_trace("core", "isflagset", msg, a->line) ; ret = isflagset( msg, a->elem[0].u.number ); break; case SETSFLAG_T: script_trace("core", "setsflag", msg, a->line) ; ret = setsflag( a->elem[0].u.number ); break; case RESETSFLAG_T: script_trace("core", "resetsflag", msg, a->line) ; ret = resetsflag( a->elem[0].u.number ); break; case ISSFLAGSET_T: script_trace("core", "issflagset", msg, a->line) ; ret = issflagset( a->elem[0].u.number ); break; case SETBFLAG_T: script_trace("core", "setbflag", msg, a->line) ; ret = setbflag( a->elem[0].u.number, a->elem[1].u.number ); break; case RESETBFLAG_T: script_trace("core", "resetbflag", msg, a->line) ; ret = resetbflag( a->elem[0].u.number, a->elem[1].u.number ); break; case ISBFLAGSET_T: script_trace("core", "isbflagset", msg, a->line) ; ret = isbflagset( a->elem[0].u.number, a->elem[1].u.number ); break; case ERROR_T: script_trace("core", "error", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STRING_ST)|(a->elem[1].type!=STRING_ST)){ LM_ALERT("BUG in error() types %d, %d\n", a->elem[0].type, a->elem[1].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } LM_ERR("error(\"%s\", \"%s\") not implemented yet\n", a->elem[0].u.string, a->elem[1].u.string); ret=1; break; case ROUTE_T: script_trace("route", rlist[a->elem[0].u.number].name, msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=NUMBER_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in route() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[0].u.number>RT_NO)||(a->elem[0].u.number<0)){ LM_ALERT("BUG - invalid routing table number in" "route(%lu)\n", a->elem[0].u.number); ret=E_CFG; break; } /* check if the route has parameters */ if (a->elem[1].type != 0) { if (a->elem[1].type != NUMBER_ST || a->elem[2].type != SCRIPTVAR_ELEM_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in route() type %d/%d\n", a->elem[1].type, a->elem[2].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } route_params_bak = route_params; route_params = (action_elem_t *)a->elem[2].u.data; route_params_number_bak = route_params_number; route_params_number = a->elem[1].u.number; return_code=run_actions(rlist[a->elem[0].u.number].a, msg); route_params = route_params_bak; route_params_number = route_params_number_bak; } else { return_code=run_actions(rlist[a->elem[0].u.number].a, msg); } ret=return_code; break; case REVERT_URI_T: script_trace("core", "revert_uri", msg, a->line) ; if (msg->new_uri.s) { pkg_free(msg->new_uri.s); msg->new_uri.len=0; msg->new_uri.s=0; msg->parsed_uri_ok=0; /* invalidate current parsed uri*/ }; ret=1; break; case SET_HOST_T: case SET_HOSTPORT_T: case SET_USER_T: case SET_USERPASS_T: case SET_PORT_T: case SET_URI_T: case PREFIX_T: case STRIP_T: case STRIP_TAIL_T: script_trace("core", (unsigned char)a->type == SET_HOST_T ? "set_host" : (unsigned char)a->type == SET_HOSTPORT_T ? "set_hostport" : (unsigned char)a->type == SET_USER_T ? "set_user" : (unsigned char)a->type == SET_USERPASS_T ? "set_userpass" : (unsigned char)a->type == SET_PORT_T ? "set_port" : (unsigned char)a->type == SET_URI_T ? "set_uri" : (unsigned char)a->type == PREFIX_T ? "prefix" : (unsigned char)a->type == STRIP_T ? "strip" : "strip_tail", msg, a->line); user=0; if (a->type==STRIP_T || a->type==STRIP_TAIL_T) { if (a->elem[0].type!=NUMBER_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in set*() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); break; } } else if (a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in set*() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->type==SET_URI_T) { if (set_ruri( msg, &a->elem[0].u.s) ) { LM_ERR("failed to set new RURI\n"); ret=E_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } ret=1; break; } if (msg->new_uri.s) { tmp=msg->new_uri.s; len=msg->new_uri.len; }else{ tmp=msg->first_line.u.request.uri.s; len=msg->first_line.u.request.uri.len; } if (parse_uri(tmp, len, &uri)<0){ LM_ERR("bad uri <%.*s>, dropping packet\n", len, tmp); ret=E_UNSPEC; break; } new_uri=pkg_malloc(MAX_URI_SIZE); if (new_uri==0){ LM_ERR("memory allocation failure\n"); ret=E_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } end=new_uri+MAX_URI_SIZE; crt=new_uri; /* begin copying */ len = (uri.user.len?uri.user.s:uri.host.s) - tmp; if (crt+len>end) goto error_uri; memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; if (a->type==PREFIX_T) { if (crt+a->elem[0].u.s.len>end) goto error_uri; memcpy( crt, a->elem[0].u.s.s, a->elem[0].u.s.len); crt+=a->elem[0].u.s.len; /* whatever we had before, with prefix we have username now */ user=1; } if ((a->type==SET_USER_T)||(a->type==SET_USERPASS_T)) { tmp=a->elem[0].u.s.s; len=a->elem[0].u.s.len; } else if (a->type==STRIP_T) { if (a->elem[0].u.number>uri.user.len) { LM_WARN("too long strip asked; " " deleting username: %lu of <%.*s>\n", a->elem[0].u.number, uri.user.len, uri.user.s); len=0; } else if (a->elem[0].u.number==uri.user.len) { len=0; } else { tmp=uri.user.s + a->elem[0].u.number; len=uri.user.len - a->elem[0].u.number; } } else if (a->type==STRIP_TAIL_T) { if (a->elem[0].u.number>uri.user.len) { LM_WARN("too long strip_tail asked;" " deleting username: %lu of <%.*s>\n", a->elem[0].u.number, uri.user.len, uri.user.s); len=0; } else if (a->elem[0].u.number==uri.user.len) { len=0; } else { tmp=uri.user.s; len=uri.user.len - a->elem[0].u.number; } } else { tmp=uri.user.s; len=uri.user.len; } if (len){ if(crt+len>end) goto error_uri; memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; user=1; /* we have an user field so mark it */ } if (a->type==SET_USERPASS_T) tmp=0; else tmp=uri.passwd.s; /* passwd */ if (tmp){ len=uri.passwd.len; if(crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt=':'; crt++; memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; } /* host */ if (user || tmp){ /* add @ */ if(crt+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt='@'; crt++; } if ((a->type==SET_HOST_T) ||(a->type==SET_HOSTPORT_T)) { tmp=a->elem[0].u.s.s; len=a->elem[0].u.s.len; } else { tmp=uri.host.s; len = uri.host.len; } if (tmp){ if(crt+len>end) goto error_uri; memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; } /* port */ if (a->type==SET_HOSTPORT_T) tmp=0; else if (a->type==SET_PORT_T) { tmp=a->elem[0].u.s.s; len=a->elem[0].u.s.len; } else { tmp=uri.port.s; len = uri.port.len; } if (tmp && len>0){ if(crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt=':'; crt++; memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; } /* params */ tmp=uri.params.s; if (tmp){ /* include in param string the starting ';' */ len=uri.params.len+1; tmp--; if(crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; /* if a maddr param is present, strip it out */ if (uri.maddr.len && (a->type==SET_HOSTPORT_T || a->type==SET_HOST_T)) { memcpy(crt,tmp,uri.maddr.s-tmp-1); crt+=uri.maddr.s-tmp-1; memcpy(crt,uri.maddr_val.s+uri.maddr_val.len, tmp+len-uri.maddr_val.s-uri.maddr_val.len); crt+=tmp+len-uri.maddr_val.s-uri.maddr_val.len; } else { memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; } } /* headers */ tmp=uri.headers.s; if (tmp){ len=uri.headers.len; if(crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt='?'; crt++; memcpy(crt,tmp,len);crt+=len; } *crt=0; /* null terminate the thing */ /* copy it to the msg */ if (msg->new_uri.s) pkg_free(msg->new_uri.s); msg->new_uri.s=new_uri; msg->new_uri.len=crt-new_uri; msg->parsed_uri_ok=0; ret=1; break; case SET_DSTURI_T: script_trace("core", "set_dsturi", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in setdsturi() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if(set_dst_uri(msg, &a->elem[0].u.s)!=0) ret = -1; else ret = 1; break; case SET_DSTHOST_T: case SET_DSTPORT_T: script_trace("core", (unsigned char) a->type == SET_DSTHOST_T ? "set_dsturi" : "set_dstport", msg, a->line); if (a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in domain setting type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } tmp = msg->dst_uri.s; len = msg->dst_uri.len; if (tmp == NULL || len == 0) { LM_ERR("failure - null uri\n"); ret = E_UNSPEC; break; } if (a->type == SET_DSTHOST_T && (a->elem[0].u.s.s == NULL || a->elem[0].u.s.len == 0)) { LM_ERR("cannot set a null uri domain\n"); break; } if (parse_uri(tmp, len, &uri)<0) { LM_ERR("bad uri <%.*s>, dropping packet\n", len, tmp); break; } new_uri=pkg_malloc(MAX_URI_SIZE); if (new_uri == NULL) { LM_ERR("memory allocation failure\n"); ret=E_OUT_OF_MEM; break; } end=new_uri+MAX_URI_SIZE; crt=new_uri; len = (uri.user.len?uri.user.s:uri.host.s) - tmp; if (crt+len>end) goto error_uri; memcpy(crt,tmp,len); crt += len; /* user */ tmp = uri.user.s; len = uri.user.len; if (tmp) { if (crt+len>end) goto error_uri; memcpy(crt,tmp,len); crt += len; user = 1; } /* passwd */ tmp = uri.passwd.s; len = uri.passwd.len; if (user || tmp) { if (crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt++=':'; memcpy(crt, tmp, len); crt += len; } /* host */ if (a->type==SET_DSTHOST_T) { tmp = a->elem[0].u.s.s; len = a->elem[0].u.s.len; } else { tmp = uri.host.s; len = uri.host.len; } if (tmp) { if (user) { if (crt+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt++='@'; } if (crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; memcpy(crt, tmp, len); crt += len; } /* port */ if (a->type==SET_DSTPORT_T) { tmp = a->elem[0].u.s.s; len = a->elem[0].u.s.len; } else { tmp = uri.port.s; len = uri.port.len; } if (tmp) { if (crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt++=':'; memcpy(crt, tmp, len); crt += len; } /* params */ tmp=uri.params.s; if (tmp){ len=uri.params.len; if(crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt++=';'; memcpy(crt,tmp,len); crt += len; } /* headers */ tmp=uri.headers.s; if (tmp){ len=uri.headers.len; if(crt+len+1>end) goto error_uri; *crt++='?'; memcpy(crt,tmp,len); crt += len; } *crt=0; /* null terminate the thing */ /* copy it to the msg */ pkg_free(msg->dst_uri.s); msg->dst_uri.s=new_uri; msg->dst_uri.len=crt-new_uri; ret = 1; break; case RESET_DSTURI_T: script_trace("core", "reset_dsturi", msg, a->line) ; if(msg->dst_uri.s!=0) pkg_free(msg->dst_uri.s); msg->dst_uri.s = 0; msg->dst_uri.len = 0; ret = 1; break; case ISDSTURISET_T: script_trace("core", "isdsturiset", msg, a->line) ; if(msg->dst_uri.s==0 || msg->dst_uri.len<=0) ret = -1; else ret = 1; break; case IF_T: script_trace("core", "if", msg, a->line) ; /* if null expr => ignore if? */ if ((a->elem[0].type==EXPR_ST)&&a->elem[0].u.data){ v=eval_expr((struct expr*)a->elem[0].u.data, msg, 0); /* set return code to expr value */ if (v<0 || (action_flags&ACT_FL_RETURN) || (action_flags&ACT_FL_EXIT) ){ if (v==EXPR_DROP || (action_flags&ACT_FL_RETURN) || (action_flags&ACT_FL_EXIT) ){ /* hack to quit on DROP*/ ret=0; return_code = 0; break; }else{ LM_WARN("error in expression (l=%d)\n", a->line); } } ret=1; /*default is continue */ if (v>0) { if ((a->elem[1].type==ACTIONS_ST)&&a->elem[1].u.data){ ret=run_action_list( (struct action*)a->elem[1].u.data,msg ); return_code = ret; } else return_code = v; }else{ if ((a->elem[2].type==ACTIONS_ST)&&a->elem[2].u.data){ ret=run_action_list( (struct action*)a->elem[2].u.data,msg); return_code = ret; } else return_code = v; } } break; case WHILE_T: script_trace("core", "while", msg, a->line) ; /* if null expr => ignore if? */ if ((a->elem[0].type==EXPR_ST)&&a->elem[0].u.data){ len = 0; while(1) { if(len++ >= max_while_loops) { LM_INFO("max while loops are encountered\n"); break; } v=eval_expr((struct expr*)a->elem[0].u.data, msg, 0); /* set return code to expr value */ if (v<0 || (action_flags&ACT_FL_RETURN) || (action_flags&ACT_FL_EXIT) ){ if (v==EXPR_DROP || (action_flags&ACT_FL_RETURN) || (action_flags&ACT_FL_EXIT) ){ ret=0; return_code = 0; break; }else{ LM_WARN("error in expression (l=%d)\n", a->line); } } ret=1; /*default is continue */ if (v>0) { if ((a->elem[1].type==ACTIONS_ST) &&a->elem[1].u.data){ ret=run_action_list( (struct action*)a->elem[1].u.data,msg ); /* check if return was done */ if ((action_flags&ACT_FL_RETURN) || (action_flags&ACT_FL_EXIT) ){ break; } return_code = ret; } else { /* we should not get here */ return_code = v; break; } } else { /* condition was false */ return_code = v; break; } } } break; case CACHE_STORE_T: script_trace("core", "cache_store", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_store() - first argument not of" " type string [%d]\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_store() - second argument not of " "type string [%d]\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[2].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_store() - third argument not of type" " string%d\n", a->elem[2].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } str val_s; /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* parse the value argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[2].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &val_s)!=0 || val_s.len == 0 || val_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* get the expires value */ if ( a->elem[3].type == SCRIPTVAR_ST ) { spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[3].u.data; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(pv_value_t)); if(pv_get_spec_value(msg, spec, &val) < 0) { LM_DBG("Failed to get scriptvar value while executing cache_store\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (!(val.flags&PV_VAL_INT)) { LM_ERR("Wrong value for cache_store expires, not an integer [%.*s]\n", val.rs.len, val.rs.s); } expires = val.ri; } else if ( a->elem[3].type == NUMBER_ST ) { expires = (int)a->elem[3].u.number; } ret = cachedb_store( &a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, &val_s,expires); break; case CACHE_REMOVE_T: script_trace("core", "cache_remove", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_remove() %d\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_remove() %d\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } ret = cachedb_remove( &a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s); break; case CACHE_FETCH_T: script_trace("core", "cache_fetch", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() %d\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() %d\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[2].type!=SCRIPTVAR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() type %d\n", a->elem[2].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } str aux = {0, 0}; /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } ret = cachedb_fetch( &a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, &aux); if(ret > 0) { val.rs = aux; val.flags = PV_VAL_STR; spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[2].u.data; if (pv_set_value(msg, spec, 0, &val) < 0) { LM_ERR("cannot set the variable value\n"); pkg_free(aux.s); return -1; } pkg_free(aux.s); } break; case CACHE_COUNTER_FETCH_T: script_trace("core", "cache_counter_fetch", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() %d\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() %d\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[2].type!=SCRIPTVAR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() type %d\n", a->elem[2].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } int aux_counter; /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } ret = cachedb_counter_fetch( &a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, &aux_counter); if(ret > 0) { val.ri = aux_counter; val.flags = PV_TYPE_INT|PV_VAL_INT; spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[2].u.data; if (pv_set_value(msg, spec, 0, &val) < 0) { LM_ERR("cannot set the variable value\n"); pkg_free(aux.s); return -1; } } break; case CACHE_ADD_T: script_trace("core", "cache_add", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_add() - first argument not of" " type string [%d]\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_add() - second argument not of " "type string [%d]\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } int increment=0; /* get the increment value */ if ( a->elem[2].type == SCRIPTVAR_ST ) { spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[2].u.data; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(pv_value_t)); if(pv_get_spec_value(msg, spec, &val) < 0) { LM_DBG("Failed to get scriptvar value while executing cache_add\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (!(val.flags&PV_VAL_INT)) { LM_ERR("Wrong value for cache_add, not an integer [%.*s]\n", val.rs.len, val.rs.s); } increment = val.ri; } else if ( a->elem[2].type == NUMBER_ST ) { increment = (int)a->elem[2].u.number; } expires = (int)a->elem[3].u.number; /* TODO - return the new value to script ? */ ret = cachedb_add(&a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, increment,expires,NULL); break; case CACHE_SUB_T: script_trace("core", "cache_sub", msg, a->line) ; if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_sub() - first argument not of" " type string [%d]\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_sub() - second argument not of " "type string [%d]\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } int decrement=0; /* get the increment value */ if ( a->elem[2].type == SCRIPTVAR_ST ) { spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[2].u.data; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(pv_value_t)); if(pv_get_spec_value(msg, spec, &val) < 0) { LM_DBG("Failed to get scriptvar value while executing cache_sub\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (!(val.flags&PV_VAL_INT)) { LM_ERR("Wrong value for cache_sub, not an integer [%.*s]\n", val.rs.len, val.rs.s); } decrement = val.ri; } else if ( a->elem[2].type == NUMBER_ST ) { decrement = (int)a->elem[2].u.number; } expires = (int)a->elem[3].u.number; /* TODO - return new value to script ? */ ret = cachedb_sub(&a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, decrement,expires,NULL); break; case CACHE_RAW_QUERY_T: if ((a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() %d\n", a->elem[0].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if ((a->elem[1].type!=STR_ST)) { LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_fetch() %d\n", a->elem[1].type ); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[2].u.data != NULL && a->elem[2].type!=STR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in cache_raw_query() type %d\n", a->elem[2].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* parse the name argument */ pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[1].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &name_s)!=0 || name_s.len == 0 || name_s.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } cdb_raw_entry **cdb_reply; int val_number=0,i,j; int key_number=0; pvname_list_t *cdb_res,*it; int_str avp_val; int_str avp_name; unsigned short avp_type; if (a->elem[2].u.data) { cdb_res = (pvname_list_t*)a->elem[2].u.data; for (it=cdb_res;it;it=it->next) val_number++; LM_DBG("The query expects %d results back\n",val_number); ret = cachedb_raw_query( &a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, &cdb_reply,val_number,&key_number); if (ret >= 0 && val_number > 0) { for (i=key_number-1; i>=0;i--) { it=cdb_res; for (j=0;j < val_number;j++) { avp_type = 0; if (pv_get_avp_name(msg,&it->sname.pvp,&avp_name.n, &avp_type) != 0) { LM_ERR("cannot get avp name [%d/%d]\n",i,j); goto next_avp; } switch (cdb_reply[i][j].type) { case CDB_INT: avp_val.n = cdb_reply[i][j].val.n; break; case CDB_STR: avp_type |= AVP_VAL_STR; avp_val.s = cdb_reply[i][j].val.s; break; default: LM_WARN("Unknown type %d\n",cdb_reply[i][j].type); goto next_avp; } if (add_avp(avp_type,avp_name.n,avp_val) != 0) { LM_ERR("Unable to add AVP\n"); free_raw_fetch(cdb_reply,val_number,key_number); return -1; } next_avp: if (it) { it = it->next; if (it==NULL); break; } } } free_raw_fetch(cdb_reply,val_number,key_number); } } else ret = cachedb_raw_query( &a->elem[0].u.s, &name_s, NULL,0,NULL); break; case XDBG_T: script_trace("core", "xdbg", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type == SCRIPTVAR_ELEM_ST) { if (xdbg(msg, a->elem[0].u.data, val.rs.s) < 0) { LM_ALERT("Cannot print message"); break; } } else { LM_ALERT("BUG in xdbg() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; } break; case XLOG_T: script_trace("core", "xlog", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[1].u.data != NULL) { if (a->elem[1].type != SCRIPTVAR_ELEM_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in xlog() type %d\n", a->elem[1].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[0].type != STR_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in xlog() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (xlog_2(msg,a->elem[0].u.data, a->elem[1].u.data) < 0) { LM_ALERT("Cannot print xlog debug message"); break; } } else { if (a->elem[0].type != SCRIPTVAR_ELEM_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in xlog() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (xlog_1(msg,a->elem[0].u.data, val.rs.s) < 0) { LM_ALERT("Cannot print xlog debug message"); break; } } break; case RAISE_EVENT_T: script_trace("core", "raise_event", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type != NUMBER_ST) { LM_ERR("invalid event id\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[2].u.data) { /* three parameters specified */ ret = evi_raise_script_event(msg, (event_id_t)a->elem[0].u.number, a->elem[1].u.data, a->elem[2].u.data); } else { /* two parameters specified */ ret = evi_raise_script_event(msg, (event_id_t)a->elem[0].u.number, NULL, a->elem[1].u.data); } if (ret <= 0) { LM_ERR("cannot raise event\n"); ret=E_UNSPEC; break; } break; case SUBSCRIBE_EVENT_T: script_trace("core", "subscribe_event", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type != STR_ST || a->elem[1].type != STR_ST) { LM_ERR("BUG in subscribe arguments\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[2].u.data) { if (a->elem[2].type != NUMBER_ST) { LM_ERR("BUG in subscribe expiration time\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } else { i = a->elem[2].u.number; } } else { i = 0; } name_s.s = a->elem[0].u.data; name_s.len = strlen(name_s.s); /* result should be the socket */ result.s = a->elem[1].u.data; result.len = strlen(result.s); ret = evi_event_subscribe(name_s, result, i, 0); break; case CONSTRUCT_URI_T: script_trace("core", "construct_uri", msg, a->line) ; for (i=0;i<5;i++) { pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[i].u.data; if (pve->spec.getf) { if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &vals[i])!=0 || vals[i].len == 0 || vals[i].s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; return -1; } } else vals[i] = pve->text; } result.s = construct_uri(&vals[0],&vals[1],&vals[2],&vals[3],&vals[4], &result.len); if (result.s) { int_str res; int avp_name; unsigned short avp_type; spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[5].u.data; if (pv_get_avp_name( msg, &(spec->pvp), &avp_name, &avp_type)!=0){ LM_CRIT("BUG in getting AVP name\n"); return -1; } res.s = result; if (add_avp(AVP_VAL_STR|avp_type, avp_name, res)<0){ LM_ERR("cannot add AVP\n"); return -1; } } break; case GET_TIMESTAMP_T: script_trace("core", "get_timestamp", msg, a->line) ; if (get_timestamp(&sec,&usec) == 0) { int avp_name; int_str res; unsigned short avp_type; spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[0].u.data; if (pv_get_avp_name(msg, &(spec->pvp), &avp_name, &avp_type) != 0) { LM_CRIT("BUG in getting AVP name\n"); return -1; } res.n = sec; if (add_avp(avp_type, avp_name, res) < 0) { LM_ERR("cannot add AVP\n"); return -1; } spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[1].u.data; if (pv_get_avp_name(msg, &(spec->pvp), &avp_name, &avp_type) != 0) { LM_CRIT("BUG in getting AVP name\n"); return -1; } res.n = usec; if (add_avp(avp_type, avp_name, res) < 0) { LM_ERR("cannot add AVP\n"); return -1; } } else { LM_ERR("failed to get time\n"); return -1; } break; case SWITCH_T: script_trace("core", "switch", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=SCRIPTVAR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in switch() type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } spec = (pv_spec_t*)a->elem[0].u.data; if(pv_get_spec_value(msg, spec, &val)!=0) { LM_ALERT("BUG - no value in switch()\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } /* get the value of pvar */ if(a->elem[1].type!=ACTIONS_ST) { LM_ALERT("BUG in switch() actions\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } return_code=1; adefault = NULL; aitem = (struct action*)a->elem[1].u.data; cmatch=0; while(aitem) { if((unsigned char)aitem->type==DEFAULT_T) adefault=aitem; if(cmatch==0) { if(aitem->elem[0].type==STR_ST) { if(val.flags&PV_VAL_STR && val.rs.len==aitem->elem[0].u.s.len && strncasecmp(val.rs.s, aitem->elem[0].u.s.s, val.rs.len)==0) cmatch = 1; } else { /* number */ if(val.flags&PV_VAL_INT && val.ri==aitem->elem[0].u.number) cmatch = 1; } } if(cmatch==1) { if(aitem->elem[1].u.data) { return_code=run_action_list( (struct action*)aitem->elem[1].u.data, msg); if ((action_flags&ACT_FL_RETURN) || (action_flags&ACT_FL_EXIT)) break; } if(aitem->elem[2].u.number==1) break; } aitem = aitem->next; } if((cmatch==0) && (adefault!=NULL)) { LM_DBG("switch: running default statement\n"); if(adefault->elem[0].u.data) return_code=run_action_list( (struct action*)adefault->elem[0].u.data, msg); } ret=return_code; break; case MODULE_T: script_trace("module", ((cmd_export_t*)(a->elem[0].u.data))->name, msg, a->line) ; if ( (a->elem[0].type==CMD_ST) && a->elem[0].u.data ) { ret=((cmd_export_t*)(a->elem[0].u.data))->function(msg, (char*)a->elem[1].u.data, (char*)a->elem[2].u.data, (char*)a->elem[3].u.data, (char*)a->elem[4].u.data, (char*)a->elem[5].u.data, (char*)a->elem[6].u.data); }else{ LM_ALERT("BUG in module call\n"); } break; case FORCE_RPORT_T: script_trace("core", "force_rport", msg, a->line) ; msg->msg_flags|=FL_FORCE_RPORT; ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; case FORCE_LOCAL_RPORT_T: script_trace("core", "force_local_rport", msg, a->line) ; msg->msg_flags|=FL_FORCE_LOCAL_RPORT; ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; case SET_ADV_ADDR_T: script_trace("core", "set_adv_addr", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in set_advertised_address() " "type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } str adv_addr; pve = (pv_elem_t *)a->elem[0].u.data; if ( pv_printf_s(msg, pve, &adv_addr)!=0 || adv_addr.len == 0 || adv_addr.s == NULL) { LM_WARN("cannot get string for value\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } LM_DBG("adv address = [%.*s]\n",adv_addr.len,adv_addr.s); msg->set_global_address=adv_addr; ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; case SET_ADV_PORT_T: script_trace("core", "set_adv_port", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=STR_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in set_advertised_port() " "type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } msg->set_global_port=*((str*)a->elem[0].u.data); ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; #ifdef USE_TCP case FORCE_TCP_ALIAS_T: script_trace("core", "force_tcp_alias", msg, a->line) ; if ( msg->rcv.proto==PROTO_TCP #ifdef USE_TLS || msg->rcv.proto==PROTO_TLS #endif ){ if (a->elem[0].type==NOSUBTYPE) port=msg->via1->port; else if (a->elem[0].type==NUMBER_ST) port=(int)a->elem[0].u.number; else{ LM_ALERT("BUG in force_tcp_alias" " port type %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (tcpconn_add_alias(msg->rcv.proto_reserved1, port, msg->rcv.proto)!=0){ LM_ERR("tcp alias failed\n"); ret=E_UNSPEC; break; } } #endif ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; case FORCE_SEND_SOCKET_T: script_trace("core", "force_send_socket", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=SOCKETINFO_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in force_send_socket argument" " type: %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } msg->force_send_socket=(struct socket_info*)a->elem[0].u.data; ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; case SERIALIZE_BRANCHES_T: script_trace("core", "serialize_branches", msg, a->line) ; if (a->elem[0].type!=NUMBER_ST){ LM_ALERT("BUG in serialize_branches argument" " type: %d\n", a->elem[0].type); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (serialize_branches(msg,(int)a->elem[0].u.number)!=0) { LM_ERR("serialize_branches failed\n"); ret=E_UNSPEC; break; } ret=1; /* continue processing */ break; case NEXT_BRANCHES_T: script_trace("core", "next_branches", msg, a->line) ; if ((ret=next_branches(msg))<0) { LM_ERR("next_branches failed\n"); ret=E_UNSPEC; break; } /* continue processing */ break; case EQ_T: case COLONEQ_T: case PLUSEQ_T: case MINUSEQ_T: case DIVEQ_T: case MULTEQ_T: case MODULOEQ_T: case BANDEQ_T: case BOREQ_T: case BXOREQ_T: ret = do_assign(msg, a); break; case USE_BLACKLIST_T: script_trace("core", "use_blacklist", msg, a->line) ; mark_for_search((struct bl_head*)a->elem[0].u.data, 1); break; case UNUSE_BLACKLIST_T: script_trace("core", "unuse_blacklist", msg, a->line); mark_for_search((struct bl_head*)a->elem[0].u.data, 0); break; case PV_PRINTF_T: script_trace("core", "pv_printf", msg, a->line); ret = -1; spec = (pv_spec_p)a->elem[0].u.data; if(!pv_is_w(spec)) { LM_ERR("read only PV in first parameter of pv_printf\n"); goto error; } model = (pv_elem_p)a->elem[1].u.data; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(pv_value_t)); if(pv_printf_s(msg, model, &val.rs)!=0) { LM_ERR("cannot eval second parameter\n"); goto error; } val.flags = PV_VAL_STR; if(pv_set_value(msg, spec, EQ_T, &val)<0) { LM_ERR("setting PV failed\n"); goto error; } ret = 1; break; case SCRIPT_TRACE_T: script_trace("core", "script_trace", msg, a->line); if (a->elem[0].type==NOSUBTYPE) { use_script_trace = 0; } else { use_script_trace = 1; if (a->elem[0].type != NUMBER_ST || a->elem[1].type != SCRIPTVAR_ELEM_ST) { LM_ERR("BUG in use_script_trace() arguments\n"); ret=E_BUG; break; } if (a->elem[2].type!=NOSUBTYPE) { script_trace_info = (char *)a->elem[2].u.data; } else { script_trace_info = NULL; } script_trace_log_level = (int)a->elem[0].u.number; script_trace_elem = *(pv_elem_p)a->elem[1].u.data; } break; default: LM_ALERT("BUG - unknown type %d\n", a->type); goto error; } if((unsigned char)a->type!=IF_T && (unsigned char)a->type!=ROUTE_T) return_code = ret; /*skip:*/ update_longest_action(); return ret; error: LM_ERR("error at line: %d\n", a->line); update_longest_action(); return ret; error_uri: LM_ERR("set*: uri too long\n"); if (new_uri) pkg_free(new_uri); update_longest_action(); return E_UNSPEC; error_fwd_uri: update_longest_action(); return ret; }
static struct mi_root *mi_cachefetch(struct mi_root *cmd, void *param) { str mc_system; str attr; str value; struct mi_node* node= NULL; struct mi_root *rpl_tree= NULL; int ret; if(cmd == NULL) { LM_ERR("NULL command\n"); return init_mi_tree(404, "NULL command", 12); } node = cmd->node.kids; if(node == NULL) return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17); mc_system = node->value; if(mc_system.s == NULL || mc_system.len== 0) { LM_ERR( "empty memory cache system parameter\n"); return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty memory cache id", 21); } node = node->next; if(node == NULL) return init_mi_tree(404, "Too few arguments", 17); attr = node->value; if(attr.s == NULL || attr.len== 0) { LM_ERR( "empty attribute name parameter\n"); return init_mi_tree(404, "Empty attribute name", 20); } node = node->next; if(node != NULL) return init_mi_tree(404, "Too many arguments", 18); ret = cachedb_fetch(&mc_system, &attr, &value); if(ret== -1) { LM_ERR("cachedb_fetch command failed\n"); return init_mi_tree(500, "Cache fetch command failed", 26); } rpl_tree = init_mi_tree( 200, MI_OK_S, MI_OK_LEN); if (rpl_tree==0) { if(value.s) pkg_free(value.s); return 0; } if(ret == -2 || value.s == 0 || value.len == 0) { addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, 0, 0, "Value not found"); goto done; } addf_mi_node_child( &rpl_tree->node, 0, 0, 0, "%.*s = [%.*s]", attr.len, attr.s, value.len, value.s); pkg_free(value.s); done: return rpl_tree; }